P90X Classic Starting June 6th, Who's in?



  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    you guys all must be done, yeah?? I wanna see result pics!!! Congratulations everyone that made it through!!!!

    My last 30 days has kinda morphed into a P90X hybrid... I've basically ditched P90X cardio, and I've started adding in the one-on-one workouts for a little more variety... I think one or two more weeks and I'll call it "done" with this round of P90X.

    I don't know if the pictures will be any better than my last few pictures...however, the difference in person is huge! Everyone here who sees me tells me how fit, muscular, active and healthy I look! It's weird having all these guys tell me I look like a california girl... This naturally pasty white canadian doesn't quite know how to deal with that!
  • lcgonzo33
    This is awesome to see that you have done good and have a success story! I have done P90X before and lost the motivation. This morning I woke up at 4am and decided i need to get back on it. I am curious though, did you follow the diet plan? I try but that part is a little hard for me.
  • akane1087
    I just started P90X about 2 weeks ago.. what is the one on one workouts?
  • DeadZip2010
    DeadZip2010 Posts: 111 Member
    Day 90 pics are up, the light is a little low, but i am very happy with the end results. i will post day 1 vs day 90 shortly!
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    Congrats to everyone who stuck with it and finished the whole 90'ish days. Get those pictures up. I wanna see your changes.
  • kripley1229
    Did my last plyo today! So glad that's done! (for awhile anyways!)
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    For any and all interested. Especially those of you who finished this first round. P90X2 is available for pre-order and will be delivered by Christmas. That's enough time to complete another circuit and be primed and ready for part 2. Let me know if any of you need info.
  • kripley1229
    Today is day 90 for me!!!!!!! I'm so excited that I actually stuck with it and completed it this time around. I will take pix and post soon!