cowpacino Member


  • I'm doing my first experiment with keto (also intermittent fasting and/or OMAD), I'm at day 81, and I've lost about 40 lbs. I've never had much of a problem with sweets except for soda pop, so keto isn't too far away from my normal diet in the first place. I can't argue with the results, and any sweet that I crave can be…
  • I tend to stay away from stevia because of the lack of scientific studies on it, although it is GRAS by the FDA. Some studies on rats have shown that Stevia causes reduction in sperm count in males and smaller offspring in females. If I had to choose a artificial sweetener, I'd stick to good old aspartame, but then again,…
  • oats I have oats almost every morning, with a teaspoon of honey, some cinnamon and whatever berries I have laying around and eggs are also good, eat the whole egg too, the yoke is where most of the nutritious stuff is, don't be scared off by the fat
  • probably sugar withdraws, drink plenty of water
  • you don't break that plateau because you get discouraged and stop exercising, For the longest time I could never get below 205 lbs, and now I'm at 190
  • squats and lunges once your ankle gets better, but until your injury heals focus mostly on your diet. As far as weight loss, diet is more important than exercise. Also spot reduction doesn't work, you can only lose overall body fat, there is no way to target a specific part of your body.
  • "ew, that's so gross" "FINE, I'll share with you" I just look at what they are eating and am glad that I don't put that crap into my body.
  • do whatever you will do consistently it's better to do a mediocre exercise 4-5 times a week then to do the perfect exercise sparingly
    in Cardio Comment by cowpacino June 2011
  • I just use whey protein isolates all the whey protein is basically the same, you just have to find a flavor you like. I use whey because it's a complete protein source and it's fairly low in calories Calories 120 Sodium 60 mg Total Fat 1 g Saturated 1 g Total Carbs 3 g Dietary Fiber 25 g Sugars 1 g Protein 24 g Cholesterol…
  • eat calorie dense foods like nuts, beef jerky and dried fruit to get your calories up
  • I log it under cardio, you really need to eat more when you train with weights and the strength training section doesn't do anything but keep track of what you lift
  • there really isn't evidence that sugar substitutes are bad for you, however, you're still drinking all that sodium and phosphoric acid and crap. Plus it keeps you accustomed to drinking sweet carbonated drinks I quit my 6+ can a day soda habit by switching to iced tea sweetened with lemonade, then I cut down the sweet…
    in coke zero Comment by cowpacino June 2011
  • You shouldn't gain any weight from strength training. You could lift huge weights and not gain an ounce unless you eat more than your maintenance. Good job lifting though, most girls think it will make them a huge she-hulk when that is no where near the truth. I doubt you'll hold on to that weight though, like you said,…
  • I try to avoid soy at all costs. Soy has a lot of chemicals called phytoestrogens, which are very similar to the hormone estrogen. There is no conclusive evidence that soy increases production of estrogen in the body, but it's enough for me to avoid it.
    in Protein?? Comment by cowpacino June 2011
  • eggs, tuna, yogurt, beef jerky, cottage cheese, and nuts
    in Protein?? Comment by cowpacino June 2011
  • I was thinking the same thing, no way she has almost 30% body fat
  • you don't need to stuff yourself, just eat more calorie dense foods, like nuts for example
  • If you're not already, you should do weight training.
  • If you have one watch, you know what time it is. If you have many watches you know approximately what time it is.
  • I'm no doctor, but I've heard that if you don't have heart disease or really high blood pressure, and you drink plenty of water, salt isn't that big of a deal.
  • early morning jogs on the beach, It looks like a beautiful place to see the sites
  • the reason you want to eat more is because of your metabolism. If you consistently eat too few calories, your body thinks it's dying, so your metabolism cools down so that you can survive on less calories, and whenever you slip up and have a few extra calories your body immediately stores as fat so that it can be used if…
    in Plateau? Comment by cowpacino June 2011
  • I'm doing my best to get it up there, I'm not always the best about it, but I try to get at least one serving of veggies with every meal
  • here you go
  • I did squats today, I did 2 sets of 225 first set was 5 reps and the second, I failed after 3 reps
  • but you're not on weightwatchers, you're counting calories
  • A WHOLE 3 WEEKS?!?!?!11 patience patience patience you didn't put on all that weight overnight, it's not gonna come off overnight either
  • You need energy to work out, and if you're really hungry, your workouts will suffer. On the other hand you should ideally give yourself about 1-3 hours after eating before working out because your body needs to focus on digestion. What I do when I have that problem, is eat a small meal, maybe 100 calories or less, of…
  • most of my exercises involve using either a flat bench for bench press, a squat rack, and a pool, If I could get that for free, I'd take it, but if I couldn't, I'd pay for a gym. It seems to me like what you most need is time, you go to school and participate in clubs according to your profile, and the last thing you need…