when was it ?

So I know what it takes to lose weight,I know I want it,I know I hate feeling the way that I do etc,but still can't seem to find myself "changing" completely,so my question is when was your "ah-ha" moment,what made you change & not look back,just needsome insight & encouraging words..at times I feel weak & just say theheck with it & I don't want that anymore...
thank you!


  • a_dawn
    a_dawn Posts: 47
    For weeks (months probably) every evening when I'd watch tv with my hubby, I would see women on tv and think, "Man, I wish I could look that good again". It's not that I want the perfect body (I'll NEVER have that) but I want to be where I used to be. I lost 70 lbs. a few years ago and felt great, until I gained 30 lbs back because I got lazy. Anyway, I would think, "Ok, I'm gonna get up in the morning and start losing weight". Then I'd get up and make some excuse not to and justify what I was eating. Finally, I was like, "You need to quit saying you're gonna lose weight and JUST DO IT". I just had to literally MAKE myself get started and now I'm wondering why I waited so long. I know the end results will be so worth it. I just love to eat! But I loved being "skinny" more.
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    When I just got tired of being tired of it.
  • dekarlo08
    dekarlo08 Posts: 102
    I've lost a good bit of weight and I'm still waiting on that moment. I was just telling my husband that after almost 5 months of this I shouldn't still be sitting here trying to talk myself out of going into the kitchen when I'm not hungry. So please, share it with me when you have this elusive A-HA moment
  • alexbowser
    alexbowser Posts: 322
    My breakthrough moment was looking at my family vacation photos from a trip to Disney World in March. I look so pale, out of shape and uncomfortable. I found maybe 1 or 2 photos out of hundreds that were flattering, standing next to my very thin mother and sister didn't help. I signed up for this site 3 days after the vacation.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Early Dec 2010: Photo is emailed to me from a hiking trip with sister-in-law. My hips are a mile wide. Total wake up call.

    Mid Dec 2010: Friend invites me to this awesome site to keep her in line (sadly she stopped using it in January :frown:), I log my calories and see the incredibly huge amount I am eating on a daily basis (something like 2800-3500!!)

    Late Dec 2010: I buy a scale. One with tenths of a pound and real batteries. One that WORKS. It says I am +15 pounds on what the older scale says. Enough of the "WHOA!" moments. Time to change my mind, change myself.

    Been eating less, eating more often, and eating healthier choices since Dec 26, 2010. Lost 20 lbs and about 25 inches. Raised my blood pressure (Yes, I was way under average), raised my iron level (also way too far below average), and my acid reflux has stopped. I hope everyone can find their "A-ha!" moment very soon. This year has been SO amazing, SO WORTH IT.
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    My moment had been building upon itself for awhile (a photo here where I thought I looked bad, not fitting into a dress or top as well as I used to, etc) but my REAL moment of change was when I saw photos of me that my friend took while we were hiking. I was wearing bicycle shorts and I looked GIANT. It was horrible.

    But I knew something had to change! I always thought I was okay. I knew I could do better, but I thought I was okay because I was always the "active" friend who wants to go on long hikes, play tennis, etc. My exercise was okay, but my eating wasn't. So MFP has really helped with that aspect so far!
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    The picture that broke the camel's back is there in my profile.
    That is what did it for me.
  • angeljamin
    angeljamin Posts: 234 Member
    Seven months after my daughter was born I realized that I did not have any pictures of me since the hospital picture on the day she was born. I would hide from the camera and ask people not to take pictures of me. When I went looking for a current picture, can't remember why, I realized I had none. I was, and still am, sad that most of the first year of my daughters life I don't have any pictures with her or my 2 year old son. I found MFP on my phone in April, and I have been going strong ever since.

    What keeps me going every day is the fact that I am young and I want to be healthy. My body is a gift! Regardless of religion or spiritual beliefs, the ability to get up every morning and play with my kids, walk, ride a bike and participate in life is an amazing thing that I don't want to waste. It would be like spitting in the face of others that don't have these abilities, if I continued to waste my gift by sitting on the couch, eating junk and watching TV.
  • FK1983
    FK1983 Posts: 186 Member
    For me I had already started losing weight, about 2 stone I think last July (2010), the thing that stuck with me and always always will and made me carry this through was when my dad said how proud he was of me losing the weight and doing something about it, a few months later he was no longer here.

    Won't ever forget what he said as that meant a lot :smile: