I know this is an older post but I finally got to see The Collection due to it being streaming on Netflix. I had seen the 1st and loved it, giving it 5 stars. While the second is good it's not as good as the first, which is why I rated it 4 stars. It seems they do what all sequels do, imo, overdo it to an extreme. I had no…
I really want to see it and saw the teaser trailer as mentioned by Mr_Cape. Then so much time passed and the other day saw the commercial again and thought "yes its on DVD I can see it now" and was confused when they mentioned theater release dates :( I never take that as a good sign when too much time passes from initial…
Honestly I will watch it cause I watch anything and everything but probably wait for it on DVD. Like all have said I enjoyed the first half of the first one but then it flipped a switch and almost became a whole different movie. I doubt this one will be better, very few sequels pull that off. We'll see :)
I'm excited. I didn't even know there was a 3rd :D I loved the 1st and the 2nd was ok. Definitely will check this out, thanks.
I will give a few suggestions even though not sure who you are looking for, these will be based off my interests and likes Erin Marie Hogan: Watch either Paranormal Entity (yes a ripoff of Paranormal Activity) or Theater Bizarre (an anthology movie, some stories weren't too bad) Fred Williamson: From Dusk til Dawn Britt…
I went and saw this opening night by myself. I LOVED it. I am so glad too, cause I was getting worried it was getting too much hype and then I would be disappointed. Being a fan of the original I agree with you BrendarB just enough newness and enough of the original to please. I hope you guys stayed til the end of the…
bumping to try some of these :)
Those are fabulous results :D Congrats!!
So I don't think I have seen anyone report but do we have any good results?? Ending stats anyone willing to share.
sounds yummy :)
I copied this from another site but this is the rotation I referred to called Slim Down which I may try again once working out is my norm again lol This rotation was created by Jillian herself and you can find the .pdf download at . I also heard that the results from this rotation…
Well although I didn't finish I will reply, lol. I'm still technically in recovery. At first I was told 1 month of recovery and just last week a nurse told me they recommend 3 months, sigh oh well, I need to recover properly so.....I will in Jan. start getting back into a workout plan slowly of course and once that is…
I hope you recover quickly!! Best wishes being sent your way.
Personally I can't stand having to start over when I have gotten so far so I would keep going :) But that's me even now with having to take time off from the surgery once I decide to do this again I really really don't want to do month 1 again lol. I have been thinking can I get away with starting at month 2 :) Just do…
I had surgery a week ago and have been told no exercise aside from walking or lifting more than 5lbs for 6 weeks. Yea it sucks but you know it is what it is. It can't be changed and I would rather heal properly and avoid a longer recovery period than to stress a few weeks of not getting a workout in. Plus exercise is only…
I will give this a go even though I have no idea what you have already seen. But upon creeping your profile, lol I saw you liked Aliens so I would say if you haven't already watched Prometheus, do it. Also if you have Netflix I highly recommend: Altered, The Reef and Black Water Thats just a couple until we have more info…
You ladies are rocking it :D I wish I could still be in it with you but I am recovering from surgery. But I am tempted to look ahead on the discs to see what you guys are doing, but I can't cause I know me and if I see something I want to try I will want to do it and can't so better to not look, lol. Anyway keep up the…
I know the post is a tad older but I just had mine taken out on Monday, Nov 5th. It has now been almost a week and I am feeling like my old self again. I haven't had issues with food as of now but I am trying to keep my diet low fat like my doctor recommended for a month. Also, only mentioned once, and I thought it could…
Me too :P I love Pascal Laugier, the moment I saw Martyrs I had no choice but too watch all his other movies, recently saw Tall Man and loved that one too.
^^ This :) I love those 3 and being a woman shouldn't love Inside but as soon as I rented it and saw it, I went and bought it. There are only like 3 movies listed I haven't seen in this thread and that's only due to them not being available for me on dvd to see, as of yet.
OOOOOO I have seen both The Clinic and In My Skin and I really enjoyed both. But it is funny cause neither went in the direction I thought they would. I thought I was going to be really creeped out with In My Skin but I wasn't. But on a familiar name In Her Skin disturbed/fascinated me, not a horror movie but a true story…
Thanks :) I'm nervous due to this is my first surgery ever.
So happy for us all we have made it to the end of month 1 :D However in other news I will be stopping :( I am having surgery in a week and during recovery will be unable to workout other than walk for 4-6 weeks easily. So instead I will have to focus on my food intake :P I will keep checking in and seeing how you all are…
Honestly I don't see the difference. I see it as I still log in daily if there is something new is to report about my workout then I report it and I feel that is how most of us are doing it. Just instead of there being several new topics its one topic we can go into daily to report if we wish or need to. I know there are a…
Hey everyone I am still here and doing my thing. As I said last week my schedule is a lil off this week with the routine but I'm getting it done and ready to go into month 2. However I do have a dr appt tomorrow which will seal my fate in this workout. I will be told whether or not I have to have surgery and in short if I…
1.1 is fabulous!! Although I know Jillian boosts you should be seeing like 11 lbs each week which I believe is way too much and unrealistic. I know I won't be the best to answer this cause technically I haven't lost anything. The first 2 weeks I gained but I really think it was due to my bad eating those weeks and possibly…
Did my workout today and feel much better :D I enjoy workout 4 more than 3, haha.
Well I have not been feeling it this week, not sure why, maybe just personal things I am worrying about in my life this week. Plus here we are in week 3 and no loss in weight or measurements. I have been trudging through but not 100% on track. I mean like didn't workout at all today and will have to workout on Sun due to…
SpaceEF that would be my same advice (not that I have kids) but to continue eating healthy and being active as you can until Dr says otherwise. Plus don't overindulge "just cause" your pregnant or have cravings. Busted out workout 4 today and much better but still sooo sore, I have been sore since day 1 literally <sigh>…