

  • I maintained! I am happy that I didn't gain. This week I vow to stick with it. Well for that matter for the next three weeks, I plan to really focus on my diet!
  • Today is my weigh in day.... haven't done the deed yet. I am dreading it, because this started out a good week and ended up just sad really. But I feel recommitted today! So I will report back, but I am sure I am looking at a maintain if I am lucky and and a gain if not. :( How is everyone else doing?!
  • Great! Yeah lets just post our results here. :)
  • I am more salty and crunchy! LOL! I love chips, anything mexican, italian..... What were we talking about again?! LOL! The one good thing I have done is cut out soda, I was really addicted to it and I knew that wasn't good, even if it was diet.
  • I think you are truly amazing for surviving the week intact! I would have been an emotional wreck and I am a terrible emotional eater so it would not have been pretty. I don't have any excuse for falling off the wagon this past weekend, but I did nonetheless. I told myself I would get back on track Monday morning and here…
  • I haven't heard of either of those websites, thank you for sharing!
  • You know the thing about baby steps, sometimes you try to go faster than you are capable of and you stumble and fall. That's what I keep doing anyway.
  • I am a stress eater too.... I don't know how you work on that. I know the experts say you have to replace one habit with another or the old habit will just come back, so I guess I have to figure out what to replace with eating when I am stressed. Hmm..... I like the idea of going for a walk instead, but that isn't always…
  • Normally I don't go so long between meals, it was a combination of the kids eating early... and they get upset if I don't eat with them so I did, and not having any low cal snacks in the home. Lesson learned! Haha! I was watching a show tonight on the benefits of raw veggies and I have decided to stock up and make them a…
  • Natasha that is too funny, I have started doing the same thing! My daughter (9mos) loves it too!!
  • No we didn't have any in the house, grocery shopping tonight! I did make it though, I just had to keep my mind busy, and the funny thing.... by the time it was time for dinner I wasn't even that hungry anymore! Haha! Go figure!
  • Thanks! I am really trying! I have basically told myself that eating before dinner is not an option. :)
  • I don't usually plan out my meals ahead of time but I would really like to start doing that! I don't eat any meat other than chicken so I will be having a lot of chicken meals. My lunches lately have been mostly PB&J which I know isn't the best bang for my buck..... but it's quick and easy and what the kids are eating…
  • 3500! I am jealous! haha! My WIN for the weekend was that we didn't order out for food at all this weekend!! That is a huge victory for us!! :)
  • Doingitforjames (Is that what you want to be called?) If my friend Mr. Google is accurate you lost 1.3 pounds this week, that is fantastic!!! Especially with such a hard week coming up. I am so so very sorry for you loss. I have been through cancer myself and I still could never imagine how horrible it would be if it was…
  • Oh don't get me started on husbands who can eat anything and not gain weight. Or more so husbands who decide to "go on a diet" and hardly change their eating habits at all and drop weight like nobodys business! Sooooo frustrating!!
  • Well I started out the day full of energy and now I am really beginning to drag. My goal today is to stay on plan. Weekends are terrible for me staying on plan!! I had planned a busy day with the kiddos but it's very cold and rainy today and I decided against taking them out sooo.... we are just hanging out at home today.…
  • You know this thread is making me pretty depressed seeing the big fat 0 on my ticker. I had lost close to 20 before going off the wagon and gaining it all back. ::sigh:: :wink: Just wanted to bump the thread for the afternoon peeps!!! :smile:
  • Seriously! I had eggs again for breakfast this morning and it's Noon and I am not even hungry for lunch yet, and I have been up since 7am! I think we might be onto something! :)
  • Hi Maureen, we'd love to have you join us! I have about the same to lose as you.... race you! Kidding only kidding. LOL! Glad you found us!!
  • You know you want to come check us out! We have a great group going and we'd love to have you join us!!
  • Yay so glad to have everyone!!!
  • I have never tried salsa with my eggs. I have heard of it before but I just can't imagine the two things together. I will have to give it a try one of these days.
  • We'd love to have you!! This group is for anyone who is looking for a little more support along the way!! Differences is what makes us great! The baby steps approach is so simple it's genius! (And of course not something I made up) I mean anyone can lose a pound right? Five pounds? Not that hard! So you just focus on that,…
    in Hello Comment by MeAfter30 October 2012
  • Please join us! Our common ground is that we all need to lose weight, and we all recognize that having a little support along the way will make it that much easier to meet our goals!!
  • Jump right in Jessica, we are glad you joined us! :) Also feel free to add me as a friend if you like! :)
  • Oh that is a temptation!! Husbands.... they're the devil, Haha! My husband is usually guilty of offering to pick-up Pizza on the way home. Oy! Way to go on staying on plan!! My Win for the day I would say was working out when I REALLY didn't want to! :happy:
  • Hey Natasha I have a 9 month old daughter!! (And two boys ages 3 and 4) I have been saying I am going to lose this weight since she was 3 weeks old. I did lose 16 pounds but recently put it all back on. Blah! So yea, I am glad you joined us!!
  • You know he did! LOL! :laugh: My Mom was always overweight when I was growing up. She was always dieting but never lost weight. Now she is stick thin, but in an unhealthy way. She practically doesn't eat. It's sad. I want to lose weight the healthy way, and keep it off.
  • My last bump for this thread today I swear! :wink: .... but watch out for the 30 bumps it gets tomorrow! Ha! -- kidding.