P90X Buddies!



  • UnderConstructionLuis
    I am 2 1/2 weeks away from completing the 90 day classic circuit. Feel free to add me if you'd like. Keep pushing play!
  • Stepmom1
    Stepmom1 Posts: 155 Member
    I will add you! I have done P90X many times!! If you have any questions, please feel free to email me! :wink:
  • dedication6
    dedication6 Posts: 184 Member
    I'm on week 10. Stick to it, you'll love your results, but not til week 6 or 7 :happy:
  • Nekhet
    Nekhet Posts: 380
    I started P90X Classic this past Monday...all I have to say is Plyometrics is a brutal brutal workout!! I was very sore yesterday but managed to do Arms and Shoulders...today is Kenpo X....Bring IT!!! Feel free to Add me if you like...do your best and forget the rest!!!

    Tip of the day: "Don't Smash Your Face!" LOL...awesome
  • suztheq
    suztheq Posts: 171
    I've done P90X a few times. Now I do my own lifting program and sub in one of the cardio workouts if I can't get outside to ride my bike. Feel free to add me if you have any questions. :smile:
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    I've gone through P90X a few times. As well as X+ and X2. Doing my own hybrid of the 3 at the moment, still using the original routines. Feel free to add me for advice, motivation, etc. It's a fantastic program.
  • doo1963
    doo1963 Posts: 320 Member
    Kenpo completed this morning and with it brings the end of week 1. Still don't know if I like Kenpo - in my previous rounds I ended up using some wrist weights to help with the intensity (and calorie burn). Scale did not budge but I know from experience that it won't move in the early part of the program. Keep at it and the scale will move and your clothes will feel looser.

    Off day tomorrow but will probably get some kind of activity in.
  • doo1963
    doo1963 Posts: 320 Member
    What kind of weights are you girls using for this? I plan on starting soon, but want to have the right weights.

    I have 5 lb, 7 lb, 10 lb and 15 lb weights. I also have some adjustable weights (with the weight plates) so I can move up in weight as I get stronger. In my previous rounds I was doing 20 lbs for most of the bicep and shoulder exercises.
  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    I plan on starting a hybrid p90x program in the next week or two, whenever I get a pull up bar and some heavier dumbbells. I've been doing the couch to 5k so I think I'm just going to do the strength/weight workouts for p90x and then do C25K on the other days (in place of plyo, kenpo and yoga) I hope that's ok lol...

    This is what I am doing this round too... P90X weight training while completing the Bridge to 10K schedule. I think that it will work great!

    gOOD Luck... feel free to add me. This is round 2 of the X and I had GREAT success the first round.
  • klakers3
    klakers3 Posts: 189 Member
    I'm on week 5 of P90X (should be much further along but have kind of spread it out a bit...). I was doing the classic for the first 4 weeks, but switched over to the lean and will be following that schedule from now on. Feel free to add me as well! I could use the motivation and support to keep going and to keep pushing play! :)
  • Victoria2448
    Victoria2448 Posts: 559 Member
    P90X veteran here...I've done 7 rounds and still love it! Amazing program and I never bore of it or the results.

    Feel free to add me!
  • Wen37
    Wen37 Posts: 218 Member
    I am on my 3rd go round of P90X. The first 2 times I did not eat enough but got some results. This time I am eating more and lifting a lot heavier. Doing 12 and 15# dumbells on shoulders and arms and 20# on some of the chest and back ones. I love the shape I am getting in my arms and back :)
  • justfungrandma
    justfungrandma Posts: 91 Member
    I have done p90x off and on for the last 3 years, along with my husband the first time. We saw good results, although we did not follow the program verbatim and ate well, but not exactly by the program. I use it now in addition to my elliptical and running outdoors when I can. I absolutely love plyometrics and kenpo.....and I do the arms, shoulders, chest and back exercises alternating with other stuff. I started again in January and I am committed to sticking with an exercise program this year. Usually about now I figure our outside work is enough...IT ISNT!
  • FireNGlory
    FireNGlory Posts: 11 Member
    I will be starting next week! Add me to the buddy list! :happy:
  • kdyoung23
    Hey guys,

    I am a P90x grad from 2011, and I have to say nothing has helped me more. I am stronger than I have ever been, I lost 30 lbs in the 3 months doing the program and still do it as a hybrid program with some others because I can't let it go. I wish you the best of luck. If you let it, it will change your life. Keep pushing play!
  • cdl8
    cdl8 Posts: 164 Member
    I'm on Day 55 of P90X! I also did Insanity and Turbo Fire. Love them all, but my all time favorite is still Turbo Fire!!!:laugh:
  • beccalynn1981
    beccalynn1981 Posts: 14 Member
    I just ordered P90X, should be getting it in the mail in a couple days and I'm hoping to get started on Monday. A friend of mine has been doing it and I tried the Plyometrics workout, it was tough but I made it through....my legs were so sore the next few days! Loved the workout and the hour went by pretty quickly, I'm very excited to get started on my own. I'm almost to my weight loss goal and I'm looking to tone up especially in my legs and butt and I'm hoping this program can help out with that. I could use any tips or suggestions anyone has and any support and motivation would be great too, add me if you'd like! Also I noticed that they were really pushing the Shakeology stuff and the Recovery Drinks, are these really necessary to see results??
  • doo1963
    doo1963 Posts: 320 Member
    I just ordered P90X, should be getting it in the mail in a couple days and I'm hoping to get started on Monday. A friend of mine has been doing it and I tried the Plyometrics workout, it was tough but I made it through....my legs were so sore the next few days! Loved the workout and the hour went by pretty quickly, I'm very excited to get started on my own. I'm almost to my weight loss goal and I'm looking to tone up especially in my legs and butt and I'm hoping this program can help out with that. I could use any tips or suggestions anyone has and any support and motivation would be great too, add me if you'd like! Also I noticed that they were really pushing the Shakeology stuff and the Recovery Drinks, are these really necessary to see results??

    I've done a few rounds of P90X and I've never used the Skakeology or Recovery drinks. I've stuck to basic protein shakes that I make on my own and I also use a recovery drink powder that I buy at a vitamin shop. I put it in my water when I do cardio workouts. After the weight training workouts I drink a glass of lowfat chocolate milk.
  • roodledoodle
    Hey, I'm on week 10 of P90x but doing a hybrid program with HIIT running on cardio days instead of their cardio based dvds. Can honestly say feel so much stronger than when I started - can't recommend it enough. Feel free to add me as a friend, would be nice to chat about the workouts with fellow P90xers!!!
  • slowpoke269
    slowpoke269 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm doing my first round of P90X. On day 46. I tried it once before and injured my shoulder. This time I'm doing great. Keep up the great work everyone.