Introducing: Kim!

Hi, I am new on the boards. Someone recommended this site to me a few weeks ago and I am so glad. What a great tool!. I currently need to lose about 50 punds. I joined a boot camp type workout three weeks ago but havent seen any weight loss yet so I thought it is probably time I take a real look at what I am eating. The weight has to be coming from somewhere.


  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    WELCOME!!! =)
  • sergeant771
    I'm an old dog, closer to 60 than 55. I've yo-yo'd weight during my adult life between 186 to 294. I've attempted to control my weight via massive amounts of excercise and diets that weren't sustainable for 40 years. Plus throw in some depression/anxiety/stress get the picture. Plus throw in the 'clean-your-plate-kids-are-starving-in-China' upbringing.

    I've run until my feet bled. I've lifted weights for years and swam all kinds laps at the pool. All for naught as I'd wear out and excessive food consumption would prevail.

    Recently I found MFP. I'm learning portion control. I'm learning the number game that doesn't lie. I'm excercising AND paying attention to not only what I eat but how much. I set out x amount of good food to eat and have a hard time eating all of it every day!

    I haven't been into MFP very long but I can tell already it was the missing component that I needed.
  • Sunshinechic
    Sunshinechic Posts: 31 Member
    Welcome to MFP! This site is awesome. Just remember when you exercise that you're going to build muscle mass that weighs more than fat. So don't get discouraged. :smile:
  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320
    Hi there and welcome to a great and useful site.