

  • I am planning on starting Monday training for a 5k. I downloaded the C25K for my phone and can't wait to start. I would be great to have friends that are working towards the same thing so we can help motivate and support each other.
  • I just downloaded this app too and I'm going to start on Monday (I have this thing about starting new things at the beginning of the week...lol). I am totally new to running but I've been wanting to start for awhile. I just didn't know how to start, so this app is going to be a huge help. I'd be glad to have a friend so…
  • I lost 70 lbs. about 3 yrs. ago by counting calories. It didn't matter where the calories came from, I just made sure that I didn't eat above 1200 calories (I did it w/o exercise). I started exercising and kept it off as long as I was consistent w/ my exercise and not over eating. But then I got lazy and quit exercising…
  • They have personal trainers and personal chefs and nannies to watch their kids and access to anything they need to stay in shape. The things that most of us can't afford...lol.
  • If I have that problem, I drink a cup of warm green tea and it satisfies me till bedtime. It does have caffeine, but not enough to keep me awake. Good luck on finding a solution.
  • I don't have a problem with sweets generally. For the times I do crave them, I bought a couple of 90 cal. or 100 cal. packs and I'll eat one of those and then I'm usually good. My vise is pop. I used to drink 3 or 4 a day. It was mostly diet, but it was still not good for me. So, I just quit completely. It's still in my…
  • I drink 2 cups a day of green tea and I do count it as my water, but since I also drink 8 cups of straight water, I guess it doesn't really matter...lol. But in my opinion, green tea should count as part of your water intake.
  • Hi, I am 5'4" and my goal is to weigh 135. I eat right around 1200 calories a day and walk 4 miles 5 days a week. This is only my second week, but I lost 3 lbs. the first week. I don't eat my exercise calories back because I don't think I could if I wanted to without eating really unhealthy stuff. Even just being on here…
  • Yes it works, and it doesn't matter when your meal is, just have two shakes a day and one sensible meal. I did it and had my sensible meal at lunch instead of dinner. Good luck!
  • LOVE that show!!! It's my absolute favorite!
  • I've noticed that too. I had to MAKE myself drink at least half my water as straight water with no flavor added, but now all but 1 c. of my water is straight water, and that 1 c. is first thing in the morning. I cannot drink straight water first thing in the morning...lol.
  • I love the Snickers 90 cal. ice cream bars. Perfect if I want something sweet. Also, I like to buy low fat graham crackers and sugar free cool whip. Then I spread some cool whip between two graham crackers and freeze them for homemade (low cal) ice cream sandwiches.
  • You don't have a lot of weight to lose so I prob wouldn't worry about it. Just don't go too crazy...lol. Personally, I use Saturdays as my free day from exercise, but I watch my calorie intake very closely because I just started and I really like eating healthy and feeling good about my choices. I know how I would feel (at…
    in "Free Day" Comment by a_dawn May 2011
  • I started on Monday and was going to do my weigh in's on Mondays, but switched to Saturdays because that is my rest day from exercise. I get up, go to the bathroom and then weigh and I'm gonna do it at the same time every week. I used to do it everyday, but it could be really discouraging. I had to make myself wait this…
    in weigh in ??? Comment by a_dawn May 2011
  • Hahahaha, too funny!
  • I don't eat them either. I don't know if I'm helping or hurting my weight loss tho, so it'll be interesting to see what people have to say about it.
  • I just started Monday, and honestly, I don't WANT a cheat day. But, I understand about going to a restaurant where there's nothing healthy on the menu. Instead of a cheat "day", how about a cheat "meal". Just because you go over at a meal doesn't mean you have to make a day of it. But that's just my thought. Good luck…
    in Cheat Days Comment by a_dawn May 2011
  • You can do it. Everyone has the strength to, we just may have to dig deep inside to find it...lol. Just keep remembering where you want to be and what the end result will be. The feeling of success is great. I lost 70 lbs. a few years ago and felt AWESOME!!! Then I got lazy and put some back on, but then I found this…
  • There are a ton of them out there, and I've tried a lot of them. This site has been the best so far.
  • For weeks (months probably) every evening when I'd watch tv with my hubby, I would see women on tv and think, "Man, I wish I could look that good again". It's not that I want the perfect body (I'll NEVER have that) but I want to be where I used to be. I lost 70 lbs. a few years ago and felt great, until I gained 30 lbs…
    in when was it ? Comment by a_dawn May 2011
  • I know how it is, but you've got to keep up the good work. Try to picture the end result you want. I got a new bathing suit for my birthday that I want to fit into and look good in and I keep that hanging up where I can see it so that if I lose my motivation, I look at it and remember what I'm working towards. I also have…
  • men.......seriously. i guess it beats my very FIRST mother's day when HE slept in until 1pm, didn't buy me a card, no gift, no breakfast, no nothing. He needs help. How is he alive? [/quote] (Ok, that was a quote from someone, but for some reason its not showing that) Anyway, my husband and I have been married for almost…
  • Way to go!!! You look amazing and I know you feel great!
    in A year later Comment by a_dawn May 2011
  • Hmm, interesting idea. I'm like you, I don't like the light or fat free mayo's but I really have to have mayo on my sandwiches. Today I bought Hellmann's mayo with extra virgin olive oil. It has almost 1/2 the cal of regular and although it isn't regular Hellmann's, I think it'll be passable...lol. I've eaten it at my…
  • My trigger food isn't food, but dr. pepper. Once I get that first sip of ice cold dr. pepper, it's like "Ahhh, life is good", but just for that moment. I haven't had a pop since I joined MFP, and I haven't missed it, but if I allow myself one as a "reward", then I just keep drinking them. Very addicting...lol.
    in Trigger Foods Comment by a_dawn May 2011
  • I would think so. I too have a real hard time drinking water. I try to drink 10 c. a day, and as hard as it is, I try to make at least 4 c. just straight water, 4 c. crystal light and 2 c. of green tea.
  • That's AWESOME!!! I absolutely LOVE pizza, so I know what a huge thing it is to just eat 2 slices. :bigsmile:
  • I find myself wanting something to eat late at night and find that if I drink a cup of warm green tea, it really helps. I don't know if it's cuz it's warm or what. Of course, if you do drink this in the middle of the night, you'd probably want to make sure its decaffeinated. :)
  • I use her 3 mile walk and log it as 45 min. of walking 4 mph. I read that walking at a brisk pace burns about 100 cal. per mile.
  • Welcome and let me tell you that you CAN do it! I'm new to MFP, but I can tell that it's gonna be a big help. Right after the birth of my 4th child, I found myself weighing over 200 lbs. and in a size 16. So, I set out to lose weight and I lost 70 lbs. and got down to a size 8 in jeans and a size 6 in skirts. I was…