P90X Classic Starting June 6th, Who's in?



  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Today was definitely a just push play day, but I did Kenpo, and I got in the abs workout I skipped yesterday...
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    day 48 was kenpo and 49 was a carido dvd. finally got the trampoline put together. waiting for the evening to try it out.

    recovery week for me on monday
  • DeadZip2010
    DeadZip2010 Posts: 111 Member
    Have not checked in for a while. Wanted to say that I cant wait to see how everyone does by the end of the 90 days.

    I start phase 3 today, four weeks of hitting it hard, cant wait to see the results. and anyone who said the big changes happen in phase 2 are right. day 60 will be thursday so ill have pics up friday maybe, i know i see a difference.

    Good Luck to everyone!
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    Day 50 is done with yoga. i see the benefits of yoga, my body feels so relaxed and still burned some calories. hope this feeling carries over the work night.

    10 more days til pics. the scale finally moved this weekend. im out of the 220's and on to the 210's.
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    yoga tonight, don't know how far i'll make it through, I scraped up my knee pretty bad over the weekend, and all the bending / kneeling might not be fun.
    Anyhow, pushing play.
  • DeadZip2010
    DeadZip2010 Posts: 111 Member
    Congrats Syd1980! its always great to have those little break throughs. and I hope yoga went well for you swinginchandra, knees and elbows have got to be some of the worst places to get cut up, those and your hands and feet amlost never stop moving long enough to heal fast.

    Day 57 was Chest and Back, nice to see an old friend after a while right?
    During the video Tony says its ok if you cant keep up with them and says they had a hard time the first month as well. does this mean phase three they were hitting 30 pushup and 15 pull ups almost everytime? cause im not there yet. lol. did alot better than my phase 1 numbers, but still to think that they were at that level after the first month is crazy.

    five weeks to go! lets Bring It!
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    Congrats Syd1980! its always great to have those little break throughs. and I hope yoga went well for you swinginchandra, knees and elbows have got to be some of the worst places to get cut up, those and your hands and feet amlost never stop moving long enough to heal fast.

    Day 57 was Chest and Back, nice to see an old friend after a while right?
    During the video Tony says its ok if you cant keep up with them and says they had a hard time the first month as well. does this mean phase three they were hitting 30 pushup and 15 pull ups almost everytime? cause im not there yet. lol. did alot better than my phase 1 numbers, but still to think that they were at that level after the first month is crazy.

    five weeks to go! lets Bring It!

    Ever notice how each DVD has its own group of people? That you rarely see the same person in more than a couple of the DVD's? I believe Tony hand picked the top performers from his "test group" and used them for specific exercises. The guys doing a ton of pull ups and push ups aren't in Plyo or Yoga or Kenpo. While the people doing Plyo aren't in all of the resistance DVD's. I think Tony stacked the deck using those people purely for the "extreme" version. They are, as I like to label them, specific exercise specialists. Remember, we're trying to max our performance on EVERY DVD. We have no clue how those people perform in the other workouts. Crazy Dominique in plyo may only be able to do 12 push ups. While the 30 pull up guy may not even make it through 15 minutes of Kenpo.

    Does that make sense? Or am I just justifying not being able to do 30 push ups every time and 15 pull ups on every set?
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    I noticed the same thing Lifebloom - like adam the dancer is in the stretch DVD and Yoga... And that aerialist girl Dreya, well, she just kicks butt.
    But the people definitely have specific skills.

    I didn't make it through Yoga last night, got a phone call I had to take, which put me up way past bed time. I'll replace one of the other rest days this week with it.
    I was really happy with core synergistics today, I was actually able to do the chaturanga stuff! Definite improvement.
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    day 51 is done with core syg..my dreya rolls are alot better, even though i still cant come flying up.

    i agree , i think tony picked his best 3 for each video. i quit trying to keep up with them , and just do as many as i can.

    when im doing pushups my elbows still want to flair out, any tips or suggestions to help with my form?
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Syd Yoga actually helped me alot with that. I focus really hard on doing the pushups and the chaturanga stuff in Yoga with my elbows pinned, and since it's slow, and only one pushup at a time, it's easier. Doing that for as long as I could during yoga really improved my form in the rest of the videos.
  • skinnylizzy5
    skinnylizzy5 Posts: 119
    Kenpo today, one of my favs. I'm super sore from core synergistics yesterday. I can tell that I have gotten stronger because I feel like I can actually DO all of the moves. They aren't exactly easier, still very hard, but I'm actually doing banana/superman not just rolling around on the floor looking crazy. Gotta love feeling stronger! PS it's pretty fun to do dreya rolls with a dog climbing around...it was like an obstacle course :)

    Keep it up everybody, we're in the home stretch!!
  • TenLaws
    TenLaws Posts: 273
    Imagine how the DVDs would look if they DIDN'T hand-pick people from the test groups for specific workouts. I know it would encourage me to slack off... Imagine the big guy from Back & Biceps doing Yoga. HA!!!

    Syd, I agree with Amy: Yoga helps a lot with chaturangas and military push-ups, especially since you go into upward dog right after. You can try planks to help build your core; also, make sure your entire body goes down at the same time. For me, I have to tell myself to lower my chest to the floor and then my hips just to make sure I'm not cheating myself.

    Amy, congrats on being able to do the chaturanga stuff! Chaturanga Run is still a challenge for me, but hey, challenges help me set goals.

    Damn that Dreya chick...

    What I notice about Core Synergistics is it may help banish my bra fat. I actually feel a little soreness in my back area right behind my armpits. My abs are hardly ever sore anymore, which is a little disappointing since it's my "problem area". I feel the burn during the workouts (esp. Ab Ripper X) but nothing afterwards. I may have to step it up...

    Lizzy, my dog still sits on me whenever I'm on the floor. He's an attention glutton. I was doing X-Press Squats this morning and he was on his back behind me, reaching up and hitting me with his paw. It's funny but sometimes frustrating when I'm pressed for time, and I'm also scared I won't see him and hit him with one of the dumbells.

    I can't believe we're so close to being done. Let me know if anyone ends up doing another round.
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    Don't worry so much about soreness after the workouts. Your body will adapt to the exercises and the soreness will cease. It's not that you aren't pushing yourself hard enough, it's that your body has figured out what you're asking of it. I am usually only sore the first week of a new phase, simply because the moves are somewhat "foreign" to me.

    You all are working hard. Stay focused.
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    day 52 is rest day, wednesday are my roughest day, last night at work, so i slept late today.

    thanks for the help , im stronger in plank , i make sure my body goes down together, now going to have to focus on them elbows.

    tenlaws, i know what you mean on the ab rippers i had to add another ab program with ab rippers. its only a 10 min one but it has helped me feel like im getting the same burn as i was on round 1.

    everyone is doing so great, it has helped me so much this round having wonderful people to do it with .
  • DeadZip2010
    DeadZip2010 Posts: 111 Member
    I agree with what yall are saying, they have to be picking those people becuase of how they did in the test runs, and im guessing they arent doing the program at that exact time, must have a few days to recover before hand.

    Day 60 pics are up, not as big a difference in muscle definition or size, but i am definately slimmer. my goal by the end of this round is to stay at around 160lbs. so a few weeks to drop a few pounds. we will see how i do on the scale on friday.

    good luck everyone, i know yall will be coming up on the day 60 mark or phase 3 mark soon.
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Wow deadzip, huge difference in the front facing pictures!

    I got through kenpo yesterday, although not terribly well... Dunno if it's the raw diet or if it's a sleep schedule / lack of coffee thing, but I'm definitely feeling lethargic. Yoga today will catch me up with recovery week. Once again, I'm curious to see the pictures!
  • TenLaws
    TenLaws Posts: 273
    I agree with what yall are saying, they have to be picking those people becuase of how they did in the test runs, and im guessing they arent doing the program at that exact time, must have a few days to recover before hand.

    Day 60 pics are up, not as big a difference in muscle definition or size, but i am definately slimmer. my goal by the end of this round is to stay at around 160lbs. so a few weeks to drop a few pounds. we will see how i do on the scale on friday.

    good luck everyone, i know yall will be coming up on the day 60 mark or phase 3 mark soon.

    Wow, somebody's gettin ripped!!!
  • chazdiezal
    chazdiezal Posts: 87 Member
    I agree with what yall are saying, they have to be picking those people becuase of how they did in the test runs, and im guessing they arent doing the program at that exact time, must have a few days to recover before hand.

    Day 60 pics are up, not as big a difference in muscle definition or size, but i am definately slimmer. my goal by the end of this round is to stay at around 160lbs. so a few weeks to drop a few pounds. we will see how i do on the scale on friday.

    good luck everyone, i know yall will be coming up on the day 60 mark or phase 3 mark soon.

    Nice day 60 pics, keep it up!
  • chazdiezal
    chazdiezal Posts: 87 Member
    Day 52 done with Kenpo rest day tomorrow, tweaked a hamstring with one of those back kicks, but another good workout (Thanks Tony). Looking forward to another recovery week, hopefully I'll be strong enough this time around to get those Drea Rolls (i think i can i think i can).
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    wow deadzip, to me u have toned , leaned and more muscle...your doing great!!

    chaz , you will soon be doing the drea roll better than drea herself.

    i seem to cant get my routine together this week, still have kenpo to do. bedtime then back on track in the morning.