P90X Classic Starting June 6th, Who's in?



  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Hi TenLaws - you can change your goals to custom percentages on MFP, and it will give you the grams you should be eating of everything! Also, I blog with pictures and recipes of my daily meals! Feel free to friend me :p. (Oh, and welcome, happy to have y ah)
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    I have a link that breaks down the P90x diet into grams if you are interested. Message me and I can get it to you. For any and all who want it.
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member

    i do 15reps in my workouts except for ab ripper i'm currently doin 12reps this wk. next wk i'll add another 6reps then do all 25 in the 2nd phase, if i feel the weight is to light then i get a heavier weight. yes i'm profusely sweatin durin the session. i sometimes hafta do a quick rest durin the b4 finishin up lol (but tony says that's ok LOL! :laugh: ) i do have an ok cardio fitness level already (i did 3half marathons in 6wks a few months ago :happy: ) i do have a hrm but i don't use it all the time. i've burned as much as 1000calories durin kenpo & plyo b4. no i'm not close 2 my limits at all when i do 600calorie burn input. i try but no way i can eat all that food. sometimes i run as well b/c i'm trainin for another half marathon so i try to eat enuff durin the day & catch up when i get home if i can. (may have 2 start eatin peanut butter again :grumble: lol)

    i have made progress on the scale. the 1st wk i lost 2lbs. not sure what 2 expect this wk... normally my body will go back up then drop significantly in the 3rd wk.. :mad: :explode:

    I hope I didn't sound as though I was accusing YOU of not trying hard enough. That wasn't my intent. I was using different examples to illustrate why I don't recommend people using "average" burns. It sounds like you have a close approximation of your calorie intake and burn.

    And, most people who have done the program saw their most significant losses/changes from the 2nd and 3rd phase. So don't get frustrated if you don't see a huge change the first phase.

    Stay focused. It does work. Just keep pushing play.

    haha. no worries. i wasn't thinkin that u accused me of anythin :flowerforyou: no worries mate :tongue:

    i'm not expectin any changes this phase i'm still tryin 2 get my stuff 2gether lol. but i'm hopin next phase i'll lose 10lbs :happy:

    KEEP PUSHIN PLAY YA'LL!!!!!!! :drinker: <--water
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    Day 18/90 is done...didnt do yoga couldnt bring myself to do it today. so i did turbo fire 30 min class/stretch 10 mins class.....the stretch class had warriors , lol

    looking forward to legs and back tomorrow .
  • chazdiezal
    chazdiezal Posts: 87 Member
    Day 13/90, kenpo, was done last night, another sweat filled workout. I'm so looking forward to a rest day today. If it doesn't rain to hard today I may go for a light run tonight. Everyone have an awesome weekend!
  • skinnylizzy5
    skinnylizzy5 Posts: 119
    I'm so thrilled this thread is so active! I normally do my tracking from my phone so it's a bit tougher to get to the forums as often. My power was out on Arms/Shoulders day so I had to make that my "rest." I am continuing to follow the schedule just pushed ahead one day. So, by Sunday I should be caught up!

    I have to admit I haven't really been following the meal plan. I have been eating less carbs than normal, although not quite as low as the meal plan specifies. Also, I have been striving to make sure my carbs are coming from healthful sources (rather than sugar). But, the last 2 days with no power I must admit I ate lots of crackers!! No matter what though I'm trying hard to stay within my calorie limit so that's the most important thing right?

    I think my weight loss has stalled...although for this week it could be all the salty snacky stuff causing water retention or something? I am feeling stronger which is awesome and noticing that I can do more than I could on the first week of P90X. I would like to see some inches or pounds move soon though!!

    Have a great weekend everyone :)
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Day 19/90 done this morning....Legs & back plus Ab Ripper X (emphasizing each syllable like Tony does....lol). I noticed I could do the wall squats longer. but get this! I decided to back up a little with the resistance bands for the "chin ups" and one of them SNAPPED! Ugh. So glad it didn't hurt me. I started to alternate and pause the dvd, but then I noticed the other one had a little hole in the outer material, so I just didn't do the last couple of them. I hung from the pullup bar for a few seconds....lol. Hey, that was still hard!! :)

    After Kenpo tomorrow, I am on recovery week so I will have time to research and get new bands. I was just using some that I already had and wanted to get some anyway. I think I did maybe an 1/8 of a pull up. lol

    Ab Ripper X I am now from 15 reps of each exercise to 18. Those last 3 were killers!!

  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Legs and back today. Tried to really get low in all the squats, and added another exercise band to my stack. My legs definitely were feeling sore by the time I was done. Didn't have time to get in ab-ripper x, so I'm doing it tonight after I run/swim.

    I decided to up my calorie intake a little bit, mainly because I've been feeling pretty exhausted recently for no good reason. Telling myself I have to REALLY push my workouts to earn those extra cals... it's on a trial basis. If I feel better throughout the day, and still keep losing weight, then I'll stay higher. I'm going for 1500 - 1600 cals per day now, depending on intensity of exercise. Gonna add a protein shake after workouts as my extra cals, so it will be easy to change up depending on my burn for the day. I'm a little nervous, but totally excited!

    edit: I'm up to 20 reps with 70 lbs of band weight... I'm getting really curious if I could actually do one or two real pushups?? Hmm, must find pull up bar.
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member

    I decided to up my calorie intake a little bit, mainly because I've been feeling pretty exhausted recently for no good reason. Telling myself I have to REALLY push my workouts to earn those extra cals... it's on a trial basis. If I feel better throughout the day, and still keep losing weight, then I'll stay higher. I'm going for 1500 - 1600 cals per day now, depending on intensity of exercise. Gonna add a protein shake after workouts as my extra cals, so it will be easy to change up depending on my burn for the day. I'm a little nervous, but totally excited!

    edit: I'm up to 20 reps with 70 lbs of band weight... I'm getting really curious if I could actually do one or two real pushups?? Hmm, must find pull up bar.

    I upped my calories as well. this past week. Still lost .5 lbs. Try adding some carbs after you workout, if you aren't already. I like a banana and/or R&R drink.

    Pushups? Or pull ups?
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    ooops, pull ups! Doh! (I'm going to do that too... bananas in protein shake after morning workout... something light and carby snacky after evening run!)
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    What kind of resistance bands does everyone have? I need some new ones!!
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    What kind of resistance bands does everyone have? I need some new ones!!

    I bought the "super" kit from BeachBody to start. I used them through the entire first 90. However I had difficulties with any sort of shoulder raise/fly. So I bought the "standard" set for this time around. Much better for my shoulders. Each set has 3 bands of varying weights.
  • chazdiezal
    chazdiezal Posts: 87 Member
    I bought the "mega resistance" set from bodylastics, the set is very well made, will give you up to 388lbs of resistance.
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    mine were basically the cheapest set on amazon... stackable, but only go up to 25 lbs...
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    Day 19/90 is done with legs/back and ab ripper x. i used to hate this one but it is becoming one of my fav's. i can tell the difference from round one and love how much stronger i am becoming. as tony sings , happiness is this right here lol.
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    i researched my bands and ugh , it says heavy and only goes to 15lbs.....going to have to find me some more bands.
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    My legs feel like they were ran over by a train... legs and back plus the longest run I've ever taken... Oh my!
  • skinnylizzy5
    skinnylizzy5 Posts: 119
    I did chest/back today. Kenpo tomorrow and then I will be caught up and ready for recovery week. Can't wait to try some new things!

    My resistance bands are just inexpensive ones I bought online. I recently found a weight set on craigslist too.

    Syd1980: I love it when Tony sings that. It makes me HAPPY!

    Keep up the great work friends!!
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    It's just occurred to me that the first day of our next round is the 4th! Fun! I'm going to be travelling to visit a friend of mine... hopefully its not too tricky to find the time to work out!
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    i forget to post yesterday.....20/90 is done kenpo....when i bent over to do backwards kicks. i got a sharp pain in my back. sore today but still moving. not sure what i will do today it will be something cardio though.