bedoozled Member


  • A little nervous to be posting this are a few shots I took recently to function as my eventual befores (once I reach my afters!) :D not the most flattering, but what the hey! Not sure if this will work...anyway, measurements are about 35-28-40; pear shape all the way! PS - everyone looks AMAZING, so glad we can…
  • Count me in! I'm trying to lose 20-25 pounds by a friends wedding in mid-July : )
  • We debated going out to my favorite Indian restaurant (Devi - highly recommend it for anyone in NYC!), but decided to stay home and cook ourselves a special meal instead : ) So it's homemade beet ravioli (that red!) stuffed with goat cheese and chives, salad, some wine, and some sort of as-of-yet-undecided chocolate…
  • According to their site, over 40% is obese - 30.5% is within the healthy 21%-35% range!
  • This recipe works really well! Cold rice is really important - it keeps the grains separate - so I usually use leftover rice from ordering in. I even used leftover basmati from indian delivery last time, and it worked great! I use fish sauce instead of oyster…
  • I really appreciate the difference with any of the whole-leaf brands - mighty leaf, two leaves and a bud, teapig, etc. :) Overall I probably like red teas and peppermint most...but I also love the skin detox from Yogi, and Mighty Leaf's jasmine!
    in Tea Comment by bedoozled November 2012
  • My favorite breakfast is the 0% Fage with a little honey, some berries, and a small handful of granola - sooo tasty, and keeps me full for a long time! But in terms of it being better or worse, I'm not general rule with buying things like yogurt is to buy plain, and add my own flavorings though, so that I can…
  • I'm not vegetarian myself, but my boyfriend is, and since he's joining my family for Thanksgiving this year, I've started sourcing out a few ideas :) I get pretty into the holiday, so I made a pinboard for it, where everything I'm considering is going - But to give you an idea…
  • This! I came back to the thread only to realize that there were any number of other problems here. I tend to agree with the others - you're clearly already skinny, you say you work out at 7-14 times a week on average, you're taller than I am and your start weight is my goal weight (at your height and goal weight, your BMI…
  • Finding something to do is great, or sometimes I just make tea (or whatever suits your fancy) - just a low to zero calorie alternative that lets me feel like I'm getting something! Drinking lots of water can really help to curb appetite in general, but sometimes I find that it's not enough to curb the mental appetite, so…
  • Anywhere between 20-30 really :)
  • Also, as my own answer to the question - my basic approach to food is to keep trying things, even when I'm fairly sure I don't like them. There are so many variables that can make something good or bad (whether the produce is fresh and in season, how it's prepared, your own mood and state of mind at the time) that I feel…
  • Whenever I get a surplus I LOVE making William-Sonoma's Tarte Tatin recipe :) I make mine in a cast iron skillet - delicious! And applesauce or apple chutney is always a good option - you can can them and give any extras to friends as gifts!
  • Love them! I wouldn't necessarily say these are new ones I've tried because of any attempt to be healthier, but I got a bunch when I signed up for a CSA share - dragon beans, blue hubbard squash, kohlrabi, mustard greens, and a bunch of different varieties of tomatoes :)
  • I have SUCH sensitive skin, that I can't even wash it every day or it dries out (I only end up washing my face - again with super gentle moisturizing stuff - like 2-3 times a week). I use Aveeno's Daily Ultra-Calming SPF 15 moisturizer, and it works just fine :) In the winter (I'm prone to dryness) I usually use a light…
  • I've always ascribed to the idea that (within limits) it's best to dress in a way that you're most comfortable with, when you're on an interview - if you're uncomfortable, or are going to be fidgeting with your outfit, I think you're far less likely to make a natural, good impression. Now, if you're going in for a finance…
  • 1) Buckwheat Honey 2) Red tomatoes 3) Bread alone sourdough : )
  • Wow - you look great! You look better at 180 than I do at 140 :D
  • Yep! In a gym, anyway - I usually find it's bearable when I start, and feel proud of myself after every workout I do, but I would love to have the time/space/etc. to be able to do other things more often; hike, canoe, raft, climb, frisbee, etc. : ) The gym gets pretty monotonous for me!
  • I'm thinking of getting it to try in tandem with 30DS (about to have a lot of spare time on my hands, so figured they'd be good to start up together), but I'd be curious about people's results/success stories too! Also a classic pear, and also mostly okay with my upper half - but I'd love to trim my thighs and tighten up…
  • Ditto!
  • Greek yogurt is hands down my favorite - I love how easily it can go savory or sweet! Just this morning I had Fage 0% Plain Greek Yogurt with a little honey, blueberries and strawberries and some granola - great hot summer breakfast! But it's great in place of mayonnaise or sour cream in a lot of circumstances too (slaws,…
  • I think if you use smaller amounts of cheeses with really great, sharp or strong flavors (an extra sharp cheddar, or aged gruyere) you can get away with using a little less and still have it come out cheesy. I also like adding in other things - lobster, fresh herbs, crisped pancetta, vegetables - which I think let you have…
  • Wow, you look fabulous! Your weight loss is really inspiring, but beyond that, what a beautiful girl! And I love your style :)
  • I'd say yes to shaving your face, and I know I'd appreciate it if someone with a really hairy back took care of that (waxing seems easiest!) - as for "down there", keeping it at least groomed and trimmed only seems reciprocatively polite :)
  • Awesome! And, me - rib cage wise. It's weird, I'm still carrying around all this extra weight, but my rib cage is so enormous that with my arms up I can count each one! I posted my picture earlier ( so you can try to see, but it's not a very clear one - thanks…