Tell me what I'm doing wrong!

I joined MFP a month ago, and I haven't lost one pound!! This is so frustrating:cry: My daily calories is set at 1280, most days I am under by a few. I exercise four times a week, usually on the curves circuit. I will welcome any helpful suggestions. Thanks!


  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    What are your stats (height/weight) and what are your ratios? You might need to change it to 40 carbs/30 protein/30 fat. I personally think the carb ratio MFP prescribes is not right for everyone. Also, are you including cheat meals? You need to count those if you have any, they can really mess you up! My husband didn't lose weight for 2 weeks when he started eating lower calories and working out, but by week 3 he stated losing. And he started out pretty big. So keep at it!
  • smtirado
    smtirado Posts: 23 Member
    I am facing the same situation, I join about 4 weeks ago and still I haven't lose anything. Yes, I get angry because I am doing everything right. (I think so), watch what I eat and exerise at least 5 day a week. You will so see some of it will go away. Keep on trying do not give up. :smile:
  • durbanski
    durbanski Posts: 183 Member
    You're starving yourself. You need to eat a lot more to spur your body to burn what you have. As long a youre exercising you have to consider that number something you have to reach inspite of the calories burned by working out.

    Take care.

  • durbanski
    durbanski Posts: 183 Member
    Also examine what you eat and how much of it you eat. go low on carbs, high on fiber and protein.
  • kelli_panzera
    Well Deb, I don't know too much from your post, but if you entered that you were active when you set up your account, mfp automatically incorporates exercise into your daily calorie allowance. Also, if you're using mfp exercises that are already in the computer you may be wildly overestimating what you burn or underestimating and putting yourself into starvation mode. Are you using a heart rate monitor when you exercise? If you're doing the circuit training, you are strength training, but where's the cardio to burn off the weight? We don't have information about you...height, weight, activity level, These are just guesses, albeit I try to make them educated guesses :smooched:
  • jdurham87
    jdurham87 Posts: 62
    Drink lots of water!!!
  • kimbillie
    Not sure what you are eating, but for me, its not what the calorie count is but what I am eating. I have had to stay away from any bread, pasta and cereals. When I did this and ate more salads and yogurt and drank lots of water, I finally started to lose more. Its hard though. Not easy at all. I am not really a salad lover, but I did find one I love...romaine lettuce, fresh sliced strawberries(about 4) some madarine oranges, raisins, sliced almonds and some grated marble cheese. I use calorie wise creamy poppy sead dressing. It is like eating yummy and filling. I turned up my nose til I tried it! Anyhow, keep at it and hopefully you will start to lose. Although the scale has not moved as much as I would like, I just got into 3 pairs of jeans I have not been able to get into for 1.5 years. So it will come.
  • atlraine
    atlraine Posts: 172 Member
    I recently quit Curves since I wanted to see a weight loss and not a muscle build right now. I did the Curves circuit for two years and although I lost inches, I could only lose 5-10lbs. You need to condition yourself to eat right and exercise. I quit about three months ago and have lost 20lbs since Jan. 1, 2010. I exercise everyday, but it's mostly walking on the treadmill. I will go back to Curves once I get the weight off so that I can tone my muscles. I've been on MFP since March 1st and lost 5.2 lbs already.

    My advice, keep your head up, continue to stay within calories and keep exercising.
  • atlraine
    atlraine Posts: 172 Member
    ELLIK26 ---Hello! You and I started almost at the same weight.....can you tell me what you are eating and how you are exercising to drop the weight? I've lost 5.2lbs since I started MFP on 3/1/10. I want to lose more!!!
  • mA2rml
    mA2rml Posts: 14
    Are you drinking water? Juices, soda, coffee & tea don't count, even if they're caffeine free. Try drinking at least 6 - 8oz glasses more than you usually drink. Also, are you really tracking everything you eat..."if you bite it, write it." Every little bite needs to be counted, and every little M & M, etc. It all adds up. Are you eating breakfast? Breakfast should be 300 - 400 calories and include 10-12 grams of fiber. It also should be your biggest meal of the day. Dinner should be the smallest meal of the day. Good luck and don't give up!
  • Sunshinechic
    Sunshinechic Posts: 31 Member
    I drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. I'm not a coffee or soda drinker. I drink V-8, and. grapefruit juice no sugar added. I always drink skim milk. I always eat breakfast. I'm up for suggestions on what to eat for breakfast. I am probably eating too much in the evening. If I bite it I write it:smile: I'm adding my exercise in at the end of the day. So if it has already been added in by MFP that means I'm eating way too many calories a day. I appreciate all of the suggestions and look forward to more:happy:
  • riveraphx
    riveraphx Posts: 380 Member
    Have you been doing it 24/7 for a whole month??? I know that I would work hard all week and then everything would go to waste on the weekends and pretty much eliminates all the hard work made during the week. Just remember slow and steady wins the race, there is no timeframe, but like others said it may take some time for the pounds to start shedding. Stay positive and don't give up!! It will happen for you. :)
  • thisemmabites
    are you eating your exercise calories? Cos let me tell u, eat to lose!! I also agree that a heart rate monitor is a great investment, it will give you an idea of the calories you are burning. A lot of the information in the exercise log is a bit off. I always have to tweak it. Don't give up, just adjust your calories and see if there is a difference. I also noticed I was losing inches when I wasn't losing weight... You can figure this out!! Good luck!
  • smilogirl
    smilogirl Posts: 30 Member
    I think you need to eat more. That is what I find happens to me when I don't eat enough. I have a tendency to skip meals and eat small amounts. Some days I barely eat enough calories, yet I still will gain weight. Your body thinks it is in starvation mode if you are eating exercising and still not losing weight. Of course.. if you are building muscle, you might not lose. Take your measurements and follow your waistline and hips. That sometimes is the place we find the biggest change, in our measurements. Today I discovered that I have lost a whole half inch in my waist since I last took my measurement. That makes the idea of my efforts exciting again. I have struggled the past few months getting down below the 196-199 range. My primary goal during this was to stay below 200! This past month I finally got to 193, but sodium really causes me to retain water and I wasnt' seeing the real change I was acheiving... my waistline.
    I hope you start to meet your goals more readily.