LTL challenge RED GROUP! (closed group)



  • ohsointricate8
    ohsointricate8 Posts: 100 Member
    We're doing SO well! So excited!
    Stephanie I'm a procrastinator too. Always have been.
  • aleah623
    aleah623 Posts: 60 Member
    I spent a good portion of today in the car and by my grandparents house. I didn't get in the exercise I did yesterday. I will see what I can do yet today.

    Great job everyone on the points so far! I will admit, when it comes to challenges I am horribly competitive. :smile:
  • ohsointricate8
    ohsointricate8 Posts: 100 Member
    This next week isn't going to be my greatest, I'm working a few extra shifts at work.
    I will wear my pedometer! I'm on my feet 90% of the time I'm working so at least that will count for something.
  • aleah623
    aleah623 Posts: 60 Member
    I made up for not getting my usual walking in today. I will try to send my points before I go to the neighbors house. They just got back from vacation and we are going to go see their pictures.
  • ohsointricate8
    ohsointricate8 Posts: 100 Member
    Hey Ladies! I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to respond to all of your messages last night, I was doing some major cleaning! I'll be at work most of the day today, but I hope to catch up with everyone when I get home!

    I was also thinking that maybe we could do a question of the day type of thing.. so we can still get to know each other.
    Thoughts on that?
  • SDV219
    SDV219 Posts: 106
    Love the idea!!

    What is your favorite junk food?

    My favorite junk food is DD Caramel Latte with whip cream and sugar ... and a jelly donut on the side.

    Now I think about those foods, and see the calories, and I say to myself "No way ... you'll go over calories". But every now and again, I've treated myself to the latte w/o whip cream and with skim milk. ;)
  • ohsointricate8
    ohsointricate8 Posts: 100 Member
    Oh I'm a sucker for Dunkin Donuts too!
    I think mine is tcby White chocolate mousse.
    It's actually not that terrible for you, but it's still 200+ calories I could be saving for other foods!
  • ginabina13
    ginabina13 Posts: 202
    I LOVE that idea, Melissa! Good thinking!

    Am I losing it, or we missing a person? I thought there were 5 people on a team. Sorry that was a random observation.

    Ok, back to the question. I'd have to say my favorite junk food is cookies and milk (especially Oreos or Chunky Chips Ahoy!) You'll still see a cookie or too pop up from time to time in my diary. I don't buy them, but they are always in my mom's pantry. At least I can handle just having one or two. My other weakness in ice cream.....LOVE IT!
  • aleah623
    aleah623 Posts: 60 Member
    I was thinking the same thing about a missing person. Only 4 of us seem to be here.

    My weakness is everything, fast food, ice cream, cheese, etc. I just love food.
  • SDV219
    SDV219 Posts: 106
    Hey you know what's a good ice cream?? Skinny Cow!! Oh my Lord (OML ... I say it so often) ... it doesn't even taste bad! I <3 the cups ... caramel de luce <or something like that> mmmmm .... I <3 my caramel!! hahaha Only 110 cals. Not bad to me!!

    My junk food list could probably go on forever ... b/c my salty snack is ruffles potato chips ... can't be smooth, has to have the crinkles (no clue why) ... those and frito lay honey bbq ... could eat 1/2 a bag!! LOL

    OK, I really must get off this computer and write my paper that's due tomorrow!! LOL
    Melissa, see, I am such a procrastinator!! I'll find anything to do except what I have to do!! OK, I'll be back!!
  • kault
    kault Posts: 26 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Just wanted to say hi.....I have been out of town and did not have access to the blog till I got back home.

    Thank you ohsointricate8 for letting me send my info to her.

    P.S. I love Skinny Cow!!!
  • ginabina13
    ginabina13 Posts: 202
    There you are...I knew I wasn't losing it! Welcome kault!

    Skinny Cow rocks!!
  • ohsointricate8
    ohsointricate8 Posts: 100 Member
    Hey everyone! WOW is it hot here, going to go swim soon. (there isn't really anything else to do.. I might melt!) :)
    Hope you all are having a great day.
  • ohsointricate8
    ohsointricate8 Posts: 100 Member
    Todays question :

    What's your favorite way to workout?

    I like to swim/play volleyball with friends. I used to play wii fit but I got really bored of it. I need to be outside!
  • SDV219
    SDV219 Posts: 106
    What's your favorite way to workout??

    Lately I like using the Wii Active 2 and JM Ripped in 30, but overall I'm more of the team sports kind of girl, and like working out with others that I'm comfortable with!

    I'm just really happy that I keep exercising these days!! I <3 the way it makes me feel. Like today, I really didn't feel like doing anything since I was tired from staying up late last night writing a paper for class, but I got in 30 minutes, and it went by so quick!!

    I can really see this becoming a habit for me, and that is what I'm excited about!!

    Hope everyone had a wonderful day today!! I'm treating myself to a night in bed early!! TTYT!!
  • ohsointricate8
    ohsointricate8 Posts: 100 Member
    We've been doing a great job ladies! These next few days are going to be a little rough for me - but I'll still try my hardest!
  • SDV219
    SDV219 Posts: 106

    Here's to a strong finish for this week!! I am up for the challenge and am ready to bring my A game!!
    I play softball on some weeknights, and last night my team won 2 playoff games, which means we play again tonight!!

    So, I'm all ready to come back from class and get all the challenges in (I'll try). Today's challenges are 50 woodchops and to stay under sodium (that's always a hit or miss with me).

    Just a question for you girls. How are you managing to stay under your sugar for the day??? Even on days when I avoid it, I end up going over just by eating a banana and an apple!! I'm trying to find a happy medium in how to stay on top of that but am not having any luck. Also, I think I need to up my calorie intake - which will be hard for me ... especially on the days I exercise - I just can't eat those calories back.

    OK, let me get back to my work!! See you all later!!
  • ohsointricate8
    ohsointricate8 Posts: 100 Member
    I always eat under my calories, its hard for me to eat over. I'm not really tracking my sugar as much as my sodium. I already feel a lot better because I've eliminated a lot of salty things.
    I'm ready to amp up my exercise too! I've been slacking these past few days. no more laziness for me!
  • ginabina13
    ginabina13 Posts: 202
    Hey ladies! I just want to let you know that I may not score a lot of points today. My usual workout definitely won't happen because I have so much to do for work, it's insane! I can't seem to accomplish much while I'm actually there so I had to bring a majority of my projects home. I'm going to attempt a walk a bit later, but not sure how long I'll have.

    Stephanie - I don't have too much of a problem with my sugars. What you might want to do it switch to something other than a banana. Bananas and mangoes have the highest sugar content of any other fruit, so that's probably what doing you in. Melons and berries are low in sugar (hard to believe, but true) so you might want to try those instead. Just a thought.

    It is hard to eat all the calories. On days I know I'll have a higher intensity workout, I try to eat higher calorie foods throughout the day. It seems to help a bit.

    Well, I'm off to my pile of work. I'll definitely get my wood chops in and I'm working on keeping sodium down, so at least I'll have those. I'll check in later!
  • aleah623
    aleah623 Posts: 60 Member
    Most fruits are high in sugar. Grapes are high especially if you eat over a serving. I usually go over in fiber, but I guess I really haven't been watching my sugars.

    I made it through warm up, core workout, and an upper body workout on the Biggest Loser Wii game. I should also hit the 5 mile goal for walking too.