First Round P90X-ers



  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon all! I hope everyone's weekend has gotten off to a great start. Last night a girlfriend and I went to see Dionne Farris in concert. If anyone has ever seen the movie "Love Jones" she has a track on the cd called "Hopeless". She had taken a 13 year hiatus to raise her daughter and now she's back w/a cd dropping in October. Now I loved the song "Hopeless" but never really heard any of her other songs until last night and I must say she has a lovely voice and I will be looking to purchase her previous body of work as well as her new cd. I'm so glad my friend asked me to go b/c I was pleasantly surprised. She was on stage a full 2 hours and sang her heart out. For anyone who's still not familar w/her she's like a neo-soul artist, along the lines of Jill Scott.

    Enough about my Friday night and onto my workout. Another friend of mine is currently participating in an exercise boot camp and her trainer offered a free session this morning so I decided to check it out. I must say that Tony Horton's P90X and Shaun T's Insanity really prepared me for boot camp. My endurance was through the roof and I was outshining some of the men who were there. He began the session w/a five minute jog, knocked it out w/o a problem. Then he began our workout w/4 30 second drill stations (they reminded me of football drills). Every 30 seconds you moved to another station until he blew the whistle. I'm telling you my endurance was so crazy that when the 30 seconds were over I was looking around like "that's it, it's over already). I'm still nowhere near mastering the Insanity program but it's good to know that something is working b/c I was looking like a pro out there today. Nonetheless, I did get a good workout in so I'm satisfied AND IT WAS FREE, so it doesn't get much better.

    Well I'm off to complete the rest of my errands for today and then chill out. Have a great day all!
  • Good to know. I will only wear mine during those workouts too. I start phase 2 on Monday. I can't believe how fast phase 1 went!
  • lizmichele
    lizmichele Posts: 32 Member
    Alright the busy week is passed us and on Wednesday I will be doing my official p90X grocery shopping. As a vegetarian non-dairy eater any tips for protein? That is going to be my biggest challenge during this (well other than the workouts)!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Hey Jennyco- thanks for asking! I do have to have the surgery unfortunately. I am still waiting to meet with the surgeon. All of the pain is gone, but the lump is still very much there. I have increased the intensity of my workouts, deciding that my body will probably be the best gauge. However, I am still avoiding the ab exercises until I meet with the surgeon. I don't know if it's my imagination, but I feel like my stomach is losing the tone that it had gotten already. As much as I hate ARX, I hate skipping it more. But it's not worth making things worse I guess.

    I am on week 9 day 3, and so I am back to arms and shoulders. I was very surprised at the difference between phase 1 and now as far as my strength and performance went.

    Liz, I wish I had some tips for you, other than bars and really high protein cereals. Non fat dairy products would be ok...if you're not vegan. I have trouble getting my protein in some days too, and I eat meat! My guess is beans/legumes will be your good friend too, but maybe not to anybody who's behind you! LOL
  • Well Hey everyone!

    I'm still working on trying to limit my alcohol intake. So far switching from beer to wine is helping a little, and instead of drinking a ton on Fri., Sat., & Sun. I only drank Fri. and Sat., and had only 1 beer on Sun. So that's an improvement.

    I also don't record my food on the weekends. I make an effort to eat correctly, but I hardly have time to get on the computer. So yesterday I thought i'd log everything, just to see, and wow! I averaged 2000-2200 cal. a day on Sat. and Sun!! (i'm supposed to keep it around 1600-1800) so i'm sure that increase is effecting me not losing any lbs. so this weekend i'm going to log everything!

    I'm having a little difficulty getting the energy to exercise, it just seems like i am soooo tired in the morning, then i get home late (working OT, it sucks) so then i dont' want to do anything but sit on the couch. But i'm going to leave early today and go home and put on that DVD!!!! Then i WILL get up at 4:30am to put in that dvd tomorrow!

    Anyways, glad to see all the new faces! (I'm on Phase 2 week 2, BTW). Keep up the good work!


    I went through the exercise time issue. I also have to get up around 4:30 to workout before work, because if I put if off until
    after work, I can barely motivate to do it. I think it's just best to get it out of the way.

    So tomorrow morning, when your alarm goes off, know that I'm also getting up and working out too!

    Just wanted you to know that I've been there too.


  • Laura,

    I went through the exercise time issue. I also have to get up around 4:30 to workout before work, because if I put if off until
    after work, I can barely motivate to do it. I think it's just best to get it out of the way.

    So tomorrow morning, when your alarm goes off, know that I'm also getting up and working out too!

    Just wanted you to know that I've been there too.


    Thanks for the encouragement! I got up this morning and rocked it out w/ Cardio. And i'm so glad I did. I've got a little more energy this week. Don't know if it's b/c I'm eating better or that i'm used to getting up.
    I'll definitely think of you being up @ 4:30 w/ me tomorrow!!
  • jennyco
    jennyco Posts: 21 Member
    Hey everyone - this week and part of last have been a total write-off. I've just been feeling 'off'. I don't really feel hungry and my stomach feels upset when I do eat. At first I thought it was a 24 hour bug, but it's still hanging on. We (as in all of my family) also have a bit of a cold, so maybe it goes with the cold. I've gone for some walks and tried to do Core, but just couldn't get into it. I guess I'll do what I can this week and then re-do the week.

    What would everyone else do if you were ill and missed some work outs?
  • Thanks for the encouragement! I got up this morning and rocked it out w/ Cardio. And i'm so glad I did. I've got a little more energy this week. Don't know if it's b/c I'm eating better or that i'm used to getting up.
    I'll definitely think of you being up @ 4:30 w/ me tomorrow!!

    You're welcome. I think it's nice knowing that someone else is doing it too, plus for me, it helps keep me accountable. This morning was a tough one for me. I sooo wanted to push snooze, but I thought, "I can't! I just told Laura I would be getting up early too!"

    Today was Plyo for me. I am on phase 2 week 1 and this was the first Plyo that I attempted jumping through the moves. I've been stepping through them in the past, but today, I jumped! I had to take tons of mini breaks, but I felt really good about my performance.

    Where are you in the program?

  • Melissa- I'm in Phase 2, first week of Lean. I'm technically supposed to be on week 3, but the last two weeks i haven't totally completed the weeks (i've only done about 4 out of the 7 work outs). So i'm kind of starting Phase 2 over. But that's ok. I WILL make it thru this whole week! Keep up the good work!
  • FrankyOsage
    FrankyOsage Posts: 275
    My P90X came in the mail today!! I plan on doing the fitness test on Sunday (after my Easter lunch settles!) and starting Monday. It couldn't have come at a better time, I have to be away from my office and gym next week and this will make sure I still get my excercise in!
  • I just started P90X a few days ago. I agree with most posts. Only made it through 1/2 hour of yoga. I love cardio would like to substitute Plyo for yoga or kempo. I'm not coordinated. How many calories can we claim for excercise? I just re-joined this today to help keep me accountable.

    I wouldn't dismiss the yoga. I believe Tony when he says it is a very important part of the program. Just give it another shot. Have you done Kenpo yet? I was surprised with how much I liked it. I thought it was going to be much more complicated than it actually was. It was a great cardio workout. :flowerforyou:

    I'm not going to sugar-coat it - YogaX is tough, but only for 45 minutes. Then you get into balance poses and stretches, do some ab work (also tough) then stretch and cool down. If you can somehow get through the first 45 you can make it to the end. I find keeping the front leg straight for reverse warrior helps conserve some energy for the Warrior 3 poses.

    I'm on week 8 and I still struggle getting to the 45 minute mark, but knowing it eases off there helps me push it. Keep working, keep trying. The rush you get from getting through the first half is worth it, as you have really accomplished something.

  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    I'm starting P90x on Monday April 12th. I'm currently on week 7 of Insanity and have 1 more week to go. I'm really pumped and have purchased the resistance bands and dumbbells. I also ordered the chin up bar and hope that it works on my door frame. We will see!!! Can't wait to join you guys on your journey and Kill it!
  • lizmichele
    lizmichele Posts: 32 Member
    I am planning to start on Monday as well! We are in this together.
  • feisma
    feisma Posts: 213 Member
  • Hello to all! On my first round of P90X - started out reading the other LOOOONG thread and was glad to see there is another that is shorter and less trafficked - I felt a little lost on there as well. It is SO wonderful to read about other people's experiences with this program Very very motivating. I just finished week 3 and I am excited to find out what the heck Core Synergistics is in Recovery week. I also HATE Yoga X but I agree, those first 50 minutes are the worst and then it gets more bearable. I became very stagnant going to the gym, put on about 5 pounds that are stubbornly :grumble: sticking around, and needed something to jump start me. I am hoping that the remaining ten weeks of P90X along with tracking my diet on this site will do the trick. Looking forward to getting to know you all!!!!
  • Wanted to add a few things...

    Love Kenpo and Plyo, not a fan of chest and back because push ups and pull ups are not my friend. Using a chair with the pull-ups and still cannot do even one without it.

    Sounds like a heart rate monitor would be a good investment for tracking calories burned... Agreed?

    Anyone's thoughts on Stretch X would be appreciated. I did it once and found it too much like Yoga so I skipped it today and just rested. I'd love to hear what others have to say about the value of this DVD.

    Found ARX to be much easier to manage without shoes I short-changing myself by doing it this way?

    Looking forward to replies! Take care everyone.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    Wanted to add a few things...

    Love Kenpo and Plyo, not a fan of chest and back because push ups and pull ups are not my friend. Using a chair with the pull-ups and still cannot do even one without it.

    Sounds like a heart rate monitor would be a good investment for tracking calories burned... Agreed?

    Anyone's thoughts on Stretch X would be appreciated. I did it once and found it too much like Yoga so I skipped it today and just rested. I'd love to hear what others have to say about the value of this DVD.

    Found ARX to be much easier to manage without shoes I short-changing myself by doing it this way?

    Looking forward to replies! Take care everyone.

    I also like to do ARX without shoes...I don't know, it feels lighter!
  • lizmichele
    lizmichele Posts: 32 Member
    First work out done!

    Chest and Arms today. Got up early for that one, but not early enough to do Ab Ripper X (have an early meeting on Monday's that I did not account for) but I will do Ab Ripper when I get home tonight. Felt good to get started and although I had to do some on the push-ups on my knees I hung in it for the whole time and even did a few more reps than my husband.

    Looking forward to the next 89 days.
  • Well, i haven't been doing anything this last week. it's been a really rough week, emotionally, and i just did not feel like doing anything. But this week is a new week and i'm going to push myself as hard as I did when I first started this program!

    Good news is I went shopping yesterday and just happened to find some cheap pants. Went to try them on and I was SWIMMING! So i went down to a size 8 and they are perfect!!!! I'm so excited. I mean i've been able to fit into 8's before, but they were always a little tight. not these, they fit great! So that just gives me more incentive to get up and push play!

    Good luck everyone! Keep up the good work!
  • Hi I'm new and one of my husbands female coworkers gave me her copy of P90X and it's been sitting on my DVD player intimidating me for the past month. Since everyone here seems to love it I think I'm going to give it a shot starting tonight after work. Any suggestions to someone getting ready to start?
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