
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    OK, what happened to MFP? I logged in this morning, and everything was fine. I log in tonight, and the changes! Is there any way to go back to the old way? What I used to do was log all my food under "snacks" and then put it under the correct category like "lunch" or "dinner". Can't do that now. And I readjusted my daily calorie needs, I think MFP put that back to where it says I should be, but when I figured it out, it was a different number. Can it be changed?

    Thank you, everyone, for your sympathies for Vince. Jessica is here right now, and I know that she's disappointed that we're not going over to Europe. Being 28 is hard to fathom being in a lot of pain. So she really doesn't understand how uncomfortable Vince would be going transatlantic. On top of that, a good friend of hers was in a car accident. We went to the vet today for one of her cats, and while we were there he texted her a pic of himself in a neck brace. Just what they need, his father has Altzheimers and doesn't remember him and is losing control of his bodily functions.

    Yuk....the posts are all right aligned so the lines are weird. Yuk, I don't like these changes at all. If they're going to make any changes at all, why not make them to the foods eaten? I'd like to have one list where *I* have control over it. Some things are listed "generic" or "homemade", I'd like to change that to "asparagus-steamed" (for example) I'd also like to delete foods when *I* know that I'm not going to have them any more, not when MFP decides to delete them. Keep things, even if MFP thinks its too long, that I know that I'm going to have again.

    I tell you, I am having such a hard time reading the posts the way they are now.

    I did give in and have one Chips Ahoy cookie today. I'm taking my "going to the movies pocketbook" so I'll be able to log my food beforehand. Just emptied my pocketbook that I was going to take on the airplane, I had it full of snacks to take, so won't be needing those. I also emptied my bag where I had sardines for eating on the way home, some soy nuts, cereal (in case the hotel didn't have anything decent), won't be needing those. But at least I am getting my pool. I know Vince feels bad.

    How do you enter quick add calories? Today I went to a healthy cooking demo and since I tell them that I have a nut sensitivity (really, I just don't care for nuts in foods), I held the grandchild of the lady who was next to me while she ate. Oh, to be holding a baby. But I'm not going to say anything because I don't want Jessica to feel that she needs to hurry up and get married and have babies. I'm just afraid that she might feel that way. When one of her friends gets married, she always feels sad. I try to tell her that the best marriages (for the most part) are ones where people got established first (established in their careers), got an education, and THEN married.

    Nancy - so glad you got your roboboot. Your new workout clothes sound awesome. Pretty soon you'll be wearing them!!!! As far as putting everything in a document and then cutting and pasting it, that's what I do, only I don't go back over it to put in the smileys

    I wish I'd known that MFP was going to mbe making these changes, I would at least have written down some things. As you can tell, I DO NOT like them at all.

    Jen - Shopping seems to be helping the disappointment, but I must admit that when I talk about how I'm going to miss going to see Bryan (I haven't seen him in over a year) and Rome, the tears do start. But I do try not to let Vince see them. Jessica and I are going to go to the movies tonight, so that should take my mind off if somewhat (at least for a few hours). Jessica said I could pick the movie, so I picked "Hunger Games". she'll be seeing it for the 3rd time, she's reading the book right now.

    Did an hour of deep water today. Tomorrow I'll do some yoga

    Had to go food shopping some today as I was trying to get down on as many perishable foods as possible. So I got some more asparagus that was on sale (which reminds me that I need to steam it). Hmmmm...bet we'll be needing milk, I only got a 1/2 gallon because we WERE leaving, but now that we're not, I'd better get more.

    Kathy - what I wouldn't do for a real Jersey tomato. Vince doesn't understand, as a matter of fact, he'd never heard of a Jersey tomato until he met me, even tho he grew up in New Jersey. Well, his mothing wasn't much of a cook so that's probably why (but I'd never tell him that)

    hazymary - welcome! Bryan at first attended RIT, we knew that he wouldn't like it, but who are we???? Before even the first semester was finished, he called to tell us he wanted to transfer. Vince at least talked him out of transferring mid-semester, but he never went back!

    needmorewillpower - welcome! Sometimes I suck on a piece of hard candy or chew a piece of gum when I'm trying to curb those cravings.

    Sarah - I took a cake decorating class a while ago, but I have a hard time getting into it. I'm sure we'll be able to reschedule the trip to France and Italy. It's just that I was so looking forward to it, especially since I haven't seen Bryan in so long and don't know when the next time is that I will see him.

    Well, if I don't gat back on, hope everyone has a great evening. Hey, I'll get to see the season finale of Desperate Housewives!!!!

  • Skyecath
    Skyecath Posts: 33
    Just got in from a nice evening of traditional Scottish music at a local cafe. It made a nice change after a hard week at work.

    Robin - Olivia is beautiful, no wonder you are missing her. Well done on the steps, I used to pace up and down to get all my steps in. I really do need to get another pedometer

    Jen - it is so hard seeing our "babies" hurt but all we can do is be there for them. It really ripped me up when our son was mugged last year, we felt so helpless being so far away from him too. Try not to take it so personal as you said your daughter is already through it. Think "if I turn to food, then they have won and I'm not going to let that happen"

    Lynn - well done on your 5.5lbs -don't forget to change your ticker

    Jb - hang in there, the good times will return

    Faye - enjoy your day with your great grandson, he sounds lovely

    Nancy - you do get the prize for long posts! :smile: Fingers crossed for your foot getting better, keep looking after it

    Fitz1191 - Happy Anniversary, we all deserve medals all these years we've clocked up. We live in a community where everyone knows what everyone else is doing. We too are transplants but the "natives" have made us welcome

    Sarah - it's a hot smoker. It's homemade out of a barrel, we borrowed it from a friend. I think DH is planning doing some cold smoking - will let you know if he does and how he does it

    I'm enjoying the geography lessons off everyone , learning a lot

    Hope everyone has a nice weekend

  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    Just Got back from a 2 1/2 hour horse back ride and walk. Trails are great bike riders keep the trails cleared, so Any way I walk 15 minutes ride 15 minutes. That way I get my walking in and the horse is getting conditioned for longer rides.
    Just a quick check in have to finish getting the weed eating done. Everyone have a great weekend.
    I too like jb have to replace a few plants. Frost got them.

    Hi WesternJoy! Glad to see you on this blog.
  • walker001
    walker001 Posts: 116 Member
    Just poping in tonight before bed. Another busy day here in NY. We visited the CN building which was an amazing day.

    Tomorrow we are off to a couple of country markets with a petting zoo and to buy some special items for my Mother's Day dinner that my boys are going to cook for me. :smile: :smile:

    We leave here and fly back to Canada on Monday. :sad: :sad:

    We had a terrific time once again in NY. :heart: Love visiting here but would not want to live here, Way to busy for us old folks.

    Bye for now
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Viv, I checked out “Strong Women Stay Young” from the library before I bought my own copy…..the first part of the book is a lot of explanation and research about how strength training helps women of all ages and fitness levels. Then it gets into the workout itself.

    :flowerforyou: KathyGSM, your workout schedule is awesome. I watched the FIT-RAXX video…Wow…..I have been weighing myself twice a day for years and it keeps me focused.

    :flowerforyou: Jb, I can’t decide which one of your quotes I like best…..thanks for sharing them.

    :flowerforyou: Laura, I am thinking happy thoughts for your hubby on his job search……lifting the heaviest you can is great for your body.

    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: Michele, boo hoo about your trip…..you are a very loving and principled wife.

    :flowerforyou: Robin, In-N-Out Burger and the fitness center, what a great combination

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, thank you for pinpointing your location…..and congrats on the pace of your recovery….you have been heroic at following directions and finding the silver lining in your situation…your new clothes sound great.

    :flowerforyou: Fitz, Happy Anniversary

    :flowerforyou: HazyMary, we’re glad to have you here with us…….a really good piece of advice I got about eating was to make sure that all my calories were “nutrition dense” and not to waste them on stuff that wouldn’t nourish my body.

    :flowerforyou: The reason maintaining has worked for me is that I am aware that my eating plan is a lifelong way of life and losing weight doesn’t mean that I can suddenly eat all those dangerous and unhealthy foods that I wasn’t eating before.

    :bigsmile: I think my pedometer might be the single greatest influence in my continuing to increase the exercise I do. I like getting “credit” for what I do and the pedometer numbers would go up when I was more active so I’d be more active to get the numbers to go up. I give myself a sticker for reaching my pedometer goal and when the goal got too easy, I increased the number bit by bit.

    :flowerforyou: we had a great day with great weather and time to work in the yard....I cooked a great Shabbat diinner (roast chicken, yam, and cole slaw) and we'll enjoy a quiet evening.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    May resolutions:
    *walk the dogs for an hour or more every morning
    * Yoga three days a week
    *100 lunges a day
    *strength training three days a week
    *17,000 steps a day
    *act the way I want to feel

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Michele - I can't figure out what changes you are talking about. Everything looks perfectly normal to me. By the way, quick add calories by choosing "quick tools," next to "add foods." Mary
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Hi All!

    Having a great time visiting my daughter in her lovely college town. DH and I Got to see her dance performance tonight which was really fun and my son was here too! Unfortunately my poor daughter looks like she is getting another bout with Bells Palsey which she have when she was 12, she will be 21 tomorrow and I can't believe she is getting this again!!!!! Tonight after her performance we were all laughing and her face looked crooked and I knew exactly what it was, plus her contact lens fell out of her eye earlier because her eye was dry (another sign) ugh!!!!! I just don't want her to have to go through this again and she has finals next week and tomorrow is her birthday!!!!! So tonight I get to worry about it all night because thats what I do :sad:

    And of course because she turns 21 at midnight, tonight is when they all go out and have drinks so I just hope she doesn't overdo it...worry worry worry :sad: I guess thats why we have Mothers day, to pay us back for all the worry :flowerforyou:

    Anyway at least Im not breaking into the mini bar and eating all the chocolate candy :bigsmile: or all the cupcakes I brought for her!!!!!

    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    OK, what happened to MFP? I logged in this morning, and everything was fine. I log in tonight, and the changes! Is there any way to go back to the old way? What I used to do was log all my food under "snacks" and then put it under the correct category like "lunch" or "dinner". Can't do that now. And I readjusted my daily calorie needs, I think MFP put that back to where it says I should be, but when I figured it out, it was a different number. Can it be changed?

    Yuk....the posts are all right aligned so the lines are weird. Yuk, I don't like these changes at all. If they're going to make any changes at all, why not make them to the foods eaten? I'd like to have one list where *I* have control over it. Some things are listed "generic" or "homemade", I'd like to change that to "asparagus-steamed" (for example) I'd also like to delete foods when *I* know that I'm not going to have them any more, not when MFP decides to delete them. Keep things, even if MFP thinks its too long, that I know that I'm going to have again.

    I tell you, I am having such a hard time reading the posts the way they are now.


    Michele mines the same, it's so hard to read everything is aligned to the right and the smiley faces are all on the end instead of at the beginning. What's going on??? Still need to read another page of posts so will post again soon. :huh: :huh:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Wasn't as many posts to read as I thought there was :laugh:

    :smile: So far so sunny! Let's hope it stays, it's still quite chilly though .... mind you it's early so it may get warmer during the day.

    :frown: Logan was at the vets last night to have his stitches removed and vet said to leave his collar on for another 24hrs to be on the safe side. But we took it off this morning and now he's tried to "clean" it and made it look quite sore, so the cone is back on his head for another few hours at least. Might have to ring the vet for advice.

    :flowerforyou: Pleased to report that I am down 1.5 lbs this morning! Anything could happen though as my weight can go up and down during the day. I need to be strong today to keep within my calories. I've noticed the past few days I've been consuming far too many "empty" calories. I'll keep drinking the water too because as I mentioned earlier for some reason when I force myself to drink water (I don't drink much water normally) I lose a bit of weight.

    I'm back at work on Monday :frown: and just found out that my colleague who was going to be on holiday for a week now needs an extra week to get her mum settled into a care home. Hope it's not going to be too busy whilst she's away, but as long as I don't panic and prioritise my work I'll get through it ..... can't promise I won't make any mistakes though ...

    Well I've lots planned for this morning, I'm going to take everything out of the back room give it a good clean and then decide what to put back in. Try to make it look less like a junk room back into some sort of spare room :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Wish me luck.

    Wonder if MFP is going to stay like this or if it's just gone a bit wrong. It sure will take some getting used to if it stays with all the posts aligned to the right instead of the left.

    Have a good day everyone.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Evening all. Thank you to so many of you who helped me cope with being a worrying mother. Its true, one of you said its worst being a parent of an adult child, you worry, without often the power to fix it. At least when they were little you could take control, hug, put a band aid on, talk to the teacher etc. Its nice to have you all, knowing that many of you have been or going through the same thing. I'm sorry I would quote your names but I'm actually in at my daughters tonight and using her MacBook which is way different to my laptop and I'm having trouble finding my way. She has gone to work, my husband is walking with her I would have gone but it gives them some time together. Mothers day tomorrow and I will be doing the Mothers Day Classic 8km walk a fundraiser for Breast Cancer. Then its a nice simple lunch here, might treat ourselves to a loaf of special bread and maybe a small sweet, then its over to my mothers for dinner at her local club.
    :drinker: Happy 21st Birthday to your daughter, Kat. In australia they can drink at 18 so at least I have already gone through that. In fact 21 is not such a big deal to the young ones any more 18 is the big one, although some are happy to have the 2 celebrations. My daughter will be 21 next month and we will make it special and mark the occasion but she does not want the big party. So I am thinking maybe just family out to dinner. We had always dreamt of going to LAs Vegas for her 21st, we were there when she was 17. But she has her dream audition in July and does not want to disrupt her preparation. I'm thinking of a 3 day cruise. I found one leaving the day after her birthday, we have never been on a cruise and even though it will be cold, it would be just the 3 of us having some quality time together. Its a cruise to nowhere just does a loop out in the ocean from Sydney and back. Its a comedy cruise. Would be a nice break away. Also suits my sense of humour she can say for her 21st she went 'nowhere'.
    My eating has been good this week 90% healthy. Only one day without exercise. So even though I may not have enough calories in the bank to cover tomorrows treats. I know I have done well.
  • Skyecath
    Skyecath Posts: 33

    I've seen a few people mention banking calories. Is there somewhere on MFP that you bank calories?

  • scompton54
    scompton54 Posts: 90 Member
    MFP looks perfectly normal to me.:smile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member

    I've seen a few people mention banking calories. Is there somewhere on MFP that you bank calories?


    :flowerforyou: There is no place on MFP to "bank" calories but many people have a day from time to time when they exceed their allotted calories and try to balance that by keeping calories lower on other days......that has never worked for me, because I need the fuel all day every day to keep my body going.....instead, I am careful to feed myself only nutrition dense foods and avoid "treating" myself to foods that do nothing to nourish me.....i treat myself with adventures and toys.:bigsmile:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning, happy weekend! Sun's just coming up, clear blue skies, we'll be replanting tomatoes today. :wink: Picked up a few replacements at a nearby nursery, still need to grab a few more.

    Michele and wizzywig, MFP hasn't changed on my end, Computer gremlins do strange things sometimes, infuriating! :explode: Hope everything's back to normal for you today.

    Welcome hazymary, you've done an excellent job with your weight loss, congrats! My head spins, too, trying to figure out ways to make the scale go consistently downwards, no matter how many calories I burn it seems I don't lose unless I faithfully stay right around 1200 calories. Lately I've been toying with eating more, and guess what...scale is going the wrong way. :grumble:

    Needmorewillpower, love your name, lol. Welcome. Let us know how you're doing, and good luck staying away from the sweets. They drive me crazy, once I start I cannot stop.

    Cath and fitz, thanks for the encouraging words. I'm trying to remain positive. Worrying doesn't solve problems, does it. :ohwell:

    Kat, happy 21 to your daughter! That's so sad about the palsey. :sad: Have a wonderful time visiting, and good for you staying out of the chocolate and cupcakes. :wink:

    Nancy, 3 more weeks! :noway: Oh my goodness. You'll certainly have ants in your pants :laugh: by the time you're able to put weight on your foot. Hang in there, stay busy. 600 calories of pure DQ Blizzard bliss.....ah! Nice sweet treat, glad you enjoyed it!

    Well I should scoot. Lots to do today. First things first, plan my meals. I don't plan to fail today! Scale has been giving me warning signs - flashing red lights of little increases over the last few days. I refuse to let it get the better of me. :tongue: I've been feeling good, did SWSY yesterday, 24 push ups without struggling. Yep yep!

    Wishing everyone a very good day! :flowerforyou:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    Something strange is going on! I can see blue skies and sunshine. Wow, first time in what seems a very long time. Although it's still not particularly warm and I think I could have done with an extra layer of clothes on the way to work this morning.

    So far it's been a busy day. I have been proof reading our new catalogue and my eyes feel as if they are hanging out of my head. It doesn't help that I am having to switch between English and Latin, with the odd ancient spelling thrown in for good luck. It will be worth it in the end though - I am looking forward to seeing the end product.

    Yesterday was horrible. Simply horrible. I'm not going to go into it too much but it mainly concerns my daughters and my gorgeous grandtwins. Most of my troubles stem from SOB son-in-law. It's his birthday today and I was even nice enough to send him a card and gift. No doubt I will not be thanked for it. Anyway, I spent the first half of yesterday in tears (Michelle, believe me, I know what you are going through). Finally I got myself dressed and went for a long walk around the village, including visiting every single shop and having two cups of coffee and a skinny hot chocolate in the coffee shop (not all at once, I made three distinct visits). I ended up spending far too much money on a dress and some books, but it kept the tears away for a few hours.

    I totally hate being at odds with anybody, but it's not getting any better. It looks unlikely that the rift between myself and SOBSIL is going to be breached which in turn means that I am unlikley to get much time with my most darling grandbabies.

    Change the subject Amanda!!! No time for tears at work.

    Tomorrow I am going to have a day free from caffeine and stick to fluids only. My body needs a bit of recovery time and I think a good cleansing will help.

    Better push on with some work now.

    I hope you lovely women are having a good weekend. Do something just for you today please.

    Love to you all.

    Amanda x
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Jen – I am in New Mexico (NM) which is below Colorado and between Texas and Arizona. We are a desert state.

    Kat – I love Vinasu yoga! I think it is the best, but hard to find. Right now, I am back to doing Tai Chi as I can not find a Vinasu class. I did find a good Tai Chi app for my Ipad.

    Michelle, sorry about Vince getting hurt and not being able to go on you trip. I hope you do get to go sometime soon.

    Barbie - the video hit Facebook yesterday. I think almost everyone I know reposted it. It took up the whole page of "News" last night. It was a great video. Thanks for sharing.

    Congradulations to all of you who are loosing weight and sticking to your plans! That is awesome. :flowerforyou: Flowers to all struggling. I am in that bunch.

    My new boss that I got in September is a jerk. I will be the only one left from the "old" boss as of July 1rst. I love my job and the center where I work, but have started looking. It will be hard considering the economy and my age. I need only 3 more hears before I can retire at 62. Not that I will be able to not work, but I could find something part time to add to my retirement until I turn 65.

    The doctors think Mom's heart is starting to fail. She just started showing signs of her age about a month ago(at 94). I have to make dinner for them and for us. It's hard when we all can't eat the same thing at dinner time. Dad at 92 is trying to pick up some of the slack, which is cute considering he isn't much better. But, he is trying. My kids are pitching in too and covering lunch on the days when no home health care is here.

    Hubby is still being a pain and can barely even walk any more. I fear he will be in a wheel chair before he is 60. He is getting grumpier by the day and resents my parents being here and is pushing the kids to move out as soon as they are 18. Neither of them are in any rush to leave the nest and want to focus on going to college without getting into more debt than they need to.

    I thought there would be some easy years in life during the middle years, but it does not seem it will be that way.

    On the bright side, my son took his GED test (state test for a High School Diploma) and we hope to hear back anyday now and we hope he passed. We will have a big party just as if it was a high school graduation. He will start at the community college in the fall as it will be easier for him to attend and succeed. My daughter is doing well in school.

    Sorry, for whining about everything, but I must say, I do feel better. Now, to get the house cleaning and all chores done today. Tomorrow I am not cooking or cleaning. lol

  • tedeez
    tedeez Posts: 18
    Hello All,
    I'm not new to the group, but new to finally getting around to some boards and motivation help. Been struggling with some health setbacks since October and need to start refocusing on me!! Please feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Lynn0713
    Lynn0713 Posts: 27
    Good Morning everyone well last night I fell off my plan I am disguseted with my self. Barb I need to change to your way of eatting and thinking food is fuel. I hate when I sabotage myself. My plan is to get back on track today. When we go to Canada later this month we will be in Kitchner for my SIL 50th anniversary. Our Son and his family will also be coming with our grandangels. My son and his wife adopted to older children from the foster care system in Georgia. The girls are birth sisters 11 and 7 we have had them for almost 2 years now. The girls haven't meet that side of the family and they have never been out of the country so we will also go to Niagra Falls which will be so fun for them. Happy mothers day:flowerforyou: to all the mothers we will be at the youngest grandaughters ballet recital and then dinner with sons family.:wink:
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Ok, dahlings, no mega-post today. I'm caught up. :happy:

    Did you know that Panago Pizza delivers a rather good salad with roasted peppers, olives and feta cheese? :noway: As you have heard before Friday nights are always pizza and wine nights around here. However...last night I substituted the salad for my portion. Held the wine at 1/2 bottle too. Now, I could have made essentially the same salad from what I have in the fridge, and might, next week. There's something decadent about having food delivered, though, that makes it feel like Friday!

    Today's project is to cheer DH and J'boy on as they load the spring rakings and trimmings to go to the recycle depot, plan next week's menus and grocery list, and get ready for the last Dinner Club evening of the season. We are a group of 6 couples and meet for dinner at each other's homes 6 times over the winter. Each couple chooses the theme for the evening. Tonight's hosts are NASCAR fans so the evening's theme is "Tailgate Party: Southern Hospitality, Northern Style". :ohwell: That does not sound like a very MFP friendly menu. Portion control, portion control.

    I left a planter full of lettuces (variety pack) and a bottle of fine balsamic vinegar at my parent's place for my Mum's mother's day gift. She's an MFP'er too, so she appreciated the message. Not only that, but all the different kinds of greens look really pretty growing in the lime green planter. Apparently, if she just clips off the tops of the leaves they'll re-grow and she can have fresh salads all season.

    Hi Mary! Cranbrook is an hour’s drive east of home, for me. It’s not at all like our valley, though. The environment is warmer and gentler here! There are no orchards or vineyards near Cranbrook.

    Fitz, I hope you had a great time at your wedding anniversary movie & fishing & all. :flowerforyou: We’ve made a couple of road trips down the Columbia and the Oregon coast. I wonder if we went through Banks?

    HazyMary, welcome. What kind of strength training do you do?

    Sarah! I know how greasy my kitchen can get during one extravagant baking project. Can’t imagine a school kitchen with a dozen or more in progress. I hope your students do clean-up with you. It’s all part of the job, right? :bigsmile: Your school greenhouse & Farmer’s Market projects sound fantastic! That’s something we could do here if we had a dedicated & inspired teacher like you to get the ball rolling and keep it going. You say “the students do the work” but I know how big a role you play too. I don’t know if I’ve been in Hamilton, but DH is from Oshawa and he knows the area well.

    Kat, I hope your daughter is OK. :flowerforyou: My dad and a friend of mine have both had Bells Palsey. It’s not much fun.

    Wizzywig, good job on the loss! Yes, calorie dense foods are better. I have completely given up fruit juice. It’s too “costly” in calorie terms.

    Jen, I’m looking forward to hearing what you decide to do for your DD’s 21st. 90% healthy food is pretty darn good, I’d say. :drinker: Well done.

    Amanda, I’m sorry to hear the drama with SOBSIL goes on. :flowerforyou: Good for you, limiting the damage to coffee and skinny hot chocolate. The new dress is a good idea, because you know you look good, it's less tempting to fall for the food comfort!

    Jeannie, It sounds like you are the “stuck in the middle” generation for sure. Fingers crossed for your son’s successful GED.

    Happy Weekend, Happy Mother's Day. :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Hasta pronto,

  • scompton54
    scompton54 Posts: 90 Member
    Split a large Boston Rustic Italian pizza with 5 others with my cycling group today and when I entered it......560 calories and 120% of my sodium.......yikes!

    Happy Mothers' Day to all tomorrow.
