
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Robin - I loved that sign you posted! The kiddos certainly do keep us going. Thanks for the Friday morning laugh. Jeannie
  • Terri_Wickwire
    Terri_Wickwire Posts: 149 Member
    Hey ladies! I started using MFP on April 23 and am already seeing a HUGE difference in my commitment level. This has been the MOST amazing tool!!

    My goals: Continue logging food daily. Continue to add exercise into my day -- at least 5 days a week, either by doing my Wii, Netflix Workouts or walking my doggies in the fresh air. To release 8 lbs by following this routine by the end of May. More important than the weight loss (although VERY important!) is to increase my strength, endurance and loosen my pants and shirts!

    Have a blessed day, everyone!
    <3 Terri
  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    I tryed the new Special K cracker chips and I love them. sometimes I crave something salty, I don't eat alot of chips and that kind of thing because of my blood pressure , however evey once in a while I just cave it . the special K chips are 130 cal for 27 chips and unlike the reg. chips they have vitamin A Calcium , Iron ,Proteine and Potassium. the Dietary Fiber is 3g and total Fat is 3g no Trans fats, I bought the cheddar, but they come in other flavors also.

    msh530 I saw a post 0n facebook that might work for you . it said; Women pray for patience, because if they prayed for strength they would have to strangle someone! :bigsmile:

    Thanks! Love the quote ~ it makes me think of a friend who was very patient when our children were young. I asked her how she got that way, and she said, "I used to pray every day: God give me patience, and give it to me right now! Then one day, I woke up, and I was patient."

    The Special K chips that I bought to put in my desk are the Multigrain, and they are good too. Mary

    msh0530; I will try the Mulitgrain ,the next time I buy them.:flowerforyou: My hat is off to all of you that teach kids! they may be unthankfull now , but someday they will look back and you very well maybe their favorite teacher!
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! :smile:
    :love: Michelle..noooo I don’t typically eat my exercise calories, I always stay as close to 1200 as possible, usually Im a bit under

    :flowerforyou: Marazon its funny you mention the low carb link because I was looking at my food diary yesterday and apparently I don’t eat enough carbs and Im over doing it on the protein, so when Im in the throws of my menopausal migraine times maybe I need to carb up! And I do love my times at the Farmers Markets!!!!!

    :bigsmile: Laura isn’t it fun when those pants that were tight are now loose!!! Yay!!!! Time for a size 6!!!! How fun Congrats!!!!!!

    :flowerforyou: Jb2011 I found SWSY on my Nook Books and they have it so it may be the next book I order…

    :drinker: Laura…Survivor OMG!!!! I felt sorry for Kat but Ill tell ya my daughter is 21 next week and is waaayyy more mature and would never act that way!!! So she deserved what she got and she would have never hesitated doing that to another player! Plus why haven’t they voted off Kim! She is the master mind! UGH they never learn! But it makes for great TV! AHHH I love that show LOL!!

    :glasses: Welcome CTL101577245 If you are in starvation mode then you need to eat! Trust me Ive been there! Like its been already said on this list another member is wheelchair bound and is dong upper body, not sure if you can do that with a torn rotator cup???? Maybe on the other side? But hang in there and at the very least eat your minimum calories or you wont lose at all. I was at a plateau for 4 weeks and once I started eating all my calories I started losing.

    Well off to order cupcakes for my Katie's birthday to take with us next week then hubby and I have a Beauty School Advisory Board meeting...then I get to go to a CaBi Clothing Party tonight with some girlfriends (my first one, how fun!)

    Happy healthy eating everyone!!!
    Kat :heart: :heart:
  • meidson
    meidson Posts: 28 Member
    Hello! I would love to join this fabulous over fifty group! My goal is to lose some more weight and then to maintain. May is a good month because we all know the warmer weather will arrive soon and it will be so nice to fit into those great summer outfits!
  • LuckyCheryl
    LuckyCheryl Posts: 71 Member
    Hi everyone Happy TGIF
    Today in Minneapolis is beautiful after a very rainy day yesterday. Cleaned at the Feline Rescue Center today for 2 solid hours as we were short staffe and then cleaned at home for another hour reorganizing as my daughter returns from college shortly.

    Funny, after logging what I eat and what exercise I do each day, has caused me to think about how I do stuff on a regular basis. Out of the blue, I made my self walk to the Target and back (about 30 mins round trip - down the hill and back up the hill) because all I needed was a baby shower gift.

    Got back and my husband was mowing, thank goodness he left the backyard for me and that will give me another 30 minutes exercise. It must be done as the rain is coming back for the weekend.

    Reading everyones posts is giving me the much needed motivation to control my eating and get my b__t in gear to get exercise. Thanks to everyone!
  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    Happy TGIF to you Lucky and welcome to medison: so happy:flowerforyou: it is almost time to go home, and I am off this weekend. It looks as though it will be a busy one. My oldst granddaughter and 2 of my nieces are spending the night to have a pre-prom gettogether. they plan to stay up all night and talk and watch movies,:ohwell: good thing out family room has a door on it!:bigsmile:

    They are going with me early in the morning to help set up the garage sale at the church and then it will be off to get thier hair and stuff done for the big prom night, I can't believe that they have grown up so fast and are becoming young ladies.::brokenheart: It kind of brakes my heart in a way , because soon they will be all grown up and on thier own and I already miss them, I know it is silly:smile:
    well I had better get finished with this so I will be ready for report at 7:00pm you all have a wonderful evening!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Good saturday Morning to you all. Now trying for 6 good days.

    Day 5 went well. Not my 5th day on MFP have been here way longer, and no, my counter does not reflect it. I have been set back to zero a few times even with daily logging, but as that number is not as important as the one on my waistband, I dont worry about it. But I have now had 5 good days in a row, after stepping down off the wagon way too many times in the past months. Yesterday I filled the fridge with loads of vegetables and was merrily steaming a pot full last night for dinner and my stove blew up. Luckily the veg finished cooking in their own heat, and I am lucky to have a microwave, an electric frypan and a gas barbeque. Way more then most have in this world. I may even go back to one of my favourite meals, brown rice (can do in microwave) and raw vegetables (cut petite) dressed with fresh herbs and lemon juice. I will ring the repair man on Monday, let him have his weekend with his family.

    Day 6 has started well. Woke early and even though it was cold, (heading into winter down here) I popped out of bed and down to the garage where my trusty treadmill sits. I did 30 min. I would have gone for a walk around the neighbourhood, but the only exercise gear I could find without making to much noise was not for public viewing. I have not exercised early in the morning since early this year. Getting pneumonia put me out of habits, so it feels really good to have done it today. I have my food packed and logged, and am ready early for work.

    I love reading the posts and writing my posts. It gets you thinking. As I wrote about the wagon we all talk about and mostly say fell off the wagon it got me thinking. To fall would indicate an accident. I did not fall off the wagon, it was no accident. I chose to have that extra helping, that glass of wine, some cake, or to watch a movie rather then go for a walk. These were no accidents, they were my decisions. So from now on I hope I think before I step down from the wagon.

    :glasses: Every time you put your sunglasses on, remind yourself that it is because your future is so bright you need them!

    Have a great day everyone.
    Jen from Sydney, Australia.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Jen - Lovely attitude! Thumbs up to you! Mary
  • Lynn0713
    Lynn0713 Posts: 27
    Hello Everyone I just read over the posts fpr May to familarlize my self with everyone. I am on day four of my 24 day challenge I weigh in on day 10. I have stayed on the plan so I hope to have a loss when I wegh in 6 days. Getting ready for bed very tired.Happy to be back and receiving support.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF!!Enjoyed the beautiful day we had.My girlfriend and I went to many garage sales.We got some walking in and lots of girl time and spent less then 5.00.
    Tomorrow is miss Violet`s 4th birthday.Gonna be a busy day!!Sun a bunch of us are celebrating our birthdays.
    Have a great weekend.
  • Hi everyone, I am new to the group. I started a couple of weeks ago, I stopped because schedule came demanding and now I am back. I am trying to post everything I eat but I forget to write some but it's getting better. I know determination and motivation will help me to reach my goal. Be encouraged just as I plan to. Later
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: This has been a great day……I slept until daylight and then walked the dogs…..this morning I went to my regular beginner line dance class and then drove to the next town to the Senior Center where I performed with two other dancers at a special event. The group ahead of us played ukuleles and we were followed by “The Dancing Grannies”, a group of belly dancers ages 50-70. I loved the belly dancers’ costumes but wasn’t very attracted to the dances.

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, one of the things that attracted me to lunges was the need to maintain balance so there was a double benefit from doing them. My balance is better when I’m not holding dumbbells…..thank you for sharing about your tree…..we’ve only been in this house since August so my sentiment about the tree is about trees in general, not just about this tree. We used to live near the coastal redwood forests in Northern California and I love trees.

    :flowerforyou: Jb, my strength training started at about 40 minutes but I kept adding new things until they were lasting 90 minutes or more and Nancy recommended that I shorten it. Some of the extras I do are lunges with dumbbells, wall sits, plank, and pushups and triceps pushups with my hands on the seat of a chair. I eliminated the seated leg extension because of the 100 lunges I do every day and the wall sit.

    :flowerforyou: Jen, I walk my dogs early first thing in the morning while hubby is still asleep so I created a special location where I keep my “dog walking clothes” so I can get up in the dark, gather the clothing and get dressed without disturbing him. The dogs know the sound of the coat closet opening so they know to get out of bed and join me for the walk….as the weather got cooler I added more layers of clothing to the pile and now that spring is sort of here, I am gradually wearing fewer layers.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington state.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    barbie - how do you shut off the feature that tells people who many days in a row you logged in and if you haven't logged in. I agree, it's what *I* know that really counts. I know that I logged in or didn't and why I didn't (it's usually for a very good reason). I also find that it's in a sense silly because you can log in one food and it'll show that you logged in that day. Even if you completely and totally blew it that day. Update: I think I figured it out! Didn't even know that you could do that. Now time will tell if I did it correctly.

    Did a 45 minute step DVD. Viv - I did Gilad's step. It's nice in that it's not real complicated. At times, tho, I did wish that his instructions were a bit better. I did get a good workout in. But I just kept stepping, even if I wasn't entirely following him. Tomorrow...yoga

    Worked out, then Vince and I went for early voting, then played mahjongg (I maj'd 3 times!), on the way home stopped at one store (asparagus was on sale) just to get their things on sale, went to the bookstore and exchanged Rick Steve's Venice for Rick Steve's Rome (it looks like we're going to Rome now), then bowled a bit, stopped on my way home for Vince's french fries (I'd forgotten to get them earlier).

    Kathy!!!! I was wondering where you were! Glad to have you back.

    jb - congrats on the inches lost. That's wonderful!

    Laura - baggy pants -- I know something that will be donated!!!!! :) I vote for buying new pants to match that blouse. You deserve it

    Nancy - I like your rationalization that the brown thumbers are needed so there's someone to shop at the farmer's markets. I have the brownest thumb imaginable. One time before Vince and I were married, he had to go away on business. He had this swedish ivy which is supposed to be hardy. He told me when to water it. He even measured out the water so that I wouldn't overwater it. He came back and what happened? It died. I told him all I did was look at it. On another note: I hear ya about teenagers grunting and groaning. When Jessica was a teenager, I literally woud lock myself in the bathroom and read the book "Get Out of My Life But First Would You Drive Me and Cheryl to the Mall?" otherwise, I swear I would have killed her. One thing in that book that it says is the more they pull away, the harder they come back. Today Jessica is 28 and she drives from VA to NC at least once a month (6 hr drive approx), calls almost every day. So there is hope.

    I ordered some boxes of Special K cereal (.81oz, I think it is). Normally, I wouldn't do that but they are so nice to leave at the condo since they're manufacturer sealed and I won't have to worry about the humidity.

    Robin - a friend posted that sign about the wine on Facebook! Hey, I'll be in France (Bordeaux) for Mother's Day. Well, it'll be our 13th when we leave but their 14th when we get there.

    PtownMama - welcome! You sure are one busy lady!

    rpphillip is right. All you wonderful teachers may not be appreciated today, but one day you will be. Bryan had one teacher that he really didn't like. Yet, when he went to college, he was constantly saying "thank you McMcCullough for making me do that". He was about the only person who could write a good, gramatically correct, essay.

    Welcome meidson

    rpphillips - it isn't silly at all how you feel about your girls growing up. I think we all go thru that.

    katie - I usually don't add in my exercise calories, either. Yet, I'm at a plateau. I can go up a few pounds, then down a few. What a rollercoater ride!

    Hi Lynn and sylvia - glad you're with us. You'll get lots of support here.

    barbie - when I took belly dancing, I wasn't so crazy about the dances (I think because it was the native style) but you did get a good ab workout. One of the things that really impressed me was that the women were so comfortable in their bodies. Some of them were REALLY overweight, yet they were comfortable enough to wear the skimpy outfits.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • fitz1191
    fitz1191 Posts: 50 Member
    Hello just got caught up on all the posts well to be honest most of the posts have been so busy this week have not had mch time to do any thing barely been able to post have had some trouble getting in enough calories to need to work on that for sure. Headed down to Pasco again to see the new grandbaby & celebrate my sons 30th birthday Hope I don't low it on the food.

    Barbie thanks so much for keeping this thread going I just love it

    Jb hang on the sun is coming and you will be gardening up a storm lol no punn intended

    Michele I love playing mahjong on the computer but have never played any other way sounds like fun

    Welcome to all the newbies

    Jane have fun at Violets bday party

    Time to go get ready for bed and pack for my trip will be chatting with you all tomorrow if I get time
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Happy weekend ladies.

    I am sat at my desk at the gallery I work in (just off Bond St, London - I can't remember who was asking), drinking a cup of coffee and trying to get warm. This is a typical bank holiday weekend - cold, grey and damp. The good news is that it will be getting colder, greyer and wetter! Sheesh - enough already, these old bones of mine need some warmth!

    Tomorrow DH is going out hiking without me (I can manage a four or five hike, but not the nine hour marathons that he does ... not yet, anyway). My plan is to spend at least four hours in my gym before spending the rest of the day catching up on some reading. With a little bit of luck it will help me get out of the doldrums. I am really missing my children and grandtwins - none of it is getting any better (for those of you who know what I've been going through later). One thing I am doing is booking a flight to Germany next month to visit my DD#2. We are going to see Tosca at Cologne Opera House. It's one of my favourites and my DD has never seen it although she has heard me 'sing' it over the years (what I lack in talent, I make up for in volume and enthusiasm!)

    Have to go, the photographer has just turned up to photograph the wonderful atlas that arrived on Thursday.

    Have a good day my friends.

    Love to all,

    Amanda x
  • Skyecath
    Skyecath Posts: 33

    I just joined this site yesterday. Looking forward to getting to know everyone.

    I've piled a load of weight on since moving to a remote area on the Isle of Skye and no longer do any constructive or regular exercise plus we eat most days like we're on holiday.

    So, my May goals are
    - to find a regular form of exercise with someone so that I am making a commitment (don't suppose anyone on here is on Skye?)
    - stop excessive eating habits and stay in control of food

    I'm sure mfp will help as me and my iPad are attached at the hip, I just love it so posting won't be a problem.

  • walker001
    walker001 Posts: 116 Member
    Hi all, well we arrived in NYC yesterday afternoon and it was great seeing our son and his partner (Peter) again. :heart: :smile: Good visit last night and today we are going out touring around with them. What could be better than spending time in NY with your family.

    Have a good one ladies, I certainly plan on it. This is our 4th trip to NY and it never gets old and always something to see and do.

    Bye for now::
  • ribena1958
    ribena1958 Posts: 152
    My goal for this month of May is..........to carry on loosing weight. I don't set myself too many goals at I did start of rather heavy!!! see my profile lol so one step at a time for me. If I set out too many goals and do not succeed I feel a failure, so I don't do it. xx
  • maurap26
    maurap26 Posts: 90 Member
    HI everyone
    My goals for May is to be more careful of what I eat after supper (afternoons & evening are hardest for me)
    drink enough water
    start to get exercise outside (it's been very windy & cool where I live)

    hope everyone has a good day