Working Out When You Are Too Fat To Do Anything



  • lorcer
    lorcer Posts: 3
    Don't know about power training but have you tried curves, they have great success stories and the exercise can be as gentle as you neeed. One of the ladies working at my local branch has photos of when she was obese, more than twice the size she is now. Good luck lorcer
  • RainyDayKelli
    RainyDayKelli Posts: 85 Member
    I'm about 50 lbs heavier than you, started at 303. I started out with just a work out video and literally, it was a challenge just STANDING for the video. I didn't do the exercises, I just stood and kinda shifted from foot to foot. It took me forever to be able to do ANYTHING for more than five or ten minutes at a time. It's only been a couple of months, I've since gotten a Wii fit and can do about 25 minutes a day on it now. Keep your chin up! Every day you'll be able to go for longer and go farther.
  • ccmulder5
    ccmulder5 Posts: 75 Member
    i started just recently on the 2nd of june 2011.. i started at 322 and am now is amazing how once you actually START.. even just standing in one spot marching.. for however many minutes you can.. you can challenge yourself to go 30 seconds more the next day and so on.. i make sure that i watch the Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition that is on TONITE.. (every monday) because it give me more confidence that i CAN do more.. in this relatively short amount of time i went from barely making it up the stairs to get to my apartment.. to taking kickboxing/circuit training 5 days per week.. i still cannot do Everything they do, and I do a lot of modified versions of what the others do.. but i go and i sweat and it sucks.. but i feel sooo much better.. i am now also doing at home the 30 day shred plus the power sculpt.. I wish you all the best.. and we are all here for eachother.. hang in there and just do what you can.. *sending you a friend request.. :)
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I'm at 330 and 39 years old and I absolutely LOVE doing the elliptical. I love the feeling of running on it without any jarring on my joints. I do about 20-30 minutes on the elliptical and then do strength training and then I do the recumbent bike.

    You WEIGHT isn't as much of an issue as you think it is, It's more a matter of your overall conditioning. You can get in better shape a lot faster than you can lose the weight, you'll be surprised at how much you can do when you're still really fat once you get used to the different exercises. Here's a list of exercise activities that I enjoy at almost a hundred pounds heavier than you are right now:

    Hiking (including mountains!)
    low-impact aerobics
    work out dvds (biggest loser dvds are great)
    recumbent bike (it's sooo much more comfortable than the spin bikes for those of us who don't get up out of the saddle)
    bike riding
    Strength training machines
    pushups against the stairs (I'm too fat to do real pushups so I do them on the fourth stair.. soon I'll go down to the third stair because I'm getting better and better at them)
    leg lifts while watching TV
  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185
    Hi ! I weight way LESS than you but I have an issue with workout: a heart condition that prevent me from doing my best effort. I need to stop myself all the time. To mesure my effort. To go by the slow but sure.
    I know I can improve but it will take time. I had a major setback a month ago while doing too much and could not do anything for two weeks. It hurts when you compare yourself with friends doing Zumba or 30 day shred.
    Your story and all the people who answered you made me realised I have to do what I can. There is no fast track.
    Add me as a friend and we can share support.
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Ok, I just want to say that I feel you on this one. I started at 253 back in 2009. I have been off and doesn't really take that long to lose 50 lbs. I started in August of 2009 and lost 35 lbs. Then, I just quit for a while and gained some of it back. I recently started again in January and have lost 35 since then, and have taken about a month off in there somewhere. I shouldn't tell you that...not being a good example...but it's real and it's my story :) I did all of that without working out at all. I recently started walking some and doing some wii fit games and such. The main thing to know is that it is healthy to get your blood flowing at it walking or running miles and miles. Do what you want to do and don't compare yourself. You will get there, I promise. It will take a while, but you will feel so good every time you lose even 5 or 10 lbs. I would also suggest setting smaller goals. Like getting into a size smaller pants or something like that. You have to start where you are, and if you start pushing yourself too hard or comparing yourself to others, you will end up quitting. And that won't help anyone :)

    Agree. I started with walk away, got bored, moved to the wii fit. Most of my first 25 lbs of weight loss came from staying within my goals alone. Then I found zumba and while I'm not bouncing around with the tiny people, I am moving, doing my version of dancing, and having fun. This keeps me motivated because otherwise I'd be focused on what I can't do instead of what I can. You have to remember the end goal and keep moving. You can do this!
  • rnprincess
    rnprincess Posts: 103 Member
    You can do this!!!!!! I know it's hard; I started out at 281 pounds. My excericise was cleaning; I mean deep cleaning. Anything that gets your heart rate up is a plus. Do a little and it will turn into alot. It has taken me over a year, but know I take the stairs just like a person half my size instead of of foot done then the other and then onto the next step. My knees and hips both are feeling better and your's will to in time. Just don't give up, keep at at it and it will come to you.:flowerforyou:
    Don't give up! Anything that gets your heart rate up is exercise, and if you have not been active in the past that anything could be just walking around the house. Whatever the case aim to do a bit more each day. If it is 5 minutes today, make it 10 tomorrow, or increase your walk in increments. You did not put the weight on in on one day, and it will not come off in a day. If it did come off that fast it would be just as easy to put it back on because you did not appreciate the struggle it took to get there. And you are never too fat to do anything, you can sit down and lift gallons of milk if you cannot stand, you can lay in the bed and do leg lifts, stomach crunches. Anything is better than nothing.

    I have always been overweight, but I have always been able to walk and exercise. Recently I tore my meniscuc in my knee, and have to now schedule surgery. I cannot even Walk Away the Pounds, at this point!
  • callmefor911
    callmefor911 Posts: 155 Member
    Lots of great advice here, all ya gotta do is take it and follow it to THE BEST OF YOUR CURRENT ABILITY! I have a similar story, so I won't bore you. Another important thing to remember is NEVER QUIT. So you have a crummy day and inhale the contents of the ice cream truck. Don't beat yourself up too badly. Get up, get over it, and KEEP MOVING FORWARD!! Good luck! And remember, there is always a bunch of MFPeeps to help you, to listen and help you on your way. We are all in this life together.

    best advise ever... cause nice thing about everyday is a new day.. good luck.. and just keep moving. doing something.
  • beckyann858
    beckyann858 Posts: 48 Member
    STICK WITH IT! You can do this! The human body is amazingly resilient. When you start treating it right, you will be astonished at how quickly it responds. I started my journey at 261 pounds. I joined a gym and went in on my first day to try out the elliptical. After about 2 minutes, I was in agony! I had to quit out of fear that I would end up leaving in an ambulance! I went back the next day and was determined to last longer. I was sooo jealous of all my mfp friends posting their HUGE calorie burns! I increased a little more each day, and now I regularly do 45 minutes at a time. I still weigh close to 250 pounds, but with my improved diet and regular exercise, my body has adapted to allow me to work out with much less discomfort. Yours will too! Feel free to add me if you like. We're starting in roughly the same place--we can cheer each other on! :flowerforyou:
  • megala65
    megala65 Posts: 34 Member
    Stay with it! I started my journey over a year ago and though I was working out 5 days a week I wasn't seeing any weight loss results, I wasn't gaining weight but I wasn't losing it either. I struggled through the winter to stay motivated and got back on track this spring. I had made changes in my diet, eating more veggies and fruit, watching the fat intake etc., but it wasn't until somebody told me about MFP last month that I saw how many calories I was eating. Since I started paying more attention to the calories I've lost 11 lbs, and probably would have lost more if I had eaten better on my vacation. lol

    When I started I could barely walk and talk at the same time. There is a convenience store a block from my house and I would drive to it if I needed anything!! All my joints ached. I stuck with it and have gotten stronger, if not yet thinner and my lung capcity is greatly improved. Also I take ibuprofen before I work out and my joints don't hurt as much afterward. I'm not going to be running any marathons yet, if ever, but I feel better just doing what I can and knowing that I'll be able to do more down the road. Oh and I walk to the store now too. lol
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    I know this post was a month old but I just wanted to give my advice as well.

    I can understand where you are coming from. A lot of exercises are difficult for me as well. Please know you are not alone in feeling this way. I am 5'2" and 243 lbs. A few weeks ago my friend and I started myfitnesspals together. In the short time I have lost 4 lbs. The first week I started I only logged my foods. The second week I set a goal for myself to exercise 4x per week. I am a fan of Gilad and used to do his routines all the time back in the day when I was actually skinny. So for me, I am already familiar with the routines and moves. However getting back into to it was the challenging part. The first day was really rough, I had to take frequent breaks and felt like I was dying. (not literally of course but it was really difficult) The next day I did a little better and took fewer breaks. (A break for me is stop and take a sip of water, then walk in place until I catch my breath) Guess what....the next day was even better. Granted right now I have to do low impact while he is doing high impact. And for the life of me I cannot do a jumping jack. Quite frankly that exercise is not "big breasted gal" friendly exercise and it hurts like hell even with a good supporting sports bra. When I get to that portion of the exercise I do as many as I can until it gets uncomfortable (for now it is only 2) then I do side steps and move my arms. I never stop because I can't do the movement, I just do something I know I can do. I keep reminding myself "At least I am still moving and am not sitting on the couch!" I know right now I am doing the best I can, and that is good enough for me. I take comfort in knowing while I cannot do a jumping jack today, one day I will be able to. I keep reminding myself that all I am doing is building up to conquering that "feat" that is at this point in time unattainable.

    I have also tried other work outs as well such as pilates. For me when I do those routines, I feel as if my lungs are being smooshed by my rather large stomach and breasts when I get into the positioning you need for some of the exercises. It is quite uncomfortable and difficult for me to breathe. For now I avoid the routines I know will make me feel discouraged. In effort not to be discouraged I remind myself "one day" I will be able to do those exercises. I know when I reach that goal I will be proud.

    My suggestions for you are
    1. DON'T GIVE UP. You CAN do this. Just take it one step at a time, even if they do feel just like baby steps. Every small step is another step towards success!
    2. DON'T compare yourself to others. Do what is best for YOU! There will always be someone out there who can do something you cannot. Just be happy with all you can do and what you have accomplished for yourself!
    3. Each day give yourself one attainable goal, such as today I am going to walk for 10 minutes then do it. (Pick something that works for you!) The next day increase it to a longer time and build upon that.
    4. DON'T be afraid to try new things. If you try something, such as a new workout routine and don't do so great....don't harp on it. Take comfort in knowing you tried. Try it again and again over time. Guaranteed you will be surprised at what you can do if you try over and over again.
    5. DON'T focus on "failure". YOU are doing something great. YOU ARE MAKING YOURSELF HEALTHIER EACH DAY. Remember that. The way I look at it is there IS NO FAILURE, only accomplishments, no matter how small they may be.
    7. Find a friend or family member to support you. Even if it is someone on here that you don't know very well. This friend can give you that moral support and boost you in your time of need.

    Wishing you a happy road to success! I have faith in you and know you can do this!!!! =0)