

  • NO! Don't give up! It has taken me a year to lose 20lbs! You're going to have bad days... just own it and move on! Do better the next day. You said you don't think you can "wait that long"... I'd ask for what? If you 1/2 way do your diet & exercise you'll be making more progress than stopping all together. Join a gym... or…
  • Hello, MFP Runners! I just signed up for MIT (Marathoner's In Training) and start my half marathon training tomorrow morning! So excited!!! I know my diet is going to have to change drastically to properly fuel my body. Any tips/advice from you pros? Thanks! Created by - Calorie Counter
  • Seriously, Red Robin "free dessert with $25 gift card" banner ad on this site? Do we not have enough temptation already???
  • An excercise ball might help. Keep your back and neck straight though. You should only be pulling your shoulder blades off the floor (if you're on the floor). Created by - Online Calorie Counter
  • One of the fitness calculators says I'm supposed to drink 127 oz of water per day. I've hit a plateau and I'm wondering if that's the culprit. At 182 lbs, does that sound reasonable to you guys? Created by - Online Calorie Counter
  • Ok... what do you guys do when you hit it too hard and now your calves are cramped up so bad you can't walk? I did a new a couple of new workout moves on Monday and it's Wednesday and my calves are so cramped up and sore that I can't walk without pain. I hate to miss another workout (missed Tuesday) but I also don't want…
  • Ya'll are freakin hysterical!!!! LOL I admit, I can see where the "soap" thought came in but I was referring to "detox" and the only reason I ask is that my friend said she was doing a 2 week one that was supposed to remove excess "metals"... just looking for some other points of view. Sorry for the confusion,but that was…
  • Anybody have any recommendations for body cleansers? Good ones? Opinions about their use in general? Thanks!
  • I have the book (you can probably get it online used for less than $10)... I think it has some good ideas in it but I was also impressed with Jillian Michael's book... Losing to Win or something like that. She gives all the info on how to determine how many calories you naturally burn and then how many you must burn to…
  • #1 - how do I get rid of my belly fat? I know you can't spot reduce but this is my problem area and even though I know my crunches are paying off, I can't seem to shake the belly. I'm thinking I need to change the diet up a bit... less starchy carbs, more lean protein. #2 - I haven't lost anything for at least 3 weeks. Not…
  • Thanks, ya'll! Fortunately, it wasn't a long-term relationship. But we work together so that just makes it harder. He's a great guy and that makes it hard to hate him! ha! I'll probably be even more dedicated to the gym and eating right ... it's harder to do those things when you're in a relationship! I guess being single…
  • Just broke up with a guy I was dating. The good news is that I have no desire to eat right now! The bad news is that I'm sad and want to just crawl into bed for a few weeks! :brokenheart: Why are relationships so hard?? and painful???:sad:
  • I am also a fan. I gave up all caffeine a few months ago. It was hard at first, but I eventually got used to it. You'd be amazed at how reliant on it you can become. And, I agree... everything is "coke"... what the heck is "pop"? <memphis, tn>
  • I totally agree.... have big feet sucks! All the cute shoes come in the small sizes. But I guess it sucks to be at either end of the spectrum.
  • HA! That wasn't a cuss word! "****'s" is the name of the store where I bought it! Dirty minded computer!
  • I ended up purchasing a HRM after hearing all the great reviews from you guys. Bought a Polar at ****'s for about $100. WORTH EVERY CENT! I've only used it twice and I LOVE IT! It keeps me on track through my workout so that I'm maintaining my heart rate throughout instead of slacking! If you don't have one GET ONE! The…
  • Thinking of getting one.... A: Do I really need it? B: Any suggestions on models that are a good buy? C: Any other tips that you'd be willing to share on the subject. Thanks, guys!
  • Snow flurries this morning forced me to join the gym a little early this year. Can't handle the cold so I am forced to go indoors for my cardio. The place is super nice but the weights section is so intimidating! Any suggestions on how to deal with the meat heads? Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Thanks guys! Very helpful! I won't beat myself up when I go over a little over tonight at P.F. Chang's! Created by - Online Calorie Counter
  • If you're over a little one day (less than 100) in your calories and under a little one day, does it all average out?
  • 1/2 cup Fiber One 1/2 cup Fiber One Raisin Bran/Granola 1/2 cup Light Vanilla Soy Milk 191 Calories
  • To have the old clothes feeling lose and being able to try on a size smaller in the store! Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • OK - I went over my calories yesterday by about 600.... it wasn't on purpose (I ate something without checking cals, thinking it was my best choice and it had 1200!!!!!) I feel horrible. I guess it's a good thing that I feel bad.... but I just feel so guilty! I have no power (live in Ohio) right now, so i haven't been able…
  • Anyone have a healthy pizza receipe?
  • I know it says you're supposed to have 8 cups of water, but is that literally 8 CUPS or 8 GLASSES? Or is it the same thing? lol
  • Strike that.... 180, but still good and a decent portion.
  • I just tried the Special K Protein Bar (Chocolate and peanut butter).... DELICIOUS! and only 110 calories!
  • I know you weren't talking to me, but I love your profile pic! ha!
  • If anyone is looking for new shoes, I highly recommend going to "Fleet Feet" if there is one in your area. They video tape you running and fit you based on how you run. Also, I've bought shoes there that after I bought them and used them once, I figured out they rubbed. They swapped them out, no problem. My fav shoes are…
  • Thanks for the great tips, guys! I'll let you know how it goes! Created by - Free Calorie Counter