PCOS and struggling with weight lose



  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    I am doing chris powells choose more lose more carb cycling it has been the only thing ande ercising like crazy to get the scale moving. I hace pcos for a long time.
  • LadyThanata
    LadyThanata Posts: 91 Member
    Last year I lost 30 lbs in 5 months. I went to- no lie- 10 spin classes a week. I had an unlimited membership. I burned 700-900 calories each class. No weight lost until- I ate no more then 1000 calories. Most times I kept it at 800. I was delirious. It was a habit I could not maintain. Then in a year- I've gained 20 of those lbs back. I stopped spinning in sept. I took up running. I ran 4 times a week- 2-3 miles each time. I slowly kept gaining with calories being 1500 daily and sometimes more if I went out and drank. For the past three months I've been running 3-4 miles at a time and have effectively cut back on foods. Making healthier choices. No lost, I went to my doctors- plural. Blood work was done for four weeks before I was given victoza. Pcos is making it very difficult. If I don't work out- I gain and I gain rapidly. Some women don't. Some women stay thin. Other women gain weight so fast before they know it there obese with issues. I am looking for ways to help. My doctor has me checking in with her weekly and blood monthly. I'm not lazy. I'm not taking the easy way out. I enjoy working out. I love running. And on days I don't run- I pay a premium to go to one of those fancy spin boutiques. Every one thinks that eat less lose weight. I did that- it was unhealthy and hard to maintain. I wasn't happy. I would have melt downs at a diner or a resturabte because o couldn't eat anything on the menu- I was making myself sick. I decided to eat normal more healthy if I can afford it and work out often but not to much. And the weight kept creeping up. I'm not asking to be judged. I'm just typing my personal story.
  • msty112
    msty112 Posts: 199 Member
    I'm so sorry for your struggles LadyThanata! It is not always as simple as some people put it. My metabolism is very slow and I have to stay at about 1200 plus exercise to lose. There is a lot unknown about PCOS and every woman is different. Sounds like you have good doctors looking out for you. Do you have any other endocrine disorders that could be complicating things further?
  • jaimekbee1219
    jaimekbee1219 Posts: 96 Member
    I have PCOS and have been struggling to lose my last ten pounds (out of 20). I just found out that my fasting insulin level is pretty high so I'm sure that the way my body has been handling sugar may be part of my problem.

    When I am paying attention to how I am eating (holidays + finishing up grad school caused me to slack - getting back on track now), I typically follow a low glycemic diet. I find it to be easy and sustainable, and most importantly I don't feel sick. A lot of women find low carb/high fat to be helpful and sustainable. While it is ultimately calories in vs calories out, various issues (insulin resistance for example) can make it a little less cut and dry. Different people have different needs, though, including those of us with PCOS.

    This group is super helpful:: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/3070-p-c-o-sis

  • LadyThanata
    LadyThanata Posts: 91 Member
    Just Joined the group ^^^, today makes one week on Victoza. Im down 5lbs. But I ran 3 times this week, and did alot of walking in between. This week I started to feel good and wanted to up my work outs. So lets see how next week rolls along. I think alot of people think weight lost is cut and dry- JUST EAT LESS WORK OUT MORE. I do eat less and I ENJOY working out. And its not that simple. Some time I feel like you write a post and people just come off rude in there text. It's almost like your setting youself up everytime you write a post. Anyways- keeping this positive. Im not cheating, Im still working out hard as ever and watching the foods that go into my body. After one week on this victoza shot- I dont eat sugar and I dont drink. Im very Irish and I love a good beer every now and then or a glass or 3 with dinner on the weekends during family BBQs which is every weekend!. This past week- I cant seem to eat more then a fistful at a time, I get a sick feeling if I try to drink wine. And if I over eat, I feel very sick. You may think- why do it? Well should I be eating more then a fistful of foods anyways? Should I be drinking? Nah. This will teach me very quickly what my limits are. Im one of those people that enjoy food and if the food taste amazing I will eat every bit even if I feel full. This shot is making that impossible to do. I dont have any of the side effects that people complain of so im lucky. No headaches, not tired, not vomiting or feeling sick. Only time i feel icky is if i attempt to over eat. Last few days ive been knowing my limits and have been very good and even ran miles upon miles to get in some great activity. Mornings is either cereal with strawberries and almond milk or a smoothie with lots of protein. Lunch is really dependent on where I am and dinner are always home made and usually include if not always a protein. Last night was baked chicken with potatoes and peppers and onions. I had a chicken breast and half cup of potato mix.
  • reeky80
    reeky80 Posts: 1 Member
    I have pcos and struggle with more what to eat based on carbs I have started loosing weight it slow but I don't mind I have lost 17lbs since the end of February and since pcos makes it hard I know it's an accomplishment. Don't give up keep going.
  • losemission1
    losemission1 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks all for your great support.. keep it up ☺☺