
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I went to yoga this morning and did my best. :wink: There were only two students plus the instructor today. She also teaches evening classes, but I prefer to get things moving in the morning. The evening classes interfere with my dinner routine. I have acid reflux issues and can't eat too late without painful consequences.:frown: It isn't a great idea to go to yoga with a full stomach.:noway:

    We've been in the process of refinancing our house for months to take advantage of lower interest rates, and were supposed to sign the papers today. The bank made ANOTHER mistake and didn't use the correct legal description of our property. They said to sign it anyway, and we said no. The Notary did her best with an impossible situation and I don't know what will happen next.
    :grumble: :angry: :explode:

    I think I'll spend some time on the bike to burn off frustration. That is sure to improve my mood.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Ohhh, after reading a few of these I thought of something worth sharing. One of the things I find amazing. I am 53 years old and I'm not graying yet. Well, some, but you have to search for them. I've yet to dye my hair. Ironically though I was looking forward to dying my hair. I was going to get creative. Now I'm afraid if I start dying I'll start graying.
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Not a great visit to the doctor today - after three weeks of 'behaving' and , for me, some increase in exercise and activity - I lost a grand total of 300 grams:angry: (which means I did not eat breakfast before I went!) So discouraging. I told her that I really cannot eat much better than I am and still have a life and I just don't have more time to exercise! I am trying to get my head around the fact that I already know.....that this lifestyle is better for me - and that I feel better - whether the scale moves or nor. but man, it would be nice if it would move - IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION!!!:noway:

    On a brighter note, I am down 8 pounds from this time last year....

    Renny - thanks for the perspective....life and death...it makes my complaints trivial.

    linda C -a pound a week is a great loss - consistent and healthy - celebrate it!

    Cheryl - good work on your goals and good upbeat attitude. And unprotected cookies are always fair game!

    There - I feel a little better. be well
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Another interesting day on the thread. You ladies are all so active and fun.:flowerforyou: I joined the Virtual Walk last night and had already gone 5.1 miles. It's really interesting to see all the scenery as you log your miles.
    Meg - glad your students were focused. That helps the speaker a lot.What did you do on the Wii to get sore inner thighs? I really need an exercise to work that area.
    Gail - I love your term YOYO dinner. I'll tell my DH tonight he is YOYO as I went to Spring Creek BBQ for lunch and will be very calorie lite tonight.
    Lila - so glad you had a good report and are healing well. Scotch is quite a good medicine, I've heard.
    Linda C - No way, -34!!!! I don't see how you could go outside. Stay warm.
    Amanda - that is a long time on antibiotics. Are you eating yogurt or taking pro-botics?
    Julie - great NSV for you!
    Cheryl - you must have been planning to log your cookies because you counted them.:laugh:
    Lucy - hope your meeting was productive and satisfying for you. Perfect time for a vacation.:noway:
    Laura - I'm glad you're getting some warmer weather. We had 62 and sun today. Just had to go outside and walk.
    Judy - jb's poem was a motivational one (page 11) and Vit F stands for friendships.
    Razbet- Welcome and what a great thing to have a DD who is a trainer. Only problem is you can't fire her!
    Well I said I'd exercise when I got home from the youth dinner last night and almost chickened out but one of those cookies just appeared in my hand and my mouth so I had to do a 2 mile walk.:blushing: Hope everyone has a great evening. I'm looking forward to playing golf tomorrow for the first time in awhile.
    SueBDew in TX
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Hi again,

    I have just been lurking since the beginning of the year. I do read all the posts and they really help me stay focused! Eating has been going pretty well and I love going to zumba three times a week. I love my instructor and she was just featured on a tv news segment doing a senior zumba class at the Y.

    It's finally warming up again. I grew up in Michigan, but I am so used to the weather here in San Diego now that 55 is very cold to me. Probably the weight loss makes me feel colder too...but I can live with that. I live in the suburbs and it has gotten down to 27 at night. All my flowers are frozen. I think my lemon and orange trees are okay though.

    I went shopping last weekend because I am totally out of clothes that fit. Kohls had some good sales so I have some things to wear again. Since I am so near my goal weight, I figure this is the size I will stay...never bigger again!!

    Have a wonderful evening!

    Eileen in San Diego
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    DeeDee - we go down to FL for the race every year. We usually stay about a week or so. Whenever we went down before, I always felt like I needed to get my "fill" of the pool....but I won't feel that way this year. If I don't get my "fill", I'll get it when we get home :)

    Did an hour of yoga today (Wed) then an hour of the deep water class. I just found out that the other gal who was teaching the class isn't teaching it any longer but another gal is. I knew the first gal had some sort of ear problem so I just assumed that the other gal was substituting. Guess not. Tomorrow I'll do Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred DVD. After exercise I did a little food shopping then home and went to senior bowling. Came home and made these apple chippers, only I won't tell Jessica they're apple chippers, I'll just tell her they're chocolate chip cookies. Then made (really, heated up) dinner, I had chicken & bean soup. Now I'm so full! Tomorrow is my day to do volunteer work at the Green Room. Afterwards I'm thinking that I need to go to the BiLo again, I know today I had a valentine's day card in my hand for Bryan, but I don't see it on the receipt so maybe I put it down without even realizing it. Vince will probably start to box up his presents tomorrow. I baked the pie for him, need to get the cookies that I have in the freezer for him so Vince can pack those, too.

    Lin - I'm happy you're happy. Was there something special that prompted this? I really don't know what it was, but last night I was really stressing. Maybe it was because I didn't know that 4 new people would be at bunco, so I really didn't know how many to prepare for. But it's all over with now

    Tammy in VA Beach - was that the first time your dog had seizures? One of our cats has a seizure disorder, so we have to give him meds twice/day. Glad she's better, it is so scary to watch

    M - when you were telling katla about how you'd tease the kids, it reminded me of the show "Gilligan's Island"

    Lin in Central Iowa - Congrats on getting closer and closer to wearing that coat. How great is that???

    Ellie - welcome back! That's just great that you won your pick, even if it isn't going to be this year.

    Deb in Nebraska - I haven't taken a body pump class in so long, the closest thing around here is the extremepump class. How I wish the routine was on uTube!

    Meg - I, too, love the idea of paying for a class up front and then getting something back each time you go. The only thing I would think of is "would this cause bookkeeping nightmares?"

    Linda C in Northern Ontario - congrats on the loss! Awesome

    Meg - there is a zumba class at the Y right after our yoga class. Honestly, I have never in my life seen such rude people. They constantly open the door (like 20 minutes before their class begins) and close it. Then, as soon as our class is over, they rush in and turn on all the lights. I don't like classes that are so packed that you feel uncomfortable. Which is probably one of the reasons I would do the zumba at home

    Renny - so sorry about your ex-colleague's hubby. Life sure can be weird, a death and a birth, all at the same time.

    They're calling for 1"-2" of snow, and you should see the panic that's surrounding. A friend of mine had her mother bring her eggs so that she'd have something to feed her husband, she also called a friend of hers (because he has a 4 wheel drive) to pick her up and take her to work. Honestly, 1-2" of snows....makes me laugh. I had to stop at the store because I knew I'd picked up this valentines card for Bryan but when I got home yesterday it wasn't in my groceries but I wasn't charged for it either. So I went to the store today after my volunteering at the Green Room. This one lady must have had at least 4 gallons of milk! The lines!!! I find it all highly amusing. The worst part, to me, is that I was planning to go to the Y tomorrow in the a.m. and if there's snow on the ground I may not, but we shall see. In some ways that may be the time to go since there'll probably be no one on the roads. Then I went to CVS to pick up 3 prescriptions for Vince

    Gail - great sounding meals. You can come cook for me anytime at all!

    Made some more of the spinach cheese muffins that I made the other day. This time I tried adding in some mozzarella cheese. We shall see how it is.

    At bunco one of the ladies brought a bag of Dove dark chocolates. I was glad it was dark chocolates, but the funny thing was that as she was leaving, it seemed that she was going to leave the chocolates here. Do you know that all I could think of when I looked at them was "50-some calories". I taped up the bag and gave it back to her to take home with her. Her "thing" was that she wasn't eating anything with wheat, she'd read that it helps lose weight and she thought the info behind it made sense. I didn't say anything, but to me it isn't wheat per se that's the problem, it's the REFINED wheat. Oh well......

    LindaC - I sometimes use oats and grind them up finely in the food processor, too.

    Julie - great resistance! My girlfriend from Switzerland just sent me a box of Swiss chocolates. One part of me doesn't really care for them, but then there is the other part that is saying "Swiss chocolates...it doesn't get much better than that". I'm thinking that maybe I'll have one for dessert every day until the box is gone. Hopefully, Vince'll have some too so that's that much less for me to have.

    Lucy4TDieting - have a wonderful wonderful trip. I'm sure the meeting will go fine, but let us know, OK?

    linder - LOVED the slippers, thanks

    Robin - glad that cloak is doing multiple jobs for you

    Did 50 minutes of the 30 Day Shred DVD (levels 2 + 3). The PLAN is to do some HIIT tomorrow (Fri), but if there's snow on the ground when I get up, I'll do something at home, not sure what yet, but something.

    Judy - that is so nice of you to be helping your coworkers like you are. Good luck on the job interview. The "F" in Vitamin F stands for "friends". Lots and lots of Vitamin F here.

    CG - woohoo stopping smoking. That's just wonderful!

    razbet - how wonderful to have your own personal trainer!

    Liz from CT - another good reason to have others with you while you're doing wall sits, you can gab between youself and the time seems to go by so much faster

    mndtowka - I made a deal with Vince, if he got his hair cut I'd grow mine long. I was thinking that if I kept it in a ponytail, eventually he'd just say "oh, I never get to see it anyway". But no deal! Now I'm threatening that if he doesn't keep his hair cut to a decent length, I'll get mine cut. Actually, I HATE it long, it's such a pain when I'm exercising and I have to always put it up when I go in the pool. What a pain in the ......

    sueBDew - yup, cookies have a way of somehow magically appearing in your hand. I totally understand

    You know, the more I think about it, the more I think I'll do the rebounder DVD that I have tomorrow. Evidentally, it's not supposed to snow all that much, but it as been raining and the temps are going to go lower in the evening, so that'll mean ice and I do not like to drive on ice. I don't really know anyone who does.

    Eileen - San Diego - I find that I get colder, too.

    Well, hope everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • TLC380
    TLC380 Posts: 2
    Good Evening Everyone,

    Lin: I have been talking with a Dr. and he is ok with it for now. I have to do a low sodium diet due to the water retention and high blood pressure. Ugh.

    Meg: I just bought the WII Zumba Core today I am going to try it out in the morning. If anyone is interesting I found it at Costco for only $28.00 Best Buy wanted same one for $39.00 Just an FYI
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hello Dear Ladies"

    I'm slowly catching up,with everyone! Welcome, new Ladies! This is THE best place for help and support...and friendship!

    Karen in MI- my real name is Katharine (Kathy), but our first granddaughter called me Kackie, so my nickname became Kackie.

    Lin-THANKS for the welcome back!

    Robin-Olivia will be ONE? Wow...time flies! I know you are SO excited to see her. Be sure and post photos!

    Have a great evening!:heart: Kackie
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi to everyone. IT’s a weird day here, cloudy, sun, cloudy, sun. Kind of cool too. I thought it would be in the 40s, but when I came home it was just under freezing. Had a course group meeting this morning then we all fanned out to get re-acquainted with our assisted living clinical sites. My friend took me to lunch and it was yummy, but I have no idea what all it was LOL. It was an omlette of some kind, with tomatoes, avacados, and bacon. It was really fabulous.:smile:

    Last night DD#1 dropped a bombshell by announcing quite happily, that she plans to move back to Russia and give up her American citizenship when she is done with college. DH doesn’t believe her, but I do. She has never acculturated and has never like it here, always telling us how much better everything in Russia was. This is from a girl who came here not knowing how to brush her teeth or use toilet paper. And that was better. I did tell her my opinion of her plan and that Russia has very strict immigration policies and without a profession like medicine or law, they won’t allow her to move back anyway. But I think it’s very sad that she wants to do this and is willing to give up everything she has here. :sad:

    Barbie: hope your evening was relaxing and enjoyable!

    Kackie: I know what you mean; if I wait even til the end of the day, there is so much to read!

    Renny: I am interested in your kale salad. I don’t think I have ever had Kale.

    Liz: so glad you are feeling better!:flowerforyou:

    Gail: I love the YOYO name! Glad to hear DS’s cough is gone and the smell is gone too.

    Sally: hope you got a lot done today

    Lila: great news from the doctor and you deserved the drink!:happy: :happy: I love old scotch (you know I can’t remember the last time I said I didn’t like some food product LOL…other than chocolate)

    DeeDee: hope the gloom lifts

    Amanda: good to hear that you are feeling better but too bad about the antibiotics. I get all those awful side effects too.

    LinC: I know that dang wii lies. It actually told me I had great balance after I fell all over the place trying the balance activities! :bigsmile:

    Julie: great job staying on track during your conference.

    Wessecg: we always miss you when you aren’t here!!!! I have been totally grey since my late 30s.

    Katla; I was nearly very sorry that I had a full bladder when I read your nickname. That was hilarious!!:laugh:

    Mndtowka; is that grand island? I live in Papillion which is just south of Omaha. I have been to GI many, many times

    Lucy: I hope you have a grand vacation!

    Robin: I think positive energy creates more positive energy. You have been so committed..that is a fabulous record

    Laura: my office is a giant black hole and I can lose things sitting still in one place. It happened yesterday; I was getting tests ready for my March-May class and set the final just to the right of my desk, sort of leaning up against a book, and then a coworker came in to talk. When she left, the test was no where to be seen and she hadn’t been near it. I finally found it under some papers. Now how did that happen? Actually my office is legendary…new people always get a tour of it.:happy:

    Jane: happy birthday to dad! I’m glad he is still able to enjoy food but cannot believe that the VA is so slow. I like red lobster too….OMG what don’t I like!!!!!

    Shrimp me: the only way I keep track is to have aword document open at the same time I am responding and write something, read the next post, and respond.

    M: sorry to hear about your surprise crown! Good thing you have a good dentist who got it taken care of. Can you eat soup today?:tongue:

    Judy: your coworker is lucky to have a pal like you!

    CG: congrats on being smoke free and welcome to our group

    Razbet: welcome to you too and keep up that killer routine

    Karen: it gets frustrating when that scale doesn’t cooperate the way you think it should! You will find the key to success soon!

    Liz from CT: I need to get back to the Y

    G: so glad you are at least eating healthily and exercising and are a lower weight than last year. I have gained every year, so I’m jealous!

    Suebedew: I think most of the soreness was from the yoga, specifically the warrior pose. The hula hoop is really a good one too for cardio…I was pouring sweat after that one. Holy cow….a 2 mile walk for one cookie? Man don’t get near a pizza!:tongue:

    Eilleen: nice to hear from you again and such good news that you need new clothes that fit!

    Michelle: when I was going to the step class at the Y, the class afterwards was a body pump class that acted the same as you described the zumba class. We were scheduled until 6:25 and starting at quarter after, they would open the door, come part way in, leave, do it again, and sometimes they’d come right in and start getting their weights and setting them out around us. Our instructor complained about them all the time and it would get better for a while, but in a couple of weeks they were right back at it.:angry:

    TLC: let me know how you like the zumba dvd

    Well, dinner is about ready. Tonight is game night and it’s DD#2’s night to pick and she wants to watch the Lance Armstrong interview. So sad…..I always thought he was one of the very few “good guys” in sports and was totally shocked when news started leaking that he was going to confess. I wonder if it’s real or if he just wants to compete in other events so he has to confess in order to be allowed. Either way, he’s not the good guy anymore! :grumble: :grumble:

    OK, I’m off. Take care everyone. meg
  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Good day Jewels of January!

    Well today is the BIG 100TH ! 100 days of MFP, vitamin F, and lots of careful accounting of food intake! I hit a minor weight loss goal of mine today - "the under number"- so it was like a birthday gift! Thank you for your support and encouragement....I still have a long way to go, but I am determined to continue.....all activity and weight loss leads to a healthier future! I have dodged all those obesity bullets so far, but time and weight and age would have caught up with me! It was a bit slow between day 51-day 100, and I am about to set some new activity goals to meet.

    While the day started out with a great beginning, our friend was rushed back into the hospital today, after just getting out yesterday.....and we did some small things to help out, mostly just being there for comfort and company. It is amazing how quickly what seems normal can go south, and the threat of death is so close.... I find that there is a slush over effect from other people's stress, particularly when they have suffered too much illness and stress.....and some people do suffer! It makes me realize how much we have, how little we suffer, and how grateful I am....(ok, I have a warped family of origin, but 10 years of therapy has started to kick in....)

    So far DH and I have only the most minor of health issues, and yet are not in shape, he has a bad, replaced hip, I have severe sciatica and bad knees....but it is possible to achieve a better activity level, even it is only half of Barbies daily 29, 000 steps! I have ordered the new fitbit bracelet ( more like it is the only thing they really wanted to sell) and signed up for a new pedometer on my iphone. Runtastic runs hot and cold, quits, starts and stops and drives me crazy!!!! and that is the "pro" (paid for) version!

    After 100 days, it is not the food that will determine success, it is the activity, and I will attempt to really improve that in the next 100 days!

    Hope all your days are full of healthy food, fitness and fun!

    BJ, SWOnt
  • Wow. Love seeing all the successes. I need to get going!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,357 Member
    Just a quick note, it turns out I'm packing fo a trip tomorrow---kind of unanticipated but it's for my dad.

    M - snack idea. I know it's not salty but I am just totally over the moon about Trader Joe's carrot shreds. I don't know why I think they are better than those from other places but I do and I adore them! I often take them along with me in the car for a snack. (And of course there's my old faithful Skinny Pop which is a little bit salty. You could have what 3 cups for around 100 calories.)

    JaneH - thanks for the info on the book---3MPH. Our library doesn't have a copy but I downloaded a sample on my Kindle to check it out.

    WIshing everyone well and I'll be back when I can for another dose of Vit. F. :bigsmile: :heart: :bigsmile:

    Lin in Central Iowa

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good evening ladies! hope everyone had a great day. I finally managed to get to the gym today. It felt great! I am going to aim for 4 days a week for now. It has gotten too hard to find time to walk outside when it is still daylight. I'm not a big fan of walking alone at night. It won't be much longer before it will stay light later in the evening and I will be able to get back to walks after work. For now the gym will work. It is a bit crowded at the time I can go, but I just zone out and concentrate on my workout.

    I love reading all of the posts and would like to respond to all, but work is taking up most of my evenings right now. Maybe I will be able to find some time this weekend. Meanwhile, know that I do read all posts and am wishing you all the best on this journey to better health.

    Deb A in CNY
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    I'll have to see if I can get the 3MPH book from our library. My dearest niece just had another 'see you in 6 months' check up. Her experience with BC prompted me to walk in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day Walk (60 miles / 3 days) in 2008. Had 2 other gals from my church as team mates and it was an amazing experience.

    Tonight I made an alfredo type of pasta - Dreamfields pasta, grilled veggies and grilled shrimp plus some toasted pecans to go on top. I went to the Y at lunch and walked at lunch time. Had to be careful not to get too sweaty, but it was 35 minutes at 3.2 on a low incline. Ended up being 1.85 miles.

    Atlanta is cold and windy tonight - brrr!

    Good night to all,
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Here's the info I sent along to Colleen about the Virtual Walk Across America that I joined. I think it's been going on for a long time but you can join anytime you care to. Give me a few years---I'll get there!

    Following is the web site address and a blurb they wrote about it........


    Lin in Central Iowa


    I joined and I should be in Jamestown by tomorrow. I've got just over four miles to go. I think you're about a hundred miles ahead of me, maybe more. I'm doing a mix of walking and biking.
  • Hello ladies,

    It has been a good week so far I have logged all my food and exercise I made it to the pool twice this week I started swimming in May and have fallen in love with it. I am so tired when I finish. I am working on my endurance at this time. I swam 50 laps today I do not have a specific number to swim each time I just see how I feel and swim at least 45 minutes.

    Thanks for your support.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Today has been a good day overall. Today was day 2 of circuit training.
    @Liz. Our has a circuit training. I was afraid of it. When I took the tour of center. I saw it and was afraid of it. She kept saying lot of ladies seem to like starting here. I was like good for them. But I thought because of my ankle problems I couldn't. But I went yesterday tried it and seem ok. Than again today went well. I hope to go again tomorrow. But I am happy that I joined

    @Lin thank you for the encouragement.
    Safe trip

    @M yes its been a long winter so far.

    @Meg thank you.

    I.have had request for a couple of my recipes promise to have them.up this weekend.

    Ok do have a question lately notice feeling so scattered forgetful lately. My memory has always been a strong suite,

    Not so I hats it I could and am normally good at Multics tasking. Not so right now. Looking for ways to strengthen my.memory and f paying attention better. Is there anything that I could take to improve my.memory?

    Have a good night

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: Julie, you had a great day declining all that food…..I find that abstaining is easier for me than munching in moderation

    :flowerforyou: Linda C. you always have such awesome responses for everyone and such a great attitude about your super cold weather

    :flowerforyou: wessecg, OMG----all those 16 hour days…..what amazing stamina

    :flowerforyou: Robin, I had a horrible year at work many years ago and the two things that helped me were to refuse to talk about it once I left my workplace (it was bad enough to endure it during the day, but I wanted the rest of my life to be free of it) and I gave myself a sticker on the calendar each day if my behavior was good---no matter how bad everyone else’s behavior was…….i like your healthy food and exercise and dog loving as other solutions to your job stresses.

    :flowerforyou: Karen, I don’t have a job outside my home so I keep busy with exercise…..also I’m not much of a housekeeper and I do very simple cooking so that leaves me with a lot of time and energy for walking, dancing, weight training, and recumbent bike riding

    :flowerforyou: Gail, I love your term “YOYO” dinner…….we do a similar thing called “Find it and Fix It”

    :flowerforyou: Eileen, I’ve been much colder since I lost weight so I dress in more layers than I used and wear wool socks.

    :flowerforyou: Lila, that’s great news from the doctor…….thanks for your suggestion of where to stay when we go to Victoria…..we take the Coho ferry from Port Angeles that takes us to the Inner Harbor and we’ll be on foot so we’re more likely to stay near there and take the bus to Butchart Gardens, but who knows how the trip plans will turn out.

    :flowerforyou: BJ, when I got my first pedometer, my daily steps were way under 10,000…..there is research that says that people who have pedometers walk more than people who don’t----slow and steady wins the race.

    :flowerforyou: Deb A. when I walked the dogs before dark this afternoon, I noticed how much longer the days are already since the shortest day late December when sunset was at 4:20……living in the north I have huge gratitude in January as the days get longer.

    :flowerforyou: Lin, I joined the virtual walk across America….what a great idea

    :flowerforyou: Liz, I don’t know any sure cures for improving memory, but what helps me is making lists, writing things down and being mindful of what I’m doing, staying in the moment, focusing on what I’m doing right now.

    :laugh: LOL, this was going to be short, but there is so much of interest going on that I couldn’t resist a few comments……Jake went to a fishing club meeting and I had a rare evening to myself.

    :flowerforyou: this afternoon we saw a new attorney to update our wills....someone suggested doing that each year on your anniversary...the new attorney is great (the last one retired without giving us any advance warning)

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    My word for for 2013 is “Stretch” inspired by “The Happiness Project”….I will seek opportunities to stretch my body and stretch myself personally by improving skills and trying new things.