P90X Buddies!

I'm starting P90X (lean program) today! I am looking for some MFP buddies to add for accountability and motivation :) Add me as a friend if you are interested!

I only need to lose 10 lbs, so I will need to push hard to meet my goal. The less you have to lose, the more dedicated you have to be. I'm ready to commit myself to this!


  • JustJudy
    JustJudy Posts: 142 Member
    I am starting P90X on Monday! I don't have a lot of weight to lose just want to change my body! I'd love to join you and support you!~Judy
  • couturekitty
    couturekitty Posts: 26 Member
    I am going to start P90X tomorrow (April 1st). I was so addicted to my scale the last time I tried to do it, I stopped after 2 weeks because I wanted instant gratification and wasn't getting it. That was last year. Now I'm 20 lbs lighter and more interested in seeing changes in my body verses pounds lost, though I still have some pounds to lose. I am so glad I found this forum because I will definitely need motivation and encouragement since I am the only one in my house that is doing this. Are you ladies working out in the morning or evening?
  • SkinnyGal08
    SkinnyGal08 Posts: 56 Member
    I'm starting on Monday everyone add me we can motivate and support each other I can't wait!!! I'm also following the nutrition plan too!!!
  • nataliemarie387
    nataliemarie387 Posts: 61 Member
    So glad to have some partners in crime! :)
  • Molly182
    Molly182 Posts: 406
    I'm only on day 3 of P90X, but so far I'm not impressed. Let me know how you like it
  • sipseyab
    sipseyab Posts: 59
    I'm starting Monday, too. Please feel free to add me as a buddy!
  • Babsvii
    Babsvii Posts: 177 Member
    I am on week 6 of P90x... Ladies can feel free to add me for support, would really like some other p90x buddies :)

    PS: P90x changed my life, i have never been so fit in my entire life and i am only on week 6!! :)

    Send along a msg letting me know you are another p90xer :)
  • jmeneely1
    jmeneely1 Posts: 11
    I started P90X two weeks ago and its working. Im down 10 pounds and Im gaining muscle. Please feel free to add me =)
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I plan on starting a hybrid p90x program in the next week or two, whenever I get a pull up bar and some heavier dumbbells. I've been doing the couch to 5k so I think I'm just going to do the strength/weight workouts for p90x and then do C25K on the other days (in place of plyo, kenpo and yoga) I hope that's ok lol...
  • useyoursmile
    I'm starting p90x today! So excited =] Feel free to add me. I could use the motivation to keep going =]
  • doo1963
    doo1963 Posts: 320 Member
    Hi All.

    I started the classic round of P90X on Saturday. I've completed 2 rounds of P90X before and got great results. I got more into running (ran two 1/2 marathons) so I haven't done strength training for just about a year. My of my, how my strength has diminished. I have about 10 pounds to lose but I'm more interested in toning up. You would think that running (and training for a 1/2 marathon) would trim you down, but it didn't.

    I did shoulders & arms this morning. I love this workout. My legs are killing me from yesterday's Plyo workout. I remember the first week being very sore but as the weeks went on the soreness went away.
  • ReneeElizabeth26
    I just finished my forst 2 weeks this morning!! Love me some ken po!!! I weigh in in the morning...the first week I only lost 1.6 pounds :/ but I was only eating 1200 cal a day. I upped it a lil so hopefully Ill have a good loss tomorrow!!!
    I LOVE p90x...Tony is a machine and the work outs rock!! I am wanting to start training for road races again..I used to be a runner logging 40 to 50 miles a week and would LOVE to get back into racing too...
  • doo1963
    doo1963 Posts: 320 Member
    Legs & Back completed this morning. I forgot how tough this workout was. My legs were definately feeling it when I was done. Tried to push my self on the pullups. I'm waiting for the pullup assist kizmo to come in the mail. I'm determined to be able to do unassisted pullups by the end of this round.
  • gosquid
    gosquid Posts: 8 Member
    I want to hit Tony Horton over the head with a brick most days, but i have to admit. he is damn good at it. I'm on week 3 and i seriously feel a difference.
  • tdj819
    tdj819 Posts: 41
    I so want this program but,,,,it's out of my budget, but I found another work out similar I am going to try
  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    What kind of weights are you girls using for this? I plan on starting soon, but want to have the right weights.
  • ReneeElizabeth26
    What kind of weights are you girls using for this? I plan on starting soon, but want to have the right weights.

    Right now I have 10 pound hand weights. I also use 2 cans of vegetables for some one the tricep and shoulder stuff I just do ALOT of extra sets..just until I can get more weights!
  • gregavila
    gregavila Posts: 725 Member
    I started on Monday and just finished day 3 of the lean program as well. Would love to have other friends who are doing this as well.
  • Determined24
    Determined24 Posts: 137 Member
    I am on wk 6 of p90x I am not following the nutrition plan though. I am just using myfitnesspal and trying to eat clean. I am doing the doubles schedule. Like you I only need to lose about 10 more pounds but I think it has been the hardest thing I have ever tried to do.
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    Finished a round last year. Starting week 7 today.

    Wish I would lose more weight.