Sunshinechic Member


  • Welcome to MFP!! I like this website so much. It holds you accountable, and you can talk to people that are trying to achieve the same goals...To lose weight. Good luck on your journey:happy:
    in hello Comment by Sunshinechic April 2010
  • Welcome to MFP this site is awesome! It holds you accountable. I agree when you write everything down it makes you realize that you really shouldn't eat that piece of cake:laugh: When you have a question or concern. in a matter of a few minutes you get a response from several people. Good Luck with your journey!!
  • If you wait till you're thirsty to drink, that means that your body is already suffering from dehydration. You drink to keep your body hydrated. Anything under 1200 calories is harmful to your body. Your dizziness is your bodies way of crying for help. Up your calorie intake, and I think you will feel so much better. If…
  • I'm very confused:noway: Everything that I have learned about fiber, is that it works like a broom and sweeps the waste out of your body. I think I would get a second opinion:smile: If you don't eat fiber, how are you going to get rid of waste?? Just curious!!
  • Thanks for all of the helpful information. This website is so great. If you have a question or concern. In a matter of a few minutes you have a response. Just awesome!! :smile:
  • Where did you buy your polar HRM? I would like to buy one. Thanks:smile:
  • When I first started MFP I was eating all of my exercise calories, I actually gained weight. I was so frustrated:frown: I ask the same question. I found out that some people do and some don't. Everybody is different. So it was trial and error for me. I found out that if I want to lose, ( who doesn't)? I can't eat my…
  • To stay accountable I track all food and drinks. If I bite it I write it:laugh: I find myself asking "do you really want to eat that?!?! This site really keeps you conscious of what you're putting in your mouth:smile:
  • I would love to just throw the scales out the window!! When you're working out you start to build muscle mass, and muscle weighs more than fat. The scales doesn't factor in muscle, so when the number goes up, I get discouraged and don't want to weigh in. Any helpful suggestions. According to the "stupid scales" I'm up 1…
  • Good one:laugh: I thought this girl is outside of her mind!!
  • I don't anymore. For a month I ate all of my exercise calories, and never lost a pound. I just started eating my alloted amount. So time will tell.
  • Where can I buy a heart rate monitor? Thanks!
  • This is new for me. I'm in:smile: I need lots of encouragement. I have a difficult time losing weight, Last year I lost 20 pounds. That was extremely hard. Now I'm starting to put it back on. I'm looking forward to a great support group in April!!
  • Everyone is different. I ate my exercise calories for an entire month, and never lost a pound.
  • ok thanks! It kicked my butt:laugh:
  • Where can I buy the psyllium seeds? Is it ok to leave out the tofu? Otherwise it sounds good!! Thanks!
  • Happy posting:laugh: It actually gets very addicting!! Welcome
  • I drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. I'm not a coffee or soda drinker. I drink V-8, and. grapefruit juice no sugar added. I always drink skim milk. I always eat breakfast. I'm up for suggestions on what to eat for breakfast. I am probably eating too much in the evening. If I bite it I write it:smile: I'm adding my exercise…
  • How do you make your diary public?
  • Welcome to MFP! This site is awesome. Just remember when you exercise that you're going to build muscle mass that weighs more than fat. So don't get discouraged. :smile:
  • These meals are convenient, but everytime I go back to eating them I start to gain weight. Must be the high sodium and the perservatives that causes water rentention. I no longer eat them.
  • I'm a newby as well and I love the website. It holds you accountable when your keeping track of every morsal that you put in your mouth! All of the calculations are figured for you. Good Luck