I've gone through P90X a few times. As well as X+ and X2. Doing my own hybrid of the 3 at the moment, still using the original routines. Feel free to add me for advice, motivation, etc. It's a fantastic program.
Starting Phase 3 on Monday. Can not wait.
In the middle of my 3rd week of Phase 2. I'm loving it. Chest, Back, & Balance still leaves me sore the next day. Normally by the 3rd week of any routine my body has adapted. Not this one. Arms & Shoulders took a bit for me to figure out the proper weights to make it useful. Base and Back makes me want to puke (In a good…
E&E tastes pretty horrible to me. But the effects outweigh the taste. I've just been chugging it quick before the taste hits me.
I LOVE my foam rolling, and look forward to recovery and mobility. I've gotten to the point I don't even bother with the stretching most sessions, I just foam roll the whole time. The difference afterwards if phenomenal. Yoga is so much better this time around. Shorter. Faster paced. A definite improvement.
Finally started Phase 2. Chest Back and Balance is a brutal. And gets back to basics. Push ups, pull ups. And we get X2 Ab Ripper 3 times a week now. This phase feels a little like the original P90X. I think I'm going to hang out in this one for 6 weeks. Since you can swap 2 of the resistance days with different DVDs. 3…
Nah. Sadly I didn't take Day 1 pictures, though I suppose I could use the pics from the end of P90X. I may take 30(ish) day pics today. Not sure how much of a change I will see. Leaner. That's for certain. Some of my belly "pudge" is gone. Though that's probably more from diet than X2.
So, this will be my 4th week in Phase 1. I have been holding off shifting into Phase 2 while waiting for my dumbbells to arrive. But it doesn't look like they will be here anytime soon. Looks like I will make up my own recovery week for next week, then it's on to Phase 2. So far I am impressed. I miss some of the more…
Plyocide last night. Ugh. Feeling it today. The warm up/cool down are pretty nice, but I can see myself getting bored with it after a phase or two. The middle 30 minutes of actual work is brutal. What sadistic trainer puts THAT move at the end of the workout? Seriously? My poor HRM didn't shut up the whole time. Puddles of…
X2 Core was last night for me. This one impressed me from the very start. The warm ups and stretches were effective and engaging. No more head rolls and shoulder shrugs for 15 minutes. The foam roller is a unique experience (for me) and I can't wait to see how it's used throughout the program. As usual they demonstrate…
Just got my P90X2 box. Wow. Just plain Wow. I haven't been this excited's been a while. I won't start mid-week. So day one will be on Monday.
Greetings. My name is Alan. I have a 2 year degree in computer programming. I am a Licensed Massage Therapist. I work as an outside field technician for Verizon. I am a BeachBody coach and P90X graduate. I write a scathing, sarcastic, and harsh blog here on MFP which attracted the attention of this group's creator, as well…
For any and all interested. Especially those of you who finished this first round. P90X2 is available for pre-order and will be delivered by Christmas. That's enough time to complete another circuit and be primed and ready for part 2. Let me know if any of you need info.
Congrats to everyone who stuck with it and finished the whole 90'ish days. Get those pictures up. I wanna see your changes.
I'm still out here too. Week 1 of the 3rd phase. Changing up my diet to match the P90X ratios. Wearing a backpack with extra weight in it for pull ups, push ups (going to try wearing it for ALL of legs and back). What a difference a few pounds can make. Every body who has stuck with it so far, congrats. When those day 90…
It's very difficult to judge the actual "weight", since the resistance isn't consistent throughout the move. So many factors mess with the bands. It's probably my biggest complaint. Move your foot an inch or two and you've changed it completely. Change your loop and the same thing. Very tough to estimate the weight.…
Pick 3 of the resistance DVD's and do those on Tues/Thurs/Saturday. Let the running be your only exercise on Mon/Wed/Fri, just drop Plyo/Kenpo/Yoga. If you are using a pull up bar, throw on a back pack with a few pounds of weight and do your back routine that way. You should see some serious growth. Same goes for pushups.…
Agree. Start with week 1 of Phase 2. Starting over completely would just be disheartening.
Phase 1 is low carb. Phase 2 is equal carb and protein. Phase 3 is high carb lower protein. I am currently in my 2nd round of the program. I have before and after pictures up on my home page, blog, and a forum thread. As well as my honest review of the program. I didn't follow the exact meal plans from the nutrition guide,…
Thank you. I've heard good things about P90. Stay focused.
When I got into the final phase I noticed a plateau for pull ups also. I'm not sure if I wasn't eating enough, exhausted, or what exactly. But I believe I found myself actually decreasing in reps the final week. It was quite frustrating. Also, with back and biceps especially, I have noticed if I really push myself hard in…
Thanks. It's an awesome program.
Many thanks.
Thank you!
Don't worry so much about soreness after the workouts. Your body will adapt to the exercises and the soreness will cease. It's not that you aren't pushing yourself hard enough, it's that your body has figured out what you're asking of it. I am usually only sore the first week of a new phase, simply because the moves are…
Thanks. Just a little bit of my geek side shining through.
I am part of this thread: Though there are a few others out there as well in various stages of the program.
Thank you. I am hoping to get another set of pictures up after the end of this round.
Thanks. It's definitely worth it.
Ever notice how each DVD has its own group of people? That you rarely see the same person in more than a couple of the DVD's? I believe Tony hand picked the top performers from his "test group" and used them for specific exercises. The guys doing a ton of pull ups and push ups aren't in Plyo or Yoga or Kenpo. While the…