
  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    Wow what a busy morning! I don't know if I told you all that I work in a childrens Hospital and that I watch the Heart Monitors on the cardiac unit and I can tell you it is very slow sometimes and very busy other times. It is so differant than when I worked at the adult hospital. we have babies from 1day to adults. I guess that regular cardiologists don't spicialize in Congenital Heart Defects, anyway it is crazy sometimes and that is how it has been this mornig . I did get a long walk out side and now it has calmed down some. I have read all your post and made notes so when I get home I will have time to leave post.
  • fitz1191
    fitz1191 Posts: 50 Member
    Wooo Hooo went to the Dr today down 21lbs from March as many of you know I was not allowed to weigh in until mid may per my trainer well turns out I pulled a muscle in my back around the rib area on the right so that explains the pain but the important part is while at the Dr's I was weighed (it is the middle of May after all) and with the pain we had not worked out together this week, so any way SUPER PUMPED TO HAVE A LOSS NOT A GAIN like last time I weighed in which is what lead to him taking my scale. My back muscle will heal have meds to help with that and I have to limit my exercise but there is still plenty of things I can do to lose

    Amanda- beautiful dress

    Michele- sorry about the money and the trip but so excited you are getting your pool I am so jealous I love swimming we have a back yard pool that is 4ft deep and 18ft in diameter we put up in the summers and it is great but not what I would rather have but hey it serves us on really hot days and the grand kids love it

    Jb -sorry you are so stressed I know how difficult it is to be unemployed thanks for all your support you have given me

    Laura - good luck to your DH hope it goes your way

    congrats to those who made the decision to come back and take control again

    Hope you all have a great day mine is going to be fantastic I spent the majority of the morning fighting with insurance company pharmacy and Dr's office trying to sort out my DH prescription he has to have and has been on for years that they have decided all of the sudden he has to have preauthorization for and we went down this road six months ago and trying to convince them it is ok to fill mine we are married and have been for 26 years any way finally after 3 hours at the pharmacy they saw things my way and all scripts were filled and correctly then came out to a car that would not start but miraculously it finally did dont even know what that was but either way this day can not be ruined I had a big win today and I am savoring it. Thank you so much for all the support and advise I have a very long way to go but I can't imagine going this road with out all of you.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Fitzs: CONGRATULATIONS! 21 pounds is AWEsome:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • bevsdietfor2011
    bevsdietfor2011 Posts: 361 Member
    I have already lost 3.5 lbs of the 5 I had set as a goal for me to lose this month. I am sure I can make the other 1.5 lb yet this month.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    mimi - I was getting worried about you! Glad you're back.

    Robin - best of luck to you

    Nancy - that shake sounds really scrumptious! You do need protein after working out to rebuild the muscles (which you probably already know), so you did fantastic

    Thanks Mary

    Laura - I usually plan the previous week what exercise I will do and I try to do something different each day. Maybe that'll help ya, planning it out in advance. I'm keeping crossed for your hubby whatever can be crossed (legs, arms, fingers, eyes, etc)

    Well, the KitchenAid came today. To be honest, I didn't realize it was as heavy as it is. We had KitchenAid mixers at the high school when I helped out in the Home Ec area. But, honestly, I think this one is probably a better one than what they had. When I first opened the box, I thought "where are the beaters?". There's a flat beater. I think it'll take some getting used to to use it correctly. I made Vince some chocolate cup cakes just to try it out. It sure does seem like it'll take some getting used to. It does seem to be quite powerful, tho

    I, too, try not to have things in the house that tempt me. To that end, what I do is buy things Vince'll eat that I won't (like Doritos or peanut butter patty GS cookies)

    oh, the Y where I take the water aerobics is having a fund raiser. Not surprising, since they're trying to raise money for the Children's Fund. I already gave at one branch, but I thought this was a really neat idea so I gave them some money. They're having a "bakeless bake sale". Basically, they had a list of how much it would cost you if you made things (like $1 for 4 brownies, $10 for an apple pie, things like that). You just make a donation but don't have to bake (or eat) anything. I just thought that was a neat idea. I sure didn't need any baked goods, that's for sure!

    sally - I didn't realize you worked three jobs! What do you do? and where do you find time to exercise. Guess the good point is that you don't have time to eat.....lol

    Got the permanent crown in yesterday. I suddenly realized that I can again eat hard foods so I just had to have some carrots.

    fitz - that's just wonderful about the loss. You are doing so so well.

    barbie - did your favs on DWTS make it to the finals? I was VERY surprised that Maria didn't make it but Katherine did. Well, she IS a good dancer.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • Lynn0713
    Lynn0713 Posts: 27
    Welcome back Mimi I too am a returner that gained the weight I had lost.:sad: I partly gained the weight back due to knee surgery along with returning to bad habits. I am typically a very active person but I became a couch potato after injury I needed the krank that was mentioned. I am still working toward knee recovery I am about 80-85% back:happy: . I love exercise so that isn't my issue it is I also love food and wine and margarittas.:love:
    JB I so understand your situation my husband has had several times over our 26 years where he lost his job and it took up to 6 months to find one. It is so hard on them when they are with out work.
    Fitz way to go with the weight loss . We also have a new insurance plan and they are increasing our portion of our medicine that it makes you want to stop taking it. Unfortunately I know what happens when I do I get sick!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Have a great evening

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good night to you all.Have to catch up on the posts.Just got in from pt.Trying to find a balance between exercise,pt and housework.Over did it mon and been throbbing since.
    Saw this posted on facebook and thought id share-
    You can`t change your past but you can ruin your present by worrying about your future.I am guilty of this too.
    Have a good night.HUGS
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Hi Everybody, the weather has been so great that I haven’t had much time to be at the computer…….I walked with one friend for about two hours on the Olympic Discovery Trail and for an hour later in my neighborhood with another friend……and, of course, there was dog walking and line dance class.

    :flowerforyou: Robin, you have an awesome attitude…..best wishes on your job interview……..it’s great to hear that you’re keeping up with the 10,000 steps a day resolution.

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, my journey to walking fitness was inspired by a tiny article in one of the teachers’ association magazines……I read the publications faithfully every month and every article about a brilliant gifted teacher doing great things only made me feel “less than”. Then I read a tiny article about a woman who had lost weight by walking four miles a day and I knew that I could never “will” my way into professional greatness, but I could “will” my way into walking four miles a day…..I’ve carried a pedometer ever since.

    :flowerforyou: Celticmuse, I understand your frustration…..your diary is private so I can’t suggest any way that you might change your eating or your exercise to banish that last pesky pound but there is a solution somewhere….never, never, never give up.

    :flowerforyou: Laura, I’m thinking positive thoughts for your hubby on his job interview.

    :flowerforyou: Sally, congrats on your new smaller dress size and congrats to your hubby on his great work on his job.

    :flowerforyou: Barbara,,,,I miss you when you aren’t here……please don’t be gone so long again.

    :flowerforyou: Fitz, congrats on the weight loss and sorry about your back pain.

    :flowerforyou: Michele, Maria and Derek were my favorites on DWTS…..I love Derek’s creative choreography. Now Donald and Peta are my favorites….before I gave up baking , I wanted a Kitchen Aid mixer but never got one…..I hope you enjoy yours

    :flowerforyou: We have house guests coming tomorrow for the weekend. There won’t be as much time for exercise because of the activities we have planned and we’ll be eating at restaurants for several meals…..i probably won’t have time to post food or exercise but I stay faithful to my plank and lunges challenges and 17.000 steps and make good choices at the restaurants.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi

    Amanda I must have missed the photo everyone was talking about so went back a few pages and found it. Lovely dress and you are looking good too :flowerforyou:

    I am also in need of some sunshine, we've had a few hours here and there but mostly rain, rain and more rain, with a few cold winds thrown in.

    :flowerforyou: Mimi and Barbara I'm another one who's put weight back on! Glad to say that the scale is starting to move (very slowly) in the right direction again. For the first time yesterday I planned most the whole day's calories. I've tried to do the same today, planning what I'll have for my evening meal by the calories I have left over from the rest of the day.

    :wink: Joined the GCC challenge again this year at work. Some of the "oldies" might remember when I first started on MFP we had a walking challenge at work where you wear a ped and log your steps and virtually walk the world. I thought we would miss it this year because it was hard trying to get a team of 7 people, but managed it at the very last minute (the closing day was yesterday!) hopefully we'll be accepted - it starts properly next week so the organisers have to send me my teams backpacks peds etc before the start date.

    I didn't think I'd get in a team this year so for the last few days I've been wearing an old ped to see how many steps I'm doing. I've averaged over 10,000 steps but nothing like the 23,000 steps I was doing when I was "walking the world" :bigsmile: I'll have to see how I improve with the challenge.

    :noway: :noway: Look at thte time, I'd better get a move on! Only 2 days left at work this week, then another week without my good colleague Jane - Keep going Viv you can do it!!

    Have a good day everyone:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Michele meant to say that MFP went back to normal on its own - although I did report it on their contact us page but not sure if it was that or not. Is yours still all to the right?

    Must go

    Viv xx
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello all,

    My arms are aching from the workout yesterday :ohwell: aching in a good way, of course. It’s a stretch to pick up my coffee cup! Ah, poor me. Keeps my mind off the foot.

    Had a lovely evening last night with DH and J’boy, :heart: they both stayed around the kitchen after supper and we chatted for a long time about books and life in general. I don’t think it was entirely because of the amazing cilantro chicken dish I created, but the food could have helped to set the tone! :wink:

    Celticmuse, you’ll get there. It’s not really a race with a finish line, is it? More like a lifetime.

    Laura8011, I hope your hubby’s interviews went well.

    SallyCC Please tell your husband that, as a teacher, I respect the janitors a great deal! :flowerforyou: Congratulations on his dinner, and on your size 14 dress.

    Kackie, I’m like you I think, it’s much harder to get the exercise in late in the day. Gotta go early, or I tend not to go at all.

    Fitz, congratulations on your weight loss! :drinker: Your excitement and satisfaction positively glowed on the computer screen and brightened up my morning.

    Michele, I love the idea of a “bakeless” bake sale. :happy: I wonder how that would go over at school? We have healthy eating guidelines, so can’t sell much along the lines of cakes and cookies. The adults at home might appreciate not having to cook, but the students would miss the treats, I think.

    Jane: “You can’t change your past but you can ruin your present by worrying about your future” ‘Tis true, ‘tis true. I have noticed that, along with the “Golden Rule” all the philosophies and religions I’ve studied put some emphasis on “living in the moment” and not fussing about things that cannot be changed or anticipated.

    Viv, aka Wizzywig, your GCC challenge sounds like fun. What do you need back packs for?

    Well, well, well, J'boy is ready for school, I've sent him off full of cheese quesadilla. The sun is shining and it's time for me to...roll over to the jig saw puzzle table? Read another chapter of one of my books? Fold some laundry? Watch the fountain bubble for a while? What I'd really like to do is go to work, or go for a long walk somewhere. Oh, not complaining, really, I will find a way to make the day.

    Hasta pronto,

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    Thank you for the kind comments about my dress.

    I'm having one of those 'headless chicken' days and I have so much to do and not enough time to do it. Hopefully all this running around will help me shake off any lingering bad thoughts I have.

    I had a text from my DD about the grandtwins. Teddy had to go to see the specialist about his hand and also about his feet. He had his thumb and two of the fingers separated when he was six months old and this was his check up (the twins are now eighteen months old). They are not going to be able to do anything about his two fingers finishing at the first joint, but when he is older they are going to take some of the bone from one of his toes and lengthen his thumb. Hopefully this will give him more use in that hand.

    As for his feet, they think he will just need physio and special footwear for a while. His left foot turns outwards really badly.

    I was glad that my DD let me know what is going on, but I just wish I could actually give her and my grandbabies a big hug. I pray every night that the situation with SOBSIL gets resolved.

    In the meantime, I hope you are all doing well (Mimi, it was good to see you post - you should be feeling more positive that you are not leaving too much time before you actually come back to us - you will reach your goal!)

    My love to you all from a less rainy (but don't speak too soon) London town.

    Amanda x
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: It's another nice Thursday.

    Sally- it's the small victories that keep us going and wearing your size 14 dress is that for you:flowerforyou: Congrats to your hubby for his 10 years of work, glad he's getting recognized.

    Kackie- your trip to visit friends sounds very restful, hoping your hubby finds the trip and visit uplifiting for his recovery as well:flowerforyou: Exercising first thing in the morning ...gosh I do wish I'd get into that routine:ohwell:

    fitz1191-:drinker: Great loss:drinker: I'm sure your trainer and doctor are pleased with your loss too. That will be the encouragement you need to keep going.

    bevsdiet-:drinker: wow that close to your May goal...I'm sure you will make it:drinker:

    Michele- I agree that after using another mixer for years it does take some getting used to using the Kitchen Aid. Heavy:noway: YES I'm sure that using it as an exercise lifting tool would work:wink:

    Lynn0713-I too love the food, hence my return to a path that I thought I had conquered in 2010:sad: I'm sure that once you are 100% healed your goal will be that much easier to reach.

    Jane- I too find that I'm guilty of worrying about the future:blushing:

    Barbie- even with company for the weekend you are sure to get in all your steps because of the activity you will be doing with them...enjoy:flowerforyou:

    Viv-:drinker: hoping your walking the world & your team are successful.

    Nancy- glad that even though you are still in the wheelchair you have those "good" aches from lifting.:drinker:

    Amanda- so glad your DD gave you an update on the twins:flowerforyou: glad to know that she hasn't taken you out of the info loop....hoping that one day your SIL will have a change of heart:ohwell:


    Hubby's interviews yesterday went really well. They said the next phase (if they call him back) would be another set of several interviews with multiple people. They had changed the place for his interview yesterday to a location that was even closer to our house, if he hits all the signals green he could be there in less than 5 minutes....if he gets this job I will be so jealous of his commute as mine is 35-45 minutes one way...if he gets the job I would LOVE to be jealous of that:wink:

    He had so much nervous energy yesterday that the house got vaccumed, dusted and the floors mopped :love: I love that he does all that but would exchange it in a flash for a paycheck for him:wink:

    One of the companies that paid us for work done for them gave us a bad check :explode: so my boss is not a happy camper today...glad it's not directed at me but even when he's in a bad mood it's very rarely directed my way. So now I have a lot of extra work to do to figure out how much damage that company did to us:grumble: just what I wanted more work to do that is more of the NOT fun kind.

    Everyone have a great day. Log your eats, get off the couch and get moving and drink plenty of water:drinker: as we all reach for our goals.

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Another frantically busy day, but I am going to do my best to get my swim in between school getting out for the day and the high school concert tonight. I really don't know what to do about dinner though - it might be sandwich night for hubby and I.

    I read your posts, and I am thinking of all of you. Hope you have a great day! Mary
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Quick check in

    Laura I finally watched Survivor! Im not at all surprised by the winner!!!!!! She soooo deserves it!!!!! Go Kim!!!!!

    Well Im happy to report that a week away drinking good wine and eating good food and I didn't gain one ounce!!! Yay me!

    Will write more later!

    Bye Bye for now

  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    I am one of the early am exercisers ...or it doesn't get done...I literally roll out of bed and head to the basement...I bike with my ipod on and eyes closed...I don't think I would feel comfortable doing that at a gym!! I rode 10 miles this am and walked at lunchtime since we had beautiful sunshine. We had to put cancer Kitty to sleep yesterday...hubby is a little sad and mopey today he will really miss her. I will miss her but think I have a little too much farm girl detachment left in me.

    It should be an interesting weekend..meeting DD and her DBF (right abbreviation!?) at the lake house...hoping I won't undue my good work this week but am planning on hiking before I leave Sat am.

    Michelle - I have had a kitchen aid for many years and LOVE it...I use it for everything except yeast bread (made the dough too tough)

    Congrats to all who lost and let's keep at it for the rest of us...I will repeat Barbie 's advice ...never, never, never give up

    Have a good night all
  • Lynn0713
    Lynn0713 Posts: 27
    :flowerforyou: Had a good and busy day. Worked out with a new trainer then did a belly dancing class and a yoga class. I ate well and hope when I weigh again on Tuesday I have a loss. Have a nice evening everyone.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    barbie - I agree, Derek's choreography on DWTS is awesome. I wasn't too crazy about Maria and Derek's kissy-kissy all the time, tho. But they did make a beautiful couple. I tried making chocolate cupcakes for Vince last night. Yes, from a mix. One thing I've found is that I think using the KitchenAid is just going to take some getting used to. One the plus side, tho, I've always said that it would be so great if someone would invent some sort of scraper to get the dough off the beaters, with the flat beater there isn't as much surface for dough to stick to so it's easier to get off. I also tried this decorator thing that I got from Pampered Chef to try to put on the icing. Again, it's from a can. See, I originally bought this decorator thing with the thought that I could put manicotti filling in it and then filling the manicotti shells wouldn't be so hard. Only it was really hard to press down to get the filling out, so I'm thinking that perhaps it needs to be "lubricated" with the oils in the icing. We shall see.

    Did 45 minutes of Tami Lee Webb's "I Want that Body" DVD. Tomorrow I'll do Jillian Michael's Burn Fat Boost Metabolism DVD

    The Wii said I gained weight from yesterday. You know what, maybe it's having a large dinner that does it, I should have a large lunch and then a light dinner. Well, I think I have soup scheduled for dinner tonight so that'll be somewhat light. I will probably add some oatmeal and asparagus to it.

    Viv - good luck on your challenge! My page on MFP is still looking normal (thank goodness)

    Nancy - another advantage to your arms aching is that you don't want to lift them even to put food in your mouth. WTG girl! I'm like you and kackie, if my exercise isn't done early in the day, it doesn't get done. I find more and more excuses not to do it.

    Amanda - I, too, am glad that your daughter is keeping you informed about the twins. I know your feeling, but it's good to know that she isn't completely cutting you off. He might, but she isn't. That's a good thing

    Laura - oh, I do so hope and pray for your hubby

    Mary - for days when I don't know what to have for dinner, I usually have some leftovers in the freezer so I can use them.

    Kat - good for you not gaining any weight!

    How coincidental is this? There's an ad on MFP's page from Amazon for my mixer. Only it's listed at about $80 higher than I paid even with the shipping

    Jen - I'm so sorry about your kitty. Having been there, I know the pain you're going thru.

    How I wish there was a belly dancing class near me!

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Kackie…. I hope the weekend is great. Enjoy!
    Fitz1191…. Wow…great loss I hope your back heals quickly.
    Faye… I love the KitchenAid mixer. It does take some getting used to but once you start using it, you’ll enjoy it. My three jobs are all part time but it still is all about balance and I can get out of balance and then I struggle with doing what I need to do for me (usually I slack on exercise). Right now, two of the jobs are busy (tutoring and teaching yoga) and my third job (writing curriculum andpresentations for humane education) is in transition (same great team but we are going out on our own). Not quite the retirement I thought but it is great. I hope you feel better after having that dental work.
    Barbie… Thanks for the kind words. I was so proud of my husband last night.
    Nancy…Thank you for the kind words for my husband.
    Laura…. Glad that the interviews went well for your husband. I wish I cleaned my house when I had nervous energy!! A short commute is great thing!

    The scale move downward ( a little) for my weigh in today . On Thursdays, I try to weigh in for MFP. I did many errands this morning. The day just flew by. My husband came home from work and he did something to his back. Aleve and the heating pad seem to be helping. His day off is tomorrow so he can rest a bit.
    Have a good day!
  • tevra
    tevra Posts: 17
    jlyn, I also use bad weather as an excuse not to go outside, don't know why I feel I can't walk in the rain anymore, use to do it as a kid, what changed? I work and travel to and from work from the hours of 11am till 10pm at night...so I find it hard to make meals and exercize. I dont know what to do. My goal is to wake up, retired and not have to travel 30 miles, and at least walk 3 miles a day.:frown: :bigsmile:
  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    Stopping by to say "hello"
    Hope everyone had a good week.

    tevra - love your goal...I too would like to wake up retired :blushing:
    I get to telecommute tomorrow :wink: I too travel about 30 miles each way to work. Get to telecommute every other Friday!!:flowerforyou:

    Have a good Friday all...:yawn: night night