o man :(

Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
So this weekend was nice being that it was a 3 day weekend...BUT I did reeeaaaallllyyy bad. Like I mean HORRIBLE! ughhh I only went to the gym on saturday and I ate really bad like every meal and every snack for 3 days! I'm so mad at myself. I finally saw changes and then I go and blow it! I had to have gained some weight back and I just feel ughhh.


  • Don't feel bad. I did it too. Let's just start over.
  • dansdeb
    dansdeb Posts: 164
    Its a new week - just put it behind you and start over :grumble: Nothing you can do about it now, just suck it up and move on. The long weekends are the most difficult, I didn't gain, but I didn't loose...... You can do it!
  • I gotta say... I had the worst weekend ever! It seemed like all we did was eat and drink! I will be avoiding the scale for quite some time. I tried to keep up with entering my foods but I was horrified at the result! Can't wait to get back on track today!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • TruSunshine
    TruSunshine Posts: 178
    Come on! Don't be too hard on yourself. It was a long weekend and I overate too, but today is a new day. Let's get ourselves back on track and get this weight lost! Lol :bigsmile:
  • I was in vacation mode! Gained a pound. Time to pick ourselves up and get back to work!
  • Яaquel
    Яaquel Posts: 90
    I think this weekend was horrible for all of us.... Lets start Fresh Today =D
  • antiadipose
    antiadipose Posts: 447
    its soo hard to keep a clean diet around guests and family. for example when we had fish night on saturday, i didnt want mine fried... i grilled it instead. i got dirty looks and comments as if i was anorexic!!!!!! i was like ... its not like im opting for a romaine lettuce head for dinner. lol im still gonna have the rice with the shrimp and the veggies but i want my tilapia grilled.

    IS THAT SO BAD MOM lol she was like "ur becoming obssessive!" so of course for the rest of the weekend i had to eat what they ate so that i didnt get anymore of those lectures.

    dear mother, im so sorry for trying to live a healthier life and trying to stay in shape.

    ============= thats my rant =====================

    sorry for hijacking. back to what u said... its a new day.. and the great thing about changing ur lifestyle is ur metabolism can take much more beat downs and recover pretty easily.

    stay strong =]
  • sabes2631
    sabes2631 Posts: 403 Member
    sleeve of chips a hoy.
    bag of chips.
    grinders with may0
    bud light lime
    steak (twice)
    ice cream....

    LOL - how many days before that shows up on scale?????????
  • tkwilliams67
    tkwilliams67 Posts: 15 Member
    Don't worry alot of us blew it this past weekend. We just have to get back on track from here.
    Good Luck....
  • Melora
    Melora Posts: 65 Member
    I had cake!!

    But I did feel good when we went out to a burger place. I kept thinking there wouldnt be anything for me to eat, but I had a buffalo burger and it was really tasty.

    And I had ice cream!!

    I will weight today.......just to see! hehehehe!!
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    Don't feel bad-you are not alone. I didn't track any of my calories this weekend and I didn't eat healthy either! Starting over today and trying to keep on track-the weekends are always hardest for me!
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    As long as you don't turn this weekend into an everyday thing, then you have nothing to worry about. Enjoy yourself once in a while. :flowerforyou:
  • canstey
    canstey Posts: 118
    I think it is very unlikely you actually gained any significant weight like a pound or more. Much more likely is all that bulk you consumed has not passed. Get back on track with eating and within 3-4 days your weight will be back to a level where you cannot tell you ate badly over Memorial day weekend.
  • jennifermcornett
    jennifermcornett Posts: 159 Member
    its soo hard to keep a clean diet around guests and family. for example when we had fish night on saturday, i didnt want mine fried... i grilled it instead. i got dirty looks and comments as if i was anorexic!!!!!! i was like ... its not like im opting for a romaine lettuce head for dinner. lol im still gonna have the rice with the shrimp and the veggies but i want my tilapia grilled.

    IS THAT SO BAD MOM lol she was like "ur becoming obssessive!" so of course for the rest of the weekend i had to eat what they ate so that i didnt get anymore of those lectures.

    dear mother, im so sorry for trying to live a healthier life and trying to stay in shape.

    I had the same things happening to me this weekend! My new nickname with my husband's family is J-Roid, and they can't seem to just be happy for my weight loss. They have to pick at me and question the choices I'm making. We ordered pizza hut for lunch yesterday, and I ate a plate of salad first, and by the time I was ready for pizza, I could only eat a slice and a half. The whole family is overweight, so I'm sure it's mostly an issue of wishing they could lose weight as well. None of them followed my lead and ate salad though. That's fine, but then they think it's hilarious to call me J-Roid as if I'm some kind of crazy roided out freak. My husband tells his whole family that I'm obsessed with my diet and workouts simply because I use MFP. He actually gets jealous when I turn on the laptop to log in, and he throws a little tantrum that I'm not paying enough attention to him.
    Okay, that ends my small rant!
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    So this weekend was nice being that it was a 3 day weekend...BUT I did reeeaaaallllyyy bad. Like I mean HORRIBLE! ughhh I only went to the gym on saturday and I ate really bad like every meal and every snack for 3 days! I'm so mad at myself. I finally saw changes and then I go and blow it! I had to have gained some weight back and I just feel ughhh.

    I think weekends like this one helps you focus better. You are not going to eat perfect everyday and so you need sometimes to eat what you want. I eat healthy but I usually do about a week of eating kind of anything I want and I am so ready to get focused. I normally don't gain any weight though. I usually do that about every 6 months. If I don't sometimes I lose focus. So it helps me in not getting bored or anything.
  • lizmichele
    lizmichele Posts: 32 Member
    Weekends happen to all of us. I am putting the scale away until Friday and hoping to see it at or below where I was last Friday. I am going to focus my energies on workouts and cooking with all the wonderful vegetables that are sprouting up. I bet we are all back to feeling healthy again after today's workout!

    Who wants to join me in a week of dedication and positive encouragement?
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    Happened to me too on Monday.. Pizza found it's way to my belly!! And so did soft serve ice cream and two pieces of chocolates that we bought in a little store in Zion. Mmmm..... Oh and so did spinach dip and french fries (thqt was on Sunday though). I gained a pound too!!!

    Flush your body with lots of water, eat super clean this week and get in some good workouts! that extra weight will come off!
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    I was reading an articel or somewhere that you are not supposed to have desert after dinner bc the desert turns everything you had at dinner into just fat. I don't remember where I saw it but you can google it. They said to eat your desert earlier in the day.
  • SimonLondon
    SimonLondon Posts: 350
    I ate badly, didn't list it all on my diary because I was so annoyed with myself and lost 2lb, go figure :noway:
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I had a bad weekend, also.

    It’s el-sucko when your ideals of “healthy” and your family or surrounding friends ideals of “healthy” are completely different. I had a crap weekend (all 3 days camping), but it wasn’t filled with what most would consider “bad” treats.

    Anywho, since I’ve been tagged as a health nut in the family, everyone else wanted to “help out” and dump their “healthy” stuff onto my plate. English muffins, pretzels, margarine, Weight Watchers popsicles, pancakes, crackers, pasta, bread…mostly all super-carbo-load or fake foods that I avoid 90% of the time. To avoid the diet dogma arguments, I just kept my mouth shut and ate some of the food. I feel like crap today. Stomach cramps, headache, allergy flare-up. Yeah. Literal crap. I avoid wheat, fake foods, and starches for a reason – the feeling like crap part, but telling family members that I’m gluten intolerant won’t go anywhere without a formal medical diagnosis. (Then I’d be the family diet quack. Oh goodie.) Why argue? Most think the above foods are the holy grail of nutrition and honestly, I’m not stepping in and saying they’re complete crap for some.

    So, I tack it up as a really horrible cheat and move on. No use starting a flame war in the family about diets. I also scheduled an appointment with my primary physician to get a referral to an allergist or specialist regarding the wheat thing. I can keep losin’ my weight and feeling good and uh, I guess everyone else can enjoy stuff that doesn’t really taste like or resemble butter. Next time I think I’ll just grow some balls and say NO…argument hopefully not ensuing.
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