beckyann858 Member


  • Ok, i think this is the correct progression of my biggest faves of all time......Seinfeld, Friends, Family Guy, The Office, and the most recent addition to the list, Wilfred.
  • I'm from Warren and work in downtown Detroit!
  • :explode: I'm going through the EXACT same thing right now, so I know how you must be feeling. A position opened up at my job and they didn't even bother to interview me all because of that stupid piece of paper! Never mind that I have more seniority, experience, and better performance reviews than everyone they DID…
  • I'm also in the suburbs of Detroit, and OMG!! I'm doing my very very best not to complain because I'll take the heat over the snow any day, but working out has been a nightmare! I'm being extra vigilant about drinking water, and I hope all of you are doing the same! Try to stay cool! :glasses:
  • I agree, too, Go Lions!! :ohwell: :laugh:
  • I can totally sympathize with you because I am a chronic constipation sufferer, but if your Dr has made a suggestion for you, I think I would follow that before I listen to any advice I get off an internet site. It may not be the suggestion you want to hear, but he's the one with the medical degree and access to your…
  • Ugh, I'm shuddering just thinking about trainer keeps making me do longer and longer sprints on the treadmill-but without turning it on! It's like running through quicksand!
  • That was happening to me, too. I Googled it and it seems to be a pretty common issue. I found some tips suggesting you kind of roll your foot down from heel to toe with each step. So when I start feeling it go numb, I try that for a couple strides and it seems to help. Oddly enough, mine is only my left foot too! Mildly…
  • I don't mind the ground turkey, but unless you're buying the really expensive, ultra lean stuff, it's not really that low in fat or calories. The kind that's always on sale in the stores around here is usually the 80/20 and it still has 17 grams of fat per serving! I've just really found it works better for me to buy…
  • That's EXACTLY how I do it too! Sometimes I don't eat everything I brought with me to work, so if I'm running late fixing dinner or something, I can just eat whatever I brought back home with me since it's already been counted.
  • I don't really have anything new to add, just chiming in with everyone else recommending exercise! MFP recommends 1300 calories for me, but that's completely impossible, I would STARVE to death!! Lol. So i exercise almost every day so I can eat more! Plus, all the time I spend in the gym is time I am NOT spending…
  • STICK WITH IT! You can do this! The human body is amazingly resilient. When you start treating it right, you will be astonished at how quickly it responds. I started my journey at 261 pounds. I joined a gym and went in on my first day to try out the elliptical. After about 2 minutes, I was in agony! I had to quit out of…
  • Awesome! I should have just come here from the get-go! Getting some great tips, so thank you everyone! And yes, I have been keeping track of the workouts I've done with my trainer, but I just can't see myself going into the gym and doing some of that stuff all alone and in public! And it's a pretty small gym, so they do…
  • I'm DEFINITELY committed, quite possibly bordering on obsessed lol, and have also recently had to do a little 'house-cleaning' for the same reasons, so, friend request coming your way!
  • Awesome post! Got me a little choked up! Lol! Seriously though, my lifestyle change has been met with a lot of sarcasm and teasing from my real life friends and family, so most of the time, my only positive feedback and support comes from my mfp family, so having someone acknowledge what we're all trying to do on here the…
  • You can do it! Just take it one craving at a time! I smoked over a pack a day for about 21 years and just quit cold turkey about six weeks ago. I have previously tried many other quitting methods, such as Nicorette, Chantix, etc. So far, this seems to be working best, although, just like with my food, I may have cheated…
  • Omg, I know EXACTLY what you mean! It was something like a week after I started on here, I was religiously working out, logging my calories, etc, and felt like I was making really great progress, and then one day as I was walking down a hallway at work, I caught a glimpse of myself in a window reflection and was absolutely…
  • Hello to everyone from Detroit, Michigan!
  • I've just recently discovered quinoa. So far this recipe is my favorite:
  • Oh dear God! I love that sandwich! I knew it was bad, but WOW! Apparently, this needs to be my answer, too!
  • The one thing I just can't seem to give up! And quite frankly, I don't WANT to give it up! I still have a couple slices every week. I just make sure I can fit it in my calories and hit the workout extra hard that day. Love, love, LOVE pizza!!!!
  • Yes, I have been eating back all but around 150. I didn't lose at all for several weeks, but I think that my exercise regime was building muscle, because I did still lose inches. About four weeks ago, the tide finally turned and I've dropped 2 to 2.5 pounds every week since then.
  • Hummus Baby carrots Yogurt Cucumbers Chicken breasts Skinny Cow ice cream bars!!!!
  • Single here! :)
  • Happiness is a butterfly, which, when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.---Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • As a busy single mom with a full time job, I am all for frozen meals! When I'm running late in the morning, I can grab one out of the freezer and lunch is taken care of. Sodium or not, it's better than running to McDonald's for burgers and fries! I try to make sure to drink plenty of water to combat the excess sodium, and…
  • Detroit here too! But I think I'll pass on the swimming! Lol. But welcome! And feel free to add me if you can use some neighbors across the river!
  • I love mine! They were absolutely huge, but I had a breast reduction about 3 years ago, and now I 'm a firm, perky D-cup! I am worried about what's going to happen to them when this extra weight starts coming off though...but I figure it's a chance worth taking!
  • I would have to say the time in my life when I was my absolute fittest was when I was in the military right after high school, and even with all the daily running and physical training, I held steady at 145, so I think that may be where my body wants to be. I look back at pictures now and realize I wouldn't want to be any…