P90X Classic Starting June 6th, Who's in?



  • NavyWifeTwinMom
    NavyWifeTwinMom Posts: 98 Member
    hey everyone! do you mind if I hop into this thread? I'm 60 days into my fourth consecutive round of P90X classic... totally addicted! I just found this site for calorie counting a couple of weeks ago and decided to up my game a bit and count my daily calorie intake as well. It's been a real eye opener!

    Today was my first day post recovery week so I officially started my Phase III for this round. I'm on target to finish Round 4 on 7/20. Looking forward to meeting some fellow P90X lovers :)

  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    hey everyone! do you mind if I hop into this thread? I'm 60 days into my fourth consecutive round of P90X classic... totally addicted! I just found this site for calorie counting a couple of weeks ago and decided to up my game a bit and count my daily calorie intake as well. It's been a real eye opener!

    Today was my first day post recovery week so I officially started my Phase III for this round. I'm on target to finish Round 4 on 7/20. Looking forward to meeting some fellow P90X lovers :)


    Welcome to MFP! yes it is an eye opener when you start counting calories. i didnt realize what a difference it made til i joined this site. Wow , congrats on the 4 rounds. im currently on my second round, third week. this is an open thread so the more the better. what success have you had with P90x?
  • BrynMeister
    BrynMeister Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for the replies guys, I was hoping I could add all the excercises and bunch them under one heading like Chest, Back Abs but I see that as MFP doesn't add the calorie burn I need to go back to putting it under cardio.

    I know this is a vague question but, how many calories do you reckon for a session of P90X? I've been estimating 600 for plyo, 300-350 for the resistance days and maybe 250 for yoga.

    I'm 5'8 and 86k
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    Thanks for the replies guys, I was hoping I could add all the excercises and bunch them under one heading like Chest, Back Abs but I see that as MFP doesn't add the calorie burn I need to go back to putting it under cardio.

    I know this is a vague question but, how many calories do you reckon for a session of P90X? I've been estimating 600 for plyo, 300-350 for the resistance days and maybe 250 for yoga.

    I'm 5'8 and 86k

    Maybe 100 more for plyo, 200 more for resistance. Yoga, eh, can vary. Granted, all of the numbers can vary based on your level of fitness. I'm just throwing out the numbers I get from my sessions. Using a HRM is the best way to judge.
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    so i've been doin p90x for almost 2wks. :smile: the program says that it will burn 600 for every day u do the exercise.

    but i'm a big girl & i burn more than that. lol :laugh:

    so when i work out i'll only put 600 for calories burned but i know when i do kenpo or plyo it's closer to 800-850. :noway:

    i don't count the extra in case i miscalculated my eatin that day & ate more in caloric intake.

    what's ur opinion on if i should keep doin that?

    & i know there r days where i eat too much so i figure it pretty much evens itself out lol
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    so i've been doin p90x for almost 2wks. :smile: the program says that it will burn 600 for every day u do the exercise.

    but i'm a big girl & i burn more than that. lol :laugh:

    so when i work out i'll only put 600 for calories burned but i know when i do kenpo or plyo it's closer to 800-850. :noway:

    i don't count the extra in case i miscalculated my eatin that day & ate more in caloric intake.

    what's ur opinion on if i should keep doin that?

    & i know there r days where i eat too much so i figure it pretty much evens itself out lol

    It's very difficult to judge calorie burn from person to person. Level of fitness is but one part of the equation. How hard you push yourself during the DVD is another facet. Are you max rep'ing? Or do you stop after 5 cause that's all you can do? Are you pushing until your head wants to explode, or are you pacing yourself. I tend to avoid generic estimates of calorie burns. Especially if you are trying to eat back ALL of your exercise calories. If you aren't coming close to your calorie limits, then having an incorrect calorie burn isn't as big of a factor. If you are coming close to your macro limits every day, then you need more accuracy. Just my opinion. Ultimately it comes down to whether you are making progress in your workouts, on the scale, and with the measuring tape.
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    so i've been doin p90x for almost 2wks. :smile: the program says that it will burn 600 for every day u do the exercise.

    but i'm a big girl & i burn more than that. lol :laugh:

    so when i work out i'll only put 600 for calories burned but i know when i do kenpo or plyo it's closer to 800-850. :noway:

    i don't count the extra in case i miscalculated my eatin that day & ate more in caloric intake.

    what's ur opinion on if i should keep doin that?

    & i know there r days where i eat too much so i figure it pretty much evens itself out lol

    It's very difficult to judge calorie burn from person to person. Level of fitness is but one part of the equation. How hard you push yourself during the DVD is another facet. Are you max rep'ing? Or do you stop after 5 cause that's all you can do? Are you pushing until your head wants to explode, or are you pacing yourself. I tend to avoid generic estimates of calorie burns. Especially if you are trying to eat back ALL of your exercise calories. If you aren't coming close to your calorie limits, then having an incorrect calorie burn isn't as big of a factor. If you are coming close to your macro limits every day, then you need more accuracy. Just my opinion. Ultimately it comes down to whether you are making progress in your workouts, on the scale, and with the measuring tape.

    i do 15reps in my workouts except for ab ripper i'm currently doin 12reps this wk. next wk i'll add another 6reps then do all 25 in the 2nd phase, if i feel the weight is to light then i get a heavier weight. yes i'm profusely sweatin durin the session. i sometimes hafta do a quick rest durin the b4 finishin up lol (but tony says that's ok LOL! :laugh: ) i do have an ok cardio fitness level already (i did 3half marathons in 6wks a few months ago :happy: ) i do have a hrm but i don't use it all the time. i've burned as much as 1000calories durin kenpo & plyo b4. no i'm not close 2 my limits at all when i do 600calorie burn input. i try but no way i can eat all that food. sometimes i run as well b/c i'm trainin for another half marathon so i try to eat enuff durin the day & catch up when i get home if i can. (may have 2 start eatin peanut butter again :grumble: lol)

    i have made progress on the scale. the 1st wk i lost 2lbs. not sure what 2 expect this wk... normally my body will go back up then drop significantly in the 3rd wk.. :mad: :explode:
  • TenLaws
    TenLaws Posts: 273
    Has anyone ever switched versions mid-phase? I'm considering switching from Lean to Classic because I would like to do Plyometrics. I'm only about three weeks into the program, but it's been a loooong three weeks and I'm excited to move on to Phase II. Has anyone ever done a Lean round and a Classic round?
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    so i've been doin p90x for almost 2wks. :smile: the program says that it will burn 600 for every day u do the exercise.

    but i'm a big girl & i burn more than that. lol :laugh:

    so when i work out i'll only put 600 for calories burned but i know when i do kenpo or plyo it's closer to 800-850. :noway:

    i don't count the extra in case i miscalculated my eatin that day & ate more in caloric intake.

    what's ur opinion on if i should keep doin that?

    & i know there r days where i eat too much so i figure it pretty much evens itself out lol

    It's very difficult to judge calorie burn from person to person. Level of fitness is but one part of the equation. How hard you push yourself during the DVD is another facet. Are you max rep'ing? Or do you stop after 5 cause that's all you can do? Are you pushing until your head wants to explode, or are you pacing yourself. I tend to avoid generic estimates of calorie burns. Especially if you are trying to eat back ALL of your exercise calories. If you aren't coming close to your calorie limits, then having an incorrect calorie burn isn't as big of a factor. If you are coming close to your macro limits every day, then you need more accuracy. Just my opinion. Ultimately it comes down to whether you are making progress in your workouts, on the scale, and with the measuring tape.

    i do 15reps in my workouts except for ab ripper i'm currently doin 12reps this wk. next wk i'll add another 6reps then do all 25 in the 2nd phase, if i feel the weight is to light then i get a heavier weight. yes i'm profusely sweatin durin the session. i sometimes hafta do a quick rest durin the b4 finishin up lol (but tony says that's ok LOL! :laugh: ) i do have an ok cardio fitness level already (i did 3half marathons in 6wks a few months ago :happy: ) i do have a hrm but i don't use it all the time. i've burned as much as 1000calories durin kenpo & plyo b4. no i'm not close 2 my limits at all when i do 600calorie burn input. i try but no way i can eat all that food. sometimes i run as well b/c i'm trainin for another half marathon so i try to eat enuff durin the day & catch up when i get home if i can. (may have 2 start eatin peanut butter again :grumble: lol)

    i have made progress on the scale. the 1st wk i lost 2lbs. not sure what 2 expect this wk... normally my body will go back up then drop significantly in the 3rd wk.. :mad: :explode:

    I hope I didn't sound as though I was accusing YOU of not trying hard enough. That wasn't my intent. I was using different examples to illustrate why I don't recommend people using "average" burns. It sounds like you have a close approximation of your calorie intake and burn.

    And, most people who have done the program saw their most significant losses/changes from the 2nd and 3rd phase. So don't get frustrated if you don't see a huge change the first phase.

    Stay focused. It does work. Just keep pushing play.
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    Has anyone ever switched versions mid-phase? I'm considering switching from Lean to Classic because I would like to do Plyometrics. I'm only about three weeks into the program, but it's been a loooong three weeks and I'm excited to move on to Phase II. Has anyone ever done a Lean round and a Classic round?

    I don't see any problem with switching to Classic, though I would recommend waiting until the start of the second phase to do so. After you've had your first recovery week.
  • TenLaws
    TenLaws Posts: 273
    Week 2! Did chest/back last night and have plyo tonight. I really need to get a pull up bar. I try using a band, but I don't really have anything to wrap it around. I used a chair, but it doesn't give me the right angle I am supposed to be in.

    Keep up the good work everyone!

    I have a pull-up bar; I put it together and everything but I didn't want to drill holes into the wall so I don't use it... I use the bands by letting them hang on the top of the door about 6" from the edge, hanging evenly on both sides of the door. I kneel down on one or both knees and get to work!!! (Don't ever quote me on that last sentence). I don't know if it's as effective as having the door attachment but I definitely feel it in my back and arms.
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Yoga done... I have mixed feelings on this one, I think it's my least favorite, just because it's so long! Waking up at 5:30am vs. 6am makes a pretty big difference in how tired I am... lol. Not looking forward to having to do it more often in the recovering weak.

    Lifebloom, do you switch anything up diet wise during the recovery week? I can't decide whether to hold steady, eat more, or eat less... lol

    edited to add:

    OH, super good news for me! I found out that while I'm home this summer (will be the last phase of P90X) I'll have access to a gym, with real weights and pull up bars and such!!! I'm so stoked. I desperately need to buy heavier duty bands, I find myself stacking three of the bands together for pull ups now, and two for some of the bicep type moves... My heaviest band is 25 lbs
  • TenLaws
    TenLaws Posts: 273
    Do y'all mind if I join in? I started P90X in May and am in my first week of the second phase. I did the lean routine for the first 30 days and decided to do the classic routine for the second 30 days. I didn't lose much in terms of pounds for the first 30 days, but it did a great deal for my mental state. I love it and consider myself a P90X junkie.

    I just finished Kenpo, so after tomorrow's rest or stretch, I'll be starting my first recovery week. PLEASE let me know how it goes because I'm considering switching from Lean to Classic for Phase II, but after my recovery week (as LifebloomLMT so kindly suggested). I'm dreading Chest & Back but looking forward to Plyo. I totally feel you as far as pounds lost. I lost about 8 lbs then gained about 2.5. Physically I'm more toned in my arms and legs, but my tummy's still here :-(
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    Yoga done... I have mixed feelings on this one, I think it's my least favorite, just because it's so long! Waking up at 5:30am vs. 6am makes a pretty big difference in how tired I am... lol. Not looking forward to having to do it more often in the recovering weak.

    Lifebloom, do you switch anything up diet wise during the recovery week? I can't decide whether to hold steady, eat more, or eat less... lol

    I will be swapping yoga this round I believe.

    I adjust my calories based on the calorie burn I input. On a rest/stretch day I don't even log additional calories. So I get just the MFP default for me.
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    whaddya swap it for? I heard there's yoga video that's shorter that some people get? From another program?
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    whaddya swap it for? I heard there's yoga video that's shorter that some people get? From another program?

    Probably Kenpo, or perhaps Cardio X. Or depending on the weather, mowing my lawn. :)
  • jamielr84
    jamielr84 Posts: 545
    Yoga day! My least favorite! I am going on a weekend vacation and leaving in the morning. And YES, I am taking my P90X dvds with me! Now that's dedication!
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Yoga day! My least favorite! I am going on a weekend vacation and leaving in the morning. And YES, I am taking my P90X dvds with me! Now that's dedication!

    I don't like it either!

    Great, just don't forget to bring them back home with you!! :) Have fun.
  • NavyWifeTwinMom
    NavyWifeTwinMom Posts: 98 Member
    Hey Everyone :)

    Just finished my Plyo X day... literally sweat off an entire pound in one workout! "little bucket nearby" no doubt! I'm excited for my new Polar F7 HRM to arrive. Finally made the plunge four rounds in and now that I'm waiting for it, I wonder why I waited so long? I'm really interested to know what I'm burning in a session like today!

    Someone asked what changes I've seen so far... To be honest I did not take all my measurements before Round I. (Advice for beginners: Take your measurments! You'll be so inspired by the change later!!) But I have seen HUGE improvements overall in muscle definition and tone. I actually have abs now... after twins! I was never one to have an "athletic" body even in my teen years with all the soccer and swimming I did. Of course, I was a typical teen and feeding my body junk while relying on my youthful metabolism to keep me lean... ah, the good ol' days! Now, I would say that if I saw this body on someone else a year ago I would have thought they were extremely athletic, so I guess I do have it in me!

    So I started a year ago at 5'9" and 148-150 on the scale. Today I weigh in at 142. I would bet I've gained at least 5lbs. of muscle though so I know I have lost more fat... that's where all those measurments would come in handy! I learn something new about my body each round and lean a little further into a lifestyle that most think is "insane" (I hear "dedicated" when people say I'm "insane" :))

    Must go attend to the biz of being a mom now... Be good to yourselves!
  • TenLaws
    TenLaws Posts: 273
    What's for dinner??? I haven't been following the P90X meal plan as I should. I personally find it a little difficult; if I knew how many GRAMS of everything I should be eating, it would be easier. Maybe this should be in a different topic, but I was just wondering who's following the meal plan / who's not / how's it working for you / what should I eat for dinner? Lol.