P90X Classic Starting June 6th, Who's in?



  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    seriously hoping to find an hour to squeeze this in later...I'm stuck standing in front of my poster all day. Y'all if I have to bail on this weeks workouts, how do you think I should deal with it? Start phase 3 over next week? I'm hoping to get all the workouts in, but I'm really not sure how it's going to happen.
  • TenLaws
    TenLaws Posts: 273
    I'm assuming you have Back & Biceps today, Yoga tomorrow, Legs & Back on Friday, and Kenpo on Saturday?

    What seems to always work for me is waking up 1/2 hour early, or going to be 1/2 hour late. That way, I know I'll attempt to at least do 30 minutes of a workout, but my pride makes me end up doing the whole thing. If I go that route, I skip the warm up, cool down, and all breaks. (I still stretch, but at my own pace and for less amount of time). We know the moves by now, so begin before the timer starts. Since most of us know Ab Ripper X by heart, squeezing those in between moves is a breeze. (This morning, I started Ab Ripper X while they were cooling down, and I seriously was about halfway done before the Ab Ripper part even started). A lot a time gets wasted by Tony talking so much and explaining the moves. At this point, we don't need to hear it. Just bring it!! You can easily cut out 15 minutes of any workout.

    Don't feel guilty about skipping Yoga.

    Do Legs & Back and Kenpo on the same day. Kenpo doesn't seem like much of a real workout to me.

    We essentially have two full weeks left. Then, recovery week is recovery week... Starting over at this point isn't an option, Amy!!

    Is it a matter of time? Schedule incredibly full or will you not be able to work out because you won't have the tools available?
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Available time... I bailed today :(. It's basically like finals week here at the lab... They have us waking up at ungodly hours to sign in, set up our presentations, talk all day, straight into dinners, packing, and the good bye parties. Unfortunately the gym is only open during day time hours and that's when we're locked in. S'yah. Ima do legs +back tmrw, and maybe back +biceps. Might do a combo type workout that does legs back + biceps (so only doing the back stuff once), if i can skip some of the presentations. Then traveling all weekend. Oy. I did ab ripper twice yesterday, and I'll def get it in tmrw. I'm loving my body amd the clothes I can wear, not gonna ditch it now.
  • TenLaws
    TenLaws Posts: 273
    Available time... I bailed today :(. It's basically like finals week here at the lab... They have us waking up at ungodly hours to sign in, set up our presentations, talk all day, straight into dinners, packing, and the good bye parties. Unfortunately the gym is only open during day time hours and that's when we're locked in. S'yah. Ima do legs +back tmrw, and maybe back +biceps. Might do a combo type workout that does legs back + biceps (so only doing the back stuff once), if i can skip some of the presentations. Then traveling all weekend. Oy. I did ab ripper twice yesterday, and I'll def get it in tmrw. I'm loving my body amd the clothes I can wear, not gonna ditch it now.

    Wow, I'm gonna be in the same boat soon. I'm going back to school - so excited!!! Anyways, do what you can. A combo workout sounds like a good idea. I say really bring it and go hard - take minimum breaks, if any, and consolidate the workouts down to 30 minutes or less. High intensity all the way. At the very least, take a few days off then pick up where you left off. Just don't start over!
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    day 68 is done with legs/back and ab ripper.

    good luck getting your workouts in.
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    aight!! I'm finally off that godawful island! Starting strong again. I may try an add another week onto phase 3 cause I slacked last week. Woot! Ready to bring it!
  • TenLaws
    TenLaws Posts: 273
    Yes! Bring it!!!

    I had testing for tae kwon do on Saturday, which is when the P90X week begins for me, so I was pooped and missed my workout. Therefore, I had the bright idea of doing Chest & Back, Ab Ripper, and Plyo yesterday. Immediately after those workouts, I cut the grass. The soreness is indescribable. What the hell was I thinking?
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    Day 71 is done with chest/back and ab rippers... tenlaw i love that idea of doing ab ripper with the breaks .

    my laptop is acting up, so til i get it fixed i will be signing n on hubby laptop. i get a black screen when it boots up.. i can run it in safe mode . not sure whats going on. scans show no virus.

    19 more days.
  • skinnylizzy5
    Hi Friends! The I-Phone version of this site needs to get the forums. I miss out on a lot when I can't get to the computer!

    Is it just the 4 of us left? Where is everyone?

    Chandra: I'm glad you made it back and are doing so well. I think we've all had weeks where it's more of a struggle to squeeze in the workouts. Or at least I have :)

    Ten: Way to go on the testing, it sounds like that was a workout in itself!

    Syd: Awesome job, we are in the home stretch. Good luck with your computer!

    I'm a few days behind...weekend away = bad workout schedule. But, I am doing Kenpo-X today and will just stick with the rotation. I'm not sure if I will be able to catch up? This may end up being P94X or something.

    In other news: I'm getting married next week! I tried on my dress yesterday and it fit perfect and I even had a tiny bit of muscle definition - hooray! So, I may not be able to squeeze in every work out during such a busy time but I will do my best and finish even if it's a few days behind schedule. Happy Wednesday everyone!
  • TenLaws
    TenLaws Posts: 273
    I was wondering where everybody was too. I know for me, Phase 3 has been difficult to keep up with simply because my life is way less boring nowadays. Lol.

    Lizzy - You're getting married??? CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! That's wonderful. And I'm so happy about your dress!! I'm sure you're super busy, so the fact that you can squeeze anything in is an accomplishment. P94X doesn't sound so bad, lol. You're making an honest effort to stick with it and finish.
  • TenLaws
    TenLaws Posts: 273
    Still, no abs... I need to step my game up.

  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    Congrats lizzy!!! i bet you look beautiful in your dress...maybe you can share a pic of the wonderful day.

    tenlaws...you are looking great. i would love to have a flat stomach. your arms are looking great also.

    Day 73 is done with shoulders/arms and ab rippers. the scale moved last week. i lost the 3 pounds i gained back plus 3 more. giving my hubby the scale has made me more aware of what im eating.
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    arms + shoulders, AND I finally got ahold of most of the plus's and the one on ones! So I did ab-core plus today... it's definitely different. Not using it to replace ab ripper, but adding it in. I'm excited for fountain of youth yoga tomorrow! Yippee for no 90 minute yoga! And there's a kenpo +. Woot.
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    I'm still out here too. Week 1 of the 3rd phase. Changing up my diet to match the P90X ratios. Wearing a backpack with extra weight in it for pull ups, push ups (going to try wearing it for ALL of legs and back). What a difference a few pounds can make.

    Every body who has stuck with it so far, congrats. When those day 90 pictures are taken, and the fit test results written down, it is such a feeling of accomplishment.

    Good luck. Stay focused.
  • kripley1229
    I'm here too! I've been a little MIA lately. I went back to work this week...It's hard adjusting my workout schedule. I was used to doing it around 9:00 am, but now I have to be at work at 7:20. I've been getting up at 5:15. :sad: That's a HUGE feat for me. I am so not a morning person!

    I'm on day 67. Legs and back tomorrow.
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Great job everybody! Com'in in the home stretch! I'm happy to report that I've now lost the few lbs I gained from my excessive drinking and eating the last weeks of my internship.
    I really liked fountain of youth yoga! Good alternative to regular yoga. I dunno if I'll try the kenpo plus tomorrow or not, may go on a long bike ride or run instead... I'm kinda running out of steam on the precanned P90X cardio... I really prefer to be outside doing my thing. Although I know they work balance etc. so I will try to keep doing them.
    I go back home to San Diego in about 3 weeks - I figure I'll just continue with the phase three schedule here until then...

    Cant wait to see everyone's pictures!
  • TenLaws
    TenLaws Posts: 273
    Today was my last Plyo day (at least for this round of P90X). I was a little sad!! I was cursing while doing my jump knee tucks, but I was sad nonetheless!
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    Today was my last Plyo day (at least for this round of P90X). I was a little sad!! I was cursing while doing my jump knee tucks, but I was sad nonetheless!

    tomorrow is my last plyo too. i was just starting to enjoy it.
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    Day 80 is done with back/biceps and ab rippers...really had to bring it today to get a good burn. my burn for b/b was getting less and less each time.

    10 more days .
  • chazdiezal
    chazdiezal Posts: 87 Member
    I did my last Plyo a couple of days ago myself, like others have said I started to really enjoy this workout. I still loathe rock star hops and jump knee tucks but they are getting easier (just does something to my knees). 9 more days to go, is anyone continuing on with a second round?