I've had mixed results on Match. But it's a different experience for Men vs. Women.
Wow! Great job.
I just started Round 2. Forgot how sore I get while doing it.
Great Job!
I bought this book. Has some good info even if you are not a vegetarian The Complete Idiot's Guide to Plant-Based Nutrition
Pick up this book if you have a chance. Has some good info The Complete Idiot's Guide to Plant-Based Nutrition by Julieanna Hever
Red Flag! Run away
Great Job on your progress. I must be the only one to gain weight doing P90X?
Unless you are race car driver it does not count.
Running outside is much harder then a treadmill. I can not run for more then a half hour on the treadmill before I get bored.
Hide both scales. Take measurements.
Welcome! Only advise is be patient.
That would not be a bad idea. They should start a dating section
Sounds like you guys could have some chemistry lol
Thanks everyone for the feedback. I'll give it an honest effort and see how it goes.
But you can meet people you never would....just make sure if they seem too good to be true, you check them out first. Watch MTV's CATFISH??? LOL Scarey!!!! Lol. I think someone tried this yesterday.
The funny part is that I did ehormony and I actually got dates. Met a few good people on the site and one of them I have remained friends with.
That's awesome! Thanks everyone for an actual response and not a sarcastic one.
Like in all parts of life there will be mean people and nice ones.
Trust me I am. I am really trying to communicate with people.
I would suggest Chicken Breast, Turkey Breast, and even pork tenderloin. All of which have good protein and are very lean meats. Just cook a bit extra the night before and you can throw it into a salad or make a sandwich from it.
Those are awesome results love to see the girls in the weight room.
This! And being smart does not hurt
It looks like you are working out enough. Focus on your diet.
I'm having the same issue with carbs. I am trying to cut out all breads and pasta and not worry about the fruit as much. If if you cut back by a few slices of bread a day it will make a difference.
Just let it fly and blame it on your students.
A hot sweaty date with the Gym!
Can you just do the first part of Yoga X and not the balance postures?
My go to is Ketle and Club or if I want a beer I go with Amstel light.
Nice shirt! Love Tool