Finish What I Started...

Today, I decided to make my profile public because I have struggled to continue losing weight the past 8 weeks. I have stopped tracking on a daily basis, which makes no sense because that is how I managed to lose the 20 pounds I've lost in the first place!

If I make my "fatness" public, maybe it will make me more accountable? Perhaps others who struggle might be able to offer encouraging words or advice on how to STAY motivated.

I am just so tired of living my life dissatisfied with my body. I want to feel good in my skin (and clothes) again. I want to be able to run and not be winded. My daughter is nearing 14 months old and is walking. I want her to enjoy the summer weather and get outside and play, play, play. I am tired of spending every summer embarrassed by my body. I notice that I sometimes turn down invites (cook-outs, pool parties, etc.) just because the hot weather makes me miserable and I'm not comfortable wearing clothing that "exposes the truth." I hate my arms showing, so I don't want to wear tank tops. And I can't very well hang around in 90 degree, humid weather with long sleeves and pants on! And that isn't fair to my daughter. This will be her first summer that she gets to do all those outdoorsy activities and I really want to get in shape so I don't limit her from enjoying all there is to enjoy outside.

I truly am determined to do this. I am already under the weight I was when I got pregnant with her. My husband and I would like to start trying for baby #2 in the Fall but I really want to shed some more weight before then.

I am going to finish what I started in January. 20 pounds is good - but it is not enough. I have 40-50 left to lose and I know so many people have done it! Why can't I be one of them?

It's time to finish this...once and for all. Right?


  • a_dawn
    a_dawn Posts: 47
    You can do it. Everyone has the strength to, we just may have to dig deep inside to find Just keep remembering where you want to be and what the end result will be. The feeling of success is great. I lost 70 lbs. a few years ago and felt AWESOME!!! Then I got lazy and put some back on, but then I found this website (and app for my phone) and now I'm getting back on track. Good luck!
  • Mrs_TrimWaistFatWallet
    I hate my arms showing, so I don't want to wear tank tops. And I can't very well hang around in 90 degree, humid weather with long sleeves and pants on! And that isn't fair to my daughter.

    Way to go. But, its also not fair for YOU right? Good luck!
  • rhondaredhead
    rhondaredhead Posts: 135 Member
    So much of your story is similar to mine. My daughter just turned two in March, and I wanted to be healthier to enjoy her more and to be able to teach her how to be healthy, too. I started over a year ago at my pre-pregnancy weight (210), lost a bunch of weight, and then maintained for several months because I got busy—and now I'm trying to get down at a healthier weight before we try for baby #2 in the fall. I had a pretty uncomfortable pregnancy, and I think it might be easier the second time around if I'm healthier (and lighter) going into it. I'm wanting to go 40 pounds more, too (but I'm not going to put off having a second kid until I get there—I'll continue after baby if I have to). What finally worked for me was deciding that it was a lifestyle change, not a diet, and realizing that I wanted to do it for me—like you've said you want to—and nobody else. And what this does is motivate me to take *time* for me—for running outdoors (I never thought I'd love it, but I do) and other physical activity that is my time out away from everybody else. If you can find something that you love to do (and the time to do it), I bet it would help!