

  • Hello all, I can't believe it is already Feb 4. I have not read the posts yet am just starting I have however logged my food. Barbie a big thank you for keeping the posts going each month.:flowerforyou: Jeannie sorry about your stress with your son was he adopted we have two adopted granddaughters and we know they have…
  • Hi, Trying to keep up but not successfully. I am however staying on food and exercise plan maybe I will catch up tommorrow. Lynn Atlanta Georgia
  • Good Evening all, I am like Barbie I have taken up swimming I learned how in May and can now swim a mile I am so proud of my self that at 56 I learned something new especially knowing how good this is for my joints. I had knee surgery 18 months ago and had to learn some new ways to work out. I definitly see a difference in…
  • Hi All, I am trying to get back on track. Lynn
  • Hello All, Thanks for the advice about exercise calories I will make a deceision after my weigh in this week. Lucy so sorry for your loss my dad is 88 and my mom is 83 so I know I don't have that much time left with them and it makes me very sad. We almost loss my mother two years ago but she rallied and is still here. I…
  • Hello all, Have done well so far this weekend I did spin this morning and have stayed in my calorie range. Does everyone eat their exercise calories or not ? I find that a little confusing, I also seem to eat to much protein even though I don't fell that I eat that much meat. I di have protein shakes most days . If you…
  • Hello ladies, It has been a good week so far I have logged all my food and exercise I made it to the pool twice this week I started swimming in May and have fallen in love with it. I am so tired when I finish. I am working on my endurance at this time. I swam 50 laps today I do not have a specific number to swim each time…
  • HI ladies I would like to rejoin your group. Lynn:smile:
  • Busy weekend and have stayed on my diet and swam Sat and Sunday for my exercise. I weigh in again on Tuesday. I know my clothes are fitting better so hopefully it will be good. Going to log in my food then off to bed.:yawn: Lynn
  • :flowerforyou: Had a good and busy day. Worked out with a new trainer then did a belly dancing class and a yoga class. I ate well and hope when I weigh again on Tuesday I have a loss. Have a nice evening everyone. Lynn
  • Awesome journey and family. I know your parents are so proud of you and who you have become. Keep moving forward in all you do!:flowerforyou:
  • Welcome back Mimi I too am a returner that gained the weight I had lost.:sad: I partly gained the weight back due to knee surgery along with returning to bad habits. I am typically a very active person but I became a couch potato after injury I needed the krank that was mentioned. I am still working toward knee recovery I…
  • Wow what a great group this is I can't even imagine wearing a six let a lone it be to big. What an accomplishment. I am going to try to start responding to each one but haven't had time or energy but I am reading and praying for those that have needs. I did a hula hoop class tonight it was just thirty minutes but I burnt…
  • hi if you are tired all the time make sure he checks your hemoglobin red cell count and iron as well as your thyroid. I hope they figure it out and give you the medicine to help you,:flowerforyou: Just don't give up:love: lynnie
  • Very inspiring I hope more add pics and I hope in two months I can post mine:happy:
  • Good Morning everyone well last night I fell off my plan I am disguseted with my self. Barb I need to change to your way of eatting and thinking food is fuel. I hate when I sabotage myself. My plan is to get back on track today. When we go to Canada later this month we will be in Kitchner for my SIL 50th anniversary. Our…
  • Hello Everyone, Well I had a good weigh in 5 1/2 pounds and 10 1/2 inches. My next weigh in will be on the 22nd of May then we are off to Cannada for my sil 50th wedding anniversary. I do love this group so inspiring and Barbie what an inspiration you are. You have been so faithful I remember your posts from the past when…
  • Hi Everyone had a good day did a spin class this morning a little gardening this afternoon and laundry. I stayed on my eatting plan today and tomorrow is the big 10 day weigh in I have not cheated at all so I hope to have a decent weight loss. I will let every one know how I did. I will have 14 more days on this 24 day…
  • I love spinning I am 55 wear a heart rate monitor and work as hard as I can I leave soaked with sweat I burn anywhere from 450-500 calories per hour. It depends on the instructor I think. The instructors at our facilities that have a lot of up down action seem to burn more calories for me. Good Luck:smile:
  • Hello All I have been so tired today yesterday I went swimming with a trainer I am not a good swimmer so I was exhausted after 35 minutes. Then I worked in my garden a little and ended the night with a spin class. So at 55 I think I should be tired today. I have been eatting clean for 8 days now no diet coke or alchol the…
  • Great Job you look great.
  • Had a busy weekend working in our yard trying to get everything planted. The vegggie garden is done and growing well.We have three raisedbeds. I have tomatoes green beans lettuce corn and squash. I have enjoyed the gardening. I have completed six days of my 24 day challange. I have not fallen off the wagon so far. I weigh…
  • Hello Everyone I just read over the posts fpr May to familarlize my self with everyone. I am on day four of my 24 day challenge I weigh in on day 10. I have stayed on the plan so I hope to have a loss when I wegh in 6 days. Getting ready for bed very tired.Happy to be back and receiving support. Lynn:wink:
  • No but I do remember that person as well so we must have been on at the same time.:smile:
  • Hi my name is Lynn I was in the group a while back but after some family and health situations I have packed back on the pounds. I need to come back and start over. I am doing a 24 day challange with some suppliments to jump start my progress. My goals for May are to stick to this plan. Exercise at least 3 days a week…