Fasting - does it work?



  • treasa327
    treasa327 Posts: 8
    why don't you ask a personal trainer? someone who has an educational background in nutrition, weight loss, exercise programs catering to certain requirements? just a thought....
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    i like the sound of this. is it really as simple as don't eat for 24hrs, just stick to water, then eat normally again? then repeat every few days?

    Twice a week works.
  • treasa327
    treasa327 Posts: 8
    farting=weight loss!!
    now would this be recorded under food or under exercise?
  • treasa327
    treasa327 Posts: 8
    OMG at first glance, I thought it said "Farting - does it work?" and I was all excited to answer YES!

    farting=weight loss!!
    now would this be recorded under food or under exercise?
  • Escarda
    Escarda Posts: 131 Member
    I think it will work for you if you have the ability to fast.
    I find if i go without food for about 5 hours i get very faint and dizzy, and i start to struggle with simple motor fuctions.
    And i will just start to shake and after about 8 hours of not eating i will start to go into like hazy trances.
    Fasting is not an option for me lol.
  • cheryl010812
  • healthybodyhealthymind
    What in the world? Fasting is NOT healthy for you! Common sense here.
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    several of my friends on mfp have had great success doing intermittent fasting. Although I have actually fasted for about 16 hours with no water or food (it was during Ramadan) for 6 days, my husband would agree that fasting is not for me :( I become far too moody when I try to go even for short amounts of time with no food.
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    What in the world? Fasting is NOT healthy for you! Common sense here.

    Ummm... what makes you say that?
  • markpmc
    markpmc Posts: 240 Member
    I've been trying 16/8 from Down 2.5% BF in 3 weeks. Only dropped 1 lb <-- exactly what I want. I'm doing IF to shed BF _not_ drop lbs and it's working so far.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    What in the world? Fasting is NOT healthy for you! Common sense here.
    Look at those who are doing it. You will notice that very often they have the greatest results and have been here for a long time.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Again, what benifit is there in a 12hr or so fast? Even the 16hr fast leangains recommends is a compromise. The true, scientifically proven benifits are just before, at, and just past the 24hr mark.

    Source? Martin links studies that indicate that the hormonal responses occur around the 14-16 hour mark.

    @Healthybodyhe: I'm guessing that you are responding from a position of ignorance here. I eat just as much now as I did before I started doing IF; I just do it more intelligently and within a specific window each day.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    i like the sound of this. is it really as simple as don't eat for 24hrs, just stick to water, then eat normally again? then repeat every few days?

    There are two pretty well-known "fitness-oriented" Intermittent Fasting programs: Eat Stop Eat (a couple of weekly 24 hour fasts) and Leangains (fast 16 hours every day, feed 8).

    I don't know a whole lot about whether there is anything more complicated to Eat Stop Eat, but one of the core components of LG is cycling calories and macronutrients depending on whether you are lifting or resting on a particular day. It's definitely not as simple as it may appear on the surface.
  • hcoburn37
    hcoburn37 Posts: 442 Member
  • margie777mar
  • margie777mar
    OMG at first glance, I thought it said "Farting - does it work?" and I was all excited to answer YES!
  • imbanter
    imbanter Posts: 72 Member
    I've been reading all about this and went ahead and joined the IF group. The 16/8 is really what I wanted to know about. Thank you all for your thoughts. I'm definately going to try one of the programs because it fits perfectly with my heavy travel I do for my job.
  • Microfiber_wechange

    First, you can do it any days you like. Eat Stop Eat recommends 1-2 days a week...but you can do 3 with that program as well pretty easily.

    Sunday 8pm to Monday 8pm fits the criteria of 'any days you like' it looks like you're good to go!

    Now...a word of caution. Fasting for 24hrs isn't a license to go hog wild when you do eat. You eat a sensible meal, then go to sleep and eat normally the next day.

    Thank you :smile:
  • Practicality
    I have personally fasted for longer periods. 5-7 days. A few times. Not great for losing weight but really effective for health. Got rid of reactive hypoglycemic tendencies this way. Better to do it with juice so you don't shock your body. But I was young and impatient so a water fast worked. Most of us larger Americans can go without food for at least a month with no negative effect. Of course that's LARGER people not people under 200 lbs who just feel fat.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I have personally fasted for longer periods. 5-7 days. A few times. Not great for losing weight but really effective for health. Got rid of reactive hypoglycemic tendencies this way. Better to do it with juice so you don't shock your body. But I was young and impatient so a water fast worked. Most of us larger Americans can go without food for at least a month with no negative effect. Of course that's LARGER people not people under 200 lbs who just feel fat.

    dangerous nonsense!