
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hi everyone, happy May! Love this month. Gardens gardens gardens! :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    In April I lost 2 lbs, hitting my 60 lbs lost mark! Shortly after that got a little too big for my britches with consuming too much at a few parties, and after my trip south to visit family (daily desserts!) I was up 4 lbs. Last week I got serious, though, and now am right back down to 60 lbs lost and ready to say farewell to a few more in May. I know what it takes. For me it's eating less, staying around 1200-1300 calories. I exercise every day, whether it's walking dogs, aerobics, racewalking on the track, trotting, hiking in the woods, gardening or stretching or a combo of everything. Started SWSY strength training in April too, maybe that's why the pounds didn't budge. Well, maybe that's part of the reason. :blushing: 4 lbs in the last week though, I'm stunned and amazed that I actually pulled it off and here I am walking into May weighing exactly 165. I plan to be 160 by the first day of summer.

    Since I missed 3 SWSY sessions over the last couple of weeks, yesterday was a little difficult but I gotter done. 9 reps of all exercises, plus crunches, pelvic tiltls, back extension, lunges, side arm raises, 20 push ups, and 20 pile squats. This month I want to do few push ups and squats every day. And jumping jacks. And Yoga, need to start up again with stretching.

    Salad Sistas Challenge continues...if anyone would like to hop on board, please do. Eat a large salad every day, that's all there is to it. Something like a chef's salad, adding cheese, meat, beans, egg, nuts or what have you. Mine are always around 250 calories, and I'll have 1/2 sandwich or cup of soup on the side.

    Love being here with all of you! Be sure to drink your water, and keep those potassium levels up! :drinker:

    :bigsmile: jb
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    Still hanging in there. Had an ultrasound yesterday which sure made me sore! Waiting on results. Prolly will remain a lurker on this thread until I get this straightened out.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: It's the beginning of the lovely month of May, happy Tuesday.

    May goals.....:huh:

    Well I didn't make April a complete success so May will have to continue on ...

    Exercise 5 days a week, minimum of 30 min each
    50 wall push ups 5 days a week
    logging everyday

    That looks good...now to keep it in the front of every day:wink:

    Everyone have a great day and let's make this month a success:drinker:
    Drink your water:drinker:
    Log your food
    Let's keep moving

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Happy May Day! Mary

    (Sneaks up to door, rings doorbell, leaves a handmade cone of flowers, and scurries off . . . . . ) :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    If you would like to be included in the birthday list that I will be reposting soon, just send me a message with your birthday! Mary
  • AZDee
    AZDee Posts: 129 Member
    Goals for May...To supersede my MFP goal to lose 90lbs.... Since I hit that goal this morning!!!::drinker: : .....started mfp almost 2 years ago, but it wasn't until last fall that I finally started losing and now WOW 90lbs gone, it can be done and done even when you are 58, although I now feel like 28!!! Life is good, I have now decided to make it a nice round figure of 100 lbs hopefully by next month I will be there too...Have a great Month ladies!!!
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello all,:drinker:

    Goals for May? I find it discouraging to make specific weight loss goals because I can’t really control it. I can control how much I do and what I eat, so that’s what I focus on.

    I am going back to keeping a spreadsheet and logging my daily fitness activities, I want to get 24 hours in the month. I’ll alternate chair aerobics and floor exercises. Both routines include a bit of weight lifting, but only up to 25 lb because that’s the limit of the old-fashioned bar bells DH brought upstairs for me. Well, I suppose it’s not big deal to ask him or J’boy to bring more weight plates up, so no excuses! :explode:

    I go back to the surgeon on the 9th of May and get the staples taken out and fitted with my "robo-boot" which is, :happy: I think, the modern version of a walking cast. I'm still not allowed to put any weight on the foot for another three weeks after that, but I should be able to get out and around more. The gym will see me then!

    No classroom stories :sad: do you miss them? I miss the activity and excitement of working with my students, that’s for sure. My replacement is a young, energetic and innovative teacher so I am sure the children are having fun. My job is to stay out of the way so she can make it “her class” and get things done. Sigh.

    Lessons from the wheelchair? Always put the brakes on when I stand up! I was hopping around the kitchen on Saturday, lost my balance and grabbed for the chair. It rolled away and I ended up in a heap on the floor with my foot in the air. :noway: Gasp!

    Barbie, I think you got to the essence of “The Happiness Project” with your added goal of “Act the way I want to feel”. :flowerforyou: The other thing I took away from the book is the benefit of doing the small things promptly. When I do I’ve got fewer things nagging at my conscience every time I turn around. Instead of “I forgot to pay the hydro bill” or “I should have made the bed” there’s space for other, more positive thoughts. :smile: Of course we all know that procrastination and avoidance are not a recipe for happiness, but in my case it’s a lifetime of learning, re-learning, learning…

    Sandi, Eight weeks is a good length of time to finish a weight training circuit or exercise program – fly at it!

    Hey Jen, you got May 1 a whole 24 hours before I did! :wink: It sounds like you had one of those productive, errand-clearing days that make a person feel so positive and in control of life. Well done!

    Hi Judy, I’m on the other side of Canada, in SE British Columbia. Keep logging while you travel, it’s the best way to stay on track.

    Sarah, congratulations on making the 160’s, because you will. How are things going in the cafeteria now that the sun is shining and students are thinking of anything but their commitment to course work?

    Robin: No shame, no blame. :blushing: What happens at the Faire stays at the Faire! What kind of characters did you meet?

    JB The salad sistas live on! DH is delighted because his radishes have germinated. He planted "french". :happy:

    I'm off to update the spreadsheet for May and make the bed!

    Hasta pronto,

  • Lynn0713
    Lynn0713 Posts: 27
    Hi my name is Lynn I was in the group a while back but after some family and health situations I have packed back on the pounds. I need to come back and start over. I am doing a 24 day challange with some suppliments to jump start my progress.

    My goals for May are to stick to this plan.
    Exercise at least 3 days a week
    Drink plenty of water
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Hi my name is Lynn I was in the group a while back but after some family and health situations I have packed back on the pounds. I need to come back and start over. I am doing a 24 day challange with some suppliments to jump start my progress.

    My goals for May are to stick to this plan.
    Exercise at least 3 days a week
    Drink plenty of water

    Welcome, Lynn! I think that I remember you. Did you change your user name? Are you the one that used to give us song lyrics? Mary
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Barbiecat – you are an inspiring leader, my goal is to be as active as you.
    Sandi – great attitude, you will be awesome by your 53rd
    Joy – this is a chatting bunch. Love it.
    Whizzywig – hope your kitten heals well
    Judy- hi, you know it took me a long time to work out what this onderland everyone was talking about on here , now I want to be there too. Have had to learn to convert kgs to pounds and kms to miles and grams to ounces and autumn to spring
    Sarah- so close to 160 how exciting. You will get there.
    Jlyn0316- boy do I know how I will make it up tomorrow doesn’t work. Lets have a good month together.
    Pamperedchris- zumba 3 times a week. Wow thats great.
    Jane- stick to the exercises the dr has given you and I’m sure you will see great improvement.
    Laura-15 min mile wow!
    Glenner – to feel great in a dress is a great goal
    BPSvalerieOt- 100miles = conversion time for me
    Hellsbells61 – hope you get to that class at your gym even on your own, I know that can be hard but sometimes if we don’t do things on our own we miss out on a lot.
    Rjadams- the wagon always detours for pick ups from faires and other events. Hop back on.
    Jb – amazing exercises plan and I love the salad sistas plan.
    A healthierSuz – hope all is well with you
    Laura80111 – I’m with you going to make May a lot more successful them April.
    Mary – thanks for the flowers.:flowerforyou:
    AZDee- big congrats on 90pounds loss. Awesome.
    Mazaron- good lesson about the wheel chair and brakes, learnt the hard way, hope you are ok.
    Lynn- Hi, I’m newish here, just joined this group in the last month, Have been with MFP much longer, love the support with ladies in the same age group.
    :heart: Hope I didn't miss anyone. If I did I'm sorry.

    Some wonderful Quotes from you ladies, love them.
    Act the way I want to feel
    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."
    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
    That is certainly attainable if I keep my head in the game...(and my mouth closed at the appropriate times... LOL)

    :yawn: So I have been up since 2.15am, woke with pesky cough and headache tried getting back to sleep but at 3.30am gave up. So now having had a cup of tea and been able to catch up on all your news I will try and go back to sleep or just read for a while. its 4.30am really, is it worth trying to go back to sleep. oh well. I often have these nights, doctors appointment next week think I will discuss this. (Could it be hormonal?)
    Wednesday here, enjoy your day, move it and lose it.

  • yclayton
    yclayton Posts: 44 Member
    bumpity bump bump until later! :drinker:
  • Sounds great and motivational!
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 839 Member
    In April I lost a net 5 pounds. However, I seemed to be up and down every day - kind of frustrating, but all-in-all, I'm happy with the five. I have been on the road a lot lately, and that always makes it difficult to stick to the calorie count. I'm really trying - getting out and walking when I can, too. I'm refocusing for May and hope to shed another 5.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Happy MAY DAY!!! A new month and a new chance to start fresh....LOVE it:love::love:

    April: I did pretty well most of the month. Lost 1 pound for the month, which is really good for me at this point. But mainly I really upped my exercise time and intensity, joined a 3 month challenge which includes some good and different exercises every day. I RAN for over 40 minutes one day, a bit over 3 miles....a GREAT milestone for me. So I feel pretty good about April!

    MAY: Walk 3 miles every day. RUN ...well...JOG...20+ minutes at least 1x a week
    Add More weights to my weight training 2x weekly (my copy of SWSY is on it's way!)
    WALK AWAY FROM the kitchen after dinner!!! ( I have had the evening munchies recently for some reason:noway: )
    PLAN my foods ahead and log each day
    12 glasses of water daily
    30 Day Shred DVD at least once a week in addition to other type of interval training every other day
    Count my blessings, EVERY day!:flowerforyou:

    Have a great month everyone!!!:drinker: Kackie
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I am looking forward to May! I will really be 59 this year and wondering if I will stay at that age for a while or be glad to see the big 60 next year.

    April - I got done what I wanted to do which was to get back to logging everything and to start back with exercise.

    May - Joined a 30 minutes of walking a day for 31 days challenge and got two friends to join with me. It is a Face Book thing, not a MFP thing.

    There is a pretty good chance my DD and I will be doing Tai Chi again. We found a class we can afford and we go to check it out on the 11th. I hope this instructor is as good as the one we had two years ago when we did Tai Chi after DD's hip surgery.

    Welcome to all the new comers and welcome back to all the lovely ladies here.

  • I love the friendliness, support and encouragement of this group...the bonding is awesome! Okay, now to set my goals for May!
    Well, my May is not to accept the May-be's...maybe I'll be accountable, maybe I'll track, maybe I'll sneak an extra bite or two and
    get by with it...uh, no!,...been there, done that and look where it's gotten me, oh and maybe I'll exercise! No more excuses...out
    with the old attitude and in with the new! I'm "going" to be disciplined and successful in what I didn't accomplish with my
    maybe's. It's always so easy to say "tomorrow" I'll make it happen, only to find that the scale doesn't care about tomorrow's
    intentions and is not going to give me a pardon on my today's weight gain. No more excuses!

    Thank you also ladies for the compassion you bring to this group. You celebrate with those who are joyous and are compassionate with those going through difficult circumstances.

    Congrats to all those weight loss successes!

    Turning my May-be's into May postives,
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    April didn't quite work out as I had planned. It was a frustrating month where even when I met all my goals for exercise and diet, I just wasn't losing anymore, and worse, I was feeling depressed and struggling with cravings for foods I shouldn't eat, especially chocolate pastries and wine. I started doing searches on weight loss plateaus and on depression produced by long term dieting. I searched the message boards here and also searched the web in general. I learned two things. First, long term dieting does cause our metabolisms to slow down, and long term low-carb diets do cause depression. The recommended corrective actions are: (1) to speed your metabolism up, eat more, up to the point of your maintenance level for net calories (which is 10 to 11 times your current body weight) and (2) eat more carbs to fix diet-induced depression.

    The problem for me with the second recommendation is that I'm prediabetic, and I wasn't able to get my blood sugar levels down until I started following the Insulin Resistance Diet, which limits me to 30 grams of carbs per meal. What's a prediabetic, depressed gal to do? So I searched a lot more on carb limits for prediabetics, and finally decided to up my net carbs per meal to 45 grams.

    I've now been eating more calories and more carbs, and I feel about 1000% better. I'll jst have to try this for a while, and I'll find out in late June, when I'm due for follow up blood tests, if the higher carb limit will mess up my blood sugar or not.

    So, my goals for May are up in the air. I guess I could say I just have one : do what's working best for me.
  • brayla1
    brayla1 Posts: 142 Member
    Bump will post later...Good luck to all as we travel down this path...
  • LadyBeryl
    LadyBeryl Posts: 344 Member
    I'm all over this in May. I'm finally SEEING a difference which is hard when you are tall and have a lot to lose.

    It is slow going but I know this is the way to make it last. Record everything you eat and for the rest of your life. It worked for me in the past and the weight stayed off for years. It only came back when I stopped recording.

    I'm motivated and sticking with it.