

  • Welcome back. I too am just trying again after taking a vacation from here for about a month. From Dec to Jan. I gained about 7 pounds and have found when I chart my food I do much much better than just guessing. Good luck!!!
  • My hubby calculated that we will be 27 straight years with at least one teenager in the house.
  • My children are 28, 24, 20, 13 and 10 all with the same hubby. The older ones are great babysitters for the younger when I needed them, however, they have moved on in their lives and are not much involved with the day to day life with the younger ones. I think that the age gap between the oldest and youngest is a bit large…
  • Leave the guilt behind. It's done! you can't change it so move on!! Go for a walk or run!!
  • I have noticed it too. I've been told that your body is working more efficiently now.
  • Hubby bought me a new one and even included an engagement ring as an encouragement. . Went from a 9 that was tight to a 7 that is still loose. Same with shoes too.(Nines to eights) Keep up the great work
  • Woo Hoo for Tuesday nights. My friend got me hooked when we started WW together. Now down 135 from then. Still watch!!!!
  • About 135
  • Hey if you were roller skating great. You and some kids had some fun. Don't beat yourself over it. Tomorrow is a new day. One bad day cannot and will not ruin your life.
  • Offer to help out by bringing something. Then bring a veggie tray or sides that you know won't sabotage you. Or you can do the best at eat small portions and enjoy the day with friends with no thougthts about it. One day does not have to ruin the whole week.
  • Don't get discouraged. Keep at it. Take measurements. Sometimes the first thing we notice is how clothes fit.
  • I know feeling. I gained 4 lbs in one weekend and I thought that I was doing good. but I was eating some food that had more sodium than I realized. Also when you are so close to onderland, the stress of wanting it so bad had me weighing heavy too. Relax and keep up the good work. It will come as long as you are eating…
  • My daughter tells me "If you don't buy it you won't eat it." Sounds good advice. So hard to do. Try to keep something healthy to munch on.
  • Don't be overwhelmed. You can do this. One day at a time and don't beat yourself up over the little things because stress can keep the weight on. Keep on working. You have your whole life to live. I know that you can do it and you will!!! But don't forget that this is a mission to save you. Don't forget the feeling you had…
  • Every morning on WWii fit. With clothes but it asked how much clothes do weigh and subtracts it.(Some days I am tempted to say more than they actually weigh). On weekdays at the gym with shoes. I am addicted but I don't stress about the numbers because I am a long way from the 315 I used to weigh. I just don't want to go…
  • Praying hard for her and the unborn baby.
  • Fantastic. You go girl. Your pictures are proof that it can be done. Keep up the great work.
  • i know this sounds funny but you need to eat more to lose. Your body may be hanging on to the weight because it feels that you are in a time of lack of food, so it is adapting by holding on to the weight. If you are exercising alot, you need to eat back those calories to let your body know that you are not trying to starve…
  • it is the knowing that I feel so much better overall if I leave that ding dong alone. It's the knowing that I can be the best me when I am fitter. It's the knowing that one bite of a ding dong does not have to ruin my whole day. It's the knowing that like that little engine "I think Ican" " I know I can.!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I waited until I had lost 100 lbs before I joined our local recreation center. It has a small weight room with machines and it is cheaper than joining most gyms. It was one of the best moves I have made. It has helped me stay motivated watching others on the same journey.
  • I lost a lot of weight with weight watchers over a hundred pounds. Then I found MFP. It is easy to keep track of both your exercise and what you are eating with little effort on your part. In fact I keep track of both of them for a while and still do from time to time. I found that MFP is very close to the points plus…
  • The great thing about your question is the answer is whatever works for you. You have had success with it and you know your body. This site is just a guideline and you can do with it as you want to!!! This is an aid to you not a requirement. Great job with what you are doing.
  • Yeah, I still feel guitly some times but ususally I just know that I have earned them through my hard work and sweat and go for it.
  • It is any thing that gives you a victory in your weight loss that is not related to those pesky numbers on the scale. For an example, an article of clothing that you can fit that once was tight.
  • Great job!!! Keep up the good work. It will come off slowly, but with work it will come off. I started Weight Watchers in 2008 at 315. I found this site when I was stalled at 214. It has helped to continue on this journey with success. Keep on working hard.
  • I lost my wedding ring when I was pregnant with child number five. It was way too tight at size nine. My husband bought me a new one this past year. It was a size seven. It is a little tight if my hands swell. I know when I have gone off too far and it starts to feel snug but it is great to wear a size seven. I have lost…
  • I know their intentions must be good. Maybe a little envy speaking?? You know what you want for you. Keep up the great work and just smile at them.
  • Mushrooms taste like erasers to me. Broccoli is like eating grass. Does anything one else have the problem that occasionally everything leaves an aftertaste of soap in their mouth? This happens to me occasionally. Any one know the cause?
  • Isn't it funny how we feel like the same person and feel no difference in ourselves. You are looking good. Keep at it !!!
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