Mayo Sub: Homemade Ranch Dressing (or any flavor)

sitstaygimmeeakiss Posts: 130 Member
This was actually my son's idea, so simple I don't know why we didn't think of it before. I hate the lowfat & fat free mayos - so instead, I'm mixing some of the dry Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing (powder) with fat free yogurt. You can measure it out so you can add accurate figures in your food diary - but I always taste to make sure it's what I'm aiming for.

For tuna, since I am so used to mayo, I use this, plus add some dill seasoning, & a bit of garlic powder (garlic doesn't agree w/me, but it's such a good flavoring!) I ran out of onion powder, but would add that, too - along with finely chopped celery & onion (increasing the veggies in all dishes here). Oh, and either lemon or lime juice, depending what I have.

I've used this on sandwiches, too - now I need to keep the fridge stocked w/yogurt!


  • alexbowser
    alexbowser Posts: 322
    Yogurt is pretty much amazing, I'll have to try this out.
  • TNelly
    TNelly Posts: 16
    wow that is a great idea. I am a mayo junkie so I have trouble doing the whole subway thing.LOL... Have been doing kraft lite mayo which is not bad .Cant bring myself to do fat free...YUCK... Many have told me that Greek Yogurt can be very versatile and use it in many things especially if you like sour cream... I wanna try that...Thanks dear
  • a_dawn
    a_dawn Posts: 47
    Hmm, interesting idea. I'm like you, I don't like the light or fat free mayo's but I really have to have mayo on my sandwiches. Today I bought Hellmann's mayo with extra virgin olive oil. It has almost 1/2 the cal of regular and although it isn't regular Hellmann's, I think it'll be I've eaten it at my stepmom's and once its on the sandwich, I couldn't tell a difference.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    I've recently gotten a handle on my use of mayo, like using 1 teaspoon instead of 1 tablespoon, or using non-fat yogurt instead. But I liked your idea! Then I had to go and ruin it by reading the label on the back of the Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing (powder) package that I've had on the shelf for at least a year. Uh oh. Big words!! (I had to Google all of these things LOL!) MALTODEXTRIN, first ingredient. A synthetically manufactured sweetener used in processed foods. Another ingredient is MSG - MONOSODIUM GLUTAMATE. Nobody likes using that stuff anymore. I also saw CARBOXYMETHYLCELLULOSE (whoa!) which is a derivative of cellulose used for its sodium. It's the same stuff in eye drops to relieve dry, irritated eyes. Lately I've been on a mission to get away from processed foods, so I think I'll toss the package of dressing mix in the trash and go back to my regular mayo. Great idea though, flavoring yogurt to taste like or use in place of mayo...let's think of more ways to do it without the synthetic stuff. :drinker: