What am I doing wrong?

tbirdie1 Posts: 7
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
I have been calorie counting for the past three weeks. My goal is 1200 calories per day, I usually do 1200 for 2 days and then 1400 one day, back to 1200. I'm exercising 4-5 days a week. Running/spin class/yoga/DVD "shred it with light weights.....

I cut back on drinking wine, no more 3 glasses per week. last week I tried switching everything up.. had a few vodka/club sodas....no processed foods, changed things a bit. Tried to do even better....and I have gone from losing 3 pounds in 8 days, back to only losing 1lb as of this morning.

I'm frustrated and not sure what to do! My CW is 143. GW: 130


  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I had the same problem. When I cut back my exercise to 3 days a week, I began to lose. Sore muscles hold onto water. When your body gets used to the exercise it won't need to hold it anymore. Just be patient. It's tough to get started sometimes. Our bodies stubbornly hold on to the weight because we're doing something different. When yours realizes you're not going to starve it, it'll start letting go of those pounds.
    Have you been keeping track of your inches? I was smaller and firmer before the scale ever showed a change.
  • TGIBriday83
    TGIBriday83 Posts: 68 Member
    keep at it. maybe try adjusting your caloric intake. 1200 seems like it might be kind of low with how much working out your doing. but for the most part just keep at it. most people lose a nice amount to start and then plateau shortly there after. itll come. just don't get discouraged.
  • tbirdie1
    tbirdie1 Posts: 7
    Thank you for your response! My body is used to the exercise, I have been consistent with that for a long time....it is the diet that I have problems with. I love wine and mexican food. ;) so I think it might be in shock right now. I lost the weight last year around this time, and then slowly started to put it back on even though in that time frame I ran and trained for two half marathons! I do feel like my stomach isn't as bloated. I haven't measured, just going by the scale and how clothes fit. I"m trying to be patient, but I have to wear a bathing suit it two weeks. :) I'm going to drink more water this week and ditch the coffee creamer and see if that helps.
  • flinchyny
    flinchyny Posts: 106 Member
    Sounds like you don't need to lose much weight (or possibly don't need to lose any - just want to) and three weeks isn't a very long time for your body to adjust to changes. Plus you are losing weight. Sounds like you should keep at it and be patient, although it is likely you're eating too few calories -- 1200 is really low if you're exercising a lot.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    You might want to shoot for between 1400 - 1500 cals per day and make sure you drink all the water you're supposed to. You also may want to try giving up the alcohol completely for a short time to see if it makes a difference.
  • Lusadi
    Lusadi Posts: 79
    Also keep in mind that long-term healthy weight loss is only about 1-2 lbs a week.
  • Have you read the posts about eating your exercise calories? I have a 1200 calorie goal and I thought that I should eat 1200 calories AND workout. Every time I do that, I get a message saying that I might be putting my body in starvation mode. I checked into it and everyone was saying that you're supposed to eat more when you work out. So if I burn 300 calories that day, I'm supposed to eat 1500 calories. Seems counterintuitive, but it's the healthy thing to do.
    And I agree with previous posters...you should only be losing 1-2 lbs a week and you don't have much weight to lose. It's always harder as you reach your goal.
    I hope you meet your swimsuit goal! :-)
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    If you don't have a lot to lose, it may take a few weeks for your metabolism to adjust to your new diet routine (it may take a few weeks even if you had a lot to lose). Give it time.

    I would also venture that you are eating too few calories and possibly not the right kind? Are you eating lean meat, whole grain, raw fruits and vegetables for the majority of your allowed calories? The "starvation" of 1200-1400 calories could be compounded by the lack of other nutrition if your diet is not balanced properly.
  • tbirdie1
    tbirdie1 Posts: 7
    Thanks everyone, your advice has been helpful! I agree with everyone- 1-2lbs per week is the goal! I was frustrated because after three weeks I was only down 1-3 pounds...the scale would go up and down. Today it was down 2. The response about having the additional calories you burn during exercise was right on. I haven't been adding that in and some days I'm burning 800+ calories. I'm training for a half marathon next month. Those days I'm certainly more hungry and will eat more, but I haven't gone over 1600 calories. I'm taking everyone's advice and increasing my calories when I exercise. I am eating very healthy...lean proteins, raw veggies, hummus, string cheese, nuts (although not many because they are high in calories), chicken, fish, shrimp, ceviche, brown rice, eggs, etc......smoothies, fruit, yogurt.....everything fresh~.

    It is hard to believe that if I eat more, I will lose weight when I'm not losing now....but I'm going to give it a try. Besides I'm hungry. :)

  • lizmichele
    lizmichele Posts: 32 Member
    tbirdie1! You and I are on the same track, I am 145 and want to get to 130. I have been working out and eating healthy, watching my calories ( at 1200, but more on days I work out) and having a lot of trouble making progress. I have been tracking for 3 weeks and have actually gained a pound. After reading this I too am going to increase my water (or at least start to track it better) and make sure I am fueling up on the proper nutrients for my workout days.

  • tbirdie1
    tbirdie1 Posts: 7
    LizMichele! Great- keep me posted on your success. I feel like drinking more water is helping- and I ate more yesterday(1450) and the scale was down today a little today. I think it is harder to lose those last 10 pounds! stay strong.
  • lizmichele
    lizmichele Posts: 32 Member
    Starting to get discouraged. Have been working out around 200-225 minutes per week, watching my caloric intake and have gained 2 pounds. I blew it last night at the Mexican restaurant! I just need to stay positive and set some smaller goals. 1.5 pounds down in the next 8 days. I can do that. And continue to track my food and keep exercising!

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