
  • kayms13
    kayms13 Posts: 47 Member
    Well, April wasn't a total disaster, but I didn't meet the goals I had set. Now in May I'll try to get back on track and not let those old habits become normal again. Hopefully there will be less overtime at work so more time for a workout and healthy meal preparation. Several special events coming up this month. One of my goals is to plan ahead for them, and not let them throw off my whole week.

    Laura, I can relate to your story about your old dog, as I have a 13 year old lab. She also forgets she's old sometimes, jumping up and down when it's suppertime, then her hips give out on her coming down the steps. Or she starts out our walk at puppy speed, then poops out after a couple blocks. It's tough to see them get old.

    Have a good week everyone :flowerforyou:
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    jb - You have a beautiful garden and the pics are just the right size. I will have to try the photo bucket thing sometime.

    Barbie - Thanks for the specific instructions for fixing my problem, but I tried that a couple days ago when you mentioned how to do it and I still show up as missing. When you look at my icon on a friends list where it shows you as online today or missing for x days, I am shown as missing for 7 days now. I checked and yours says you were online today even though we both have shut off the same updates. Just one of life's little mysteries I guess. As long as MFP doesn't toss me off the site for not showing up, it really doesn't matter.:laugh:

    It's a beautiful day here today and I am going to get outside and dig up the last if the spring flowers and plant the summer ones. The pansies and snapdragons are the last of the spring survivors; they are looking rather pathetic and it's time for them to go. I will also plant green beans and okra in the places where I had lettuce and onions this spring. It's amazing what you can get from 6 raised 8x4 beds. :smile: I'm channeling my farm girl past and can say it's sure more entertaining now that it's purely for fun!

    Hope you all have a great day! :happy:

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Kat: Well said about Dieting vs The Way We Live right now! I realize NOW that all of my "always skinny" friends are skinny because that is how they have always lived their life. They eat some treats now and then BUT they make up for it with exercise and/or eating lighter the rest of the time. Makes sense doesn't it??? So...the challenge is to DO THIS. And I think that I will need to log my food and exercise for the rest of my life. It just helps me the most and I can easily fool myself about how much I am eating otherwise. But if I have to write it down, I THINK about it before I eat it. Something I need to do anyway! So much for my rambling now!

    Laura; The movie sounds fun! I miss having an independent/artsy theater. We do not here:-(

    Bye again!!!:heart: Kackie
  • Yeah I wanna be in a group of women 50+. I really need encouragement at times, but right now spending time on line is keeping my mind off the enchiladas in my fridge! This is my first post.

    I love the garden! I'll post a pic of mine later--I just shoooed some cows out of mine! Mine is dinky--but I ate some potatoes out of it yesterday!!! I put butter and parsley on them! I didn't go over on calories yesterday, but fat---that's a different story!

    I'm 51, live on a farm in East Texas, play racquetball 2 times a week, ya'll have encouraged me today to walk! and hide my scale. Today I'm playing with my granddaughters, and doing laundry!!!

    Ps I spotted 4 baby tomatoes today! Better Boys, I never heard of Jersey tomatoes.
  • scompton54
    scompton54 Posts: 90 Member
    Greetings Dear Ladies

    I took Friday off as a personal day as we are allowed one a year, and I needed it. I love my students, most days, but they are very challenging in terms of motivating them, and we had a very busy April and early May in terms of catering. So, on Friday, I slept in until 7 (!) and then drove to a local river to ride the trail that runs beside it. It was lovely to ride though I think I must have missed a turn (or extension) as it was about 10 K shorter than I thought it would be. Nevertheless, I got 30 k in and yesterday and today got another two good rides in so I am 95 k in to my goal of 300k for May. I also got a lot of gardening done which made me happy. All my deck planters are done, and I have dibbled as many dandelions as I can see.....I know a lot more of those suckers are lurking though:mad: I don't grow veggies but I do grow flowers, and my gardens are in their full spring glory. I can smell the lilacs right now in my dining room which is a long way from the back of the garden where they grow.

    Adolescent boys.....I teach them and I had one.....they are a moody lot. My own son was absolutely brutal....not in terms of drugs but he was so mean!! I honestly thought there was something wrong with him and we had more than one head to head about why he was so mean to me and his sisters. He's 30 now and a wonderful man, loving to me and to his two previously abused sisters who now dote on him. As a teacher, I often see the better part of them, but it can be so hard to be their Mama. However, if my son is any example, they can come through the other side and I have to remind myself, that I was no jewel in my teenage years.....sex, drugs and rock and roll.

    I should have lost more weight given the amount of exercise I do but I eat and drink too much. I have yet to find the balance between calories earned and calories eaten. I am a work in progress and, at least, I am in progress. I am not going up even if my going down is slow. I know I have muscle I didn't have, and no butt left to lose. It's all about my belly now, and that will go. The thing I find frustrating is that at the weight I am now, I was two pant sized smaller 10 years ago. Aging sucks, sometimes.


  • Alwaysnancy
    Alwaysnancy Posts: 51 Member
    After making the trek into town to get groceries and hitting a wall of fatigue due to the lack of sleep I had last night, I managed to spend sometime outside pulling weeds and tilling up the flower bed. That actually is a workout in itself I think. It was a beautiful day and again I’m not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow morning. At least it will be a short week as I’ll be heading up to the cottage to meet with the other women in my husband’s family on Thursday.

    Kackie I knew I couldn’t be the only one bothered by the moon last night. And I agree with your comments about your skinny friends. I know most of the skinny friends I have do not eat out of control all the time. They partake once in a while.

    Katie Jarr I love Sunday night because the Amazing Race is on. It’s really the only show I have to watch every week. Just love seeing other areas of the world.

    Laura I love when I go to the movie and everyone is laughing. It just makes it so much better.

    Kayms - I can relate to the busy work schedule. I’m involved in a big project at work which means I will be very busy until the Fall…heck it will probably be busy after that but the first part of the project will be done by Fall. I really have to plan my meals and have my snacks or by the time I get home I’m crazy hungry and I want to eat everything that is bad for me.

    JB you do have a beautiful garden. What a lot of work!!!! I can see why you are so proud of it. Like Faye when we had a vegetable garden the neighbours cows would always get through the fence and destroy it. When I would call to report the cows to the neighbour he would always say I hate when I see your name come up on my display. I always hoped he send some steaks our way but that never happened. He hasn’t had cows in the last two years so maybe I should plant a veggie garden next year.

    Sarah I was lucky with my son. He was no angel but he was pretty laid back. My daughter was a bit trying as a teen. Now at 26 she feels so bad for the way she treated me at times but I tell her she wasn’t that bad. She still feels she is a work in progress when it comes to her anger and moods. Hormones I say. J

  • Skyecath
    Skyecath Posts: 33
    Well I have just had 3 days of controlled eating, not perfect but a whole lot better than I have for a long time. I've been on my own all weekend too and that's when I usually go out of control. DH is back tomorrow which is another challenge as he likes to eat well too. I had a sneaky step on the scales and have already lost a few pounds so that's encouraging. I'm enjoying logging all my food and am drinking when I'm tempted to eat. I've never really counted calories before and am amazed at some of the foods I thought were quite low. It's been hard trying to keep below 1200 cals and gone over very slightly.

    When I went out to put the ducks away this evening a lamb had got itself stuck in an old ruin at the back. It's Mum was stood at the top trying to encourage it out but there was no way that it could get out and I couldn't get it out either so it will have to wait for DH to do it tomorrow. I do hope that it will be OK overnight,poor little thing.

    Jb, your garden looks so organised, very impressive. We need to put up higher fences around our raised beds before we plant more veg. The last time the sheep and deer ate them all.

    Night all
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    I do enjoy this thread! Went WAY over my calories yesterday..actually it was the wine last night, but my average for the week is still below the target so that's ok, right?? I so agree with the other ladies about being a work in progress and this is how I eat now., just some days are better than others:laugh:

    My son was also a tough teenager, but saw a HUGE change after Marine boot camp. I have not seen him for almost a year (he was home for 3 days over Labor Day weekend) so am anxious to see him...hopefully in the next month...he continues to stay Stateside and hopefully the rest of his Battalion stays safe and comes home soon.

    I did 8 miles this am on the recumbent bike, so I did a total of 32 for the week so I am on track for my May goal. Otherwise I was a bit of a lazy bum today, read my book outside in the sunshine and then took a little snooze...hubby was away all day at a car show, so he can't give me a hard time about it!! Lol. I did trim up some boxwoods and cleaned up the bed by the pool, mulched and planted my Canna lilies. I took tomorrow off as well so am hoping to get the old garden (the one I pulled out last week) ready to plant grass...we will see how ambitious I am! :laugh:

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend, although I guess it is already Monday for the other Jen:noway:
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    I need to new computer and I am trying to put that purchase off a bit. I thought my luck ran out tonight but thankfully, I am connected and can get my computer fix!
    I am more focused this week and it feels great. We had a lot of social things and I was concerned about handling eating out so much. I am happy with my choices from the weekend. I think I learn and relearn that I can live with these good choices.
    I am looking for break through a sluggish spot I feel like I have been in for a few weeks.

    I hope all is going well.... and hope my computer cooperates so I can come back soon!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Nancy - If you can, be sure to stretch your toes. Yes, I know, it sounds stupid. But when I broken the bone in my foot and then finally got that stupid boot off, I'd been flexing my ankle, but I never in my wildest dreams thought of my toes. Yet, when I got that boot off, I went to sit on my feet to put something together, and I couldn't believe the pain. I couldn't continue to sit on my feet. Eventually, I was able to, but the first time it happened, that really surprised me.

    majones - welcome! My dh had a tibial plateau fracture a few years ago, so we can imagine what you went thru. Good luck on your journey! Keep logging in, and we're always hear to lend support.

    Welcome linda! bumb just means that someone is marking the spot so when they log in, it'll show up in the tab "my topics" and they can get here fast, that's all.

    Cathe - wow, 30 years. dh and I will be married 34 in October so we're right there with you. Do you mean to tell me that you get to look at that site every day from your front door????? You are so so lucky

    nlarowe - tell me about how fast that weight comes on and how long it takes to get it off! Trust me, I feel the same way. Welcome to a great group of ladies.

    boohoo, I completely forgot to watch the moon last night!

    Did an hour of a pilates DVD today, tomorrow I'll do some yoga and then take the extremepump class.

    Went to see two pools that were installed like the one we're thinking about. Helped confirm to me that salt water versus chlorine is definitely the way to go. The houses were on these very small lots, the neighbors were real close to them. So we asked how they got the pool in the backyard. At one house, they actually used the crane to get it over the roof. The other lady wasn't home but she just let us go in her backyard. We'll probably want to ask her how they got the pool in because her lot is VERY small and the pool is some distance from the house.

    Laura - did you ever see "Menopause the Musical"? I swear, I was laughing so very hard that there were tears in my eyes. And someone gave me the CD so I knew what was coming, but I still couldn't stop laughing. Went to see it a second time with a friend of mine and afterwards she said "I almost peed in my pants". If anyone has the opportunity to see it, I highly recommend it.
    I don't recall any other place offering a lettuce bun in place of a regular bun. Wish more places would, tho. I guess if we ever get to go somewhere, I can always ask them.

    Did the cooking for this week, made chicken, pork chops, tuna bites that I freeze and can have as an appetizer or something to take somewhere, blueberry muffins to take to the Newcomer general meeting Wed. (one gal can't make something so I'll do it for her) and salmon pattties. First, tho, I had to run to WalMart to get mini filo shells. Oh, I did a load of laundry this morning before we left to visit the pools and then when we got home I took it out of the dryer and finished packing.

    rhonda - isn't it amazing how things work out? You want to be in a group with women over 50 and we want you here. Keep on posting!

    Kat - I wonder if you EVER get to the point where you don't have to log your food???? I'm still surprised by some of the things after I log it (like the calories or the sodium, things I really didn't realize before)

    Sarah - good for you taking a personal day!!!! Actually, we all should probably get more than one/year. Well, I guess someone could call in sick but really have a personal day.

    Well, off to get ready for bed, watch some TV. Hope everyone has a great evening

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Hello, Dear Friends, we are doing an Isagenix cleanse day today so it is a rest and relax day. There was a memorial event today for a man who was a pillar in a fellowship we belong to so we dressed up and went. It was scheduled to start at noon so we got there at 11:30 to get a parking place and a seat. There was time to talk to a great many people that we knew. About 12:15 it appeared that they were going to start the buffet line so we decided that since there were about 200 people there and we’d signed the guest book and weren’t going to eat because of the cleanse day, we’d go home. A friend called awhile later and said that she’d left, as well, lunch hadn’t been served yet and the actual program wasn’t going to start until at least 2 PM.

    :bigsmile: Jake let me sleep late today (until 6:00) and he took the dogs out for their one dog at a time walk. I took them later for the long walk and for another long walk in the early afternoon. He has them out again now. The weather is beautiful and about 60 degrees with a bit of wind. I spent about an hour pulling weeds this morning.

    :bigsmile: It took me until age 62 to find a solution that worked for me to address my eating and weight gain problems…….Isagenix, MFP, logging food and exercise, and staying active…..i can’t imagine why I would change any of it if it is working for me. There’s no point in wishing I were like the women who don’t have to do all these things to maintain a healthy weight.

    :flowerforyou: To anyone who had a bad day, weekend, or meal…….just get back on track, don’t kick yourself for straying from the path, and see if there is something you can learn so it doesn’t happen again.

    :flowerforyou: To anyone who is new……just jump in and start with a new behavior like reading the posts every day or planning your meals for the day and sticking to the plan no matter what and then gradually make small changes as you go along.

    :bigsmile: Jb, your garden is spectacular…it is definitely worth all the work you’ve been doing.

    :bigsmile: Kat, I loved your “ramble” about dieting vs “how I eat now”…….recently I found myself telling someone about food that I don’t eat rather than foods I can’t eat. It’s a whole new way of thinking.

    :bigsmile: Laura, thanks for the info about the movie. We just saw the previews on TV and Jake and I agreed that it looked good to both of us……now we’ll be sure to see it when it gets here.

    :noway: Faye, that’s weird about your log in updates…….technology never ceases to amaze me with its glitches.

    :bigsmile: Sarah, your personal day sounds heavenly.

    We’re off to bed early:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • Lynn0713
    Lynn0713 Posts: 27
    Had a busy weekend working in our yard trying to get everything planted. The vegggie garden is done and growing well.We have three raisedbeds. I have tomatoes green beans lettuce corn and squash. I have enjoyed the gardening. I have completed six days of my 24 day challange. I have not fallen off the wagon so far. I weigh in on day 10 I hope I will have lost weight. Enjoyed everyones post.:smile:
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    We had family pictures taken today for my mom for mothers day. She didn't want to be in the, but we went ahead anyways. Then off to eat early dinner at Macaroni Grill. Im not sure if I overdid or not, ordered the trio but only ate one of the 3 brought the other 2 home. Had salad and one glass of wine. Not often my sister and nephew do much with me and my kids. So was a nice busy day.

    Maybe tomorrow I can start over again, already made my refrigerator oatmeal for two days, and have an employee who has a birthday made stuffed strawberries with chocolate cream cheese.

    Congrats to you ladies who have stuck with the same man for over 30 yrs. You are a lucky bunch.

  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Hi All

    :bigsmile: Sarah!! I am right there with you...I have lost much of my rear end and still have a belly!!! What the...??? Oh and get this one...I went to Victoria Secret to get some new bra's because mine were getting too big around the back, but I told hubby that my boobs are not any smaller AT ALL! I don't lose weight there! So I used to be a 40 DD before I lost 32 pounds...I get sized...guess what I am ...34 DD!!!!! So Im down 3 sizes around my back but the boobs are the same...GRRRRRR!!!!!!!! I really wanted to lose some of that too because really they are just FAT! Anyway that and they belly are the hardest places to lose :explode:

    :laugh: Michelle Menopause The Musical was here in Palm Springs a few years ago and I loved it!!!! It was soooooooo funny....my girlfriend and I went and I think we laughed the entire 2 hours! If it ever comes back we will go again! In fact I will get a group of us and go :laugh: I highly recommend it to all of you...so fun and there were a few hubby's int he audience too!

    I too have a son and he is now 19...but when he was going through his teen years 15-17 he was not too nice to me..only me...but once he turned 18 and moved out on his own and went to college he change, became more appreciative of me and his Dad and now he is very loving an kind...I think living on his own really changed his perspective of what his parents do for their kids :love:

    Daughters are very different in my experience...but Im a lucky mom, I have a great relationship now with both my kids :heart: :heart:

    :flowerforyou: Kacki you are soooo right, all my skinny friends eat like we are eating right now :bigsmile: isn't it funny...so now we have to start eating like the "skinny people " :bigsmile: :bigsmile: then we will become them :laugh:

    Well time to go relax and enjoy my Sunday night TV :glasses:

    Have a great evening everyone

    Love Kat :heart: :heart:
  • fitz1191
    fitz1191 Posts: 50 Member
    Happy sunday night to you all hope you are getting this post feeling a bit like Faye not sure my postings are showing up I have not heard from anyone on my page or on the posts on here. To be honest I didn't know why even though I was commenting nothing was coming back in return so was not sure what to think

    Dana, Barbie had great advice about coming back often even daily miss a little miss alot on here and the support is so encouraging

    Jb, I can relate to not having alot of control with certain foods But I do have to join all the others in congradulating you on a splendid garden love the pics looks so yummy

    ribena1958, thats fantasic you lost 135lbs I have a hard time with specific goals as well if I don't reach them I beat myself up so bad it's totally counter productive

    Michele I don't know what american mahjong is I play mahjong tiles on pogo.com and other game sights it's just kind of like solitaire I guess solving puzzles with mahjong tiles. I bought a cd of different puzzles

    Cath beautiful picture what a stunning sight to walk into every morning very beautiful and welcome to the group

    I raised 6 boys some were mine naturally and some were not they all went thru a rough patch around 15 - 19 but all are great men with wonderful families now I just think they needed to find there voices and some were harder than others 2 of them were seniors at the same time thought they might not ever outlive their senioritis as I called it good luck and hang in there.

    Had a great weekend at my sons surprise party he was really surprised my hubby and I plus my Mom and brother went as well as my daughter and her daughter also a couple of his friends he went to school with and their wives all made the 4 hr drive down so he was thrilled and bonus we all got to spend time with the new baby I made them a book full of pictures of her birth and meeting the family the day she was born it was very cute if I do say so myself I narrated it from her perspective of meeting us all it was very fun to create and it was a big hit. My 10 yr old grandaughter loved it so much she read it over and over to anyone who would sit still long enough. And my son and DIL loved it With all the hoopla of the weekend I did not do as well on my food this weekend so back on track tomorrow good night all I hope the glitch works its self out soon I do so miss hearing from you all
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    OH my. I started to reply to most of you early this morning, (yesJen its already Monday for this Jen), and then the electrician came, yay I have a working stove again, then i went to continue my replies and so many more posts had come through, and i had to get to the shops and now I'm back and there are more. no longer need to buy magazines this is a much better read.

    I am now not even going to use the word document i started, it was getting a bit long. But a couple of special mentions from the top of my head. Love LOVE LOVE the movie, The best exotic Marigold Hotel. Been twice to see it now. Once with daughter and just last night with husband in a sold out theatre. Have also seen Menopause the Musical, a very good laugh. I love all your talk about gardens if somewhat jealous as we now head into winter. fitz1191 how clever to make a book for the baby. i like to think I'm creative but know I am not that creative. I also know what you mean about not always sure anyone reads your posts but rest asure yours do get read. On facebook I call myself the invisible woman. no one ever comments. But my dauughter and her friends can put up something quite uninteresting ( for eg," its hot in town today" ???) and get a zillion replies. go figure. I even put up stupid things and still no response, I am invisible. (which is quite an achievement for an obese woman :laugh: )
    And Cath 3 days in a row is a great start. Last week I decided to do one day at a time, and now I am up to 8 good days in a row, well thats if I make it through today. I'm tired and I always want to eat when I'm tired. Sarah so glad you had a personal day and I hadn't thought about it but I think I like being a work in progress. You are all amazing and am so glad to get to know you all. Barbie you offer such words of wisdom its always uplifting to read your posts.

    I had a wonderful weight loss last week. Finally its heading down again instead of up, now to just keep it going in that direction. I have a few hurdles coming up this week and will have to try and think ahead how I can get over them easily and without to much damage. Whats that saying 'A goal without a plan is just a wish.' well my goal this week is not to gain weight, so I must plan it out. Zumba tonight. :tongue:
  • Alwaysnancy
    Alwaysnancy Posts: 51 Member
    Just having my morning coffee before I get ready to head into the plant. I weighed myself this morning even though I should really have waited until Wednesday. Don't know why I do this to myself. I'm really just waiting for results. Friday night I had two glasses of wine and for some reason when I have wine then I get hungry and I ended up eating over my daily total. And I had taken a rest day from exercise which didn't help. I would have been within goal if I'd gone for a run. So long story short my weight jumped up two lbs from where it had been. But then Saturday and Sunday i was very good. Ate the right amount, dranks lots of water and got lots of exercise. Ran 5K and Sunday did 30 seconds sprints with 30 second recovery plus walked for 20 minutes, weeded and tilled the garden with sweat dripping from my brow. And I'm still up that two lbs. I shouldn't let it bug me but of course it does. I seem to lose weight in chunks. I'll have one day where it drops 4 lbs at once. Must be a water thing. I will not get on that darn scale until Wednesday. And Hot Yoga tonight....hopefully that sweats a couple lbs off.

    Everyone have a wonderful day.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    good morning ladies. I finally got my fitbit up and running so now I am tracking steps and feeling more motivated to burn calories.

    JB- Love the garden. I wish I had that kind of space.

    I have to travel again this week so all I can do is try to make smart choices.

    Had to buy a new water heater yesterday. That took all the money I was going to use to go to Hawaii next February. bummed out.

    Much love to all

    Robin, Bodi Boy and Ritter Bit.
  • rachmass1
    rachmass1 Posts: 470 Member
    My month of May goals include

    walking on average at least 5 miles a day
    logging in every day to MFP
    lifting weights 3 times a week
    losing at least 4 pounds for the month
    Staying positive even if I fail at one of my goals.

    Cheers from Michigan! Rachel
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good Monday morning!

    Wow, the MOON! :love: Absolutely incredible this morning, shining bright in a clear sky, low on the horizon and HUGE! What a treat to see that. I guess waking up at 5:30 does have benefits.

    I'm right there with the rest of you who are struggling with losing pounds. I'm up just a tad this morning after a pretty much free-for-all weekend. I did log foods, but just ate too much in general even though I worked and worked and worked in the garden. And then there was wine. I won't have any tonight, matter of fact none until Friday. I liked the comment about eating the way "skinny" people do. I think I'll make that my mantra this week. :wink:

    Shoulder and neck muscles have been very sore for two days, which I finally realized is due to increasing weights to 5 lbs last Thurs while doing SWSY routine. The overhead press is what did it, possibly upward row as well. Back to 3 lbs for thiose exercises this morning, but I'll do bicep curls with 5. Had to draw a very hot bath yesterday morning with eucalyptus-spearmint aromatherapy bubbles and soak for half an hour. Lit some beautifully scented "Cedre" incense from France and put on some classical French piano music. That was one heavenly half hour.

    Okie dokie Salad Sistas, here we go with another great week! Make 'em big, make 'em a meal. :bigsmile:

    Have a very good day everyone:drinker: