
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Happy Mother's Day my lovelies x
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Mother's Day to all you Moms,

    It's days like today when I miss my Mom but realize that she is in a better place and no longer in any pain.:heart:

    I finished reading the past couple of days but didn't take the time to open a side window but know you all are in my thoughts and prayers today as many of us have those life struggles all around us:flowerforyou:

    #3 Son's MBA graduation was really fun, he soooo knows his Mom he stopped several times walking across the platfom giving me the opportunity to get pictures, complete with pose and smile:wink: Afterwards there was a reception which we attended with food and I tried to keep it light:blushing: DIL took our son out to dinner and we went to a Chinese place that was wonderful...and full of sodium. I'm continuing to drink plenty of water.

    Yesterday we went and saw The Avengers and we really enjoyed it...superheros saving the world and all:wink: Then dinner at our friends (DIL #2 parents) house for steaks and salad.

    Today I have prepped my lunches and breakfasts for the work week and a couple of our dinners and I just completed my bike ride in the basement as our weather is a bit rainy today. It's almost time to get ready to head to #3 son & DIL at the north end of the city. We have our DVR set for the finale of "Once Upon A Time" and the "Survivor finale" so it may take us a few days to sit and watch them...just glad we live in such a day and age that we can do several things at the same time.

    Everyone have a good day, exercise, log your food and I'm off to get some more water to drink...so join me:drinker:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: This has been an awesome Mothers’ Day. Jake took me shopping for my gift a few days ago……he said that the pets wanted to me to have a new bedspread and pillow shams but I had to pick out the color/pattern that I liked……the dogs wanted me to have a really good flashlight for taking them out in the dark in the morning……they bought fabulous cards. Jake knows that I don’t like to go out to eat on holidays so we’re doing an Isagenix cleanse day today. This morning after walking the dogs, I worked in the yard for two hours and got a lot accomplished. Jake called both his daughters to wish them Happy Mothers’ Day and then they asked to speak to me and wish me the same. Would they have called me if he hadn’t called them first????? Who knows, who cares?????

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington where it is warm and sunny
  • Alwaysnancy
    Alwaysnancy Posts: 51 Member
    Nancy, thanks for giving me more details of your location. I was actually born in BC. My parents lived in Alberta but the closest hospital was across the border in Pouce Coupe BC. We also spent a lot of summer holidays in the Okanagan Valley. I've been in Ontario since the end of grade six. A very long time.

    I'm like you I thought that the dash might be funny and I'm also questioning my sanity. After spending the weekend at a cottage just north of here where the first morning we did a 6K run/walk in very very hilly terrain. The one hill we had to walk up was insane. It was never ending. I was with my two sister inlaws and my niece. Some sketchy van drove past us 3 times and if they stopped I seriously would of considered going with them. Not really but you know it explains how hard the hill was. It's one of those hills that you see the end but when you get to the end you actually see that it isn't over yet. The next day we did it again but walked the whole route and it was much easier.

    Good thing I got lots of exercise because there was lots of drinking and eating this weekend. Mostly healthy meals but there was some snacks I shouldn't have had.
  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    Happy Mothers Day to all the Mom's !
  • hazymary
    hazymary Posts: 190 Member
    Yikes yesterdays graduation dinner put me over.....but todays Mothers Day menu has me way under.....if I add both days and divide by 2 it equals sucess.
    I've started Lift Strong 5x5, with the help of my sweetie. 3 days a week. It's basically 5 compound lifts , 5 sets of 5 reps adding 5lbs. each workout. I do 15 minutes of cardio to warm up and after I may/may not finish with 15-30 minutes cardio. Just trying something to get that friggin' scale to move downward.
    Please feel free to share what works for you.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy belated Mothers Day!! I've been missing in action for a while. Doing fine but very busy with my job. I will try to keep up better.

    Lil grandson is 9 months old and super cute!

    :heart: Rebel :heart:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Back to the grind Monday,

    Hoping all had a nice Mother's Day. We had a very nice time with Son #3 & DIL food was good and very calorie friendly, my DIL knows that I'm working on it. We played some Boom Blocks on their Wii, I'm not very good :grumble: but I find it so much fun to play.

    For the three days off I drank too much wine and was over on my calories more than right at:cry: missed one day of exercise and so it's a good thing I have a very strict routine at work because it will take me all week to back track the damage I did over the weekend:blushing: but I'll not look back and regret it because it was a fun three days.

    Jen so glad your son's deployment has been canceled. I understand his disappointment and your happiness. Our #2 Son was scheduled to be deployed in Jan 2013 and it got canceled too...he was disappointed and we were over the top excited it had been canceled:bigsmile:

    I have a lot to get caught up on today, nothing like one day off to get you way behind in the work.

    Everyone have a great day, remember to log your food, drink your water:drinker: and let's get moving.

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Welcome to another sunny day. :flowerforyou:

    Yesterday was lovely, almost 30 degrees C in our backyard. I watched DH plant lavender and rosemary in pots around the patio. He cleaned and turned on the fountain, so I can enjoy it all day. He also harvested his first radish! :happy: Great excitement all round.

    Ah yes, Sarah, pizza is a killer – and I love it. Still can’t believe I ate salad instead on Friday. :noway: I am sure you do enough bike riding to balance out the occasional indulgence.

    Jen, so pleased to hear about your DS not going to Aphganistan. :drinker: That must be a huge relief and weight of your mind.

    Michelle, our NASCAR party was great fun, the menu was grilled steak & potatoes, not exotic. Decorations were race themed of course, with banners all around the balcony. The sideboard in the dining room was replaced with a giant toolbox, which held the wine and beer. I dream of owning a KitchenAid mixer. With all the baking you do I am sure it will get lots of use. What colour is it?

    I love balsamic vinegar on my salads, :love: I don’t even use olive oil anymore. Last week I roasted a tray of vegetables and used them as salad toppings with a bit of low fat feta cheese. Yummy!

    Robin, it sounds like your fitbit is a success. What else does it do besides count steps?

    Barbie, I think your frisky poodles were very kind to you this mother’s day. :bigsmile:

    AlwaysNancy, Keep us posted on your progress toward the Warrior Dash. I can’t wait for pictures of you running through fire!

    Hasta pronto,

  • KathyGSM
    KathyGSM Posts: 22
    My goal for May is to walk/run the Toronto Womens Only the end of this month. It is a big step for me! I will turn 61 on May 14th. The race is the weekend of the 25th.

    Happy Birthday!!!!!
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 129 Member
    This looks like a wonderful site. Count me in. My goals are to use my exercise bike 30 minutes a day to strengthen my legs, work on tummy strengthening every day, do a plank position for at least a minute, I can do it for like maybe 25 seconds and that is stretching it !, and strengthen my back and shoulders with progressively more push ups...I can do maybe 5. Nice to be in a group my own age wise. Will check in tomorrow, may 15. :smile:
  • KathyGSM
    KathyGSM Posts: 22
    Lynn0713 – I was the same way in high school – I was a bean pole and could eat anything I wanted and not gain an ounce – guess it all caught up to me :sad: I have a book – The Eat-Clean diet Recharged by Tosca Reno, is that the diet you are on? Good luck on your weigh in!

    Jen – glad you finally found something that helps you - hope your treatments go well! :flowerforyou:

    Wizzywig – happy your kitty made it through surgery fine – poor baby! Hope he continues to do well!:flowerforyou:

    Sarah – when is school finished for you? Seems like you still have a lot of days left…..

    Ladyluch99 – Have a great cruise – that is my dream vacation – I’ve never been on a cruise YET – maybe that can be my treat once I hit my ultimate goal!!!!!:wink:

    HellsBells61 – I joined a gym and paid for a full year right upfront – started going, went for maybe a month then stopped. I was never able to get out of work early enough to make my hour drive home, then work out and then go home and do the dinner thing. – now my days are now like meidson’s – never thought I’d be able to get up so early in the morning (not to start working out at 4:30) but I normally start between 5 & 5:30 and just absolutely love it!

    Kackie – I hope your hubby is feeling better soon!

    Jeannie – LOL – I use to say “I cut my hair because that’s the only way I can lose weight”:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Laura80111 – Yay on your loss – keep up the good work and you will get there!

    Mary – that is terrible about your credit card – this online ordering stuff is great and convenient but unfortunately the chance we take is fraud – this has happened to me a couple times too – so inconvenient!

    Kat – have a safe trip! :smile:

    Got to go for now - will try to catch up more a little later. Hope everyone had a GREAT MOTHER'S DAY yesterday!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Too busy to post, but read all of the posts so wanted to mark my spot. Happy Monday! Mary
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Robin, it sounds like your fitbit is a success. What else does it do besides count steps?
    it shows calories burned, flights of steps climbed and activity level. The web site shows you a breakdown of how your activity levels were through out the day. It links food and specific activities with MFP. It also tracks your sleep and lets you know how active you are in your sleep. Its kind of fun.

    Robin, Bodi Boy and Rit Bit
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: So tired but I wanted to say a quick hello to everyone.

    :flowerforyou: At least everything seems back to normal now viewing wise thank goodness.

    Had a very busy day at work ... took ages to wade through a weeks emails, and to catch up with things leftover from Jane. Will start tomorrow doing all todays work so hope it isn't too busy tomorrow it will give me chance to catch up with all the appointments I have to make.:noway:

    :yawn: :yawn: Think I'll call it a day and get an early night.

    Robin the pup is adorable, won't be long before they will need a chair each:bigsmile: :bigsmile: I'll have to get a photo of the kittens in the dogs bed, they look so tiny in the big bed.

    Night night everyone.

    Viv :heart:
  • fitz1191
    fitz1191 Posts: 50 Member
    Good monday to you all hope you all had a great Mothers Day I sure did had a wonderful time fishing on Saturday and we baled on the movie on friday I was tired and just was not up to it but we did go to dinner that was nice Sunday we stayed home all day he cleaned the garage and I helped to be honest it was more like I supervised and gave storage ideas walked a ton on Saturday and feeling a bit under the wether the last few days sometimes I feel like I just hit a wall and have no energy for days.Going to the doc on wednesday back has been bothering me and today it was really bad so finally broke down and called for an appointment Not going to respond to all the posts but congrats to those who lost, happy birthday to all, So happy your son is not being deployed, my mfp looks the sam e,like the idea of the fitbit may need to look into that, and Welcome to the newbies
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Oh, MY....a weekend away and it's tough to catch up with everyone! I do hope you all had a nice Mother's Day.

    We enjoyed the wedding festivities and the drive up and back was ok for DH. I drove and we stopped a few times so he could move around. Seeing good friends was good for his spirits but he did stand too long Saturday evening so he is taking it easy today and is pretty sore. Still....it was good to get him (and me) OUT of the house for a few days!

    I did manage to get a nice, long walk on the beach Saturday morning and I didn't do too badly with food choices, just some different things than I would make myself. Today was back on track, so I hope to have a good, healthy week.

    Robin: Your Puppy and Baby photos are darling! I have tried to post photos using your directions but didn't have luck. I am sure that I am doing something wrong!! The fitbit sounds awesome!

    Sorry not to comment on more posts but I MUST get a shower and clean up before I fall asleep. I hope everyone has a great week:heart: Kackie
  • Lynn0713
    Lynn0713 Posts: 27
    a beauty
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :drinker: ate healthy, worked in the yard for a long time, walked the dogs for a long time and watched DWTS but no time for the computer

    :heart: :heart: hugs to all
    Barbie from NW Washington where it was over 70 degrees today :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Lynn0713
    Lynn0713 Posts: 27
    hi if you are tired all the time make sure he checks your hemoglobin red cell count and iron as well as your thyroid. I hope they figure it out and give you the medicine to help you,:flowerforyou: Just don't give up:love: