aleah623 Member


  • I sent you a friend request. I'm just getting back to using the app again. I'm slowly going back to the gym and working on losing again.
  • Which app are you using? I'm trying to find a good one.
  • The Biggest Loser Wii games are a workout. When I do those I have sweat pouring off of me.
  • I'm sorry I have been MIA from the boards. I have been super busy, pretty much every waking moment not at work has been spent crocheting baby items for my friends photography business. I think I'm on the downward spiral right now. The good part of all this crochet.....not being able to snack at night. I just take a break…
  • I'm feeling pretty good about my weigh in tomorrow. I haven't been getting enough exercise in because my hips have been killing me. I'm not sure why either. Tonight we went to the friends and family sale at Goodwill. I managed to score 8 shirts and a dress for very little money. I finally have some clothes that fit, and…
  • I got mine in! Thank you so much for figuring it out. I'm going to toss out the offer again since football is here and its what I do during the games. Would anyone like a water bottle holder? I have lots of yarn...even some that would match our team name or you can tell me what color you would like. I can make it wrist or…
  • I really like it! Tonight is the first Packer game. We are having baked chicken breasts with corn flake coating. Its one of my favorites grandma makes. I didn't get in much exercise today. I was in the car for 3 hours.
  • I will be MIA the 19 and 20 but I will text you my points. We are going camping for the weekend. I'm bringing my own healthy foods to eat instead of what the group will be eating.
  • Hooray for week 3! I'm looking forward to another great week!
  • I'm sorry I've had a bad couple of days. I haven't been getting enough exercise in, and then not eating so good isn't helping. Wednesday it was a planned meal at Pizza Hut and last night someone decided Buffalo Wild Wings was a good idea. I didn't go over in calories but the scale is showing a 2 pound gain right now and…
  • I got my water in. I'm not going to do any good on a nutritional challenge with Pizza Hut at 7.
  • Hooray for Wednesday! Its rest day so don't forget to drink lots of water today. We can get a total of 525 points today for water and nutrition challenge of your choice (if I read it right). We can do it!
  • I can't get to anything from my mobile internet. I got really sick today and I'm not sure if it is carry over from yesterday. My points are way down from usual. I'm still not feeling the best. It started to get really hummid before it rained and I started to get sweaty and light headed. I'm trying to get alot of water down…
  • Everyone missed the best yummies. Skinny Cow candy!! There is dreamy clusters, peanut butter waffer bars, and milk chocolate waffer bars. That is the way I get my chocolate fix. :happy:
  • I'm going to have to check these out. I'm always looking for something with a crunch. I recently discovered pop chips as my new potato chip replacement.
  • Mine are too. I think I might have been over doing it lately. I've been walking more and now we broke out the bikes. We got stuck in Green Bay tonight. A bad storm came through and we went to the one place we knew we could park in a ramp. I will send over my points for the day in the morning.
  • I have the first Biggest Loser game and its a butt kicker. I usually have sweat pouring off of me. I haven't tried the new one that came out. I have Jillian Michaels 2009 but I don't like it as much as TBL.
  • This sounds amazing. I love chicken with bacon and ranch. This is going to be the lower calorie way to get my fix.
  • Wednesday would be better for me this week. I have a camper meeting so I know I won't be getting exercise in.
  • Geat job on week two! I have not been looking at the carbs so that is going to be a challenge for me.
  • I was getting read to dust off my bike and hope I didn't get heat exhaustion to get more points for us. Push ups should be fun today. My upper body still hurts from the Wii TBL workout I did. I'm very thankful that I"m out of work at 11:15 today.
  • I'm not sure if everyone checks the points standings but....we are really close to taking first place this week!! Keep up the great work!! I hope everyone got their wood chops in today.
  • Most fruits are high in sugar. Grapes are high especially if you eat over a serving. I usually go over in fiber, but I guess I really haven't been watching my sugars. I made it through warm up, core workout, and an upper body workout on the Biggest Loser Wii game. I should also hit the 5 mile goal for walking too.
  • I was thinking the same thing about a missing person. Only 4 of us seem to be here. My weakness is everything, fast food, ice cream, cheese, etc. I just love food.
  • I too am aMonday weigh in person. I do however check my progress all week to make sure I'm not messing up.
  • How are the Zumba ones? Do you have to be really coordinated or is this something a beginner/uncoordinated person could do? If you have any videa rental stores in your area, you could rent some of the games and try them before you commit to buying.
  • Check out Naturally Nutty. I eat their amond butter. Their products are all organic and very few ingredients. They have a huge line of peanut butter. Only somewhat bad part is you have to order from their website. 1 store in my area carries very limited variety of it.
  • How about the Biggest Loser ones? I have the first edition and its a good work out. You should be able to find it used.
  • I'm sending a friend request your way. I have about 100 to lose and I have lost 70ish already.
  • Good Luck! This is a great tool and there are alot of really great people on here.