First Round P90X-ers



  • Whew! Did Core yesterday, Cardio this morning. Yikes! not exercising in 5 days really makes it hard when you do start exercising again. i can definitely tell i'm outta shape. (and i'm sure all the easter candy didn't help any either!) But i still feel so much better. it's amazing how yucky and 'down' you feel when you're not exercising. And you don't really notice it till you get in a few workouts and feel totally rejuvinated!

    Keep up the good work ya'll!
  • lizmichele
    lizmichele Posts: 32 Member
    Walkerbaby-make sure you have all of your equipment needed and also set a schedule for yourself. Do your grocery shopping too if you are going to do the nutrition plan. Having everything you need makes it easier to stay on track.

    Day 2 done! Plymetrics-man that was a great workout. I as surprised at my endurance throughout the whole thing. My DVD kept skipping though and man you don't really want to do extra jump squats right?

    Glad you are feeling up and great again Laurabelle!
  • rs1177
    rs1177 Posts: 124 Member
    Hi all!
    I started my 4th week yesterday of P90X Lean , I think I'm going to change to Classic next week and see how that goes. Even though I still find some workouts harder to get through the maximum reps ( and still cant with some!).

    I love Kenpo, that is my favoriate workout! How do you guys put P90x into your exercise? Cause I have just been putting some workouts as strenght training and others as aerobics. I dont think its giving me the correct amout of calories burned cause I thought I would of burned more than this website tells me.

    I havent seen much of a weight loss yet. I am suppose to weigh myself tomorrow, but Im' going to wait until next week now cause this weekend was just bad! And I know if I gained a pound it will really discourage me!

    I thought I would of seen better results by now though! I am eating pretty clean. Not sure why there isnt much happening yet!
    any thoughts?
  • Rcrews77 – I am with you…Almost done with week 4 and don’t see or feel much of a difference. I feel like I’m pushing hard and eating so much better and I think we just need to be more patient. I hate to say that cuz it is SOOOO hard to do. But I have read on other boards that many women don’t see a big change until into the 2nd phase… However I too am very nervous to get on the scale because I know I will be very disappointed if I haven’t lost anything. I am hoping pictures and/or measurements will be encouraging.

    As for putting in the exercise… I was also just finding something that looked similar to what I was doing but then I bought a heart rate monitor and used it today for the first time. I am scared to use what it said because I cannot believe I burned that many calories! But I recommend this and then you can just add in your own exercise and call it whatever you want. This has been the advice of so many other people I feel like it’s worth taking.

    Let’s keep encouraging one another. Putting it in perspective, it probably took more than 4 weeks to get outta shape in the first place, right???

    Wondering what your thoughts are on Lean vs. Classic - I was thinking about doing Lean for Round 2
  • FrankyOsage
    FrankyOsage Posts: 275
    Jeez! I feel like a slacker already!! I had a seminar yesterday and couldn't even start my day one (Sorry Core Synergistics, I shall see you next week)!

    But today I just finished Cardio X (I'm doing the lean version, I'm not quite bad *kitten* enough yet to do classic!) and was quite happy I could keep up with 90% of whats going on. 3 months ago I'm sure I wouldve passed out after the warm up. Shoulders, Arms, and Ab Ripper tomorrow at the wee hours of the morning. yay!

    Also, I seriously need a heart rate monitor... and new tennis shoes. My opinion the latter is more important correct, forsaking my correct calories for excercise on here. Agree?
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Having proper shoes will help with form and thereby lower your chances of hurting youself so if it's one or the other, I would say shoes. Just be careful with the calories though. if you guesstimate your calories based on entries on MFP, I would recommend only eatting 60-80% of them back because I've found that the calories I actually burn based on my HRM are usually only 75-80% of those comparable entries on MFP.
  • Karna6e
    Karna6e Posts: 57
    One thing about shoes for P90X (and Insanity for that matter), I don't know if it's been said, but I have found that running shoes are not the proper shoes to be wearing for these exercises. I have liked using cross-training shoes infinitely better as the support your foot better on side to side movement.
  • FrankyOsage
    FrankyOsage Posts: 275
    One thing about shoes for P90X (and Insanity for that matter), I don't know if it's been said, but I have found that running shoes are not the proper shoes to be wearing for these exercises. I have liked using cross-training shoes infinitely better as the support your foot better on side to side movement.

    I wore a very old pair of cross trainers today because I was too lazy to get my running shoes back out of my car at 5AM (packed for my jog tonight) and it helped immensly! I'm glad you feel the same way. Cardio X in my running shoes made me feel like I was falling off the sides and they kept almost slipping off. I'll just have to really research and figure out some good shoes I can jog and do the side to side motions in... maybe basketball shoes of sorts...

    Thanks Lilchino4af. I'll really just have watch my calories then. I tend to be one of those "eat them back" types but now I can't be as sure...
  • lizmichele
    lizmichele Posts: 32 Member
    First 5 days of P90X are complete. My husband and I made it up early 4 out of the 5 days, and did 1 workout after work. Had some trouble with Yoga X, only made it to about the 35 minute mark. But I did put in a 7 mile run that day. Weekend wasn't P90-had a bachelorette party out of town. The bride to be and I went for a 3 mile run on Saturday and Sunday was spent driving back to Indiana. So for the first 7 days of P90 I did 5 workouts (including the ab rippers) and 2 runs. How do all of you think that works out in the long run?

    Ready to hit up Kenpo tomorrow bright and early. Getting stricter with my diet this week as well. I splurged on those darn m&m's today, but have kept to a low-carb high protein meal plan. Excited to see what this week brings. As of Saturday I had dropped half a pound! I am more motivated by toning up my body than the scale.

    I mist admit I did have several cocktails as I enjoyed my best friends last night of freedom.
  • sitasays
    sitasays Posts: 24 Member
    Hi everyone! I just started week 3 of phase 1. I'm excited to see so many people here that are really into P90X. It's very inspiring!
    I think my favorite dvds so far is core synergistics followed by yoga. I have to admit that the yoga is really challenging but I feel my flexibility has definitely improved. I'm hopelessly uncoordinated when it comes to kenpo. I find myself getting flustered w/ my arm movements not coordinating. Hopefully that will get better eventually. Just glad I'm doing it in the privacy of my own home!
  • lizmichele
    lizmichele Posts: 32 Member
    Am I crazy or is week 2 harder than week 1? Maybe the excitement is lessened? But the first 2 times I did Ab Ripper X I felt strong and now I am hitting a wall!

    Also any ideas/tips for pull-up bars? Our apartment has no doorways--or room. Our bar we were using our bands on just snapped! Looking for alternatives!

  • My fiancee and I are at week 4 in Round 1 and we love it!!! We are doing the lean version first (I talked him into it) and he's has shed about 20 lbs already. Anyone else totally hate the yoga? It gets easier as you go on through the weeks but it is so long and I freaking hate warrior poses!!! Unlike a lot of you guys, I love the kenpo. It doesn't really feel like a workout when you are doing it but you definately feel it in the morning. LOL!!
    By the way, my fiancee and I have to wake up at 4am to work out together, but we both know that is the only way we will actually work out and push each other. An easy way to get protein... protein smoothies. We have been making smotthies with all sorts of fruit combination, my favorite so far.... pineapple, mango and papaya. The papaya is great for making smoothies, even if you don't really like the taste of it, like me!
  • lbtewksbury
    lbtewksbury Posts: 147 Member
    I too started P90X on Saturday, I am ashamed to say that I haven't made it through any of the videos completely, 58 minutes is tough. I do half of the video and then walk for 30 minutes trying to build up my endurance. I still don't have a set time to do it, my sons are playing baseball so some mornings I do it and some afternoons depending on our baseball games. I'm really excited to keep it up. I am glad to know that results don't show in the first 30 days, I wouldn't want to get discouraged. I am still eating my 1200 calories based on MFP, but I'm sure once I can do the complete dvd I will need to increase my calories. Glad to have this thread to post my results. Thanks
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    5/85 P90X Classic
    Week 1: Legs & Back, ARX

    I was up again early today and I'm excited about that. Had half a banana before P90X and half a banana before going jogging outside. I did ARX first without my shoes on, then Legs & Back, and then went for a 30 minute Jog outside. Today during ARX my whole body felt sore, I guess I'm getting my whole body worked out from P90X and all the lifting. I have a slight cold from jogging outside, because I'm not used to it, but I hope my body gets used to the wind and it will improve. Friday and Saturday I don't jog out and Saturday is my day off- wohoo. I made my schedule so that I have saturdays as my day off because I noticed that is the day I am most busy at church and it's the easiest day for me to miss a workout due to my schedule. My knees also feel a bit of pain, but I hope I can stretch it out and the next 2 days off of it, will make it better. If not, I'll see if I have to do something about it.

    So I'm done for today and yesterday I was literally working on HW due that day the whole day and didn't even get to watch any tv or do anything. Today I'm going to do some job searching online and then DO NOTHING all day.. :) Just relax, and watch tv. Wohoo!!

    Take care all, fitness buddies!
  • rs1177
    rs1177 Posts: 124 Member
    Hi guys,

    I'm in my 5th week now, I started with the Lean and this week moved on to the Classic Version.
    I'm pretty tired today, but I love these workouts. I feel stronger and more energized! I haven't weighed or measured myself since the beginning of the month and I'm waiting until the end of the month because I"m afraid I will be discouraged if I haven't lost much. I'm predicting that I will see more inches than actual weight loss.

    I actually havent' been using a pull up bar due to having no place for it. I'm just using weights, not the same, but at least its something!

    I hope I see good results when these 90 days are over!
  • coold
    coold Posts: 85
    smiley-vault-signs-111.gif I am wondering if p90x is the same as insanity!!! 15.gif thanks!!!
  • I too just started the lean version of P90X and am now on my 11th day. I am also new to this site as well. I was just wondering if someone could lead me in the right direction as to adding my daily excercise. I completed yoga X today and am not sure what it would fall under in the excercise database? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!!
  • Dom_m
    Dom_m Posts: 336 Member
    Am I crazy or is week 2 harder than week 1? Maybe the excitement is lessened? But the first 2 times I did Ab Ripper X I felt strong and now I am hitting a wall!

    Also any ideas/tips for pull-up bars? Our apartment has no doorways--or room. Our bar we were using our bands on just snapped! Looking for alternatives!


    Liz, this might work for you:
    Its not too cheap, but it does seem to be pretty good. I just googled "free standing pull up bar" and found quite a few. This was the first one I found that looked portable since you said you had a space problem. If you look around, you can probably find one that's cheaper. You might even get one on ebay from someone who thought they'd get ripped and then got lazy instead :)
  • Dom_m
    Dom_m Posts: 336 Member
    BTW... Hi everyone! I just order p90x and I feel like a kid on Christmas eve! I'm so excited to get started. I feel like my progress has stalled and p90x looks like it'll give me the variety and progression I need to keep improving.

    I've only got about 5lb to lose and I'm fairly fit (I did a 100km (60mile) race 3 weeks ago, and before that my 5k time got down to <21mins) so I think I should be able to handle it. I've been going to regular gym classes since August. I love them, and I love the social part of the gym: I do Les Mills classes (pump, balance, RPM, step) and I do about 10 / week (last year I was doing about 20 / week!) but I feel like its the same thing over and over, and I have to follow the time that the class is available, which means I miss a bunch of other stuff I want to do. I'm starting to get a bit bored with the routine.

    Also, I've never really done strength training so it'll be good having someone tell me how to do it.

    Seems like lots of people have a problem with the yoga. I'm actually looking forward to that a lot! Balance is my favorite gym class and I'm pretty sure it'll be similar.

    A quick question: I wonder if there are any other vegans (or vegetarians) doing p90x? Would be great to hear what you think of the nutrition plan.

    Cheers. Dom.
  • mworld
    mworld Posts: 270
    hi dom, you'll be glad to know that the p90x creator is a vegetarian im sure the nutrition plan will have those options.
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