No sweets & I'm irritable

I haven't had chocolate or anything at all for about a week now, and I am SOOO irritable and angry. I WANT it and I NEED it!
Why would I be doing this?!


  • SailingMike
    SailingMike Posts: 237 Member
    Here is what I have for sweets:

    Dryer's fruit popsicles
    Dried Mangos
    Dried Apricots
    Safeway Select chocolate sorbet

    And if you want it have it. Just have a small portion and then take a walk.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    have some dark chocolate - deprivation isn't good for anyone
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Have some chocolate ... but earn it with some exercise first :) Nothing is wrong with a few treats.
  • nb9251
    nb9251 Posts: 151 Member
    Chocolate cool whip is really good. I had it with strawberries and they were like chocolate covered strawberries. Or just have a square of dark chocolate. It's ok if you can bring yourself to stop at that. Lol
  • Forensic
    Forensic Posts: 468 Member
    Because sugar is addictive and you go into withdrawals...
  • Photomandy
    Photomandy Posts: 56 Member
    You might be one of those (like me) that needs a "treat day." Just not today. Set a goal day and exercise/eat really well, then pick your favorite thing to have. Then you don't feel like it's off limits forever. I weigh in on Sat., then have whatever treat I'm craving most that night. Then I have all week to behave again. Just an idea.
  • Jamcnair
    Jamcnair Posts: 586 Member
    Sugar Free Dark Chocolate Mousse cups are good and only 60 calories
  • valeri223
    valeri223 Posts: 15 Member
    OK, this is my savior ... Deep Chocolate Vitatop!! Ever heard of vitamuffins? Only 100 calories and it makes me feel much better when I want something sweet. :)
  • PaulaJKelly
    Popsicle makes a sugar free fudgecicle pop which is about 40 calories. You get a little chocolate w/o a whole lot of calories. Even if you eat 2 it is almost nothing. If you make good choices, you can have a few treats here and there and still get to your goal. However, if you eat something like that and it will make you go crazy eating chips, candy, etc., then better to just resist. Sometimes when you have enough protein, it helps with the cravings. Good luck in your journey
  • ZombieKillaPrincess
    ZombieKillaPrincess Posts: 404 Member
    have some dark chocolate - deprivation isn't good for anyone

    seriously. in moderation, its ok. don't deprive yourself. if you feel guilty, work out a little harder or longer to make up for it.
  • ashesoh1234
    ashesoh1234 Posts: 132 Member
    Are you cutting out sweets for a reason other than weight loss? If it's weight loss only, I think sweets are o-kay. I eat a sweet almost every day! Usually a bit of dark chocolate. I've lost about 32 pounds in nine weeks, with sweets!
  • darlenewanamaker
    darlenewanamaker Posts: 162 Member
    Try low-fat yogurt ice-cream YUMM or even angel food cake for that sweet tooth..
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    Budget in a square or two of dark chocolate, and then savor it - let it dissolve slowly in your mouth, inhale the scent, swirl your tongue around in the flavor - you can get more mileage out of a square of Dove Dark (my favorite, and only 42 calories) than you can imagine.
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    I have something sweet almost everyday or I would be an unhappy person. The difference is now my something sweet rarely exceeds 100 calories (unless I am purposely trying to burn calories then my go to is chocolate covered almonds). The difference is that I used to eat four to five times more that in treats everyday.
  • OnCmommy
    OnCmommy Posts: 40
    Are you cutting out sweets for a reason other than weight loss? If it's weight loss only, I think sweets are o-kay. I eat a sweet almost every day! Usually a bit of dark chocolate. I've lost about 32 pounds in nine weeks, with sweets!

    Yes, actually! I've lost 90 lbs eating sweets in moderation, but I'm sugar intolerant & I get very sick when I eat it. So, it really sucks because I just can't have it! I'm just hoping the next few days it will pass since it is just a withdrawal. I've just never felt this irritable over taking other things out of my diet before (ex: diet coke).
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I would NEVER deprive myself of sweets. I tried that route before and didn't stick with things. I was miserable. I typically have a few squares of 85-90% dark chocolate, Nature Valley dark chocolate thins, Fiber One brownies etc. I keep them on hand and usually have 1 each day.
  • aleah623
    aleah623 Posts: 60 Member
    Everyone missed the best yummies. Skinny Cow candy!! There is dreamy clusters, peanut butter waffer bars, and milk chocolate waffer bars.

    That is the way I get my chocolate fix. :happy:
  • BeverageTreats
    BeverageTreats Posts: 149 Member
    Can't see your diary, but I'll just put this out there.

    Are you certain it's the sugar you're craving and not the fat? I have never been much of a sugar eater, but if I feel like I want something and I'm angry for no reason, I usually look at my diary and find that my fat intake is too low.
  • spoiledwife12
    spoiledwife12 Posts: 151 Member
    I would NEVER deprive myself of sweets. I tried that route before and didn't stick with things. I was miserable. I typically have a few squares of 85-90% dark chocolate, Nature Valley dark chocolate thins, Fiber One brownies etc. I keep them on hand and usually have 1 each day.

    Those Nature Valley thins are a gift from diet heaven!!! Low in calories, BIG in taste! One or two totally cure my cravings!!
  • jamiealdridge02
    jamiealdridge02 Posts: 93 Member
    Don't give up your sweets completely!! There are sooooo many awesome, low cal treats you can find to replace your other sweets. I have a minute made frozen lemonade every night. I feel like I'm getting a treat but it doesn't hurt my calories!!!