
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy sunny and a warmer Wednesday,

    Nancy- hope you enjoyed your city visit with your parents, I'm sure you loved the part of getting the cast off:love:

    Lynn0713-:drinker: hoping your weigh in is positive, yep those were the days...when eating anything worked. Last weekend when hubby and I were at Sam's Club we went down the cookie/candy isle so I could dream:love: and when we saw the Oreo's hubby reminded me that I had told him that's what I ate for lunch when I was in high school...Yep 6 oreo's for lunch everyday and some how I managed to be 97-98 lbs:noway: won't ever see that again.

    Jen- what a busy day you have ahead of you and planning for Mother's Day with your calories:drinker: very smart...I will need to take a page from your book and do that too as Son #3 & DIL have invited us to Mother's Day dinner at their place this Sunday.

    SkyCath-isn't it amazing how many calories are in foods that we would have thought weren't that much, your hubbys Salmon risotto sounds wonderful:flowerforyou:

    Faye- a Whopper:noway: yep I had read that one before and I try and keep us away from Burger King because it's just not a good place, although when hubby just can't handle not having something from there I do go for a Jr. Burger...but the sodium still makes for a lot of extra water to need to be drunk:drinker:

    djhobs- Prayers for you and your son on his deployment:flowerforyou:

    Sarah- a 30K bike ride:noway: I just am not that good yet...maybe one day.

    Alwaysnancy- Warrior Dash...boot camp:noway: you are a work out wonder! My #3Son & DIL do boot camp and when they tell me all that they have done it wears me out just listening...I am in awe of anyone that can do that...you have my vote for awesome:flowerforyou:

    Barbie- thank you for sharing your history with us:flowerforyou: I had always wondered and now I understand your walking and walking the dogs.

    Wizzywig- GFY getting some of your clothes sorted, I really need to do that too:wink:

    Kackie- :flowerforyou: hoping your hubby gets good news from the Doctor and some PT that will help on his recovery.

    jb2011-:love: bicepts:love: that's awesome!

    Jeannie- short hair for weight loss:wink: I could probably be a few pounds less, but it's been so long since I've had short hair I would be lost on how to fix it.


    So last night before I got home Son #2 & DIL dropped off the two kiddos. Hubby was busy putting shoes on Eli (20mo old) and from then on it was go, go, go....by the time they left 3 hrs later we were exhaused. I didn't get any "official" exercise in but I'm sure that doing "horsey" with Eli on my legs had to have burned something. Noah (4 yr old) is so much calmer than his brother and of course hubby reminded me that by the time Eli is calmed there will be #3 running around...and that's why kiddos are for the young:laugh:

    Today was weigh in day for me and I'm down another pound, each 2/10 comes off "kicking & screaming" my body is such a nice place to live...but all my clothes in the closet are cheering me on because each pound lost gets me closer to wearing them. So I will take a bow to my cheering closet and keep plugging along because I really do want to win this battle and take the prize of wearing my cute clothes:wink:

    Everyone have a good day, log your food, drink your water:drinker: and let's keep moving.


    PS Welcome to all the newbies, keep coming back and let us get to know you.:flowerforyou:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Love from Jen in Sydney, Australia.
    Ps I need to find a list somewhere that tells me the abbreviations of all the USA states As most of the time I have no idea where you are. :laugh:

    For you, Jen: https://www.usps.com/send/official-abbreviations.htm
    And for the record, I am in Kansas, smack dab in the middle of the continental US. Known for wheat farming, Bible thumping, conservatism, aircraft production, flat prairies, wind including tornadoes, and the Wizard of Oz!

    Some of you who have been around a while may remember last April, when someone stole my credit card number and upset my life. Well, it happened again yesterday! Someone hacked my Walmart.com account, ordered two Ipods (for $410), and is having them shipped somewhere in California. The name that they used on the shipping is "Do Ba Dat." Obviously a fake. The address is at a shopping center. My daughter says that anyone who was named Do Ba Dat by their mother was obviously brought up to be rude. I told the officer at the police station that my main concern is that it just isn't nice! Anyway, another canceled credit card. Hope I can get it all straightened out before our trip.

    Got to get to work. Hope that you are all having a great Wednesday! Mary
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Hi All!

    :smile: Welcome myjourney2, its never too late to join! Congrats on the lose jeans! That’s always a great feeling!!!

    :happy: Welcome freeasakitty! Yes 40 is close enough! Fresh seafood sounds wonderful!!!

    :love: Caminogirl good job on the cookies! Are Girl Guide cookies the same as Girl Scout cookies? If they are then WOW because they are my favorite! In fact I ate an entire box of Thin Mints in March!!!!!

    :flowerforyou: How fun Laura to have your grandsons over!!! Im sure you enjoy your time with them!

    :heart: Barbie thank you for your story I loved it and I love your word of encouragement Its never to late to start a journey to be healthy!

    :bigsmile: My DH was watching Fox News and recorded a segment with a doctor talking about a study of women in three groups, Group 1 cut their calories to 1200-2000, Group 2 did the same and added exercise and Group 3 did not change anything. Group 1 SIGNIFIGANTLY lowered their chances of getting cancer and heart disease verses Group 2 and 3, he said that his study proved that lowering calories and eating less and losing weight did more to lower your chances of getting cancer (which is caused my inflammation in the body) versus exercise alone!!!! So basically you MUST cut down your eating and not JUST exercise!!!!! If you can try and Google this you should…don’t remember the doctors name but it was on FOX news last week.

    So thursday we are off for a week long trip and Im a bit nervous to travel without my scale :blushing: ok I'm embarrassed to admit this! Im on a roll and I don't want to gain weight!!! Do DH says "its ok we can bring the scale"!!!!! That might be a bit overdoing it!!!!!:blushing:

    Well Im off for another busy day! I did do my Yoga class yesterday...I really LOVE that class :heart: :heart: Not sure if any of you have done yoga but I really disliked it when I first started Yoga...it was sooooooo hard :grumble: and it took a good 6-9 months for me to even enjoy the class, but now I love it! It is so empowering and it makes me feel so strong :flowerforyou:

    Anyway did my elliptical at the gym this morning! So now Im off to the salon to train some new staff :glasses: Its ring to be 100 degrees here today in Palm Springs California (for you Jen so you know where I am :bigsmile: )

    I hope you all have a healthy eating day and drink your water!!!! I have to because it will be so hot here!!!!!

    Kat :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    Hello Ladies , hope all is well. Yvonne: a Triathlon! :glasses: That is awesome!
    Fitz1191 I know what you mean about traveling, My legg always swell and it takes me a couple days to get over it:ohwell: hope you are feeling better today:happy:

    welcome all the new commers, I am looking forward to getting to know you!

    Mazaron : that is interesting about the Metis, I love to learn about others::flowerforyou:

    Wizzywig : so happy to hear that Logan the cat is do well!:happy:

    Kat : you are so funny and Skycath I like dear heart! that is sweet!

    djhobs: will be praying for your son and that he will be safe!

    Ladyluck99 : a cruise! wow , good luck with the eating. the good thing is there is a lot of fresh fruit and you can walk on the deck or they usally have a work out room!
    where are you cruising to? have lots of fun!:drinker:

    Always Nancy: ?Firefighters and Chocolate! wow I might have to start running!:bigsmile:

    I hope every one is having a wonderful day and will check back later, bye for now.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    I'm feeling virtuous today. I did a solid three hour workout this morning, including a 20 minute run (I don't run very often because of my bum knees). I ache all over now, but have just been out for a walk in the park for a couple of hours with DH because he came home early and for once it wasn't raining - although it did earlier and looks like it will start again any moment.

    Had a good day foodwise too and I'm just about to finish off with some melon, grapes and lemon curd yoghurt, delicious stuff.

    Actually, I have had a really busy day - starting with an early appointment with my therapist. I also managed to put up another new curtain rail and the new curtains I bought last week. DH is setting up my brand new netbook which I collected today - a red one this time, I normally have pink ones but wanted a change.

    Back to work tomorrow - it's going to be a busy one with lots of running up and down three or four flights of stairs, hope my legs are up to it!

    Anyway my friends, time to get off the sofa - if I'm not watching a movie, I don't allow myself to sit on the sofa for longer than half an hour.

    Be well. Be happy.
    Amanda x
  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    went out for a walk and mailed my mother in laws , Mother's Day Card so she will get it befor mother's day is here. it is nice outside and I did not want to come back in.

    For Jen in Sydney : I am in Indianapolis ,Indiana USA ,the abbreviation for Indiana is IN. it is in the middle of the Heart Land and is know for the Indianapolis Speedway 500 and the Indianapolis Colts Football , we also have 3 big 10 colleges ( Indiana university, Purdue University and The University of Notre Dame) we are rich in Farmland and are know for corn , wheat and tomatoes . Indianapolis in the capital city and is sometimes call the circle city because instead of a town square, ours is a cricle. Indiana is also know for basketbll , so you might say it's sports and farming, we hosted the Supper bowl 2012 this year and that was a 1st for us.

    hope this helps have a wonderful day!
  • Skyecath
    Skyecath Posts: 33
    Had a very busy day at work today and ended up missing staff lunch cos I was busy with my boss at the time and I hadn't had breakfast thinking I would be having lunch at work. SO I went all day on one slice of dry bread, an apple and lots of water. I survived and didn't binge when I got home so I am pleased about that. Consequently I've got lots of cals left for a treat so I'm going to have a mug of Horlicks.

    Faye - thanks for saying about having 2 windows open for making comment. I'd been struggling trying to work out how best to do it.

    Barbiecat - Your story is inspiring. I had a pedometer a few years ago and I did well with it, I must get another one.

    Laura - well done on another pound in the right direction

    Mary - sorry to hear about your credit card. It happened to me a few years ago, so maddening.

    Off for my Horlicks now, yummy
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    My only exercise today was a walk at lunchtime..better than nothing...I had planned on biking but did not sleep well last night, hopefully tonight will be more restful and I get some good mileage in tomorrow ....could really use those endorphins.

    Barbie, your journey is very inspiring and a reminder that it is a journey and will evolve.

    Jen in Sydney - I am in New York about 90 minutes north of New York City in the mid-Hudson river valley...our area is somewhat rural and somewhat suburbia...lots of apple farms and a few (small) vineyards and wineries....nothing like the big ones in California! Australia is definitely on my bucket list but not sure I will get to that part of the world but you never know!

    Have a good night all...time to watch American Idol!
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Barbie....loved reading about your journey. I agree with so much of what you wrote about. I do see that I definitely need to make life long chances with the food I plan and moving a lot!! Thank you for the inspiration!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    fitz - there are times when I feel like I'm invisible, is anyone reading my posts, some of them are so long. But then someone comments on something in a post and I know that people are reading them, there's probably just not a lot that they can comment on.
    darn husband - I wasn't nearly as nice....lol

    Did an hour of Leslie Sansone Ultimate DVD today (Tues). It came with a stretchy band. Does anyone else have this DVD? When is the stretchy band used? Tomorrow we have the general meeting for the Newcomers so I'll do a bosu DVD. Actually, I probably should have done the Bosu today and the walking tomorrow. But no matter.....

    Vince has a shooting session tonight with the Newcomers so I think I'll make a zucchini chocolate bread to take to Bryan. If Vince knew that there was zucchini in it, he wouldn't eat it. Last time I put the zucchini in the food processor and accidentally left it on too long. I made the bread then asked Vince to try my chocolate bread. He ate the whole thing! So if he sees me putting zucchini in it, he may not eat it. But if he doesn't....... Update: he didn't go shooting, but I still made the chocolate bread. He has no idea there's zucchini in it.

    kackie - we leave sun for France (gotta see my little boy <who really isn't all that little>). Then the following thurs we leave for Rome. On the 22nd we take the train back to Paris and fly home on the 23rd. We'll spend the night in VA (we'll be flying into Dulles) and drive home the 24th. Can't wait! Every time I open my email, there seems to be something else from Bryan -"can you bring this over, can you bring that over". I swear, by the time I get finished giving him all his things, my suitcase will be 1/2 full. But that's OK, because that means that I can buy lots of things over there and I'll have room to bring them back. hmmmmm.....I can get a bagel from the boulangerie in Paris, I would think it would be OK for two days.
    You know, I've been on a plateau for so long that I'm wondering if my body isn't telling me also that I'm at a weight that I should be at. I know one time I got where I "wanted" to be, and I felt and looked like c****. My body fat is pretty good, tho, so maybe it really doesn't matter what my weight is. I'm doing as much exercise as I can fit in, I'm also changing around my exercise (as you know) and for the most part (90% of the time) eat healthy foods. Yet, the scale stays around the same number. As long as I feel good and my clothes feel good, then I'm happy. Now my biggest problem seems to be that stores either don't carry or only carry a very limited quantity of petite size clothes. Lots of plus sizes, tho.

    Amanda - your outfit to wear to the opera sounds beautiful!

    Susan - welcome! So glad to have you
    My Journey - you are welcome at any time! Good luck on your goals
    freyaskitty - 49 is definitely close enough. What kind of job do you do? I love seafood

    Laura - sending good thoughts for your hubby.

    skinnypennynow - welcome! What an interesting "name". There must be a story behind it. What is it?

    cfelijohnson - come by often, at least once/day. You've come to the right place for inspiration and motivation, that's for sure

    toomanycurves - it's NEVER too late to join. Just jump right in!

    lynn - good luck

    Nancy - I'm just so happy for you getting the roboboot!

    Laura - welcome, welcome, welcome. Post often, you'll get lots and lots of support, that's for sure

    Faye - don't you just HATE when you don't get the right quantity at the pharmacy? Especially when you're billed for more

    Jen - my heart breaks for you.

    Sarah - I am sooooo loonging forward to going to Italy. Bryan lives in Bordeaux, France. I really want to see him, but I'm not a real big wine drinker. Can't wait to eat the Italian food. I probably shouldn't think about food so much....but I am. I remember when we went to France last year, I thought for sure I'd be showing a big weight increase what with all the cheese and fats. But we walked so much, that I really didn't show much of a gain at all. One thing that really struck me is that the portions over there aren't outrageous like they are here.

    ladyluch - welcome! where will you be going? when are you leaving and for how long?

    did an hour of a bosu DVD today (Wed), tomorrow I'll do ASAP fitness (weights) DVD, then some food shopping for things that are on sale that I can freeze until we get home. In the afternoon the guy and his landscaper and someone else from the company (don't know what this guy does) is coming by about the pool. Before I go food shopping, I need to go to the soup kitchen to give them some of the food that I'm afraid won't last all week (like avacadoes, some potatoes)

    Laura - whenever I go to Sam's it never ceases to amaze me how over the top they do things. Like they'll have one of those giant cookies, but they'll put cream inside and another cookie on top of it. If I get any cookie at all, I like to get the smaller one. And that's not very often. However, for some things I do like it to be larger, like crab legs or shrimp.

    Mary - oh no, not again with the credit card!

    Kat - what kind of yoga do you do? I enjoy the relaxingness of hatha

    Just got another email from Bryan. He asked me to bring these chocolate cookies I make with me. So....baking I did.

    I think I forgot to post something yesterday, so I'll post now. Gonna take a shower, watch some TV, then bed.

    Hope everyone has a great evening

  • Lynn0713
    Lynn0713 Posts: 27
    Hi Everyone had a good day did a spin class this morning a little gardening this afternoon and laundry. I stayed on my eatting plan today and tomorrow is the big 10 day weigh in I have not cheated at all so I hope to have a decent weight loss. I will let every one know how I did. I will have 14 more days on this 24 day challange.
    Have a good evening off to finish my laundry then bed.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: just reading this thread and posting from time to time is a great way to keep this weight loss journey at the top of the priority list...if you rely on the people around you to be encouraging and give you good advice, you'll be waiting a long time.

    :flowerforyou: today we saw a business associate that we hadn't seen in a long time and the first thing he says to DH is "you need to feed that woman, she's just wasting away"....I looked at the man's giant stomach and only good manners kept me from making a rude comment about his eating habits....the outside world will not be as encouraging as we need them to be.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: the birds are everywhere and the frisky poodles race and pull to find them in the bushes.....I have to hold on tightly to the leashes to keep the dogs under control.....I've been thinking that it should be getting easier for me since I've been doing weight training and then I realized that the dogs are working out, too, and they're getting stronger just as I am,:laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: If you haven't found a copy of "The Happiness Project", start looking........it will change your life.......even if you're already happy :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Barbie from NW Washington state where the days are getting very long :bigsmile:

    May resolutions:
    *walk the dogs for an hour or more every morning
    * Yoga three days a week
    *100 lunges a day
    *strength training three days a week
    *17,000 steps a day
    *act the way I want to feel
  • fitz1191
    fitz1191 Posts: 50 Member
    Laura good luck to your hubby

    Michele thanks I am not as needy as that sounded lol but thanks for the comment I appreciate it have a great time on your trip looking forward to hearing all about it must be very exciting

    Barbie I loved reading your journey and thanks for all the reading suggestions I love books like that and am ordering my copy tomorrow first thing thanks again for all you do and your inspiration

    jb crazy weather heard we may get frosty tonight hope your plants fare well then almost 90 this weekend crazy pnw weather

    had a great last couple of days lots of working late meetings running late but still made good choices and am feeling stronger again I feel blessed today

    Mary so sorry about your ID theft unfortunately I see alot of that good luck its sad the times we live in today

    Nancy hope the boot helps you get around better heres to healing quickly and completely
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone

    :smile: Yesterday was sunny for most of the morning, me and hubby managed to cut the grass at the back - it took some doing it was so long! Had to use the strimmer first to get it down to a managable size for the mower. Just finished it when the sky darkened and yes you've guessed it .... it started to rain :frown: and rain and rain. It's still raining! We'll have to leave the front lawns for a few days now (we have two small lawns) as they are waterlogged.

    :glasses: Please send some sunshine over (those of you who have it) I think I'm getting that lack of sun depression.

    After I log off here, I'm going to try and find "The Happiness Project" recommended by Barbie. I had a quick look at Strong Women Stay Young on Amazon but I couldn't see any exercises in the bit I read. It let you look at the first few pages, but maybe you have to read more pages to get to the exercise part.

    Not sure what to do today, I have so many things I want to do. Think I'll clean out the cloak room under the stairs, there's so many coats and things in there ...... there's only 3 of us how many coats do we need? Let's see there's work coats ...... going out coats ........ walking the dog coats hmmm no wonder the place looks overflowing :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Confession Time :embarassed: :embarassed: Yesterday afternoon went out with my mum and dad and they stopped off to eat and I had fish and chips :embarassed: :embarassed: I wasn't prepared as I thought we were going straight home and I'd already said that I would go home and eat with DH and DD, but they stopped off "as a treat" and before I knew it I was tucking in to fish and chips aaagghhhh.

    So today I am back on track. I feel as if this flipping track keeps running away from me, I'm always a few steps behind or at the side or even going the wrong way at times. :grumble: :grumble: BUT I know I am the only one that can get me back on it.

    Thanks for all the inspiration ladies, I really value your comments and suggestions ..... they give me hope that I too can do this.

    Sat long enough ... time to get moving.

    Viv :heart:
  • KathyGSM
    KathyGSM Posts: 22
    :mad: I am sooooo mad at myself - so 1 of my goals for May is down the tubes -4 pages of reading to get caught up on- UGH!

    I promised that I would explain what Fit-traxx is so here you have it: It is a small group exercise program, normally about 10 - 12 people per class - you have a minimum of 10 stations but up to 12 depending on how many people. You start at one station do the exercise for 45 seconds / rest for 15 for 3 reps, then move on to the next station. They also have a super set day where you alternate 2 stations for 3 reps then move on to the next 2 until you are through with the 10 stations. After the stations are done the trainer gives you a 4 minute ab workout i.e. plank for 40 seconds switch to side plank for 10 then other side for 10 back to plank and rotate that through 4 reps. I absolutely love it. Here is a link for you to watch to see the types of stations that they set up.


    I do my Fit-traxx training on Mondays and Thursdays along with a 30 minute interval training that they have given us plus we need to add an additional strength training day I also do Spin classes on Tuesdays and Fridays and Yoga on Wednesday. In my first week I actually lost 2.2 lbs. Yay for me. I'm not suppose to weigh my self everyday but I do :blushing: and I am down another 1 lb so far this week.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day!

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning, happy Thursday. Busy day ahead, just thought I'd pop in for a sec to wish you all a great day and share a few quotes. :wink:

    :flowerforyou: Success is the good fortune that comes from aspiration, desperation, perspiration and inspiration.
    - Evan Esar

    :flowerforyou: Another good reducing exercise consists in placing both hands against the table edge and pushing back.
    – Robert Quillen

    :flowerforyou: Sugar is a type of bodily fuel, yes, but your body runs about as well on it as a car would.
    – V.L. Allineare

    :flowerforyou: The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.
    - Chinese Proverb

    :flowerforyou: Choice, not chance, determines one's destiny.
    – Anon

    :flowerforyou: If you want to be lean, devour your greens.
    - Salad Sistas
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just a quick drive by to say good morning. I am swamped in work today, and need to get to it. Have a great Thursday! Mary
  • laleepop14
    laleepop14 Posts: 5
    Hi Everyone,
    I have been on MFP since the end of February and have lost weight each week. I have to lose 150 lbs minimum to get close to a healthy weight. I know that each week of weight loss is an achievement and that I am on this path for at least a year. MFP has really been a big help.
    My goals for May are:
    1. Start exercising again and aim for at last 30 minutes 5 times a week. I injured my back about 5 weeks ago so I have gotten out of the habit
    2. Lose 5 lbs
  • meidson
    meidson Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Kathy,
    FitTraxx at Gold's Gym appears to be like UFX at the gym that I go to, New York Sports Club. I looked at the web site and noticed that it is in Middletown, New York. I wanted to see if it was Middletown, NY because there are so many states with a town named Middletown. FYI, I was born in Middletown, New York, but now live in New Jersey. It is always nice to find someone who is from my "home town". Too bad we don't have a Gold's Gym nearby because FitTraxx appears to be a good workout. Your progress is awesome. Keep up the good work!