rosieef Member


  • I am also losing from my boobs. I'd prefer it came off my tum/bum/thighs, but I'll take it wherever I can get it!
  • Hello from sunny-ish Scotland :smile: and congrats on the loss so far! Feel free to add me if you like :flowerforyou:
  • I ride too, and log as "horse riding general" - I have no idea how accurate it is but I ride 5 or 6 days a week, usually 1 day of stamina work over 2hrs and the rest more intense under 1hr. I tend to think MFP over-estimates rather than under though! Running on a treadmill is better for joints than running on a road - and…
  • I'm near Edinburgh and always happy to have new MFP buddies - the more the merrier! :)
  • I also want to be 140 by the time I'm 30 - I've got nearly 11 months to go ;) but I've got a lot more to lose than you! All the same, feel free to add me if you want.
  • I'm 5'8, currently 195lb and hoping for 140.
  • I really do see the attraction of them - why would you put in the hard work if you can just take a pill every day? Thing is though, it doesn't actually work. Some people lose a lot of weight on them - mostly water - and as soon as they stop talking the pills they gain back more than they lost. I took some for less than a…
    in Pills Comment by rosieef June 2011
  • Ah, me too. I will not eat cardboard! It's not worth it, I'd rather run up and down the stairs 15 times to earn some proper bread... You are not alone!
  • Sodium and potassium ion exchange is involved in the electrical impulse that makes your heart beat. I can't remember more than that, but if you upset your sodium/potassium balance you put your heart at risk of failure. Not so good. Increasing your potassium so it matches a high sodium level wouldn't really work because the…
    in Why Water? Comment by rosieef June 2011
  • UK here too, trying to lose about 4 stone! Feel free to add me (that goes for everyone too!!)
  • I do not eat meat, but I don't tend to call myself vegetarian because the word has moral and ethical overtones. I don't eat meat because the tastes and textures of meat have made me sick ever since I was a tiny child, at the age of two I used to try to slip meat off my plate and give it to the dog! It's a phobia really. I…
  • Wow! You look like a different person, and you look so happy and healthy in that last pic. You're an amazing inspiration.
  • Quite often I cannot understand what someone is trying to say because their use of language is so bad. It really does matter.
  • According to the fingers around the wrist test I have a small frame! News to me... :laugh: I should be aiming for 131-146lbs. My goal is 140lbs, so looks like I'm aiming right, even though I am far off!
  • And another one! I'm a few miles outside Edinburgh.
  • Hi! I'm a fellow UK-er, from not too far from Edinburgh. Feel free to add me if you want. Congratulations on your previous weight loss; you CAN do it again! I have never done weight watchers but to me it gives an air of restriction, you must not eat the bad foods! MFP is more about moderation, balancing, and improving your…
  • I believe the fat cells shrink and are used as energy. You've got the same number of fat cells whether you're you at 120lb or 240lb, but if you're bigger your fat cells are bigger! That's why liposuction doesn't really work - it just sucks the fat cells away, it doesn't address the issue of the cells being too padded, just…
  • Mmmmm, Chinese ..... :love: Think of MFP as a lifestyle, you're allowed treats, you're allowed to enjoy yourself! It's about the long term, the way I see it is I'm not interested in cutting out everything I like (I like it way too much!!) so small changes, bit by bit, and each day at a time. Everyone has blips from time to…
  • I found that as soon as I had the MFP app on my phone and was brutally honest about what I was eating, it was quite easy to see how many "pointless" calories I was consuming - biscuit fiend!!! I had no idea how many I was eating, or how much was in each one, until I was using the app and it's made a difference to my eating…
  • I know where you're coming from, I did about a year and a half of student nursing (before having to stop due to illness) and it is so hard to maintain any modicum of healthiness especially when working on the wards! When you're doing 13 hour shifts 3 or 4 days a week plus essays to write on your days off, it's nigh…
  • I have to agree with this, if she's left Pepsi Max for months she's probably really really scared - and I'd maybe hazard a guess that she's scared of all new things, not just new foods. It will take a long long time and a heck of a lot of work from her to make small changes. It can be done, though.
  • I have been on citalopram, which I think is the generic drug in Lexapro, on two different occasions. The first I took it for about a year and it didn't affect my weight or appetite at all. The second time I must've been in a very different place mentally, because it totally messed with my mind! It made me far more anxious…
  • I record my weight on Sunday mornings, but I have a bit of scale anxiety and weigh myself most mornings. I don't know why I keep doing it - I don't like the fluctuations and I'm not yet well enough adjusted to cope with them!!
  • My mum and sister both get horrific migraines - I am lucky I don't, I have seen for my whole life how horrendous and debilitating a "true" migraine is! Both of them get very hungry, especially for sugars, in the day after the migraine. I guess it's a body repair thing, both of them don't let it throw off their gym/jog…
  • Ooh, me!! I ordered it online today, and it's supposed to be delivered tomorrow so I'll be a day late!!
  • Look at it as one day at a time. Big changes are very very hard, that's why a lot of people fail - I've failed a few times myself! It takes superwoman to change all unhealthy habits into positive ones in a short space of time. "Quick fixes" only leave you hungry, missing your favourite banned foods, craving constantly, and…
    in I'm new Comment by rosieef June 2011
  • Welcome! MFP is a very supportive community! :smile:
  • I log everything at the time on my iPhone - it's always in my pocket or sitting beside me so it's very easy. I don't log anything on the computer, I do it all by app! It's fantastic, and I think I haven't missed anything.
  • Sugar from fruit is far superior to sugar from mars bars... I go over mine most days too, and it's (mostly) all from fruit. I am neither a doctor nor a dietician but it is my feeling that naturally occurring fruit sugars are OK, whereas sugar in chocolate bars is less OK. I intend to carry on eating fruit regardless of how…
  • Hi Diane, welcome to MFP! The site is really friendly, and I am sure you'll find lots of people to help you reach your goals. I've only been on here a week and everyone has been so supportive. Feel free to add me.