jaimekbee1219 Member


  • Not sure where the rest of my post went :-/ oh well
  • Hi! I started on the 2nd. I made my first attempt in Oct 2015 but got hit with a bad stomach bug on Day 13 and couldn't find any compliant ways to battle it. I still learned a lot and kept trying to get back into it, but couldn't. Husband and I have been going strong so far this month! - despite both of us being sick this…
  • I'm always open to new friends! I haven't been logging as frequently as I used to and kind of took a year off due to work being dumb and stressful, but I'm working on consistently logging (less for calories and more to keep track of what I eat and how it affects me).
  • Hi Katie! My go to meal is chicken fajita - minus the wrap, cheese, and sour cream! I put chicken breast in the crock pot on low for 4 hours with onions, peppers, garlic, and either two cans of crushed or diced tomatoes (or one can of each) plus various seasonings. Then I like to shred the chicken when it's done. I just…
  • I saw nutpods on the Whole30 Instagram, but I haven't tried them yet. I typically drink my coffee black but was thinking of trying them to add a little variety. I'm in a nut free classroom so I'm limited in when I can use them. I'm hopefully starting Whole30 Sept 1st... I haven't successfully completed one yet but I'm…
  • I usually sleep like a rock when I'm following W30. I have terrible sleep when I'm not... Maybe it just takes some adjustment? Sorry I'm not a better help!
  • Oh awesome! I'll check that out! I recently found a studio I love but there aren't a lot of classes that fit with my schedule so I'm trying to practice more at home. Thanks for adding to the thread!
  • Hello! I'm Jaime. This is my third attempt at a Whole30! I made it to Day 15 back in October, but got some kind of stomach bug and gave up. I had tried all kinds of paleo/W30 remedies, but nothing has helped. So far I am on Day 2 :smile: My husband and a coworker are both doing it so I have a lot of support! We're all…
  • Hi @healthylady88 ! I have yet to successfully complete a Whole30 - there were too many events in Sept and I had a stomach bug or food poisoning or a bad reaction to dairy when we took my MIL out for her birthday last week (attempt 2, week 3). Despite this, Husband and I are trying again. Our goal is to make this just how…
  • I had a similar experience! The weight slowly creeped on in high school after I quit swim team (due to injury) and college. I was diagnosed six months after graduating. I'm 5'3 and went from 120 to 145, dropped it by eating a low glycemic diet and walking a mile or two several times a week. Then the weight came back when I…
  • My friend does it - she's a "coach" and has had AMAZING results. That being said, she's been doing it pretty consistently since last October. She didn't have a lot to lose (even though she had twins), but she works hard. Her extremely overweight cousin is doing well on it too. They both push shakeology which is annoying…
  • Hooray! Congrats!
  • My husband and I drink it - although he drinks it a lot more than I do. We get it at Costco so it comes out to be a dollar or two less per bottle than when you buy them individually. I think it's six to a case... It's on sale for 11$ right now (at least at our store). He works there so it's super convenient for him to pick…
  • Thanks @shuki_cotren!! I joined as well :)
  • Hi! I have PCOS too - and high insulin. Being insulin resistant can make it very difficult to keep your weight down since it causes your body to store more fat. A lot of women choose to go low carb or even keto because of this. https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/3070-p-c-o-sis This group is super helpful - the…
  • My friend is a "coach" and has had AMAZING results doing the 21 day fix. Honestly, though, she didn't have much to lose despite having given birth to twins a couple years ago. Her very obese cousin has lost weight and gotten healthier as well. I reluctantly bought it to support my friend and to get back into cooking after…
  • I couldn't find any active Whole30 groups either which was part of why I joined this one. I'm currently reading It Starts With Food and plan on starting Sept 1st. After I complete it, I plan to stick to paleo or primal - I figure I'll decide when I'm done with my Whole30. I've greatly reduced my grains and legumes already…
  • Nice wok! You look fantastic!
  • I had no idea!! Thanks for the info! I'm getting better at being more assertive with my health professionals thanks to reading these message boards :smile:
  • I used to take Yasmin and I LOVED it. It was the first bcp I ever took and it was prescribed to me because it doesn't have any androgens in it. Then the generics started coming out and my body just didn't respond well to some of them - especially Ocella. I think I was ok on Zarah though. My current insurance doesn't cover…
  • I actually just had this conversation yesterday while shopping with a friend who is also losing weight (we both have PCOS). My friend has lost 50+ pounds over the last few months and commented how she feels like she needs force herself to stop buying clothes in her old sizes. She looks amazing, and she has the before and…
  • I have only done slightly low carb (100g) so I can't be too helpful with transitioning to the 21 day fix. I can tell you that the the fix is low glycemic eating and doesn't allow for a ton of carbs (outside of veggies). I'm in the lowest calorie bracket (1200-1599) so I'm only allowed a cup of grains and pasta, or however…
  • Wow! Fantastic and inspiring :)
  • Definitely go with a heart rate monitor if you have one! When figuring out your calories for the meal plan, we're supposed to assume we will burn 450 (according to the booklet) but I've found that I burn about 100-200 calories less than that depending on the workout (I'm 5'3 & 137lbs). If you don't have a HRM or don't want…
  • Thanks for the suggestions! So far I have only checked out Yoga by Adrienne - I've seen it recommended a lot. Life got a little busy so I haven't followed up on the other suggestions yet. I have, however, taken my first studio class (sort of)! A small chain yoga studio in NJ called PowerFlow offers free 1 hour outdoor…
  • Way to go! That's fantastic :)
  • That's awesome! I went through something similar with my husband (he had NAFLD) so I completely understand the inexplicable *joy* when they make even the smallest change. Hooray!!!!
  • Sugar in general tends to make me feel icky, but soda is what causes me some major GI unhappiness. I don't drink it often at all, but when I do I typcially end up in the bathroom. There's supposedly no difference between sugar and HFCS, but my body definitely reacts worse to HFCS. I agree with Knit about the chocolate! I…
  • I have PCOS and have been struggling to lose my last ten pounds (out of 20). I just found out that my fasting insulin level is pretty high so I'm sure that the way my body has been handling sugar may be part of my problem. When I am paying attention to how I am eating (holidays + finishing up grad school caused me to slack…
  • Thanks! That's my plan for this weekend! :smiley: