imbanter Member


  • Mine is open. I'm not always proud but I always log what I eat. Feel free to look.
  • I just started LG about a week ago and personally it fits my lifestyler perfectly. However, I will say that it has been a bit tough to get all of my calories in during the 8 hours that I'm eating. Look into the IF group as someone already suggested. I have found a lot of information in there as well as some very helpful…
  • Feel free to add me as well. I login every day and could use some additional MFP friends. I too am lifting and taking in a lot of protein. About six years ago I got on a kick and lost weight (~40 lbs) lifting weights but after about a year I slowly slipped back into bad habits. I'm sure we could share some ideas.
  • I'm a fan of Orange Julius' and came up with a post-workout protein shake to help with that craving. 1 cup 2% milk; 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder; 1 grapefruit (remove the skin and put the pulp with juice in); 1 tsp vanilla; 1 Tbsp sugar (it's ~45 calories); a couple of cubes of ice and blend! It's about 390 calories /…
  • Clearly he has some serious issues and needs to be drug into the parking lot and have some respect beat into him. However, since in most places that is illegal - you really should report the incident to manager of the facility. I'm sure they would want to be aware of someone that is potentially running off their paying…
  • I miss my heavybag! I'm not sure many people realize the workout they give. Plus it's a great release.
  • Two scrambled eggs with sauted mushrooms sprinkled with parmesan cheese, 3 slices of canadian bacon, a pear, and one slice of 10 grain bread high in fiber.
  • I love chocolate and I love tea. Are you telling me they are combined in something called "chocolate cake" AND it's calorie free. Please don't toy with my emotions....
  • And I thought I was alone! We also use to dip plain chips in ketchup.
  • No contest! Marathon candy bar... that braided carmel covered with chocolate was the best!
  • I have been shocked at how well coffee has suppressed my appetite in the mornings. I 'm only 3 days in but I love it so far.
  • I have only been doing it 3 days but so far I feel great. I am only eating from 12 pm to 8 pm and I have not had any problems with feeling hungry. It feels more natural than forcing myself to eat 6 times a day.
  • I'm on day three too and so far I feel great.
  • I'm on my third day of IF too! I'm eating from 12 pm to 8 pm and so far it's been easy. Feel free to add me.
  • If you have a Sam's go there and buy a bag of MuscleTech, EAS, or Muscle Milk whey protein. They are all similar and they all have BCAAs that wil help you post-workouts. If no Sams go to Wal-mart they'll have one of those. Look at the nutritional info - the carbs should be way less than the protein. The high carb ones are…
  • Sounds like my day. I don't like trying to easy something every two hours. Feels like a diet and I'm eating even though I'm not hungry. IF really seems to be a better fit for me.
  • You've planted the seed. Now drop it and just be, her friend so she doesn't feel pressured. It's not unlike someone who had found religion or became a representative in a pyramid scheme and after a while you kind of dred seeing them. It sounds like she simply isn't ready for a change.
  • You need to quit judging! And I need to start wearing my wedding ring.
  • Is this the secret to your success? If so, I'm going to have to find me some trumoo at the store!
  • I like to make a milkshake using 1 cup of 2% Milk + Strawberry Greek Yogart + 1 scoop of vanilla EAS protein powder. I put in a few cubes of ice and blend it in my Magic Bullet and it makes a GREAT shake. It will give you a good amount of carbs and protein you need post-workout.
  • You should still be consuming all of your required calories. From what other members have sent me and what I've read women can consume their calories over 10 hours vs 8 for men and yes your sleep time counts. Maybe done of you experienced IF rs (thats right I said it) could help out here?
  • Fasting for health? This. Is. The. Most. Stupidest. Thing. Ive. EVER. Heard. [/quote] Come on - do you really think that not eating for 16 hours is going to harm you? Chances are you will be asleep 6-8 hours of that so really you aren't eating for 8 of the hours you are awake. Doesn't sounds too dangerous or extreme to me.…
  • Thanks for ask of the info. I'm sold after all the reading. I'm not looking for a magic bullet or a short-term solution. I need something that fits my crazy travel schedule and lifestyle and something I can do for life. I'm excited to try this.
  • Dave Dave Dave.... Had nothing to do with religion but glad my post got you out of your chair. BTW monks are who I had in mind when I said that and I'm not aware of them stoning anyone.
  • Ummm... 5-7 days just isn't going to work. I'm talking about fasting 16 hours a day combined with heavy lifting 3 days a week. Extended fasting like that is.not good for building muscle. As far as fat Americans, we are not alone in the world with that problem.
  • I'm interested in fasting where you consume your calories in a given period of the day but don't eat the other hours of the day. If you think about it this is in line with those.that say don't eat after a certain time of the evening. As far as 24 hour fasting I'll see hpw this 16 hour thing goes. I don't personally think…
  • Fortunately I don't have that problem. I've had travel days where I'm making a day trip to somewhere 3.5 hours away and with a short window to get to my appointment and back to my return flight. The next thing I know I've been running for 16 hours with no meal. Never had a problem with it affecting me mentally or…
  • I've been reading all about this and went ahead and joined the IF group. The 16/8 is really what I wanted to know about. Thank you all for your thoughts. I'm definately going to try one of the programs because it fits perfectly with my heavy travel I do for my job.
  • You can't change them on the app, you have to go to the website. Go to my home, goals, change goals, custom.. Theres where you can change your goals for carbs, protein, fat, etc.