
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hi Gang!!!
    Well I went to my Cozmosize class yesterday at 6AM!!!! NOt my favorite time to go..but boy did it feel good when I was done with the whole day ahead of me! Also there were only 5 people there instead of 25!!! No where to hide, the instructor worked our butts off. Tonight I have 2 hours in my schedule one hour is Cozmosize. The instructor told us the other day they might film a promo in class on Friday!!!! I will share it if they do :glasses:

    Oh - I got the offer call today!!!!! I asked for alittle more $$ and will get the offer letter fed ex tomorrow. Then I have to wait 2 wks for background check, drug test etc. I CANT WAIT!!!! I have been stressing and getting up during the night 2-3 times eating (trying to stick to tangerines and popchips) and drinking Frescas!!!!! oh and having HOT FLASHES!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for all your support during this adventure :flowerforyou:

    Lin ~ Yikes your Kale story scared me :indifferent:
    MTGWW ~ I am going to try that Kale peanut butter smoothie - Thanks
    Barbie ~ Yippee for weight lifting!!!! I am doing so much more strength with Cozmo and TRX...next time weight room!
    Colleen~ I am so happy for you!!!! You are strong and I'm sure youve got this beat!!!! Congrats :flowerforyou:
    Mary ~ Hi :happy:
    Michele ~ Yep Trader Joes frozen kale. I think it will be good in that smoothie MTGWW shared. The exercise is a positive habit. I don't want to lose this strong feeling I have..not to mention burning those calories so I can have a couple glass of wine now and then :drinker:
    Dee Dee ~ Thanks I would love the title of exercise queen. I'm nervous about this new job and the first 3 weeks. They told me I will be traveling during most of it training!!! I have to talk to my instructor to get some quick workouts to do in the hotel gym or my room!
    Jane ~ Glad to share with you!! WE need to all remember we are not alone with most of our experiences and we need eachother to share and offer support!!! It really helps to vent sometimes :flowerforyou:
    Wessecg ~ OMG ~ WOW ~ UGGGGHHHH - sending positive thoughts!!!!

    Speaking of HOT FLASHES....is anyone taking Amberen???? I have a friend who has taken it for over a year and swears by it!!! I just read up on it and it looks great! I am ready to buy. I need to get to the doctor since it has been a while so I might ask her too..just curious. I am having lots of hot flashes and since September I gained 10# I have lost 5 but it's been really hard...and it makes me mad after all the exercise I have been doing!!!!!!

    Well as you can imagine I am having a hard time focusing on work! But I really need to get back to it :frown: I hope you are all making good choices and having a wonderful day!

    Judy ~ So Cal :bigsmile:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :happy: Forum on MFP about Kale: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/874218-kale-eaters-how-do-you-eat-it?hl=kale&page=1#posts-13167698

    :flowerforyou: If you ever want to know about a certain subject, there is a search button right above what you are looking at when you get to the message boards. Type in the word or sentence, and all kinds of fun topics come up that you can peruse at your leasure. I just did it for the word "Kale" and the above topic came up.

    Very helpful.

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Hump day!
    I feel I have to be honest to all my friends.
    I have been struggling with night eating for several months.Went to the dr and have gained 60 lbs since july.I know it isn`t just the food and lack of consistent exercise.Dr is checking thyroid levels as I have a thyroid condition.
    If I have dececived any of you,I aplogize.If you want to de-friend me,I`ll understand.
    I did update my ticker for today.
    Thanks for all the support I have gotten in the past.
  • liliwhoa
    liliwhoa Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, I'm 56 and just now started this whole thing for real. I have 30+ lbs to lose. I'd really love to be connected with you guys. I need the support and you all sound so solid. And want to support back. Long history of eating to medicate pain or stress. Slowly beginning to redirect my head. :)
  • barbaraaloska
    barbaraaloska Posts: 22 Member
    HOLY GUACAMOLE!!!!:bigsmile: I just removed all the stuff piled in from of my Airdyne exercise bike, put the tv on HGTV and cranked off 10 minutes and almost 2 miles!!!! I have not been on that thing in months!! I thought I would do good to get 3 or 4 mintues....and I went 10 !!!! I just pushed myself and what a great start, and my leg brace was not a problem at all.

    I am over the moon!! :smooched:

    And Welcome to Whoatup!! This is such a great group you have found , I just joined too, everyone is so friendly and willing to lend moral support and advice. You'll like it here!!:flowerforyou:

    Barbara in Sequim, Wa
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi ladies! I hope everyone had a good day. We were in clinical today; at the hospital where each student was paired with a nursing assistant to shadow/help. We’ll be there again tomorrow. It snowed about 5” last night and was blowing pretty hard this morning, which made the drive in a little dicey, but at 5:45 in the morning, there wasn’t much traffic to worry about!

    I got my nails done and took the rest of the day off. I am addicted to shellac polish and nail art, but in clinical I have to keep it pretty “traditional” so I only do subtle things….now on vacation that will be something different. I’m out of “nail money” now, so I have to save up again for my next manicure.

    Jane: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Oh, Jane! I’m so sorry you have been struggling. I noticed when you stopped posting your usual posts and went to shorter ones, but thought nothing of it….grandbabies! You have not been deceitful! Maybe you deceived yourself a little? You know what? We all do that….that’s why we are here at 50+ with a weight problem that we struggle to control. We all need to take a hard look at ourselves in the mirror and be so honest…speaking the truth is a gift. OK so I got that from “Hoarders”. :wink: It’s true. Be true to yourself and give yourself the gift of honesty and love. You deserve it! You’ll get back on track; you just need a plan for the snacking and to find out if there is a medical condition behind this. Start with that. You have all the support in the world here. One day at a time…baby steps….you’ll work through this. We are here for you!

    Nonnicee: hope you got a good night’s sleep!

    Renny: I guess it’s good that the credit card companies are watching those weird charges! Yes you did post twice and I read it twice, then thought….that sounds familiar! My mind is like swiss cheese!:laugh:

    Barbie: glad to hear that finding a passion can come later in life. I used to be quite passionate about piano and traveled around in high school and college doing competitions. In college it got too difficult; there was no piano anywhere to practice on that was good and to get in to the better ones in performing arts, you had to sign up for times. Since I was not a music major, my time slots were usually in the middle of the night. So I gave it up but hope to get back to it soon.

    Wessecg: well good for your daughter to get an Interview, but as you said UGHHHHHHHH what is with these kids LOL

    Barbara: I just may try those kale chips for our super bowl munchies. With traditional super bowl food, I’d better have some healthy choices!

    LindaC: stay safe on that ice! No falling!

    Denise: give the exercise a bit of time…at first you’ll be tired!

    BJ: All my water is in my bladder! :bigsmile:

    Suebedew: hope your golf game was grand despite the wind!

    Lentigo: another good verdict on kale. I’m gonna try some!

    Allison: I find at 53 it takes me several days to recover from anything!

    M: your weather sounds as crazy as ours does in Nebraska!

    Lucy: you know, last year I would have said the same…Retire? Who me? Now I think about it a ton and I’m only 53!

    Laura80111: what would you buy for $207 at a fast food place? :tongue: That’s a crazy charge!

    Tammy: I never liked brussels sprouts either, but I find that if I get the tiny ones and don’t over cook them they are much better. Sometimes I roast them too and add just a touch of butter and pistachios…that’s really good. Thank you for your sweet words.

    Jane: how are things with DS? Congrats on the weight loss! :flowerforyou: That’s always a confidence booster to see a new number!

    Katla: I LOVE salmon! (Of course I do! Not too much I don’t love!) I’ve never tried it at Olive garden, but we have coupons so we may just have to go there!

    Mary: excellent work with the crossfit!!!

    Robin: hope the interview went well…let us know when you find something out!

    Judy: congrats on the job! Fabulous news! :happy: I have tons of hot flashes; they last for hours. At least I don’t sweat. I treat them with cursing!

    Whoatup: welcome to our thread. This is the best group anywhere!

    OK> gotta go! I feel “fat” this week. I’ve increased my exercise but at the same time, I’m hungrier so am eating more-ish. LOL More-ish. I’ve been under goal, but my goal goes up with added cals from exercise. I hope I can cut back a bit. OK….take care, be strong. Meg from snowy Omaha:drinker:
  • Good Evening all,

    I am like Barbie I have taken up swimming I learned how in May and can now swim a mile I am so proud of my self that at 56 I learned something new especially knowing how good this is for my joints. I had knee surgery 18 months ago and had to learn some new ways to work out. I definitly see a difference in my shape with the swimming. My wieght just doesn't seem to budge which is so frustrating. I work out religously and wear a heart rate monitor so I know my calorie burn and heart rate. I wish my scale would move down. Maybe soon have a nice evening.

    Lynn from Georgia:wink:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I'm going to try and get some replys done before I need to start my dinner!

    Liz:smile: Cooking day with homemade soup, sounds delish!

    Colleen:smile: Hope you've had a great day!

    LindaC:smile: Stay safe on that ice!!! Keeping my fingers crossed for you, here's hoping you have 8 in a row!!! Shepherds pie sounds so good, I've not had that in ages!!

    Denise:smile: I find when I get my walk in first thing in the morning I have tons more energy, just starte the day off right!

    Bj:smile: Crazy weather everywhere:huh: , it was 71 today and supposed to be 43 tomorrow:noway: . I stopped by Starbucks today and every table outside was full, even with the grey skies.

    Sue:smile: Hope you had a fun golf game. How is your foot feeling?

    Julie:smile: Hope you had a wonderful day!

    Lentigogirl:smile: Kale salad, I might have to give that a try.

    Allison:smile: I jumped rope the other day:noway: , and not for very long either and oh my I am still sore, my shins, my hips and my lower back, I tired to jog some today and my body is still protesting, my knees are not very happy at the moment. I thought I could pick right back up where I left off 40 some years ago jumping rope :noway: :laugh: , not so much:ohwell: . I start training for a 5k in Feb:noway: , what was I thinking:noway: :noway: . We'll get through the soreness, hopefully!

    M:smile: Good for you getting up all perky and getting that extra walk in too!!!! I'm not so perky until I've had my coffee:grumble: and then my walk, then I'm good:laugh: . Tighter tushie and slimmer hips:happy: , hoping I can say that one day! If the winds get too bad I can go to the basement, it's a nice finished basement, that's where the dreaded treadmill lives:devil: , I could walk on it till the storm passes...:noway: :blushing: .

    Lucy:smile: Where in NC would you like to move to? I live in the Winston Salem area, I think I would like to move to Flordia:laugh: .

    Barbara Ann:smile: Just keep coming in, you'll get to know everyone, and the greatest part, new ladies join all the time, it's just a great place to be! Congrats on the 10 min. ride!!!!!

    Laura80111:smile: Oh, the paper fairy, if you see her tell her she's needed here too:laugh: ! Hope you got a lot accomplished today!

    Tammy:smile: Glad you had fun at the game and spending time with your daughter!

    Okay, that's all I have time for right now:sad: . Need to start getting dinner put together, tonight it's scallops with some stir fry veggies and a salad...yum!
    Will try to return after dinner and finish my post!

    Have a great evening!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Barbara Ann - just click on "my topics" and any forum that you posted to (including this one) will be there. Just click on the name and it'll bring you right here. Good for you taking up the violin! Hey, if you eat in the car on the way to your lesson, you can probably leave the house a bit later. This way you can't stop at any of that fast food place

    Laura - the Dress Barn by me just started carrying petite sizes. Before this, I had to go to a Dress Barn that was quite far away. Yea for those petite sizes. So may stores either don't carry them or else their petite dept is VERY small, I'm sure you've found that out.

    katla - I don't find kale to be very odorous. Must have been the way it was prepared when you were a child. Give it a try, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. EVOO = extra virgin olive oil

    Did an hour of a Rebounder DVD that I have. Tomorrow I'll do some yoga and then take the deep water class.

    I remember when we were in PA this one lady's hubby got her a hear rate monitor for Valentines Day. Get it - heart rate monitor/heart Valentines Day?

    allison - I totally agree with you. Foods in the database can have one value and another entry has another. Which one is correct? What other place do you use? Fantastic you took up Russian. I took up Polish a while ago (when my father was sick and I was hoping to be able to communicate with the lady from Poland who was staying with him). The biggest problem I found was that I didn't have anyone to talk to. I bet if I lived with her, I'd have learned an awaful lot.

    Julie - prayers for your MIL

    Lin - loved how you ended your post "see you all lighter (not later)". Way cool!

    The other day I roasted a chicken. A while ago, someone told me to roast a turkey breast side down, that it doesn't dry out. Makes sense, the juices flow downward. but I honestly wasn't convinced but gave it a try. Well, you know that cartoon where someone puts a turkey on a plate and it just falls apart? Well, that's what happened when I did it. So...I've been roasting my chickens breast side down, the breasts don't get dried out. Just thougth I'd share.

    One of the things that I especially like about this forum is the fact that you read about things that are going on in other's lives that you will probably be going thru yourself eventually (like taking care of againg parents) and get ideas on how to deal with it, things that you might not have thought of on your own. Gives you an idea of what is coming down the road most likely.

    Tammy - have a wonderful visit with your daughter. I know you will stay within your goals.

    Tomorrow after exercise, I'll probably stop at one food store on the way home then senior bowling. It's funny, I'm know as the "carrot lady" because I always bring my carrots with me.

    M - that's just wonderful about the pictures. You're really going far!

    Linda - I told my daughter once that women are born with an extra gene -- the "worry" gene and it doesn't kick in until you become a mother.

    grrrr....i was responding to posts, didn't save everything, then we had a power outage, just enough to lose what I'd written.

    Let's see if I can remember.

    Started out the day doing yoga and then an hour of the deep water. Went to a food store. A while ago I'd seen on Dr. Oz that he mentioned these Green Giant brussel sprouts in light butter sauce. While not the greatest, I thought I might give them a try. The one time I had brussel sprouts I don't think they were cooked correctly because they were so very bitter. turned me off to them completely. Well, tonight I gave them another try, and was pleasantly surprised. Then came home to get my carrots and make my tea to take to bowling. After bowling went to CVS to get a prescription for Vince then to Food Lion because they have pears on sale. Then home for dinner, on here now, and will take a shower soon.

    Two of our cats go to the vet tomorrow. Loki needs his rabies shot and Lexi needs to get her teeth cleaned. I have a dentist appt for a cleaning. First I'll do the Jillian Michaels Killer Buns and Legs DVD.

    Meg - you learned the important phrases in Russian! Congrats on that watch!

    Cheryl - kids !!!! How could she NOT open an email from Princeton? Best of luck to her on that interview

    M - as the kale is baking, does it shrink down in size? One time I bought these cheddar kale chips, they were quite good. But I seem to recall that it was more like the kale had been boiled down, not as "puffy". I've been trying to increase my protein and I find that the more protein I eat, the fuller I feel

    Lucy in DE - remember when there was that Y2K fiasco? Well, Vince had a Y2K countdown clock. Of course, after the first of the year, the clock wasn't any good. So he used it to count down his days until his retirement

    Laura in CO - I totally agree, keeping the weight off is so much harder than losing. You can't let your guard down even for one minute. The weight seems to come on so very fast and it takes FOREVER to lose it.

    Jane in CO - woohooo on the new scale number. Fantastic!

    Mary in WA - that's great that you joined the Crossfit class! I know you'll love it. Wish we had that around here.

    Robin - keeping my fingers crossed for you

    Judy in So Cal - Class at 6a.m.!!! Hun, I'm just waking up at that time! Good for you, I just can't imagine being dressed, having had breakfast, and out the door to get to the class on time. I can't even make my 7:15 yoga class, I'm usually 5 minutes or so late. Please share the workouts that your trainer recommends for a hotel room or hotel gym. I'm always on the lookout for something different to do when we go away

    jane - thank you for your honesty. That truly helps. What is it you've been eating at night?

    whoatup - welcome!

    Barbara in WA - congrats on the 10 minutes! You're stronger than you think you are.

    Meg - kale chips for super bowl snack. What a grand idea. Never thought of it. I like what you said to Jane, it's so true

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I made a choice to ride the exercise bike longer and watch more figure skating instead of writing a long reply.

    :flowerforyou: Barbara, your exercise bike may become addictive especially if you can watch TV or listen to an audio book while riding....I line dance at the Elks Club in Sequim on Thursday and Friday mornings......Friday is a beginner class at 10 AM....maybe I'll see you there sometime....I don't have a view like yours from my house but when I walk my dogs in my neighborhood I have some great mountain views.

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: this was a long day of dog walking and line dancing and exercise bike riding and now I'm off to bed....we had salmon for dinner and the leftover piece will become salmon patties tomorrow.

    :heart: Barbie from drizzly and beautiful NW Washington
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Read posts, but too tired to say much. Tomorrow is another day.

    Gail / windy metro ATL
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Our dear DIL is here for a couple of days and I plan to take her to yoga in the morning. :bigsmile:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Goodness - last day of January already!!!

    I am off to visit my aunts and uncle in the north of England this weekend with my DD and the grandtwins. Hopefully I will be able to get plenty of walking done whilst I'm there as I know that I won't get much time to do any other type of exercise (apart from chin wagging! - We are a talkative family!)

    Anyway, got to catch up with some work now. Have a good end of the month my friends.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Have fun with the exercise

    Crazy weather all over this year.We are dealing with ice. Well that was yesterday.
    Last night brewed up a snow storm and now we are burried in snow.
    Who knows what today will bring. I sure can hear high winds sitting here anyhow.

    Not so bad I made it to the stove and back.
    I guess I coould call that weights putting those blocks in the stove lol.

    Trying different things is good. Glad you enjoyed your salad.

    Don't whine to much to your trainer.
    He'll work you twice as hard next time

    Sure don't take long to gain if your not careful.
    Maybe hubby will get back with it.
    He sees how well your doing.

    2 years will go fast. Try to enjoy the time you have left to go.

    You have it every little bit helps they say you can do anything for one min. darn if you can't do the min. 30 seconds.
    Especialy if your trying to do the plank. Start slow.

    Getting to the wood stove is the problem.
    Once there i'm in a wood shed not to much danger of falling.

    Glad you enjoyed your time with your daughter.

    Guess you have to keep drinking green.
    If it's the only thing you changed has to be it.

    I did get my bath towel for 8 consecutive loses. But I was a turtle no loss. But maintained.
    Only need .2 to break the barrier that i've been trying to break for 30 years. And i'm not gaining 20 lbs
    like I always did to get away from it. Been playing with the same twenty lbs for 30 years.

    Your getting strong. They say strong women live longer.

    Good luck with your interview. Sure hope you land that job.

    My mother use to tell me hot flashes just another stage of growing old.
    I had them put up with them estrogen was never a question. In and out of the blankets
    sure was.

    You are not struggling alone. We are here for you.
    Listen girl if we hadn't done the same or almost the same as you.
    None of us would be here in the predicament we are.
    So head up shoulders straight. And onward Christian soldier.

    Welcome and get posting.

    Good for you for getting the bike out. And see you surprised yourself.

    My nails are so brittle I can't do nothing with them.
    I think we are getting fed up of winter.
    And it drives us to overeat.

    How great is that learning to swim in your upper years.
    I tried that a few years ago and didn't get no where.
    I don't think the teacher was the best.

    My exercise equipment is all downstairs but I have to get down there to do it.
    Same as sewing so neither one gets much attention.
    Went to bed in a bad storm but looks like it calmed down some.
    Nice supper planned.

    Whoever bought the heart monitor had the right idea better than a box of chocolate.
    I've been cooking turney on there belly for the last twenty years. Not pretty on the platter.
    But then not dry bird.
    I'm with you with the worry gene.
    I have to find a way of upping my protein without the powder.
    I believe in food. Should be able to get all the vitamins and minerals you need out of food.
    I don't recall my mother having a stash of vitamins on her window sill.

    That's what we have in life is choice the choice is ours. We can choose to stay ideal and do nothing
    About our weight or we can choose as you did move move move.

    Enjoy your time with daughter

    Oh darn what do I do now. It's 5:45 and i'm all caught up in here. Usualy I miss going down town for coffee to do this. No excuse to not go out this morning. lol. Up at 4:30. Back to that crap. Hope it don't last to long.
    Well would you believe I stayed a turtle last night at tops. What a put down. I only had .2 to lose to get me under a very bad barrier that i've fought with for 30 years now. I've been to 202 just to reverse and go to 220 or more. Then I yoyoed for years close to the two then back to 211 did that for awhile. Didn't want to be over 210. Now that's my second week at 200.2 I wanted it so back last night. Wii gave me a big loss in the morning. So after tops came home got weighted I had gained 3.5 lbs in my day. Now I was good those of you who are friends can check my diary it is as good as written in stone. But I have to admit I didn't want to eat much because it was tops night. But I drank lots and lots of water. Oh well can't beat myself up. But what gives.

    So today I need to see that 3.5 lbs gone. I hope. Or at least by tomorrow. Going to start with today and tomorrow will come.

    Back lighter.

    Linda C.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I did make it back last night, and had my post totally finished and was saying goodnight, when I accidently touched (I was on my iPad) an ad on the side and it erased my post and locked up my iPad:explode: . I spent 20 minutes trying to get my iPad back on:huh: , I was NOT happy:sad: . I thought I would have time to finish this morning, however I`ve got an early morning meeting and I really need to get a shower now.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in still a bit windy NC
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Welcome this Thursday morning!
    Clouds, but no storm warning.
    Dark, but light is coming
    I'm waiting, since I've been shunning

    Kicks and jabs, working up sweat
    Mornings, in front of the TV set
    Pretending I'm light as a feather
    Jumping and jacks, feeling much stronger
    And better

    Now there's the issue of losing
    Which happens to cause much perusing
    Details of fats and carbs and wine
    As long as I'm low and eat beans
    I'm fine

    Three larger meals, no on the snacks
    Seems to be working, staying on track
    Hunger pains grabbing each day pre-lunch
    When I'm out with the dogs
    Being one of their bunch

    The pangs though, subside
    When I pick up my stride
    Forcing the meaning of exercise
    I'm burning the fat
    Joanie Jack Sprat

    Scale's been on the decline each day
    Kissing those ounces goodbye and away!
    Move move the buns, never to cease
    What's that there? A muscle?
    At least.

    Have I been busy or what!
    Teaching, enjoying, running amok
    Meals in the crockpot saving some time
    Winter's just winter
    No reason or rhyme.

    Wishing you all a wonderful day
    Make it a good one, and oh, by the way
    Forget not your water
    It goes well with fodder
    Making the body feel cooler
    Not hotter.

    :smile: jb in Portland
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning from windy PA. What a storm! It blew and rained all night. Of course today is trash day – my sister was out running but wound up picking up trash for most of the morning. I can hear our cans blowing around as I type. Then we’re supposed to get the cold and snow that’s coming in behind this. Yay! :grumble::grumble::grumble:

    After I just wrote a long post about taking it easy/not stressing about this, I’m within one pound of dropping into the next level – and I want it so bad! I’m going to be extra good this weekend, even during the parties on Saturday and Sunday, and try to make sure the scale is kind to me on Monday. I might even sneak in some salmon :laugh:.

    DeeDee, that is frustrating with the ads and viruses that make it so hard just to use our tools. Grr.

    LindaC, thanks for the motivation. I’m trying to let DH do his own thing – as we all know, nothing works if we don’t want it to. Right now he’s deep into a hedonistic place and will have to find the will on his own. I use a lot of mantras based on the serenity prayer with him. I will send you strong good thoughts for the scale this week. That’s a terrific barrier to break!

    Amanda, look at that picture. Wow, you really came a long way. Have a wonderful time visiting your family – I’m off next week to see DGD too! It’s a nice break from the cold.

    Katla, have a great time with your DIL visit and at yoga.

    Sue in TX, I’m kind of in the same place. After my sprint for the past several months (at least it seems that way in retrospect) my measurements aren’t changing a lot. However, just this morning I was stretching and noticed a new muscle band wrapping around my outer arm – I have triceps!!! I also read an article about how fat takes up so much more room in a body than muscle, so mine must be much more muscle these days. It’s all good.

    Julie, did you get those horrid storms that rolled through the south? I still haven’t heard from my friends who live in GA and Alabama.

    Lenti, lol at the kale mystery lunch. I agree, it can be fabulous. I love it in soups too.

    Allison, I’m laughing at you whining to your baby trainer. I’m sure he’s used to it.

    Lucy, hope you didn’t blow away last night! What a crazy storm. I’m right there with you on the retirement front – after this latest project I’ve been thinking more and more about just being able to putter around the yard, maybe talk DH into buying a vacation home somewhere I could hang out all summer while he’s working lol. DH is younger than me too – but makes much more than I do and has the bulk of the retirement savings, so I guess I better put my big girl panties on and keep plugging away at work. Sigh.

    Barbara, good luck getting that path cleared to the bike!

    Laura, I’m curious what it will be like when I get to the maintenance stage – it’s a little scary. However, as I’ve been ahem preaching I intend to make this a lifestyle, not a temporary change, so I’m hoping I don’t go binge-crazy. I do find myself occasionally longing for gummi bears though . . .

    Tammy, I don’t recall if I mentioned – DH is a UVA grad. We have friends who still live in the area – it’s lovely there.

    Jody, I was talking to a friend last weekend who is in a Crossfit program. It sounds crazy hard, but having been through a “crazy hard” program a time or two myself I know that we can make ourselves do anything we put our minds too. I still hate burbees though.

    Judy, when I was doing classes it was fun when the class was small – seemed like it was easier to tweak the routine to push everyone. Congratulations on the job! I’ve been very fortunate not to have hot flashes, but I wish you the best on finding something that works. I have a friend (couple, actually) who are going through it; some are really struggling.

    JaneM – adorable baby!!! I’m so sorry to hear you’re still struggling with eating at night – that’s a tough blow. I personally would never de-friend you just because you’re struggling – isn’t that when you need people more than ever? When you’re ready to tackle this, we’ll be here.

    Whoatup – welcome – you’ll find lots of support. Keep coming back.

    Barbara in WA, good for you! I’m so glad you’re excited about the bike – it will be great for you.

    Meg, be careful in the snow (I’m sure you know). It’s often the other drivers that are the problem. I recall when I was coming from Tahoe into Reno a “local” didn’t even bother to slow down at her stop sign on the side of the highway, just blew through right into my lane. I had to jump over to the unplowed next lane, as did the car behind me. Grr. I don’t get people who seem to think other people can just change lanes quickly on a snowy road, or stop quickly, or whatever. :frown::grumble:

    Michele, I’m laughing at the V-day gift – one of the members of my Combat team requested one for her V-day gift. I had heard the tip about roasting the chicken upside down – I don’t cook them often but will do that next time.

    OK, first meeting of the day is coming up, and then I have to go collect those stupid trash cans. I was going to tell you all though: last night for a quick meal I roasted some cubed butternut squash mixed with chopped onion, a minced garlic clove, and a cup of cranberries, all sprinkled with curry powder and chili powder. I cooked a cup of dried red quinoa with two cups of water, then mixed the entire thing with a little olive oil and some salt – simple, delicious, and good protein. Even DH liked it, and he’s not a huge quinoa fan.


  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Ooooh! We survived the windy weather and the cooler temps. After 3 years in Florida, and thinking that I preferred a cold winter, it was lovely to have 2 warm days... and to realize that I'm really Ok without the cold winter! ha! Sure is easier to be outside moving... rather than here at the computer! Can you believe it's the last day of January? Amazing.

    I love how we're all finding things to learn that we always thought we might... I decided to take one of those on-line, free courses through Coursera. I'm taking World History since 1760. Fascinating. I love it... Now to keep myself disciplined to stay with it.
    I also love to organize my house... and quilt and garden and read. Really there is not enough time in the day. I also substitute teach on occasion.

    M– The recipe looks really good, and I’m not a fan of quinoa either… So cool your dh went to UVA. We love it out there and are seriously considering retiring there. Our DD#1 is searching for a winery/inn there to have her wedding in Nov 2014!

    DeeDee… I hate it when the computer doesn’t act the way it’s supposed to!! Aargh!

    Linda – Don’t beat yourself up! Keep on keeping on…. I read on Oprah this morning that those of us lovely ladies over 50 should get in 4-6 cardio sessions (30-40 min) a week with 2 strength training days. Stay positive! When you pop down under that mark—just think how happy you’ll be!!! Au revoir to the 3.5!!!

    Off to the gym! Have a great day!
  • Still doing well. Switching to being lacto-vegetarian and seems to be working! Love reading your posts!
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good morning, ladies,

    Confession time.....because I just HAVE to tell someone. Last night it was POURING and I had to drop my car off at the shop for an oil change. Hubby met me there to drive me home. I backed my car up, but couldn't see at all, and when I got out of the car, I noticed that I had backed up against a large stone with a cone on the top. So I got in my car to pull up and I heard this awful noise.:explode:
    It pulled my entire back panel off the car! I was so freaked out. I asked John (our shop guy) if he could bang it back in, but never told hubby. I stopped there this morning before work and they said they thought it could be done. So I am sitting here in my office on pins and needles waiting for the call. So far, 2013 hasn't been a great year for me.:sad: Lost my dear FIL, vacation cancelled, car damage.....what's next??? Oh well, at least all of my slacks are getting big on me. I had to wear a belt this morning to hold them up, so it can't be all bad, right?:smile:

    :wink: Judy - WTG on landing that job. I'm sure you'll be great at it. As for the flashes....I have been on Premarin (probably similar to the one you mentioned). Actually, I've been trying to wean myself off. For me, the problem wasn't so much hot flashes as insomnia, but it works for both issues.

    :smile: Renny - You are always so full of information! Thanks for your help.

    :laugh: Jackie - Don't you know that 50 is the new 30?

    :devil: M - Good advice. If we're not diligent, that weight can creep up on us before we know it!

    :flowerforyou: Barbara Ann - Every bit of exercise helps, so good for you!

    :flowerforyou: Jane - You don't have to feel bad for being human. We all have our weaknesses. We are here to support one another through our ups and downs. I have faith that you will get back on track soon.

    :smooched: Meg - Just got my first gel manicure for the vacation that never was. I love it! Two weeks and no chips.

    :ohwell: Lynne - Sometimes it takes time for the scale to catch up, so don't be discouraged.

    :glasses: DeeDee - We are hoping to move to the Calabash area (near N. Myrtle Beach). We have a friend who retired there and she loves it! Beaches for me and golf for hubby....who could ask for anything more? My husband also has family from N. Myrtle beach, so we've visited the area several times and love it there.

    :huh: Michelle - I never heard of roasting a chicken breast side down, but I think I'll try it next time. Thanks for the tip!

    :smile: Linda - Come on...you know that scales can fluctuate 3 pounds in either direction, so don't let that number get you down!

    Have a great day everyone, keep up the faith, and keep warm....
