P90X Classic Starting June 6th, Who's in?



  • DeadZip2010
    DeadZip2010 Posts: 111 Member
    How do we post pictures on here? Today is my day 30 and I know im going to ttake them but I wasnt sure if I was going to or how to put them up.

    I uploaded mine from Photobucket. Though I believe you have to change the "IMG" to "img" when you copy the link.

    Ok, I added the pics to my profile. Anyone from this group should be able to see them.

    This may be me just being critical of myself, but I dont see a huge change in my body except for my back. But im sure this next three weeks of a dedicated Push day and and Pull day will help catch my chest and my arms up.

    but enough of me whinning, today is a PLYO Day, ALWAYS A GOOD DAY TO PUSH PLAY!
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    How do we post pictures on here? Today is my day 30 and I know im going to ttake them but I wasnt sure if I was going to or how to put them up.

    I uploaded mine from Photobucket. Though I believe you have to change the "IMG" to "img" when you copy the link.

    Ok, I added the pics to my profile. Anyone from this group should be able to see them.

    This may be me just being critical of myself, but I dont see a huge change in my body except for my back. But im sure this next three weeks of a dedicated Push day and and Pull day will help catch my chest and my arms up.

    but enough of me whinning, today is a PLYO Day, ALWAYS A GOOD DAY TO PUSH PLAY!

    Definite changes happening there, especially in your back. If you're anything like me, the chest and abs seem to be the last parts that want to change. I'm still fighting with my stomach. Daily.

    Keep pushing play. Even bigger changes come in the 2nd and 3rd rounds.
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    How do we post pictures on here? Today is my day 30 and I know im going to ttake them but I wasnt sure if I was going to or how to put them up.

    I uploaded mine from Photobucket. Though I believe you have to change the "IMG" to "img" when you copy the link.

    Ok, I added the pics to my profile. Anyone from this group should be able to see them.

    This may be me just being critical of myself, but I dont see a huge change in my body except for my back. But im sure this next three weeks of a dedicated Push day and and Pull day will help catch my chest and my arms up.

    but enough of me whinning, today is a PLYO Day, ALWAYS A GOOD DAY TO PUSH PLAY!

    That's great deadzip! I see a huge difference in your lower core area - look at the shape of your lower sides! You used to kinda have curves / love handles, and now you're just cut straight down! Great back muscles too.
    Any measurements / weight changes to report! This is awesome motivation... I'm hoping y'all can see something in my 30 day pics... I'll post on friday.
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Good morning! Anyone do the "core syngeristics" yet? For those without HRM's how did you log it? Ok here I go...
    I did it this morning! I was actually signing on to ask the same thing. I logged it as calisthenics - high effort, and I think the calories burned were accurate. My heart rate was up pretty high the whole time. Although I don't think it got any particular part of my body too intensely, I found that to be a generally good workout. Nice variety. Although all the rolley stuff HURTS without a yoga mat... OW, my poor hips!
  • TenLaws
    TenLaws Posts: 273
    Good morning! Anyone do the "core syngeristics" yet? For those without HRM's how did you log it? Ok here I go...

    I did core synergistics on Sunday and I burned 490 calories (according to my HRM). It was Day 2 of my recovery week.
  • TenLaws
    TenLaws Posts: 273
    Got my first compliment yesterday!!!! I need to start taking pictures. To be honest, when I started P90X I was so skeptical about it being THAT effective but I'm obviously wrong. I guess we'll see for sure in 60 days. I don't have abs yet but I got complimented on my arms/shoulders/back - said there was a major difference. I'm not gonna lie; it felt good.
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    day 23/90 is done with core synergistics. also added 30 more mins of cardio in. feeling then banana rolls and bow/boats.
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    Got my first compliment yesterday!!!! I need to start taking pictures. To be honest, when I started P90X I was so skeptical about it being THAT effective but I'm obviously wrong. I guess we'll see for sure in 60 days. I don't have abs yet but I got complimented on my arms/shoulders/back - said there was a major difference. I'm not gonna lie; it felt good.

    The biggest changes come in the 2nd and 3rd phase.

    And while we don't do it for others, it does feel nice when others notice.
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Did my yoga this morning, as per my weekend sub arrangement. I hate to say this y'all, but it's growing on me. 30 minutes isn't THAT much earlier to wake up, and if I focus the whole time on doing each move as well as possible, instead of how many minutes left in the DVD, I get a much nicer workout. Definitely felt harder than ever before this morning. I'ma say that's cause I pushed it, not cause I'm getting weaker... lol :p
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    Took me a while to actually "like" Yoga. It's definitely a challenge. But I find myself relaxed and stretched after the whole thing. Though I do have to stop paying attention to the calorie burn, or lack of. Still, 90 minutes is a bit much at times.
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Took me a while to actually "like" Yoga. It's definitely a challenge. But I find myself relaxed and stretched after the whole thing. Though I do have to stop paying attention to the calorie burn, or lack of. Still, 90 minutes is a bit much at times.
    What do you usually get as far as calories burned?
  • TenLaws
    TenLaws Posts: 273
    I did Core Synergistics this morning! Burned 105 calories less doing it this time than I did on Sunday; hopefully it's because it's getting easier because I definitely brought it!!! Only paused it once, too! (My dog sat on me during Sphinx Push-Ups - had to get him off me). I decided that a quick walk/jog (walking boot and all) would make up for the deficit. I think my overall strength and stamina are improving - last night in kickboxing class, I was on FIRE! And that was IMMEDIATELY after my regular martial arts class. Even when I'm sore I just wanna get up and MOVE. I always thought I was in pretty good shape but I'm so glad to see that it keeps getting better. I hope everyone finds the same joy in this journey as I do. It's tough everyday so I appreciate this topic and MFP in general. I'm learning a lot.
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    Took me a while to actually "like" Yoga. It's definitely a challenge. But I find myself relaxed and stretched after the whole thing. Though I do have to stop paying attention to the calorie burn, or lack of. Still, 90 minutes is a bit much at times.
    What do you usually get as far as calories burned?

    Last time I did it, I got 360 for the 90 minutes, but that's after 90 days of the program. I am sure it was much higher when I first began and struggled with the whole DVD. I wish I had a HRM the whole time to compare how it's changed.
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Took me a while to actually "like" Yoga. It's definitely a challenge. But I find myself relaxed and stretched after the whole thing. Though I do have to stop paying attention to the calorie burn, or lack of. Still, 90 minutes is a bit much at times.
    What do you usually get as far as calories burned?

    Last time I did it, I got 360 for the 90 minutes, but that's after 90 days of the program. I am sure it was much higher when I first began and struggled with the whole DVD. I wish I had a HRM the whole time to compare how it's changed.
    I feel like I should only log the first 45 minutes as "yoga", and then the second 45 minutes as stretching... ohwell, still only crediting myself about 300 for the whole thing.
    I thought of another reason I enjoy this DVD. It's like a so there at Tony for kicking my *kitten* - cause I have much better balance than him! Oh yah! (I know, I know, he's talking... don't burts my bubble!)
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    Took me a while to actually "like" Yoga. It's definitely a challenge. But I find myself relaxed and stretched after the whole thing. Though I do have to stop paying attention to the calorie burn, or lack of. Still, 90 minutes is a bit much at times.
    What do you usually get as far as calories burned?

    Last time I did it, I got 360 for the 90 minutes, but that's after 90 days of the program. I am sure it was much higher when I first began and struggled with the whole DVD. I wish I had a HRM the whole time to compare how it's changed.
    I feel like I should only log the first 45 minutes as "yoga", and then the second 45 minutes as stretching... ohwell, still only crediting myself about 300 for the whole thing.
    I thought of another reason I enjoy this DVD. It's like a so there at Tony for kicking my *kitten* - cause I have much better balance than him! Oh yah! (I know, I know, he's talking... don't burts my bubble!)

    Precisely. Except for the Yoga Belly stuff, the last 45 minutes is a breeze and my heart rate rarely gets elevated.
    But he has said in interviews, if he had only one workout to do it would be Yoga.
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    Day 24/90 is done with kenpo. felt like the burn wasnt as good as usually, so i added 20 min workout of core.

    stretch day is tomorrow, do you all usually do this one? or add some cardio with it?
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    Day 24/90 is done with kenpo. felt like the burn wasnt as good as usually, so i added 20 min workout of core.

    stretch day is tomorrow, do you all usually do this one? or add some cardio with it?

    The recovery week is to give your body a chance to prepare and rebuild for the 2nd phase. You really don't want to push yourself too hard during this time. I know the tendency is to want to keep that calorie burn going, but the muscles are fatigued and need a break. Just my thoughts.
  • DeadZip2010
    DeadZip2010 Posts: 111 Member
    before I start with what i did today,
    I want to thank yall for the compliments on the pics Lifebloom and swinginchandra. since starting this round i have only lost 3 or 4 pounds, not of my weight lost was while i was hitting the gym every weekday with my sister and changed my eating schedule.
    it looks like everyone is doing a great job and seeing changes, congrats on the compliment TenLaws, keep it up.

    I cant wait to hear about yalls day thirty pics.

    now for today,
    did back and biceps. not a fan of trying to keep up with the moves when im not sure whats next, it seems like i can keep my heart rate up. only burned 395. was looking closer for a little over 400 like my shoulders and and arms days.
    plus i only have 25 lbs adjustible weights, so i cant hit my back too hard on the weight moves, but man oh man is it enough for the curls right now.

    enjoy yalls recovery week if yall started on the 6th. looking forward to yalls day 30 results.
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Day 24/90 is done with kenpo. felt like the burn wasnt as good as usually, so i added 20 min workout of core.

    stretch day is tomorrow, do you all usually do this one? or add some cardio with it?
    I've been trying to get more on board with the stretching. I used to do gymnastics, and one of my goals is getting back into it a little.

    that having been said, as far as breaks and such, I'm keeping my 5k training pretty intact over this week, which means tomorrow is a swim day for me. (The only thing I'm killing is my long run)
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    I did not get up yesterday morning and work out and did not get up this morning and work out! UGH!! I can feel the difference in my day too! Bible study tonight so I will probably do a couple of doubles to catch up. At least I'm in recovery week I guess. I'm ready to start Phase 2!! I'm a little disappointed that I haven't lost weight but I feel better and I know the weight has to come off eventually!

    Ordered some new extreme resistance from prosource on amazon last night. they already shipped this morning....yay!