lizmichele Member


  • CrossFit will challenge you. It will be a mental workout. It will be a physical workout. It has brought me to tears, of pain, fear and joy! But it will give you strength, internal and external. Give it a try. It is just like any other gym or workout, it is about the trainers and the people. Many CrossFits are like a…
  • Find a Zumba class. It is great workout and lots of fun. I could Zumba every day! And you a ton of calories! If you can find a Zumba Toning class, take it. Those 1.5 pound sticks really help.
  • Count me in too! I would be happy with 8 more pounds, but they are being very stubborn!
  • What about boxing? We do it at my gym and our legs stay fairly still, but I burn calories and tone my arms like it is going out of style? Of course, check with your doc first.
  • Fruit! I love it. From what I have read you should eat it mostly in the morning, and not mix it with other things. It digests faster if eaten alone, and not within 30 minutes of another food item, particularly carbs. I eat fruit like it is going out of style. And lucky for me we have an organic fruit bin delivered to our…
  • Great job! 10 miles is a huge milestone, and with a dying iPod even more impressive. Keep it up.
  • It was great! We didn't do the Baseline, scheduling mix up, they just threw us in for the workout and I loved it. 75 squats, 50 situps, 25 kettle bell swings and repeat 4 times. Since it was our first time they told us we only had to do half of everything. But I did 2 regular sets, and 2 half sets. Felt great. Next time I…
  • Oh boy, sounds like I am in for a treat. Thanks for the inside info.
  • Salads galore at Subway! My favorite is the Veggie Delight salad, with everything. I add vinegar and spicy mustard for the dressing, saves calories and if you can handle the punch it packs it is delicious!
  • True Lemon and True Lime, it is a great thing to add to your water! It is pure, crystallized lemon and lime. Give you a flavor burst without added sugar.
  • DETROIT HALF MARATHON RUNNERS! We are going to rock it in October. Started my training as well this week, will be my 3rd half and 2nd time in Detroit. I am hoping to shave off some time and hit all of my training goals. I am swapping today for Friday, 3 miles and Strength tomorrow, resting today. What is everyone's time…
  • Weekends happen to all of us. I am putting the scale away until Friday and hoping to see it at or below where I was last Friday. I am going to focus my energies on workouts and cooking with all the wonderful vegetables that are sprouting up. I bet we are all back to feeling healthy again after today's workout! Who wants to…
    in o man :( Comment by lizmichele June 2010
  • I missed putting in my results! I lost 1.5 pounds. And am going to do it again this week, but my weigh in is going to be on Thursday. Thanks for the support. Thinking of small goals, and small time frames is working out for me.
  • IN! After a week of vacation, no working out and not counting anything I am feeling sluggish, heavy and ready to kick it up! Current Weight 149.5 5/25 Weight 147.5
  • Officially finished Phase 1! And I am heading to Mexico for a vacation tomorrow evening. I feel stronger and have improved all of my numbers for every workout. After I return I am going to kick it with Phase 2 and increase my diligence on the nutrition. I didn't see any weight loss, but that isn't keeping me down. I feel…
  • Am I crazy or is week 2 harder than week 1? Maybe the excitement is lessened? But the first 2 times I did Ab Ripper X I felt strong and now I am hitting a wall! Also any ideas/tips for pull-up bars? Our apartment has no doorways--or room. Our bar we were using our bands on just snapped! Looking for alternatives! Thanks!
  • First 5 days of P90X are complete. My husband and I made it up early 4 out of the 5 days, and did 1 workout after work. Had some trouble with Yoga X, only made it to about the 35 minute mark. But I did put in a 7 mile run that day. Weekend wasn't P90-had a bachelorette party out of town. The bride to be and I went for a 3…
  • Weighed in today-no loss no gain. I will continue my workouts and healthy eating in hopes of breaking this stale mate I call 147 pounds! I think I have been at this weight or just around it (between 145-148) since I started MFP. What the heck?
  • Walkerbaby-make sure you have all of your equipment needed and also set a schedule for yourself. Do your grocery shopping too if you are going to do the nutrition plan. Having everything you need makes it easier to stay on track. Day 2 done! Plymetrics-man that was a great workout. I as surprised at my endurance throughout…
  • First work out done! Chest and Arms today. Got up early for that one, but not early enough to do Ab Ripper X (have an early meeting on Monday's that I did not account for) but I will do Ab Ripper when I get home tonight. Felt good to get started and although I had to do some on the push-ups on my knees I hung in it for the…
  • Count me in too! CW 147 GW 137 by May 1st! Lets do this everyone.
  • I am planning to start on Monday as well! We are in this together.
  • For my homemade hummus I just use: Can of Chickpeas (rinsed and try to get that thin skin layer off, it usually comes off when you rinse them) Juice of 1 Lemon Drizzle of Olive Oil Garlic I used to always use Tahini in my hummus, but once I was out and made it without and it turned out just as good, if not better. Plus…
  • Alright the busy week is passed us and on Wednesday I will be doing my official p90X grocery shopping. As a vegetarian non-dairy eater any tips for protein? That is going to be my biggest challenge during this (well other than the workouts)!
  • Starting to get discouraged. Have been working out around 200-225 minutes per week, watching my caloric intake and have gained 2 pounds. I blew it last night at the Mexican restaurant! I just need to stay positive and set some smaller goals. 1.5 pounds down in the next 8 days. I can do that. And continue to track my food…
  • tbirdie1! You and I are on the same track, I am 145 and want to get to 130. I have been working out and eating healthy, watching my calories ( at 1200, but more on days I work out) and having a lot of trouble making progress. I have been tracking for 3 weeks and have actually gained a pound. After reading this I too am…
  • Due to some out of town plans this week my husband and I are waiting to start until next week. I wanted to start off in a week that follows my normal schedule and not miss any workouts due to being away. I have been looking at those DVD's everyday and getting very excited. To prepare for next week I am making my meal…
  • My P90X came in the mail yesterday! Today my husband and I are trying to get organized and ready for the next 90 days. Any advice on getting started?
  • Still waiting for my P90X to come in the mail, should be by Friday! Frankyosage-WELCOME! We can run through this thing together. Soon we will be 90 days away from a healthier self. Laurabelle-You rock! 12lbs. lost so far! Keep up the work. I splurge with wine here and there too. It is a little treat we can afford after a…
  • Thanks everyone! I am so excited to get working out. You really hit a wall with workouts after some time and P90X seems to be the perfect solution. Mine should be arriving within the week so for now I am going to enjoy my runs and 30 Day Shred DVD, things are about to heat up for me. Dairy free protein shakes here I come!