

  • dmendel64
    Hi ladies... Thanks for the positive post, encouragement, and great information! I am reading, and learning so much from all of you wonderful smart ladies!


    Make it a great day,
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning everyone! It’s lovely here today; we’ve been having these glorious red sunrises the last couple of days. I always look at them and run the little rhyme through my mind, thinking “Oh, there’s a storm on the way.” Sure enough, last night we had a fierce windstorm blow through, but this morning it’s glorious and warmer. I guess the winds are the Chinooks – I love this little mid-winter break! I’ll definitely be getting out for a walk while the walking’s good.

    Poor DH – still has a sinus infection, so last night he was shaking the house with his snoring. Between him and my ever-growing cat curled up on my legs and the wind, I was awake a good part of the night too. Seems to be going around right along with the flu bugs. Anyway, I still woke up early and did 60 minutes of kickboxing – so much fun! It’s, to me, a great way to start the day.

    To those who say “you need to find what works for you” I say, OF COURSE! I hope no one takes anything I say as “you must” (except for, you must eat a minimum of 1200 calories – that’s pretty much a given). I can be a little (ahem) opinionated but I’m not trying to tell anyone how to diet or live. I will most definitely encourage and cheer on as you add exercise into your routine however :laugh:.

    JaneM, I’m sorry your DD is still giving you issues. So jealous of waking to hugs and kisses! I get to see DGD in a few weeks – can’t wait!

    Laura, great advice about looking at weight loss in doable chunks. You’re losing and losing (and oops, gaining then losing again) and all of a sudden you’re almost halfway there, then the goal is in sight . . . it’s a lovely journey. I’m looking for treats to allow myself instead of food. I’ve added drinking tea to my list of comforts, which I’m quite enjoying right now, but I’m going to need to find something else to do. I have a baby blanket I need to get started on – might do that tonight just to find another way to keep busy too. (that wasn’t really directed at you, just musing out loud :laugh:)

    Kackie, that’s the commonality with our group – all being over 50, we know about the pain and agony of trying to lose weight these days :frown:. It’s slow but certainly doable – but I can attest to the fact that it seemed IMPOSSIBLE for years on end before I finally got serious about it. Yes, find what works!

    Jeannie, I love to ski. I can forget it for a time but as soon as I’m on the slopes I’m flying again and in love. I lived in CO for 15+ years and reached the point where we were going at least two or three times a month. My biggest regret is that we didn’t buy a vacation place up there. DH and I are considering it now – DS lives in Summit Count and is constantly encouraging us to look into one of the foreclosures. We really should. Anyway, that picture is at Copper at Thanksgiving this year (with DS). We went to Tahoe over Christmas (my first time) – that was magical. I wish I had skied more while I was there. Do be careful with your dogs – I’m sure you know the horror stories of animals carting off the family pets. My mother has lost one or two cats that way (coyotes). The animals in CO have been coming down from the mountains and into the city much more too – and getting bolder. Be careful!

    Glenbabe, congratulations on losing all that weight! You’re going to be a super sixty – woohoo!

    SueB, should be a good range. You’ve added enough to either have another healthy snack or a roll with dinner or a bowl of cereal at night – if you’ve been hungry you just want to be there. It will keep you from “overeating” by giving you a range to work with that allows for extras when you need them.

    Tigress, Ugh to people handling something like meds when sick! For some reason (hmm) I was thinking last night, while listening to DH’s snoring, about the time I was at a WS game during the huge avian flu epidemic. I was sitting there with my cup of hot chocolate, watching my beloved Phillies beat up on the NYY, when the guy in the next seat showed up and sat down – and promptly started blowing his nose. I glanced over, he gave me an apologetic look, and said (I kid you not), “Yeah, H1N1 – just went to the doctor and was confirmed. But I couldn’t miss this.” He was a Yankee fan – and will forever be known in my mind as Typhoid Boy. I came down with it three days later – went straight to the doc who didn’t even bother with the test, just gave me Tamiflu (which worked great for me btw) and sent me on my way. I was down for 10 days – terrible end to a really great run by the Phils. Grr!

    LindaC, congratulations!!!!!!:drinker::drinker::drinker: You’re really doing great. Keep it up!

    Katla, I don’t know about another thread, but when we hit 500 we roll over to a new page (this one). If you go to the last post in the previous thread you’ll see at the bottom a link to the new page.

    Cheryl, did you make it to 159? It’s looking like you’re getting there . . . I’m hot on your heels though. I can’t believe how close I am to my goal – something I didn’t think I’d achieve at all! I was starting to think I’d be content to just sit at wherever I land . . . but now I’m really motivated.

    Renny, my activity rate is set to sedentary too – I sit for a good 8 – 10 hours a day. However I make myself get up and walk around, and I take a break at lunch for a walk if the weather’s good.

    Micki, welcome back. Your Christmas sounds like it was fun. I hope your sister is able to find work – hopefully she can find something even temporary during tax season. Sounds like you’ll shed those holiday pounds in no time.

    Michele, busy as always – and volunteering for more? Wow!

    Barbie, glad the bike is back in working order! I like your “word” for the year too – I may coopt it.

    Katla, LOL – my DH would be glad too! I haven’t watched that show, but I agree that there’s something underlying in the contestants’ makeup – however, it’s my understanding that the filming takes place over several months, so that’s a lot of time to change habits. Haven’t they also done follow-ups on the contestants to see if they kept the weight off?

    Glenda, the reset was a low calorie (1200), low fat high protein one-week diet that included some metabolism-boosting foods like grapefruit, raspberries, cayenne pepper and I forget what all – lots of good foods but pretty restricted for one week (and a little difficult for a vegetarian). However, the good news is it was for one week only, and then it was O.V.E.R. :laugh:. I only did it because I’m on a “challenge” with my on-line fitness group, and part of the challenge is to follow the nutrition guide. So, I’m doing that. It’s your basic no-nonsense diet. Good for you for resisting – I love Chinese food but have to cook it at home – the take-away and restaurants are just too high-calorie for me.

    Lila, lol at the deer just walking right up and over the fence :laugh:. You must love salmon! Have fun with the bowling.

    Amanda, good luck tomorrow – and getting through the clean-out! I hated drinking that stuff down, but my PA had lots of good tips to get it all down.

    Tigress, enjoy your day – how nice to have nothing on the agenda.

    Lcdreams – welcome. It is hard at first, especially if you think you’re on a “diet.” (It was hard for me, anyway) I like to think of it as “healthy eating” rather than “being on a diet.” Then I plan what I’m going to have, not what I’m missing.

    OK, off to work. I have to force myself to get out of the house today too – if only to go pick up my bloodwork results that the lab failed to mail to me, despite my asking them to grr.


  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: It's Thursday Vit F's,

    jb- no gym membership and such dedication to getting in your exercise and something you can do for the rest of your life is what we are / should be striving for...and you sound like you have a good plan to get it done:flowerforyou:

    Viv York UK- getting back to your pre Christmas weight is good, shows that you are making those right choices:drinker: and you know what works for you.

    Tigress from GA-sticking with your plan and not giving in to cravings is a victory for you:drinker: that's what makes the difference in whether or not you feel like you have had a successful day.

    jane-sorry your hubby is still sick:sick: hoping he's better soon.

    Kackie- thank you for the reminder that we need to find what works for each one of us and that it's not the same for all:flowerforyou: And yes at our age it is a MUCH slower process:sad: but still doable.

    Jeannie- a wild animal:noway: glad your horses were okay.

    LindaC- congrats on winning and your weight loss:flowerforyou: I'm sure you will be in the running for winning in February too.

    Katla from NW Oregon- No Barbie didn't start a new thread, when a Topic gets to 500 posts it automatically starts a new one "Part 2". When you are going into Community - My Topics and you see the topic that you last posted to will show you how many posts have occured. If you left messages on Part 1 and it already has 500 posts it goes to cyber space:noway:

    Renny Van, BC- when you bake it do you put some water in the pan? The recipe that I have says to put water in the pan when it's baking:ohwell: just wondering.

    Micki- I totally understand your gain (mine was #6 by the time my company left) and the lack of drinking enough water during the holiday / company time....but I'm sure that in no time you will get back into the routine again:drinker:

    Michele in NC- I do remember that your trip to France got canceled. You might check out CheapTickets.com or travelzoo.com I get regular weekly emails that tell when there are sales on tickets and I know that right now you can get cheaper tickets to Paris if you go in the winter / early spring during the "off" season. It would probably help if you are able to spend more time with her getting to know her better before they get married. I'm not sure how I would feel if one of my boys had decided that someone from another country was who they wanted to spend the rest of their life with...that would be hard:noway: Goodluck on the newcomers meeting, hoping you will be able to give some new ideas to the current committee head:flowerforyou:

    Glenda-:drinker: good for you on resisting the Chinese food...the sodium is such a killer:grumble:

    Lila- I miss seeing deer in my yard...we used to have that a lot when we lived in Southern Oregon about 33 years ago:sad:

    Amanda- {{hugs}} and prayers that your CT scan goes smoothly and finds nothing serious:flowerforyou:

    Karen from MI- I love it when I have an exercise session where I feel like I can keep going and then the next day I can barely do 30 min....I just accept that some days are better than others...and am patting myself on the back for doing any kind of exercise since I used to do nothing at all:blushing:

    Lucy in Delaware- drat those people toasting bagels...the kitchen is at the other end of the building from my office so when cooking goes on I don't smell it unless they walk through the building sharing the smell that way:grumble:

    Denise- good quote...a new day to change my life...yep that's what I'm doing:flowerforyou:

    M- waking early and 60 min of kickboxing:noway: that's a way to start the day:flowerforyou:

    Last night I did my 30 DS and hubby was testing out one of his Christmas Presents, a Coleman Coffee Maker. He had the campstove set up and was brewing coffee and the smell was so strong it came all the way from the basement to the top floor...so I had coffee after dinner with a bit of Bailey's...probably shouldn't have had it but it sure was good:blushing:

    I guess I need to invest in a fitbit as when I do the 30 DS I have no idea how many calories I've burned, just something to think about.:ohwell:

    So after all the work, sweat, fears and tears it turns out that the company that we had our accounting program with did an auto renewal that no one knew about so I'm back to the old program and weeks behind:sad: My bookkeeper and I were totally off the wall yesterday when we found that out...we are making sure that next fall we deal with it sooner and won't let that happen again.

    Sounds like everyone is working hard. Let's keep it up meeting those smaller goals will keep you encouraged to stick with it. Remember to log your food, :drinker: drink plenty of water:drinker: and let's keep moving.

    Laura 80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Recipe for the day:

    I love hummus but it's pretty high-calorie/high fat for me. Here's a lightened version I found on MyRecipes that I tried yesterday - yummy!

    Kalamata-Garbanzo Hummus

    1 large garlic clove
    1/2 cup plain no-fat greek yogurt
    2 tbsp low-fat milk or almond milk
    1 tbsp cider vinegar
    1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
    1/2 tsp dried oregano
    8 pitted kalamata olives
    1 can garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed

    Combine all in a food processor or blender - blend until smooth. Serve with veggies and/or gluten free crackers. Enjoy!
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Oh my, the snow has started this morning - and just after I was bragging on facebook that we had no snow here yet! (apparently there was snow in Jerusalem??)

    Katla - our Canadian broadcasting network did a program here called Village On a Diet, where doctors and trainers and therapists visited people in their hometown, and encouraged and promoted healthy eating and lifestyle and weight loss. It was an interesting approach. I have seen the biggest loser once or twice but it seems unrealistic to me - these people are spending all day, every day exercising and dieting, if I understand the show correctly. It does make for 'good' television/entertainment but I wonder if it sets people up to expect those kind of results at home.They are not at all engaged in their regular lives while they are doing it. It would be interesting to see how they do once they are back at home and work.

    Lila - as I look out my window, I think you may have sent some of your snow here!! I may have to shovel after all :happy: What book are you reading that is bringing you to tears?

    Time to go attack the to do list for today. The water drinking may come in the form of tea today - it's looking like a cocooning day :wink: with the snow blowing in!

    Have a good day ladies,
    Glenda, from a snowier southern Alberta
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Happy Thursday morning! I'm going in for a second opinion on my foot today -- not feeling very optimistic about it, but maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised and they'll offer a solution. Here's keeping my fingers crossed! If not, I'll probably be posting a rant tomorrow (sorry in advance). I'm feeling a bit gloomy and introspective, so have dressed up in a favorite outfit and put on make-up in hopes that will cheer me up.

    Marita -- Even though it may have been some time, I just wanted to say how sorry I am about the loss of your husband. I can't even imagine how hard that must be to deal with.

    TexasGal22 -- You have green grass! Ours has been dead for a long time now. That's so nice that you're getting to spend time with your grandson.

    Lila -- Your Tuesday night dinner sounded truly artistic -- almost too good to eat! Well, dinner is never too good to eat, is it? LOL :bigsmile:

    DeeDee -- Don't you hate "built-in obsolescence?" Three years and they're already shot? I'd be mad. Of course, my printer of almost the same age is now a goner, and I almost never even used it. :grumble: :angry:

    Nancy -- Married to a cute electrician.... lucky you! :love:

    LucyT4dieting -- And another cute electrician.... Wow! This seems to be a trend. :flowerforyou:

    JulieJacobus -- I can relate to the frustration of three months of hard work for only two lbs. Since I don't know what you're doing, it's hard to give advice, but are you eating enough? Many of us aren't, and the weight moves when we increase our calories.

    Laura80111 -- It's amazing what a little logging and water can do, isn't it?! I'm not to the point of having your control yet. For me, a few chocolate chips would probably turn into a handful. I'm usually better off not starting at all.

    Robin -- I hope your had a great day at home!

    JB -- I'm so impressed that you've found an exercise regime that you can do for the long haul! I'm still searching for mine.

    Linda C. -- 5 losses in a row!! That's great. Congrats on winning the contest at Tops! :flowerforyou:

    Glenda -- Wow! I bow to your control in skipping the Chinese in favor of eating at home later. How many of us would do that if we were actually in the restaurant? Probably not many.

    Karen from Michigan -- I'm so glad to hear that you had an exercise breakthrough. That's terrific!

    Mwheatcraft54 -- Thank you for the hummus recipe. I've been trying to find a good, lower-calorie version!

    Jane in Colorado
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Yesterday was awesome. I got so much done and I logged 17500 steps. I love being a housewife even if only for a day. I made a white chicken chili for dinner (way to yummy and a bit caloric, but I did walk 17500 steps)

    Unfortunately today is back to the evil and the grind. I am making an effort to get up and walk away from my desk much more frequently today. I will get through all of this, some way, some how. I do have my rainbow cloak on so that is good.

    Have a great day all,

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Happy Thursday!

    Not much new to report. Just catching up with all your posts, can't believe how big this group's gotten!:smile: My daughter is really doing great with MFP since she started abt a week and a half ago! Even my DH is cutting back on sweets big time which makes it easier for me. Put the gym on hold for this month since I'll be working at H and R Block again and may not have the time to utilize it but I am increasing my walking and even did a Pilates DVD yesterday. Hugs to all!:flowerforyou:

  • Andipat
    Andipat Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, looking for support and motivation

  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Been organizing my kitchen drawers, cabinets and pantry today. Everything is done and in one drawer I found all my old WW papers. As I was going through them I realized that coming here every day is like going to a WW meeting and all of you are the leaders!! I have done better in the 4 months I've been on MFP than I did the years on WW. (I did lose 38 lbs about 15 years ago but gained it back) So thank you for your concern and advice. We're all on this journey together and it makes it much more enjoyable.
    Katia - I had to laugh about your friend thinking your hair was shorter. :laugh: I play golf with 6 or 7 women and none of them have noticed I've lost weight. That's ok. It'll be a surprise to them this spring!
    Karen from Mi- I've had plantar fascitis several times and it's very painful. Take it easy on those feet. How do you cook your salmon? I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow and may buy some. It seems to be magic!
    Linda C - good luck with your scarf. I love the new yarns. Helping your sister shows you truly have a "servant's heart".
    Lucy - if the bagel got you, log it in and go from there!
    M - I'm researching more nutritious snacks. Have a lot of WW packaged things but really don't want to do that. I told DH this morning that I usually don't sit down until afternoon about 4 pm. I'm always doing something to keep me moving. Did the Slimnastics DVD this morning and got a great workout. Can't wait for golf weather because I'll play a couple of times a week. We used to ski when we lived at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs.
    Laura Co- where are you in CO? My two DD's live there. We have deer and wild turkeys in our yard everyday. The only way I can have flowers is put them behind a fence.
    Hope everyone is having a wonderful day.
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good evening all!

    This has been another crazy busy week. Still waiting for the merry-go-round to stop- or at least slow down- so that I can jump off!

    I am still stuck with my weight. I am thinking about totally changing what I eat. I tend to get in a rut and eat the same food very frequently. I'm going to take time this weekend to plan out completely different meals. Maybe that will shake off some of these pounds!

    Wish I had time to respond to all, but work is keeping me too busy! I still have papers to grade and lesson plans to write. I read all of the posts and gain so much encouragement and information from them Thank you all!
    Special thanks to whoever posted the hummus recipe. It sounds yummy!

    Amanda- Hope you get good news!

    Have a great evening.

    Deb A from CNY
  • 1stday13
    1stday13 Posts: 433 Member
    Hey is this an on going thread or group? I haven't seen it before :noway: Only been here for 10 days. I'm 54 & need to lose 100+ #s
    Think I will return here & see whats going on :wink:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy thurs.
    Got hubby to dr.found a new medical group closer to home.
    He has a severe bacterial infection.His face is swollen,can`t swallow or talk.
    On 2 antibodics and pain medicine.
    Hope he feels better soon.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    HI all. I posted and there was a server error, so it was lost. :frown: We went shopping today and got some books and a yoga video. I was just looking at the video, and I am definitely thinking I should have gotten the beginner one. I'm having trouble believing I'll be able to get MY body into THOSE positions. I had yoga class this morning and had a good time, but my teacher only has two morning classes a week. She also has a couple of evening classes, but mornings work better for me. I'll try the video and see how much I can do.

    DH has stalled in his weight loss. I suggested he move more and eat more. He thinks I'm nuts on the eat more advice. Can anybody point me to some information I can share with him about what happens when calories aren't high enough?

    He's also having high blood sugars despite eating low calories and taking his insulin. He bought a replacement bottle of insulin because he thinks the old one may have gone bad. Wish us luck. It is likely this is the problem; it has happened numerous times in the past. If the new vial doesn't solve things he'll call his doctor.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • glenbabe
    glenbabe Posts: 303 Member
    Well this thread is kinda addictive .....a great place to just waffle on about all the stuff you get up to in your life I suppose.....Today I bought myself some new skinny leggings,ankle boots and a tunic :wink: now I feel like a young fasion chick :blushing: :laugh: :laugh:
    The best bit was the size ...they are size 14 :love: :love: cant remember when that was my size last
    I have been working hard since 2nd of january to shift the 4 pounds I gained over the festive season and I weighed this morning and I am half way there already......was astounded by that as I usually only lose 1 pound a week,maybe its because I jumped straight back on it and didnt let the grass grow ....so it it didnt have time to settle :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    ICDREAMS......Just dont give up and keep trying it will click if you do,try to find something to keep yourself occupied when you feel like eating ....I find sugar free gum amazing and computer threads like this one :wink:

    MTGWW.....Thanks for your reply :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I just took one day at a time and after 13months found my BMI on here said healthy so went on to maintenance.

    Lots of you here manage to reply to almost all the posts but I will find that difficult with my memory so apologies to those I miss now and in the future
    hope this thread continues nite nite :yawn: :yawn: work tomorrow YUCK!!:explode:
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    The past two days has been busy with my jobs---I did get my exercise in so I am feeling great today! Lots of great information on this board.
    I have really had to recommit to my plan. I think I spent a lot of time trying to think about ways to change and all the reading just got me more confused. So, I am going with what I know worked for me with patience and persistence.
    I'll be back....
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Marking my place for later.... BigPal popped in my head today. Wasn't she in the hospital and has anyone heard how she is doing?

    DH's birthday today - thought we were going out for dinner, but ended up eating at home.

    More tomorrrow...

    Gail / metro Atlanta, GA
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    It's ten o'clock and my bed will be calling me soon. Took almost an hour to read all the post. Love all the helpful stuff everyone puts in. Wish I could keep up to all the posting but some days it's just impossible.

    I lost for a bit this afternoon was eating every thing in site. Yes i'm over in my tracker. I didn't even feel like getting exercise in to counter what I'd done. Just down in the dump day. Need to pull out of there.

    Tomorrow is another day and I will hit it with force.

    Good night all

    Linda C
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :bigsmile: I have made it a habit to delete all my posts from my profile page so now and then. In case you noticed all your lovely responses have disappeared from my profile page, please don't be offended. It is just to remove clutter and keep me lean in a different kind of way. I also keep my "settings" to only show on my friends' news feeds if I lose some weight .

    If you do not wish that all your activities show up in the news feeds of your friends' homepage, you can go to the menu at the top of "My Home" and click on "Settings" and choose "Automatic News Feed Update Settings" to unclick anything you don't want "out there".

    I personally love to unclutter, but it is up to the individual!

    Tomorrow evening I will post the link to the new "Fruit and Veggie Challenge". And yes, it WILL show up on my profile page :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC