
  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    Hello, all! I am back from my trip to DC and Virginia and I have to say - I had a great trip but I am happy to be home! I weigh in tomorrow morning so am anxious to see if I managed to maintain or even lose a little while traveling.

    Katla - I'm so happy to hear that your DH is home and I will keep him in my prayers.

    Welcome to all of the new posters! I just wanted to tell you that I hope you find this site to be as helpful as I have over the last few weeks. Logging your food and exercise does help keep you focused on those aspects of your life and the other women on this board are very supportive. Good luck!

    I'm off to bed as it's been a long few days. Everyone enjoy the rest of your evening!

    Sandy in wintry Ohio
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi dear friends. Today has been a blah day…had a 3 ½ hour meeting today which was painful. I am on the Advancement in Rank committee and we had to work on writing letters either in support of or not in support of people who have applied for promotion (Advancement in Rank) based on a large portfolio they prepare. The portfolios we were looking at were all very different and so it was difficult. I’m going to bed here soon; I feel like I might be coming down with something and that CAN NOT happen again!
    M: kitty utis are terrible. Hope your fur baby is feeling better soon.
    Wjzr: welcome
    Barbie: just stay healthy!!!
    Dlibo and florida panther: welcome to you two also
    Renny: I am sad to report I did not have good control today. I did well until I got home from work and it was downhill after that. I can always tell when I am getting sick because I get crazy hungry. I will attempt better control tomorrow.
    Nemani;welcome and can’t wait to hear about your trip
    Suebedew: I lover to hike and your little trip sounds very nice
    Wessecg: I never could get your link to open…what happened?
    Linda Sundance; that workman’s comp system…what could be better??
    DeeDee: keep up your hard work!
    June; so nice to see you again and to hear that you are doing well.
    Jodi: hope you feel better soon
    Lucy: you too! Hope you get better and don’t come down with anything
    Well I am skipping over half of you and I must apologize for leaving you out. I’m heading to bed…just caught myself snoozing here with the laptop in my lap! And cats everywhere…time to get tucked in . more tomorrow I hope. Take care, meg
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Just a quick note tonight as I'm so tired. Played 18 holes of golf then came home and finished my laundry. Made dinner and here I am.
    kimmy - I was born in NO but grew up on MS coast. Love the shrimp poboys. When we go back to Ms we have shrimp as many meals as we can.
    Cheryl - I need to go back and see the video. Tulane is a great school ;congrats to your DD!
    Have a busy day tomorrow but will check in to get my Vit F.

    Sue in TX
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • DebraYvonne
    DebraYvonne Posts: 632 Member
    at this special season of our lives, ladies do you find you get sleepy in the afternoon? :drinker: I am finding I need hot tea or coffee in the afternoons at work to perk me up
  • Kauaiartist
    Kauaiartist Posts: 86 Member
    Kimy715 - Tired of chicken and fish for dinner - how about switching it up and having breakfast for dinner? An omelet perhaps or eggs and couple pieces of bacon and some toast and fruit - I must have protein at each meal to feel satisfied - I stay away from beef for the most part - just have it occasionally - do you eat turkey - how about a turkey burger? If you want to cut back on the carbs - just have it with all the fixings - onions, grilled mushrooms, lettuce, sprouts - and of course there is tofu - I grew up on it and love it - stir fried always a good choice with lots of yummy veggies over a bit of brown rice. Ahhhh and don't forget the power of quinoa - it is packed with all sorts of good things for you and is a protein as well! I make it a number of ways with curry flavor, pine nuts and dried cranberries and peas - cook quinoa first - let it cool off - then use some olive oil - curry spices in pan, add some onion, garlic, ginger - put in the quinoa - add some frozen peas and a bit of toasted pine nuts - I eat it as a meal - good for a side - it's a hit at all the parties I take it to....hope this helps some - :flowerforyou:
  • I missed a day and had to scan through 5 pages to get to the end. Wow!!! I am glad that you can just jump back in. It is good to know that the same issues I face are being faced all over the world. I got back to my scale on Monday morning and the trip to DD caused one of those upward trends. I am back on track and hope that the next day or two will get me back on the downward trend. Someone at work stopped by my office yesterday and commented that I seemed to be getting smaller. Even a few pounds makes a difference in your appearance.

    I noticed several new names and faces on the thread. Welcome to the newbies...

    I will check back as often as I can. Take care, Mary from middle TN
  • Hi,

    Trying to keep up but not successfully. I am however staying on food and exercise plan maybe I will catch up tommorrow.
    Lynn Atlanta Georgia
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did an hour of spinning today. Tomorrow I'll do yoga and then take the deep water class.

    I don't think I'll go to mahjongg today. I need to take my CPR recert and I can do it online but it needs to be done by Sat. Tomorrow night we have Newcomers bowling, Jessica will be here Thursday, I really don't want to wait until the last minute to do it in case there are any problems so that's why I don't want to do it on Friday. I'll make this fudge cake for Jessica. Plus, I have to be available for a conference call with our financial advisor Friday. Update: I finished the CPR online test, just have to go Sat. for the hands on portion. Honestly, I was surprised at how easy it was compared to the first time I took it. The first time it was much more involved.

    I made these spinach kale turnovers, didn't realize how high in calories they are. Honestly, I probably won't make them again, I'll just have spinach.

    Just popping in, need to leave to get the oil in my car changed in a few minutes.

    Pamela - have a great trip to the Dominican Republic.

    Yippee - I called the Y down in FL, and this year they got WiFi. What that means is that there are the Body Pump classes on uTube and I can log in, use the weight equipment they have, and do those. I'm SOOOO looking forward to that. Haven't done a body pump class in quite a while. We have the extremepump, which is sort-of the same. They're also going to be sending me their schedule so I can print it out. It probably hasn't changed much (if at all)

    Liz - I was just told that if someone doesn't volunteer to head bunco, that program will be cut. I go to the board meetings and they always say that they want to get new members included. If this is so, don't know why they didn't push harder to have this one gal head the gala committee -- she'd never been to one, this is the first time she volunteered for something. Instead they have a gal who used to be the treasurer doing it. I don't know, sounds boring to me

    Cheryl - when we lived in Kennett Square, we were right next door to Unionville. If you've ever heard of Unionville, it's BIG TIME (and I do mean big time) horse country. I forget the olympian's name, but he boarded his horse in Unionville. Barbaro when he got injured went to New Bolton Center which is in Kennett Square. Actually, his owners lived near there, I knew the woman from the Y. Jessica worked with Barbaro's doctor, she got to pet Barbaro and all. Even the newsmen didn't get to get that close to him!

    Linda - when we raised the service dog, I believe the cost to raise it was more than $10,000. That was an interesting experience. I truly believe that God gave that dog to us because the dog eventually went to a college girl. Jessica raised him while she was at college. How many college kids are looking for service dogs? He was used to small dorm rooms, people walking in the hallways at all hours, we even took him to a concert. The girl was worried that he wouldn't like the loud noise since she was in the band. But if he can handle a rock concert, a college band would be no problem. It's so interesting how it all worked out. Was the $10,000 the amount you need to fundraise for maybe?

    katla - reclast is an osteoporosis drug. It's administered intravenously. Took about 30 minutes for the entire infusion. Now I don't go back for another year. The downloadable workouts that I have are from cardiocoach.com. They're not technically specifically for spinning, but he'll say things like "we'll climb a hill for 3 minutes then recover for 1 minute" "up the incline or resistance". They're really for any cardio -- running or whatever. At one time you could listen to a clip of the workout on the website, not sure if it's still that way or not. You can check.

    I got a Timex heartrate monitor. It looks like you can have a split screen. I'd like where the time that you worked out is in small numbers and the heartrate is in larger numbers. I just can't figure out how to reset the timer. Guess I should read the instruction manual....lol

    June - your man is certainly a keeper!

    Off to get my oil changed now

    DeeDee - we don't have a Beals near us. But they do have them in FL. I found out that they are part of Bells Outlets. We have one of them by us. I bought something at a Beals down in FL and then had to return it and took it to the Bells up here.

    June from MO - congrats on the loss during the holiday season. You rock girl! How wonderful that you're needing to clean your closet on a regular basis.

    Jodi and Lucy in DE and Robin - feel better fast

    Cheryl - yes, Vince's birthday is Pearl Harbor Day. He says that for the longest time he thought that he was born ON Pearl Harbor Day but found out that it happened a few years before he was born.

    kimmy - welcome! I love needlework, too.

    wants2cruise - welcome! Come in whenever you can. You're always welcome

    barbie - the way you take those dogs walking, you'll wear out those boots in no time!

    thingeringer - you absolutely can prepost your foods! One of the reasons I took the "exermom has logged in for XXX days" off my feed because if you log even one food, MFP counts it.

    Mary in KS - swimming is such good exercise!

    Went to Mexican Train tonight. I thought I had enough of these cheese sausage balls made, but when I took them out of the freezer, I realized that I didn't. Thank goodness I had some shrimp bites in there also so I took those with me. I'll make some more just to keep in the freezer.

    Now to take a shower and get to bed. Hope everyone has a great evening

    Michele in NC

    Monthly goal: to increase my protein
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Renny: I am sad to report I did not have good control today. I did well until I got home from work and it was downhill after that. I can always tell when I am getting sick because I get crazy hungry. I will attempt better control tomorrow.
    Take care, meg

    I identify and I am sad for me too :ohwell: I was really tired today after a horrid night without much sleep and a not so nice situation at work. Hope to do better tomorrow with my food choices.

    Good night
    Vancouver Island, BC
  • i'm only 47 but this group feels friendly to all!

    i lost four pounds in January and am trying to take it month to month and week to week with the goal of 1 pound week - i find that this slower pace works better for me and helps keep me on th wagon. need to do better with exercise though...
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    katla - reclast is an osteoporosis drug. It's administered intravenously. Took about 30 minutes for the entire infusion. Now I don't go back for another year. The downloadable workouts that I have are from cardiocoach.com. They're not technically specifically for spinning, but he'll say things like "we'll climb a hill for 3 minutes then recover for 1 minute" "up the incline or resistance". They're really for any cardio -- running or whatever. At one time you could listen to a clip of the workout on the website, not sure if it's still that way or not. You can check.

    Michele in NC

    Thanks for the explanation, Michelle. Osteoporosis is a concern for me due to medication I've been taking since my early 30's to combat acid reflux. The medicine depletes the calcium in your bones, among other, more desirable things. I've been taking mega-doses of Citracal plus d3 for years in an effort to offset this. I had a bone density done last year, and it shows some bone density loss but not enough that they're medicating me yet. I risk the osteoporosis this medicine can cause because acid reflux will eventually lead to cancer of the esophagus if left untreated. There is no good choice for me on this one, and the osteoporosis risk is the lesser of two evils.:angry::frown:

    Katla from NW Oregon
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    MegBlair - my kids fell through the ice and were rescued last year. This year they were just interviewed for a segment ABC did on how to survive falling through ice. My daughter rocked, the rest of us were left on the cutting room floor.

    Sue - didn't know you were born in New Orleans. Of course Biloxi is just a hop skip and jump away so we went to the beach there almost every weekend. Really saddens me to see they've made it a Casino town.

    Exermom - I would have LOVED to have been able to pet Barbaro. Your friend is so lucky.
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hi all, sorry I haven't had much time to check in here - I do love reading all the posts and keeping up with your lives. I've got a week left before I head off to the Netherlands but I've been working 12 hours a day to get everything done before I leave (at work that is). 5 meetings in 24 hours is enough to finish anyone (Meg I'm sure you hear me on this one).

    A lot of us seem to be sick. I'm feeling a little off but I think it might just be fatigue and not sleeping well. Anyone have any tips for getting some sleep on a red eye flight? I don't have and sleeping pills or Tylenol with codeine in the house and they usually put me to sleep but I returned them to the pharmacy for destruction as they were getting stale dated. I don't very often have medications or prescriptions so kind of in the dark here.

    I just don't think I'm going to have time to keep up here but I hope to check in a few more times before I leave. I'm hoping to log while I'm away - that reminds me, have to get an international phone plan tomorrow (and some Euros).

    Keep up the water and exercise and logging and I hope everyone is feeling better soon.
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi Ladies,:flowerforyou:

    Today was my day off! I decided that I was going to spend the evening with you! I had the first out of control,I don't care day:sad: :sad: today,since I started last July. I think it was due to a combo of things! Being back at work,and the added stresses from this. I have to really plan my day around my work hours,kids,dinner etc.Being off my synthroid for 10+days,my menses started when my DD's did and having my knee really acting up.:huh: One major part of my life that was missing was being able to keep up on this blog. :frown: This blog is truly inspirational and supportive.So,one of my goals will be to check in on my days off! I lost 52 and have 80 more to go!:drinker:
    So,I have learned alot and will be back on track in the morning.This is a NSV,asmy past M.O.would have to wait until Monday to start over!:flowerforyou:
    Welcome to all the new ladies! :drinker:
    Today,Iam truly grateful for all of you! For you sharing this journey with me! :heart:
    We can and will do this together!
    Eat nutritiously,log,jog and drink your water! Self care,it is essential for healthy living!:drinker:
    Hugs, LindaS-San Diego, Ca :heart: Aka Sundanceb

    Jo:flowerforyou: - welcome to the group! You will love it here!

    DeeDee:flowerforyou: , it must feel good to feel sore! Those muscles have just gotten a good work out! In no time the soreness will be gone. You will be a lean, mean ,fighting machine!

    June-:flowerforyou: good to see you back on the blog! Congrats on the weight loss! You are motivating for all of us!

    Lucy:flowerforyou: -thank you for these words! Dedication is simply reminding yourself what you want and then paying the price to get it....every day. I think this will be my new mantra!

    Katla-:flowerforyou: so glad that DH is home. Take it slow, this will take time! Congrats,on the pound loss!!!

    LindaC-:flowerforyou: WOW $600.00 year , ouch! Ok, so where do you go during the partys?Lol

    Jackie-:flowerforyou: welcome! I think a lot of us feel tension in our shoulders! A daily massage would be lovely!

    Glenda-:flowerforyou: I love what you have to say about what you have control of! This is a great way to think about this weight loss journey. I will borrow this from you!

    Mary, :flowerforyou: glad you are back! Gosh that is a long time to be sick!

    Cheryl-:flowerforyou: what no flat screen TV? What’s up with that? My Dh lives in front of the TV these days! Dislike this!

    Kimmy715-:flowerforyou: welcome! You will do great here. Lots of support and great ideas to keep you motivated! We do just veggies for dinner sometime!

    Want2cruise-:flowerforyou: wow,you are busy! Pop in whenever you can, no worries! I just pop in every now and then, but the more you check in and read, the more successful you will be!

    Barbie, :flowerforyou: the new boots sound wonderful! Your Jake is a lovely man!:drinker:

    Robin,Bodi and Ritter:flowerforyou: =praying that you are feeling better for your trip! Hugs. And love the cute baby with the cake! So, Precious!

    Gardengail-:flowerforyou: you need to make some meals and freeze them for when you get home from work! You have to keep that self care intact!

    Meg-:flowerforyou: no you cannot get sick! Sending some healthy thoughts to send those sick gremlins away!

    Sue:flowerforyou: ,glad you got your golf in! I am sure that is good for exercise!

    Kauaiartist:flowerforyou: - I love quinoa too. I make cold salads, just like a pasta salad, but quinoa instead of pasta!

    Michele-:flowerforyou: thanks for the info on the service dog. The phone consult about the dog was rescheduled for tomorrow. I will let you know more, when we find out. I can’t imagine how long it will take to fundraise that much money? I will be interested in how this all works out! Have you been in touch with Dixie?I have thinking about her.How is she doing?

    Renny-:flowerforyou: I know how you feel . I also have those nights when I cant sleep! The next day is a struggle to stay on track! Sleep well my friend!

    Amanda-:flowerforyou: praying for you and your DD!

    Liz:flowerforyou: -are you working out at the Ymca now! I am sure you will love it!

    Lila:flowerforyou: Have a fabulous time in the Netherlands! How exciting! Dont get run down! Stay healthy for the trip!

    The space bar doesnt work on this darn computer! Sorry,if words are together!:grumble:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good morning,

    It is 1:06 am here was in bed asleep but I woke up with really bad heartburn. I haven't. Suffer from heartburn like this in such a long time. Sort of surprises me. Woke up my back was hurting so bad could hardly breath than I notice the tightness in my chest area and nausea feelings. So up now waiting for it to past.

    So many posts sure enjoy reading them all.

    Welcome to all who are new!

    @Linda. I agree with you we need our dose of F. Sure helps!
    @Karla glad to hear that your husband is home.
    @kimmy. Welcome
    @Dee good for you in getting a trainer bet you felt accomplish today in its good to feel those muscles.
    @Glenda that is a great way to look at this journey.

    @Meg sending healthy thoughts your way.
    @Barbie I will go check out that link. I have never really search it out before. Now I am curious
    @Michele -- I don't know about the board stuff that maybe boring ...but I do like playing those games. I have never found time or an outlet to play these games except the holidays.

    @Linda -- I do go to the. Y one day I just love it
    @Lili sounds like such a fun trip.. I love reading all of the posts too and it can be hard to keep up.

    Feeling a bit better now. Going to head to bed now try to get a couple more hours of sleep in before work.

    Wishing everyone a good night!
  • Good. Morning from the Uk

    I do so enjoy reading your posts although sometimes I think we speak a different language! Once on holiday in Florida I reported to the hotel receptionist that someone had left their boot open.after much discussion I realised I should of said Boot!, But the friendship is such a common denominators you have proved in these my first few days.

    :smile: June so true about being kind to ourselves. We are important. It is one of the constants . Every day you are the same nice person whatever what the scales say.

    :smile: Jody & Lucy - Hope you both feel better today.

    :smile: Katia - so sorry to hear about your major life change. My best wishes. Sometimes our lives take a sudden detour and this can be so challenging.

    :smile: Mary - good luck on your journey restart ....... I do love a hat!

    :smile: Kimmy - do enjoy the Mardi Gras - must put that on my bucket list

    :smile: Food ideas? I am not advocating a specific diet plan but I lost my weight with Slimming World. Five years later and I still use the recipes. I do my best to calculate the calories and they work out ok. It is based on low calorie high density foods being free food - only restricting high calorie dense food . No food is bad food, which is a healthy attitude for me. Feel free to look at my diary. This week I have had Pork, egg and veg fried rice. - chicken pie - spaghetti carbonara - chicken and bacon hotspot - cheese and onion pie! Some recipes on www.slimmingworld.com/healthy-eating/recipes.aspx Just a thought!

    :smile: Barbie - like the sound of the boots. In the UK we think it is cold at - 1. A bit of snow and we ground to a halt! So ill prepared.

    :smile: Go Mary! Swimming is such a good sport. My DH runs a swimming club but has to rehydrate in a good old pub after!

    :smile: Deb - yes get tired in the afternoon. I go for a walk or have a power nap. Well why not? I don't feel guilty - if it's good enough for my grandchildren it's good enough for me! I can sleep upright , at a party, plane ..... You name it,,,

    Oh well - off for another fun day - went to a lunchtime lecture yesterday about due cluttering my life so off to do some of my " round 2 It" jobs.

    Byeeee Jo
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    As usual I`ve read all the posts, yet I have no time to comment the way I would like to:sad: !

    Robin:smile: Hope you feel better:flowerforyou: ! Olivia is soooo cute:love: !!!!

    Meg:smile: Hope today is a better day! the blahs have been getting me lately too:cry: ! I`m just ready for spring, I think I`ll feel much better with a little warmer weather and longer days, and hopefully make a little time for myself!

    Gail:smile: I don`t think we have a Beals here, I`m going to try and go to Target and Walmart today...didn`t make it yesterday!

    Michele:smile: You are so busy it makes me tired just reading all you do! Let`s paln on getting together after you get back fron FL! I`m hoping by March I`ll have some extra time!

    Jo:smile: Here in NC when it snows, we all slow down to a crawl, if they predicit snow it`s hard to find a parking place at the grocery:laugh: , I don`t know why people think we`ll be snowed in for days with just an inch or two, it`s usually gone the next day!

    Liz:smile: You might want to see your Dr. that could be more than just heartburn, especially with your chest feeling tight, don`t ignore that!!!!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in NC
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    Good Morning ladies!!! Just thought I would pop in and say Hello! I love reading every ones posts. I'm just not much of a poster myself.
  • renate1958
    renate1958 Posts: 67 Member
    Hi There, I guess I'm with all of you guys trying to lose weight. It's very hard. The friend I started on here with I think is losing her motivation so as a result, I'm not getting much motivation myself. I don't blame her. She has severe, severe rheumatoid arthritis and she's always in pain. We're the same age, 54. But it is hard for me to stay motivated. There are times I just want to give in to that wonderful feeling after eating a big bowl of mac and cheese, donuts or chocolate, chocolate, chocolate.

    So far I'm hanging in there, but it's not easy.